CLICK5: Bird-Dogged…

Oh Snap!

*Okay, Clicky… Let’s go there… /pats snout…*


snap (v.) 1520s, of animals, “to make a quick bite,” from snap (n.). Meaning “to break suddenly or sharply” is first recorded c. 1600; the mental sense is from 1970s. Meaning “come into place with a snap” is from 1793. Meaning “take a photograph” is from 1890. U.S. football sense first recorded 1887. Related: Snappedsnapping. To snap the fingers is from 1670s. Phrase snap out of it recorded by 1907. Snapping turtle is attested from 1784. Snap-brim (adj.) in reference to a type of hat is from 1928.

So, Dear Reader, on Sunday night there was a mass shooting. From the Mandalay hotel, in Las Vegas, on the Strip. You may have seen it reported on Mainstream Media news. Blue Universe Frank, today, had a question about it’s length…

Why did it take police 72 minutes to locate the shooter? And why was his location only identified by a smoke alarm?

… And also wondered about the inexplicable warning given to concert goers beforehand…

One woman, who was at the Route 91 music event, claimed an unidentified woman had told other concert-goers they were “all going to die” after pushing her way to the front of the venue.

… Witch brings me to Red Frank. I wrote about a peculiar incident on MEROVEE last time at the LoL…

*That site is a bit like a house… a public house… /thinks… If Frank’s Red, Clicky, and a Leo, does that make Merovee the ‘Red Lion’? …/ponders and lights up…*

… After the argy-bargy with Goro on Thursday and Friday, Frank published a new post on Saturday… Re Member… No doubt referring to membership, a requirement for participation on Goro’s STR site…

Merovee Re Member

*Re: Member? …/puffs some more…*

… And then another on Sunday afternoon…


*Oh yeah! …/stubs butt…*

Merovee Walls

…In which he stripped off and displayed his member…

pen is lighter


*/coughs uncontrollably…*

If you want to see for yourself – WARNING: could lead to impression or depression – you’ll just have to go visit MEROVEE, Dear Reader. And doo peruse the comments. For instance, TNT pointed out that on Friday, Blunder Boris of the Foreign Office made a right Johnson of himself…on camera…

TNT Brings Johnson Mandalay Caine and Connery

Coincidence? The MEROVEE post was published before the shooting started in Las Vegas…

Clicky Triggers

*Oh yeah… /lights up and rolls eyes…*

… by Stephen Paddock…


snap (n.) late 15c., “quick, sudden bite or cut,” from Dutch or Low German snappen “to snap,” probably related to Middle Low German or Middle Dutch snavel “bill, beak,” from West Germanic *snu-, an imitative root forming words having to do with the nose (see snout).

As an adjective from 1790. Commonly used to indicate instantaneous action, as in snap judgment (1841). Sense of “quick movement” is first recorded 1630s; that of “something easily done” is 1877. Meaning “brief or sudden spell” of weather (usually cold) is from 1740. Meaning “catch or fastener that closes with a snapping sound” is from 1815. The card game name is attested from 1881, from a call used in the game. Meaning “a snap-shot” is from 1894. U.S. football sense is from 1912, earlier snap-back (1880), which also was a name for the center position. Snap, Crackle and Pop, cartoon characters associated with Kellogg breakfast cereal Rice Krispies, are from 1940.

Over at 0 ‘Edge we learn that the investigating police are still clueless as to the motive of a killer with 42 guns. As indeed are his family…

Eric Paddock, who lives in Orlando, Florida, said he was stunned to learn his brother was responsible, insisting that he must’ve “snapped.”

“We’re still just completely befuddled. Dumbstruck.”


*Quite so, Clicky, he appears to have been a lone wolf… /drags…*

*What did the Daleks unleash with their science fiction eh, Clicky? …/chuckles and smokes some more…*

Any hoo! Red Frank has a new post up…

Merovee The Strip

… And there’s bound to be lots more new stuff going on there. Clicky and I shall end this post here with a Song…


*/stubs butt… Oh go on then, Clicky. Go get another one… /pats snout…*

… Or two 😉