The Great Reset: How To Mend A City

*Hey, Clicky. You’re chipper today. Wot’s up?*

*Whoa, an’ the effects of today’s new moon goes through to 2023?*

*Interesting… /makes note…*

*It does appear Covid has caused the governing class to lose its collective mind, Clicky…*

*Not exactly wot I would call comforting…*

*Enough chit-chat… /lights up and smokes… I’ve gotta start this post…*

Welcome, Dear Reader 😀

I read an article this morning from the Slogmeister on ‘The Great Reset’, the plan that has been devised by the rich and powerful for the reordering of society…

*It’s a very ‘Green’ proposal, Clicky… /flicks ash…*

… And the word, ‘mendacity’, popped into my head…

mendacity (n.)

“tendency or disposition to lie, habitual lying,” also “a falsehood, a lie,” 1640s, from French mendacité and directly from Late Latin mendacitas “falsehood, mendacity,” from Latin mendax “lying; a liar” (see mendacious).

… Then, syncilly enough, I saw mention on my Twitter feed of the Mayor of London’s efforts to cleanse our fair capital of any links to ‘White Supremacy’…

*’E finks… /drags… ‘e’s gotta mend… /plumes smoke… a city…*

*They wouldn’t! …/coughs… Supremacists telling white lies to enact the Great Reset?*

*Oh, I see wot you mean…*

*Well, the involvement of coke-heads would explain a fuckin’ lot, Clicky… /stubs butt…*

*Heh. Go get a Song for us to finish on…*

… Unfortunately, we live in mendacious times, Dear Reader. My advice to you is… Have a Song 😉

*When you wanna Khan… /sings…*

CLICK5: Tips Hattie…

Missive From ‘Merica: Hitting Hun Dread (Knot Out)

#100 is attached.

We’re both 50.

Coincidence? 😉

Have fun.


That’s the email message that accompanied the missive that is set out for you below, Dear Reader. I received it yesterday evening from Cade, the Okie Devil of Text US…

RoobiCade So-So Production convo

Just to be clear, this is our 100th Missive From ‘Merica

Enjoy! ❤




Dents are present.

Dense is likely present as well.

I am here after all.

Not to mention I am dense with dents.

Happy Birthday Geo Dub.

 HBD to all other US Presidents as well.


If today is your birthday, and you aren’t a President, American or otherwise, Happy Fucking Birthday to you too!

^”To Anacreon in Heaven” A.K.A. The Drinking Song^


Ever heard of ClearType?


I mentioned this to someone last night, and it got me to thinking about eye-strain and/or difficulty reading screen fonts on a computer monitor. Me being me, I began thinking about my own settings on my own computer, remembered that this is NOT my computer, then went in to check my own settings.

ClearType, was off 😐

It’s on now tho. The screen fonts look COMPLETELY different. Instead of blocky and chunky fonts with ragged edges, my screen fonts are now soft and smooth and MUCH easier to read. Granted, this computer setting makes the color(s) of screen fronts a shade more “fuzzy” and less distinct, but it also adds an element that makes what’s on-screen, a shade easier to read. Looks much more like what you would see on a printed page instead of the pixelated sharp edges that are sometimes present on computer fonts.


While looking for 18th century folk music, I found this…

18th Century Songbook Introduction

That first bit has me brain to thinking a bit.

“If you are unfamiliar with 18th century print, you may want to educate yourself about the usage of the so-called “long s” or “medial s”, which causes a lot of people to wonder why printers in the 18th century used an “f” where they should’ve used an “s”. The simple fact is, they didn’t – that thing that looks like an “f” is, in fact, an “s”.”

If you haven’t noticed, I don’t like quoting text from other websites. I’ve no problem stealing images and music, but stealing text is where I draw the line. I figure if you want to read about it, you will. If you don’t, no problem. If I parse the fuck out of someone else’s work, and post large blocks of it here, just to make a point of my own, I’ve likely no point of my own to make, and am just chiming in my endorsement of what someone else has said.

Not knocking people that do this, because that’s how we learn. There are FUCKTONS of standards and principles to stand upon, and we need those things. But at the same time, I think not formulating our own opinions in our own times about these principles, actually has the effect of making them less principled. I’m not endorsing sin, nor disorder and chaos, nor lascivious riotous rampages. Just making an observation that when a certain something, gains a certain weight and momentum, irrespective of what it is, it’s likely going to create sinful chaotic disorder and lascivious riotous rampages.

Doesn't matter what it is.

The more dense the hammer, the more “work” gets done.

^The Chieftains – The Raggle Taggle Gypsy (Lyrics)^

Ever heard of a non-sparking hammer?

OSH Answers Fact Sheets

My dad had a coupla small brass anvils that he used for machining and molding certain metal parts. But brass is expensive as fuck, so, when I was in high school, I took a metals-shop class, and made him an aluminum ball peen hammer on the lathe in class. I fucked the handle part up, which was also aluminum, and had to cut it off real short. Aluminum is also expensive as fuck, so I couldn’t afford to buy another piece of aluminum stock to make another one.

So…pop got what was likely the shortest aluminum ball peen hammer ever, hand-made by the biggest fuckup ever who should likely never be allowed within a coupla-zip codes of tools of any kind.

Anyway, the hammer was aluminum, so it was light as FUCK. It was almost like you were not holding anything when holding that hammer. I checked several times as to whether he had ever used it, and he said he did, but I don’t think he did. To his credit, I did notice that he sometimes carried it in his tool bag.

^Roast Beef Of Old England – (Lyrics) Arr.P.M.Adamson^

Great. Now all I need, is…

Some wood,


An ignition source,

A fireplace,

A house to put it in,

A wife to put in the house,

Kids to buy shit for,

An education and/or certification(s),

A job to give me money,

A car to get to the job and store,

Insurance to pay for what is assumed to be incompetence and/or negligence on someone’s part,

Food to wolf down when I can find the time to eat when and if I can afford it,

Credit card to buy shit I can’t afford,

Bank account to hold my money long enough to transfer it to the credit card company,


So yeah. There are “principles” fucking everywhere.

Q: I wonder if “principle” is as principle(d) as it once was?

A: ?!!!?

Or has it gotten…muddy. What am I talking about?

Well...language silly.


^Tri Martolod [Alan Stivell] Chant Breton.flv^

I’ve been noticing some clever techniques utilized by rippers, in order to upload copyrighted movies/video to YouTube. It appears that some are adding shadow movies to the rips in order to better disguise the digital contents of film/video. Like, they’ll rip one movie, then remove virtually all contrast from it to where shadows are barely visible, and then, rip the other movie and layer them into a single video. They may even be layering the same video rip, but they have two video streams that are out of synch.

I dunno. I just know that it was kinda creepy watching two movies at the same time, especially when you don’t know what that second movie is.

It got me to thinking about…


subliminal messages/subliminal messaging.

I’ve thought a lot about throughput within the human body, and in and around our environment of current times. We seem to make certain distinctions that the Earth/Terra itself is old as fuck, while everything else is new and modern and advanced…civilization. If that’s true, that leads me only to time…and stepping.

But I'll get back to that later.

What really caught my attention, was foley. The BBC is famous for their…erm…”liberal use” of sound effects and music. Especially in their documentaries. The appearance of music, and the timing of the appearance, the tempo, the type, the timbre…it’s all there to provoke an emotional response. To tell you how to feel. To tell you that if you aren’t feeling something, you should be. If you are feeling something, but aren’t feeling “this way”, you should be.

Let's be fair tho. Let's flip that script.

What if, the author(s) of said documentary/documentaries are simply telling you how they felt when writing and making this flick? It is their flick afterall. Nothing is requiring you to watch it. If they have some information that you need or want, and this is the only source, and if you don’t like the packaging, welp, that’s just too fucking bad for you…eh? They did all the legwork, they paid all the bills that came due before you showed up, therefore, they are the well…right?

Would you like one scoop, or two, with your reality dose?

It’s going to be both. The tides of information are always there. Sometimes a raging torrent of crashing waves, sometimes a mill-pond with a sheen of glass. Waters are always disturbing…even when undisturbed.

^Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach Immediately After Waking Up!^
4 glasses? 4 glasses for everyone?
What if you are 5’2″ tall and weigh 80 pounds?

What if you are 5’2″ tall and weigh 280 pounds?

What if you are 6’3″ tall and weigh 80 pounds?

What if you are 6’3″ tall and weigh 280 pounds?

What if your BMI is 8%?

What if your BMI is 80%?

What if your Carbon Footprint is 8%?

What if your Carbon Footprint is 80%?

Cloquet Fire

I just can’t buy that there is a “one-size-fits-all” morning water intake that cures all of those diseases for every person. Not to mention, I’m pretty sure that I only have 2 of the diseases listed, and both of those are supposedly hereditary…Asthma, Allergies, even tho they didn’t specifically mention allergies.

Devil’s Cigarette Lighter

Not saying that drinking water after waking isn’t a shocker on the system, because it is. If I drink water after waking from sleep, my body goes into motherfucking convulsions. But we aren’t talking about me here, we’re talking standards. We’re talking base(s) and basis. We’re talking principles.

Great Fire of London

I mean…parents…are you really that stupid? Or is it that we are electing a bunch of unsure self-debasers into positions of power so that they can self-flagellate their own personal guilt(s), shame(s) and failure(s) via shitty legislation. Who are these people who volunteer to put themselves into these positions where they can do no right…only wrong? It’s just a matter of who, and when, as to who is booing you, and who is cheering you.

Great Fire of 1910

Seems to me, that booing and/or cheering might be the problem. Or at least, “a” problem. You yell and bitch to them when they don’t show up, then you yell and bitch at them when they do show up. Where is it that we’ve all this free time to scream or cheer?

Shouldn't you be at work or doing something productive/constructive? 

Weird seeing that contruction seems to sometimes be a factor in destruction.

^Documentary: The Fire of London^

Where were you? Yeah…we know where you are now, and we know where you stand…now.

Where were you then?

Where did you stand…then?

Being there.

Sometimes it sucks, sometimes it blows.

Sometimes it rocks.

Sometimes…it is what it is.

No one can piss off self, worse than self.

Just sayin'.
^a la nanita nana.wmv^

K…so, got to watching this documentary last night, and it got me to thinking about a lot of things. Ancient maps that accurately depict Antarctica “long before it’s discovery” is one of the things I got to thinking about. But I’m gonna digress here and take another tack.

After the doc, I stumbled over to a certain somewhere, and noticed a certain someone(s) had made some comments to another certain someone’s comments. A la, me, Roob, and Clicky.


I’ve been trying to get over to Hugo’s Probe and read his latest, but I’ve not read the one before that either, so, yeah…I’m all fucked up. Let’s seek center.


Anyway, tunneling. Outside, inside and through. Barriers and shielding(s) that are as much a part of the conduit as anything else. I mean, a cable has a purpose…right? Keep shit out, keep shit in, and once our cabling we are creating does that, the cable itself becomes a whole that is wholly irrelevant, save for the “in” and “out” ends.

Now all we need to do, is plug something into something else via this conduit, and the conduit will play it’s part.

Q: How is this relevant with say…radio and broadcast television? What about…windmills?

A: ...

How could this POSSIBLY relate to mangroves and water(s) and water bears and aerobic bacteria that tunnel for their oxygen when no oxygen is present?

Welp, spin. Oh, and time(s). Three of them actually. Three times that are embedded in one. And that one time is part of the makeup of a time that is further nested in and with three other times.

So…4 times, which contains 1 time that contains 3.

HeightTime + WidthTime + DepthTime + TimeTime = Time

Each axis has two bases, moving and non-moving, and each of those correlate with the other two axes.

Juggling axes. We must be talking time and/or time and matter. Energy/energies must be in there somewhere too.

The deep end…I’ve gone off it.

^Sodom And Gomorrah (Biblical Archaeology Documentary) | Timeline^

We’ve got anger. We need somewhere to put that anger. I’m your man.

Or at least, I certainly can be.

Um…anyone have a label for that? Some kind of social defect or mental illness or personality flaw or spiritual/moral deviance or psychic disability? Maybe all of those?

If you know of any of those nasty associations that are applicable to me, please feel free to label me as such, and then let me know what those are via either direct or indirect means…whatever you think best.

I might need to seek professional help after you’ve finished with me.

^A Man’s A Man For A’ That (Opening of Scottish Parliament) – Sheena Wellington^

Did you know, that on September 10th/11th, of 2000, there was a meeting of The Royal Society to discuss the possible man-made origins of HIV/AIDS? Welp, there was. For the first time ever, an outsider was let in.

Origins of HIV and the AIDS Epidemic

Weird. That says September 11-12, but the documentary I watched last night said it was on September 10-11.


AIDS Origins

I wonder if one place is better than another for obtaining information one seeks?

Tests fail to support claims for origin of AIDS in polio vaccine

I thought that two heads were better than one?

Select Committee on Health Minutes of Evidence – Annex J – MEMORANDUM BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PUBLIC HEALTH (PH1) (contd.)

Unless you are planning on cutting one of the heads off after finding what you are looking for.

Education-line: Browse by Subject: Misconceptions

I wonder which head makes that decision?

The European Peptide Society – Newsletter Number 24, January 2001

It’s a lot to take in.

Publications Details for: CISNet: Coral Bleaching, UV Effects, and Multiple Stressors in the Florida Keys

Of course, to be fair, there’s a lot going on.

Australian Academy of Science – Annual report 2000-2001

Not only is there lot’s going on, it appears it’s going on all over the place.

National Center for Homeopathy – September 2000

Looks like it's been going on for a long time too.
^ALMERIA´S FACE Bécquer Capuletto^

Ever heard this song before?

My time, O ye Muses, was happily spent

No? You aren’t hip or hep enough to know that song? WTF?!?!? I thought you knew everything! Welp, regardless, below is a song that contains a dude playing…

A LUTE!!! 

Not only that, there’s a chick playing what appears to be a 7-string Cello!!!



Oh…Viol. Not, Viola de Gamba? Maybe it’s both. Prolly considerations to be made there with respect to contextual social situations. I mean, if you are an American, and you are in Germany, you don’t call shit shit. Contextually, it’s called…scheiße.


Same shit, different name.
^John Dowland – Away with these self loving lads (live and unedited)^

I guess I can post that video where The Royal Society met up to discuss the possibility that Polio vaccines actually caused HIV/AIDS. Irrespective, it’s creepy as fuck to think that Polio vaccine comes from minced simian kidneys. This path I find myself on seems…familiar.

^The Origin of HIV Aids – The best documentary – Channel 4^

I’m writing this whatever in OpenOffice’s Writer application. This will be my/our 100th. I still get a shade lost in this editor since I’ve only started using it. Don’t really need any of the formatting tools for these things, since it seems that the uglier the formatting that I send to Roob, the prettier she makes it.

Woman's touch I guess. 

Anyway, today in America, is a day that was originally set aside to mark President George Washington’s birthday. Abraham Lincoln’s birthday is also in February on the 12th, so when I was a kid, we always looked forward to February because there was all kinds of shit going on.

November and December were madness in our family because of all the holidays and birthdays jammed in there, but after January 1st? There was a long winter dry-spell of not much of anything at all until Groundhog Day. Groundhog Day meant a countdown to Valentine’s Day, but it also meant Lincoln and Washington’s birthdays, as well as a mention to the Chinese Lunar New Year.

It is the purpose of school to teach. To omit and streamline is to limit. To create limits in schools is to teach limits. To teach limits is to test limits and limitations. To test limits and limitations is to filter. To get the cream to rise, which then itself can then be separated.

Sounds like a volcano.

My country…I love it. Sometimes, I even like it. But if you personally want everyone to agree with you, what’s with all the yelling? Doesn’t sound like you are looking for anything ‘cept a fight.

Someone to beat on. 

Why on earth, would someone need another to beat on? I mean, what would you do if there were no one to beat on? Would you start beating on yourself? Or would you start beating-off?

^Fair Iris I Love and Hourly I Die John Dryden Audiobook^

I’m listening.

Pho! pox of this nonsense, I prythee give over

Just not sure what to do after hearing.

Guess I’ll keep going.

^Oberon from Peter Brook’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1970)^

Sometimes…ya just gotta get lost.

Maybe I’ll get found.

Or more loster.
Or both.
^Lolita – Sailor, Your Home Is The Sea (U.S. hit version 1960)^


^Yelawolf – American You^


We hope you’ve enjoyed this 100th Missive From ‘Merica, Dear Reader. And if you didn’t? …Have a Song 😉

Phallic Frigg Day and the Rise of the Power Tools

It’s Friday and on Friday mornings I receive digital copies of ‘Building‘ and Estates Gazette magazines. I usually post the issue covers on MEROVEE because they sync so much, but with the overflowing comments, the latest page has become difficult to load…

So for the Meroveeps, or Mirror VIPs, here’s what’s…

Building cover 131115

Ding Dong, Clicky! What does the little Gazette (‘e states *rolls eyes*) have to say?

Estates Gazette cover 141115

Kinda black and white, Clicky. I wonder what it means…

Etymologyonline is a fantastic resource if words grab your inner rest…

property (n.) c. 1300, properte, “nature, quality,” later“possession, thing owned” (early 14c., a sense rare before 17c.), from an Anglo-French modification of Old French propriete“individuality, peculiarity; property” (12c., Modern French propreté; see propriety), from Latin proprietatem (nominative proprietas) “ownership, a property, propriety, quality,” literally “special character” (a loan-translation of Greek idioma), noun of quality from proprius “one’s own, special” (see proper). For “possessions, private property” Middle English sometimes used proper goods. Hot property“sensation, a success” is from 1947 in “Billboard” stories.

If you clicked on ‘property’ EOL you’ll see four pages of listings where the word is used. These can be fascinating – both ‘black’ and ‘white’ via ‘bleach’ are Shining words, revealed to me whilst looking for hidden things in ‘The Shining’

Look down the first page for ‘Property’ and you’ll find ‘waif’…

waif (n.) late 14c., “unclaimed property, flotsam, stray animal,” from Anglo-French waif (13c., Old French guaif) “ownerless property, something lost;” as an adjective, “not claimed, outcast, abandoned,” probably from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse veif “waving thing, flag,” from Proto-Germanic *waif-, from PIE *weip- “to turn, vacillate, tremble ecstatically” (see vibrate). Compare Medieval Latin waivium “thing thrown away by a thief in flight.” A Scottish/northern English parallel form was wavenger (late 15c.).

Meaning “person (especially a child) without home or friends” first attested 1784, from legal phrase waif and stray (1620s), from the adjective in the sense “lost, strayed, homeless.” Neglected children being uncommonly thin, the word tended toward this sense. Connotations of “fashionable, small, slender woman” began 1991 with application to childishly slim supermodels such as Kate Moss.

Look again at the ‘Building’ cover *scrolls up* and find the waving flag…

Wow, Clicky… Big Ben, flag and Kate Moss…

Anyway, it was whilst I was taking digital snapshots of the magazine covers, when the fire alarm suddenly screamed into life. A drill – just enough time to grab cigs, phone, hat and coat before being ushered down the spiraling fire escape by orange fluorescent wardens.

Too wet and windy to smoke during roll call, so I waited until everyone else sprinted for the lifts and settled my back into a covered corner to smoke and read. “Yippee!” there was a new post from The Slog to think about…

Now if you add all this mayhem up, you could be forgiven for concluding that the two government institutions Britain should steer completely clear of are The United States of America, and the European Union. And if you then look at their disgraceful citizen rights record and parlous econo-fiscal positions, you’d probably add Saudi Arabia, Turkey and China to that list. So it does say quite a lot about the judgement of the so-called British élite that they continue to laud the Special Relationship with the US, are desperate to stay in the rapidly collapsing EU bed, like nothing better than selling arms to the Saudis, have hired Beijing to oversee our nuclear power development, and toddle off to Ankara at regular intervals in order to praise Recep Erdogan to the Heavens.

Not just power, Johnthought I, quite a bit of London.”

Oh we just have to waif until… TY, Clicky 😉 Have a Song…



Smokie-Readie Place

Samuel Pepys woz born ere

*I spotted the blue plaque on my way to the Smokie-Readie Place. Clicky, are you listening to me…?*

*Oh cheers! I’ll catch you later, then… YOU BIG FISH!! …/rude gesture*

I have a smokie-readie place. It is called Salisbury Square and it sits just off of Fleet Street, where I travel to a couple of times a week for my work outside of the… LoL…

Today I discovered that Samuel Pepys, celebrated diarist, was born en route between office and square. There’s construction work going on there at present… *Shit, I hope I remember how to do this or I’ll have to wait until Clicky returns*

Sit Down Smoking Place

*Yay! Who needs you, Clicky! /satisfied smirk…*

… so I stopped in the street to smoke a cigarette in my lunch break. That’s when I noticed the sign and remembered once reading an interesting factoid about the Great Plague

June 7th 1665

… it being the hottest day that ever I felt in my life, and it is confessed so by all other people the hottest they ever knew in England in the beginning of June – we to the New Exchange and there drunk whey; with much entreaty, getting it for our money, and would not be entreated to let us have one glasse more. ….
This day, much against my Will, I did in Drury-lane see two or three houses marked with a red cross upon the doors, and “Lord have mercy upon us” writ there – which was a sad sight to me, being the first of that kind that to my remembrance I ever saw. It put me into an ill conception of myself and my smell, so that I was forced to buy some roll tobacco to smell to and chaw – which took away the apprehension. [Houses infected by the Plague had to have a red cross one foot high marked on their door and were shut up – often with the victims inside. Tobacco was highly prized for its medicinal value, especially against the Plague. It is said that at Eton one boy was flogged for being discovered not smoking.]

I crossed the road and took it’s likeness on my phone. I was wondering if Sammy Pepe would be a shit hot blogger today when I noticed another blue plaque… */concentration tongue poke…*

First Sunday Times woz edited ere

… from whence I had come, to the birthplace of The Sunday Times.

The 20th of October 1822 AD

Not a picture in sight of course, just five columns of densely spaced type, the headline typeface barely larger than the text. And above it all the proud banner reading The Sunday Times. The first ever edition of The Sunday Times came out on October 20 1822.
With Europe’s great powers meeting in Verona to resolve the great matters of the day – The Spanish Question; the Italian Question; the Turkish Question – as the continent recovered its balance post-Napoleon, it was a good time to launch a newspaper. Except that in reality this was not so much a launch as a re-branding. Its predecessor The New Observer had hit the streets in February the previous year, the title a deliberate ploy to confuse and attract readers of the long established Observer ; briefly re-named The Independent Observer, it finally settled on The Sunday Times. It had no link with The Times , but as with the original title it sought to cash in on the renown of its rival.
The owner and leading light of The Sunday Times was Daniel Whittle Harvey, a radical if not rabidly so MP who used his paper as a soapbox for his views and policies – something that of course could never happen today. The inaugural editorial of October 20 1822 evoked nostalgia for a time: “When the press was free and honest,” a nostalgia some of us feel at times today. Harvey, MP for Colchester and later forSouthwark in fact spent a brief spell in prison for his newspaper having libelled the King, George IV, such was his personal quest for the truth. Poacher turned gamekeeper later in his career, when he became the first Commissioner of the City of London Police in 1839.

Ho Ho! The Sunday Times would definitely have started online today.

And what about Smokie-Readie Place, Salisbury Square? It has a big obelisk in the middle, dedicated to former Lord Mayor of London, Robert Waithman.

Waithman always tried to strive for reform without becoming too radical, which resulted in an unfortunate middle position, where the Whigs thought he was too radical and the Radicals considered him too much of a Whig. And his background led to accusations of trying to use politics for his personal gain which he vehemently denied. His concern was the fairer distribution of power and wealth between the classes.(4)While some may claim he was just an upstart shopkeeper, he, although not always successful, did much to reform the political landscape in favour of the ordinary man in the street.

I had stopped at Smokie-Readie place on the way into work, for a cigarette and to capture the likeness on the boss…

Shield of Arms on Boss

…and used the big ashtray provided, but I didn’t sit down…

Smokie Readie Sleepy Place

someone else needed the bench more than me.

*Oh you’re back are you? Don’t give me that cuteness; I’m not going through it all again, just for you. You’ll have to do what everybody else does, Clicky, and read it for yourself …/rude tongue poke*