CLICK5: Titter Ye Not…

CLICK5: Dipsy Does It…

CLICK5: A Bag Can Lie…

CLICK5: “Hail Fellow, Well Met”

CLICK5: To See Before

*…/lights up…*

*Oh fanks, Clicky
 /puts fag to lips
 Alex Robinson ‘as a post up abaht whyt?  
/flicks lighter
 Well, the play’s the fing, innit? … /lights up
 Wot Song did ‘we’ chews to tweet ‘er link aht wiv? 
 From the Yt Stripes’ White Blood Cells album? Clever fucka…*

snout butt

*Oi! I didn’t mean literally! …/coughs… Watch wot ya dooing wiv ya snout…*

*/flicks ash… Good movie, Clicky… /drags… ‘ope they do anovva…*

*Good idea, Clicky… /blows smoke rings…*

Sew, Dear Reader… In the Noose of the Whirled of MRS REGN, an experiment result is revealed in the…


…Leggy gets the scoop.


Cigarettes AREN'T dangerous. Repeat, CIGARETTES ARE NOT DANGEROUS...


...But their packaging art is PROHIBITED.

Moving on to the…


…The new Lashy Sophia talk syncs with MRS REGN posts.

Highlights: "The Game deals excellency" and "Evil has no colour"

Meanwhile in the…


…JP Gaultier has finger on fashion pulse.

"Go on, go on, go on, GO ON."

Amazing art wows in the…


…using cigar linchpin.


urban dictionary necking

Oh, I got name-checked in the…


…Red Frank renames Friday my day.

Roob and Frank Merovee selfie on sixes and sevens and the meaning of life

Roob selfie with Frank on Merovee

And this just in from the…


…Cade expands on MRS REGN.

Lucky me! ❀

And last, but not least, from the…


…Blue Frank foretells a coming Ceausescu moment.

Tiny Blur disgusted by Legs and Roob 1Tiny Blur disgusted by Legs and Roob 2

Roob selfie DMing with Legs

Well now, Dear Reader, I think that’s about wraps up this Sunday post…

*/stubs butt… Blimey! Furteen of ’em, Clicky, trapped in the darkness…*

Enjoy your week, Dear Reader. It’s shaping up to be a scorcher 😉 And have a Song ❀


We Are The Goon Squad & We’re Coming to Town

Politics will eventually be replaced by imagery. The politician will be only too happy to abdicate in favor of his image, because the image will be much more powerful than he could ever be. (Marshall McLuhan)

Moschino phone case
CLICKY: Weapon of Choice

Rose, tickled pink, posted the scoop in comments with Frank in the Blue Universe

Rose's scoop
CLICKY: Praise You

*Indeed, Clicky. Day after day, Frank, Rose, Harley, MJM and the rest of the commentators there debunk the lies that spew forth from the cancer-licking lips of the Anti-Tobacco Brigade… Nazi inspired lies that fall directly into the cauliflower ears of politicians.

Btw, I liked your response*

Clicky frames the issue
CLICKY: Right here, right now

Trashy-Flashy-Fun at Moschino AW16

Only Jeremy Scott could take a cue from a puritanical 1490s Florentine mobs and come up with ball gowns spliced with biker jackets, complete with singed edges and, at points, smoke rising out from their bustles.

The scene for his show was the destruction of decadence: his guests sat on plush velvet armchairs and chaise longues, in the centre of the space crumbled smashed-up chandeliers, crushed instruments and blitzed art work, an appropriation of that dark night, the so-called Bonfire of the Vanities, where the Renaissance ideology was viciously and literally attacked, with its progressive objects of beauty destroyed by arch conservatism.

CLICKY: The Joker


Yup, Anna Cleveland’s tulle prom dress left a trail of white smoke billowing behind her as she walked. Other girls’ gowns had also been burned and tattered to shreds. All very derelicte, wouldn’t you say Zoolander?

Moschino 2
CLICKY: Gangster Tripping

Warning: Fashion kills

Asked how he chooses his themes, Scott was simplistic in his response. “I was thinking about cigarettes and people’s addiction to fashion,” he said. “I don’t ever really dissect and wonder why I’m doing it. I just do it and put it out there.” Point and shoot.



Moschino 3
CLICKY: Sunset


Moschino 4
CLICKY: Rocking Skank

*Fuck /BEEP me… Fucking /BEEP beautiful, Clicky! Have a Song 😀 *