CLICK5: ‘Ave A Butcher’s…

CLICK5: Alert! System Mailfunction Detected

CLICK5: Remembering Terry

CLICK5: 2021 – A… */shrugs* …Odd Essay

Adventures in Remote Viewing: Lamp ‘Ere A Day and Gone Tomorrow

*Jews bury? …/lights up… Oh, Doo’s Brie… /drags… Right you are, Clicky… /expels smoke… Shambling time…*

*Aren’t we always? …/tilts head… Until Dear Reader turns up that is…*

Hello, there, Dear Reader, glad you could join us. The Okie Devil, Cade Fon Apollyon, and I have been enjoying a spot of remote viewing this week, totally enthralled by the fantastic, but all too short lived TV space/western, Firefly…


*Purdy… /drags…*

…and its swan song movie, Serenity

*/taps ash… So, ‘Pacific Union’ and ‘pacify’ have popped up in this post so far… /deep drag… entraining peace…*

peace with a knife

*Well, it is a shambles, Clicky… /wink…*

… Last night’s remote viewing on the other hand was completely different. First up, the third installment of a synchronicity series Cade and I have been following on Youtube…

*33 minutes long… /squints… Hmm…*

… Followed by an incredibly interesting documentary that had appeared in my Youtube ‘Recommended’ section earlier in the  evening. Whereas the Hindsight 20/20 video chappie complained of an abundance of information, so much so that he couldn’t possibly show it all, the documentary laid out the history and leading characters in the development of mankind’s perception of ‘Information’…

*Ooh, now that is interesting about time… /stubs butt… it’s not the doc we viewed though, Clicky. Stop messing about…*

*Yeah, you’re right. Apols, Clicky… /pats snout… Now play the fucking video…*

*Thank you… /flicks lighter… I guess… /lights up… in fiction, information can go back and forth in time, even as time is moving forward…*

*Heh. That’s Susan, knot Tiffany, Clicky… /stretches… Well, I fink this shambles is dun wiv me old China… /smokes contentedly… Best get a song to finish it off…*

Thanks for stopping by, Dear Reader, and enjoy the rest of your we kenned. It might turn into a long one 😉 Have a Song…

All Wight Now

*What are you up to, Clicky? …/lights up… “spirit of the earth, gnome”?*

*Oh okay…/drags… Is this to do with me remote viewing ‘The Trap’ with Cade last night? …/swallows… Slugbop007 reminded me of it yesterday …/streams smoke… *


*/deep drag… Oh so you’re trolling? …/rolls eyes… I know A Void can be a bit of a cunt toward us, Clicky, butt she ain’t gonna like this…*

Missive From ‘Merica: From the Edge

Missive Time, Dear Reader! I challenged the Okie Devil of Text US to send a postcard…

*Cade… /squints… You must know, Clicky…*

*Oh, you were pulling my Leg…*



You are reading this sentence.

You have read that sentence.

You have read the previous two sentences, and are now reading this.

I can see why some people hate my writing.

I certainly give plenty of reasons.
Let’s keep at it.
^Pan-Pot – Weltlinie^


My kids went to a Superbowl party yesterday. Just asked my youngest who won, and he said…

”The Patriots. No wait, the…um…no, yeah, the Patriots.”

I’m guessing that one of the two teams had a fair shot at being the victor, and I guess someone, the game’s MVP, is going to Disneyland. Speaking of that, a certain someone passed along a link to a YT video where the Superbowl is being declared as…a Satanic Ritual!!!

Now, I don’t mean to get off on a rant here, but this sounds vaguely…familiar. Lots of people I’ve bumped into over the past few years have talked about the ritualistic nature of events, and especially, sporting events. Not going to mention any names, but yeah, there seems to be a fascination in certain realms with those who have a fascination with events. Almost sounds like watchers watching watchers kind of thing.

Digress to the realm of digrestishness.
^Boston 168 – Oblivion [ODDEVEN004]^

Dial 911, and I come running. The video is below, and if you take the time to read the description, you’ll notice that it uses enough catchy vernaculars to choke a horse. That immediately makes me personally…skeptical.

Skeptical about the content. 

Yes, I actually watched this video all the way through. It pretty much contains the same old crap of manufacturing synchronicities and/or syncs or whatever, and they do this by taking images and juxtaposing them to suit the video creator’s needs. Not saying that stuff like this isn’t sometimes shocking or jarring, because it is. But that’s kinda the deal with seeing things for the first time. Meaning: we wonder as to the meaning; we stand (or sit) with mouth agape, and wonder as to the purpose.

Is this chance?

Is this fate?

Why did I find this?

The short answer is, because you were looking for it. The long answer is, well, that’s your own path.

You'll find it....whatever it is.
^deadmau5 “Soma”^

“The Blood of Jesus” is very important in this video. So are shapes and symbolism, and how Satanists uses symbolism to achieve their purposes or whatever. Ironic that the creators of this video also use symbolism to forward their own agendas. Not only that, they use the very same symbolism. Makes we wonder which side you are really on. But while watching the video, and listen to their “Christian” blah blah blah, all I could think about, was…

…but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him.

John 8: v 1-9 (ESV)

You gonna accuse Jesus of being Satanic for scribbling in the dirt?

Yeah, I didn't think so. 

Anyway, here’s the video if you have 13 minutes and 57 seconds to waste. 

^Satanic Ritual Bowl 53. Serpent Eyes Tree of Life. 69. Dragon of Babylon! 911^


As Roob has stated in her previous article, me and her watched Lord Of The Rings over the weekend. Yeah, all three of the fuckers.

The extended versions. 

What a journey that must have been. No…not the viewing by us over the weekend…the movie making process itself. I have no idea how long the process was, but it must have been long. Prolly a lot of people thrown together who had never met each other, possibly some long-term and lasting friendships created.

Q: Ever notice the views on a YT video, and you go back and watch the same video later, and the video has less views than it did the first time you watched it?

A: ???

Prolly has something to do with YouTube auditing and pruning views from click-farms or other nefarious revenue-generating streams. What’s that? You weren’t aware there was such a thing as click farms?

Click Farm

Click Fraud

You may also not have known that YT and other providers audit stats, but they do. What does YT video views/auditing, people meeting on a movie set, and click farms have to do with me and Roob watching the LOTR trilogy over the weekend?

MSM, baby. Networking.
^Regal – Fenix (Amelie Lens Remix) [INV020]^

If you want to watch people walk great distances in slow-motion, all while rehashing the same old arguments over and over, then LOTR is for you.

Stereotypes and archetypes. 

Holding on to the same old grudges, and doing the right thing anyway. The films definitely give you a lot of time to ponder the concepts addressed. That is, if you can stand the constant drone of the music trying to guide and direct your emotions. And the music in these films certainly does that. Almost as if the music is added simply to let you know how you should be feeling about a particular scene or set of events or whatever. It almost follows that soft-loud-soft principle that has become such a feature in contemporary/modern pop music.

Dynamics (Music)
Frequency Response
Envelope (Music) (Redirected from ADSR envelope)

You think that certain people in certain groups/streams or whatever would use certain principles of warfare in an otherwise unrelated field or venue? Maybe even use musical principles as a tool of warfare? Prolly a stretch to think that someone would violate the sanctity and purity of something so wonderful as music, but to be fair, not everyone likes music. Lots of war, wars, battle/combat in this movie. Maybe music and warfare go together like bread and butter. Gollum hated bread for some reason tho.

Weird little fucker.
 ^FJAAK – The Tube [INVOLVE]^


Ever feel a weird pinch when moving a certain way? Like, just under the skin. You remove a heavy dish from the oven, and suddenly, there is this weird burning/tearing kind of feeling in the skin of your fingers and/or hand because of how you are holding the dish?


How often do you remove heavy food-laden dishes from an oven? Your main concerns are not getting burned while simultaneously not dropping the dish. Suddenly, there’s this weird pain that threatens you with both. Not to mention, you are left puzzled as to exactly what this pain was, and what was causing it. You get dismissive. You were holding the dish wrong. It was your fault. Ignore it, and make a note to hold dishes differently in the future when removing them from the oven.

^Pan-Pot – White Fiction^

That’s how easy mistakes are to make. You spot a minor irritation, and you make corrective action(s) that allow you to keep finding more and more ways to do things wrong. I’m not damning your ability to overcome obstacles, I’m simply trying to illustrate where things sometimes maybe start to go wrong. You’ll wind up down the road with some mobility threatening disability, and you will start to wonder where it all started.

You’ll look for “the big stuff” first. “Major” injures and traumas. Slips, falls, accidents of any kind that you can attribute to the disability so that insurance can get their socialistic heads wrapped around where to collate you and your ailment. They ain’t gonna pay for it otherwise.

Not that I’ve been down that road or anything, and not that I still travel it now. Just trying to maybe pass along, that yeah, I’m still working on it, and maybe you can help me out by making some mental notes about the things that you normally might think of as being dismissible and/or negligible. Especially those things that you move to the “welp, that’s just part of getting old” pile of excuses.

Sorry, that's not good enough for me.
^Setaoc Mass – True Lies [SK11006]^

I’m supposed to be writing a postcard. Limeys hate postcards, and they hate German postcards even more. So let’s us see what an Okie can come up with for Limeys to hate on.


Where should I start? I KNOW!!! Don’t postcards have like a standard? Like, postcards have to be of a certain exact set of dimensions in order to be qualified as a postcard?

Postcard Sizes

AH AH!!!!!! There’s mention of “Old British Postcard Sizes” on that article. THAT’S where this hate comes from!!! Goddamn Limeys think they have a monopoly on postcards. Buncha uppity fucks. Let’s see if we can find what the history is.



Them’s some strong words coming from 1921. Wasn’t the war well over by then? Weren’t England and Germany supposed to be making nice? Being friends? I guess victory is sometimes as bitter a pill as defeat. I know it sure seems to be that way with Brexit. But what’s that bit about German women being plain? I’ve known a few German women, and they sure as shit didn’t seem “plain” to me. So what in the fuck are these knuckleheads talking about?

^deadmau5 / Faxing Berlin (Original Mix) [full version]^

It seems to be the job of Limeys to be grumpy and/or have a generally bad disposition. Germans tend to be be similarly classified. So what in the fuck is going on with this almost 100 year old battle over the postal systems and their products and services?

Bantu Peoples
Bantu Languages
Grumman A-6 Intruder
Flight Of The Intruder (Novel)
Rhodopsin-Like Receptors
ISO 216
ISO 9000

Ah. Basically, this is some kind of North Sea nonsense as to what is/is not, shit. I would imagine that the principle argument that Limeys have would be any subjective annotations that are made on the postcards themselves. Like, a picture postcard of Buckingham Palace, where the accompanying description says something like

“This is the building where the King and/or Queen of England do most of their fucking and shitting.”

Not that anyone would ever do such a thing.
^deadmau5 / Orca [full version]^


Speaking of the post and postal systems, me and Roob watched this film called Going Postal the other day.

Going Postal

My first introduction to both Terry Pratchet and his Discworld universe. Yeah, Roob quotes him all the time, and I can kinda follow because it’s usually a contextual reference to whatever is being talked about, but I’ve never read any of his stuff before. It was an interesting tale to be sure.

A fun watch. 

Pretty straightforward, with just enough weirdness to make the tale pretty goddamn strange, and leaves a lot to the imagination as to who these players really are. The acting was great, and, it had Charles Dance in it. Did you know that there is a famous TV fisherman over here in the USA called Bill Dance? And yes, we here in the US actually have outdoor shows where we watch people out hunting and fishing.

^Wehbba – Catarse [DC192]^

A certain someone just passed this along.

Which Category Do You Identify/define Yourself?

On a related note, a week or so ago, someone I talk to on Twitter passed this along to me…

Birth Chart

I went through the whole thing, and the best that I could come up with, was they basically called me a queer. Not completely mind you. It said I was about 9/10ths nelly fag, and the remaining 1/10th was, and I quote…

”not completely homo, but still pretty fucking gay”

OK, so, no, it called me none of that. BUT!!! It did say that I was overwhelmingly feminine. I registered like “8” out of 10 on the gaydar. I guess I might take offense to that if I was “a man’s man” or “macho dude” or whatever, but I’m not. Yes, I like to hunt and fish, but I also like to camp…

*No, Clicky, he means with tents and things…*

*/facepalm… Never mind…*

That means I like the whole process. I don’t want to simply catch the fish, I want to clean it, cook it, eat some myself, and maybe have a person or two or more around the table with me. That means I want to make my own coleslaw and hushpuppies…


*Not a typo, Clicky…/shrugs… I thought hushpuppies were shoes…*

I want to do the dishes afterwards. Dunno why being good in the kitchen makes me queer, but whatever. I can eat well under the right circumstances, and do so with little to no assistance. Prolly will do an entire blog post over at my own place on these astrology results. Might be fun.

Sure is a shitload of data to contemplate.
^Amelie Lens – Drift^


There was something else I was wanting to talk about, but I can’t recall what it was. Anyway, I’ve already got four posts sitting in my drafts folder over at my own blog, so I guess I’ll go work on those. Hope your week is a good one, and keep an eye on that negligible shit…k? Just be mindful of it. Your body is speaking to you…


The conversation, is what it is. I guess “that” is, whatever you make of it. And no, I’m not trying to ambiguous, evasive, cryptic or mysterious. Just trying to relate that maybe sometimes the most confusing and incomprehensible of conversations are those that ultimately have the most meaning.

We know, when we know, and not before. 

To relate, do you know what it would sound like if I asked you 100 questions at the same time? And yeah, I mean, 100 different and independent questions, and asked them all at the same time. Would you be able to answer them all in a single answer? Would that single answer encompass 100 independent, specific and succinct answers to my 100 questions?

K, now think about what you are asking of your body at a given time. Like that little pinch we talked about earlier. You wanna know why it is happening? You want answers? Welp, you basically are going to be asking a whole lot of questions of that pinch and your body, and you’re going to do it all at once. The nature of nesting and embedding, and the nature of time and times. Of course, you could just ask for a miracle and be done with it. But whatever you do, that’s your choice.

Good luck.
^Leftwing & Kody – What You Sayin^



^Gary Beck – Say What (Adam Beyer Remix) [SAVED RECORDS]^


*Well yeah, of course there are Hush Puppy boots, Clicky, but that’s not what Cade meant, either… /shakes head… And get a Song…*


Chinese Whispers


*Adora Belle Dearheart from the last post, Clicky… /lights up… I really did enjoy remote viewing ‘Going Postal’ with Cade this week… /drags…*

‘As is obvious from Moist’s nickname for her, “Spike”, she isn’t that adorable, nor is she a ‘dearheart’.’


*/winces… Okay, okay I’ll get on with it. Sheesh…*

Not sure if you’re aware, Dear Reader, but on the 4th of February, in a couple of days time, the Chinese Year of the (Earth) Dog comes to an end…

… And the Year of the (Earth) Pig begins the very next day…

*Indeed, the female, Earth pig, Clicky… /smokes… Pug to pig, nicely done. A game! My turn… /pats snout…*

‘According to the Chinese Horoscope theory, Female Earth is connected to the farmland. Pig mainly contains Male Water with Male Wood. Male Water is river and Male Wood is tall tree or wooden boat. The sign of 2019 Female Earth Pig year is a river flows over the farmland. It might cause flooding.’


*/flicks ash… Aha! That’s 2-2… /sucks teeth… Well Lashy does say the Aeon Sophia has a wicked sense of humour… /final drag… *


*Underdog Anthology VIII: Mo’ Biomass Strip will be out in the spring, Clicky… /stubs butt… I suppose I could write a story about a diamond pig…*

*/gulps… Yikes!*

Enjoy the Chinese New Year festivities this weekend, Dear Reader… And have a Song ❤

*You win, Clicky… /rolls eyes…*



Jamble Shamble

*Oh good choice, Clicky… /lights up… I love that Song…*

Shiny is back in his Lab, Dear Reader, with an epic new post…

Shiny posts jam in the lab.png

*I get it. And ‘maica’ would be? …/drags… Make up and makeover, Clicky? …/blows smoke ring… Interesting… /flicks ash…*

*I gno! I only mentioned Clacks to Cade a week ago… /smokes… An’ then Shiny sends ’em to me by comet…/grins…*

… And he got me thinking about Adora Belle Dearheart, the feistiest smoker on Discworld…

*/splutters… No smoking around books? …/smirks… Knot at the LoL…*


*/pats snout… Get a Song, Clicky… /stubs butt… I think I’ve found some remote viewing for Cade and I tonight…*

Apols!, Dear Reader, must dash… Have a Song…
