On The Lash: Mythophrenic Fugee

*/shakes lighter… Actually, Clicky, the word he uses is ‘fugue‘… /lights up…*


*/puffs contemplatively… I know! Let’s do this selfie style, Clicky… /flicks ASH… Did you know the first selfie is attributed to a Robert…?*

John Lamb Lash posted a new video yesterday, Dear Reader. I told my friends Poppy, Legs and Cade about it before turning in for the night…

Roob tells the guys about the new John Lamb Lash video before bed

… Clicky and I had been shambling it in the Red universe on MEROVEE, on Frank‘s latest post: ‘Boys Toys‘… Here are the selfies… This one is Clicky…

Clicky Boys Toys Selfie 1Clicky Boys Toys Selfie 2

*’Offensive’ image…/final drag…*

*’Offensive’ product… /streams smoke…*

*Going on the offensive… /stubs butt… Ah, Clicky, you’re so pretty… /pats snout…*

… This is me replying to Clicky…

Roobee Boys Toys 1Roobee Boys Toys 2Roob and Clicky Boys Toys Selfie 3

*You photobombed me? …/:O… Cheek!*

Lucy smoked Chesterfields too

*Interference? …/squints… knot listed… Hmm…*

*Cade listened to talks 39 – 41 with me the other evening, Clicky… /flicks lighter… At least he didn’t fall asleep… /lights up…*

… And this one, Dear Reader, is of me and Clicky…

Roob and Clicky Boys Toys Selfie 4

*Yeah, this spell Lashy’s gonna weave… /licks lips… Forwards/\Backwards with yarn… /drags… And Loops…*

Freddie Prinze Jrs Fred

Sew there you go – last night’s synchromystic fugue through the medium of selfies. Not sure about Lashy’s killing spell, butt… I guess we’ll find out… In the meantime, c/o Cade’s birthday post for his daughter… 18 today 😀


…Have a Song… ❤

On The Lash: Aye Aye Kiddo!

I have been pleasantly surprised three times in the last two days, Dear Reader. Whilst I was writing the last ‘On The Lash’ post, I was seriously considering adding in something about Aikido. Lashy seemed a bit agitated and I was wondering if he’d heard of it…

Email 011014 from Roob to Leggy about Aikido

*Ye oldy email to Legs, Clicky… /lights up… Shame my Sync Miss For Him shamble is now gone… /drags… but the MEROVEE comet is still alive…*

Meet The New Boss

As a person who is accused of causing harm by a group that does nothing BUT cause it, all whilst wrapping themselves in the cloak of ‘harm reduction’, I’m just not prepared to demean myself by stooping to their level, becoming just like them…

Aikido (Japanese: 合気道Hepburn: aikidō[aikiꜜdoː] is a modernJapanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. Aikido is often translated as “the way of unifying (with) life energy” or as “the way of harmonious spirit”.

Ueshiba’s goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attacker from injury.

The Ki to harm reduction…

Well, Dear Reader, you could have knocked me down with a feather as I listened to the next John Lamb Lash talk, posted on Christmas Eve night, when he brought up the subject of Aikido!

‘Likewise, you can think of apposition as a technique of psychological warfare, like Aikido. It’s very similar to Aikido. The Aikido Master, who I had the opportunity to meet when I was in Japan… In Aikido, the Master uses the incoming force of the opponent to overcome the opponent. In a skillful way it’s a method of apposition, it’s not a method of direct body contact, direct opposition.

‘So Aikido uses the force of the attack to overcome the attacker. I’m showing you how to use the force of the attack on the Romay and Sophia coming from the Xenosh, to overcome and demolish the Xenosh.’

*Yeah… /taps ash… Lashy includes a hammer in there but I’m reminded of what my martial arts practicing osteopath told me when he fixed up my frozen shoulder that time, Clicky… /drags… I asked him about aikido and helping the opponent to the floor, and he replied, “The floor? The floor is fucking hard.” …Nice man, fixed me up a treat…*

The second pleasant surprise was to read the Christmas post at Twilight Language and find it linked to one of my Kubrick posts! I told Thoughtful Man that he’d seen the blog owner, Loren Coleman, on the telly…

*Yeah, I don’t think he believed me, Clicky… /final drag… Or he was too busy cooking dinner… /stubs butt…*

Pleasant surprise number three then, Dear Reader, was last night’s Christmas Doctor Who episode…

*/chortles… Feminists must of been fuming that the first thing the first female Doctor does is blow up the Tardis and then fall out of it… /lights up…*

Enjoy the rest of Boxing Day, Dear Reader… And have a Song ❤


On The Lash: Touring Turing Turning

For the last three days, Monday to Wednesday, John Lamb Lash has put out a new talk a day…

Sew… seeing as I’ve now written quite a number of posts about Sophia’s Correction recently, Dear Reader, I thought I’d preface the titles of future Lashy inspired posts, starting with this one…

*/reaches for fags… Well, Icarus did also fall, Clicky… /shakes lighter… but I believe that was under entirely different circumstances… /lights up…*


Let’s start with a selfie taken in the red universe of MEROVEE

Roob on Merovee 1Roob on Merovee 2

*/drags… That gnosticism image has a sort of fishy tail to it…*

The Turing test, developed by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.

The twist on the Turing test is that it is we that are being tested, for our ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour toward this AI scam, and whether we’ll swallow the official narrative unquestioningly…


Another selfie but this includes Cade, as I told him that another Lashy talk was up, and that I’d specifically asked Leggy to have a listen…



Roob tells Cade what shes up to

*/puffs… Leggy has written loads about The Righteous, Clicky… /blows smoke rings… and Goetia…*

I was not expecting Leggy to write a post about it!

Racial Superiority

It doesn’t exist.

It’s a meme. An ancient one, started by one tribe in the Middle East – not Islam, not even Judaism. Way before them.

It’s a meme that caused a change from the old Pagan religions to new, highly organised religious structures. It wasn’t created by those religions. It created them.

Some years back I wrote a little thing about the origins of government and control of the people. Where one becomes leader, then a group takes control, and they consider themselves superior to the other members of the tribe. That’s still going on.

*And Cade also mentioned Lashy’s talks in his latest blog post, Clicky… /final drag…*

Roob says goodnight to Cade

*My diagram depicting the long way round…/stubs butt… Last thing I sent him that night…*


“Did you hear about Uber?” Thoughtful Man asked me when he got home from work. He’s been out working the mean streets of Southend all day, making sure Christmas shoppers and celebrators got home safe and sound.

I’d read something about Uber online earlier. “The EU has finally ruled that Uber is a transportation company and will be dealt with as such. That?” I replied dishing him up his evening dinner.

“No,” Thoughtful Man said scrolling through the news feed on his phone. “An Uber driver confessed to killing that woman in Lebanon.”

“The murdered British diplomat found on the side of a road?”

Thoughtful Man had found the article and handed me his phone. “Yes. An Uber driver did it and the Lebanese government is advising everyone in the country not to use them;  they ain’t safe.”

“Well we know that,” I said handing his phone back to him. “That whole company is built on deceit and debt. Weird though…” I trailed off and busied myself refilling his glass.

“What’s is? Thoughtful Man asked between spoonfuls of saucy ravioli. He stopped eating and squinted at me. “What’s weird?”

“Nothing really,” I replied demurely. “Only I finished listening to a talk about the word uber just before you got home.”

*The really spooky thing though, Clicky, is their faces… /lights up… Those girls lined up on the video image… /deep drag… They look exactly like people I work with now… /exhales … The same features… /taps ash… and not just women…*

The Fourth TurningDear Reader, the previous Fourth Turning and the current one have one thing in common. I wonder what a comparative mythologist, like John Lamb Lash would make of this…

And First Mother’s husband called the first plant Skarmunal, corn, and the second plant utarmur-wayeh, tobacco.

“Remember,” he told the people, “and take good care of First Mother’s flesh, because it is her goodness become substance. Take good of her breath, because it is her love turned into smoke. Remember her and think of her whenever you eat, whenever you smoke this sacred plant, because she has given her life so that you might live. Yet she is not dead, she lives: in undying love she renews herself again and again.”

Have a Song ❤