CLICK5: No Shake Must Ache

Missive From ‘Merica: Bundle!

*/lights up… Let’s keep the top and tail short and sweet, Clicky… /drags… I have a remote viewing date tonight… /plumes smoke…*

Cade and I have been remote viewing the Stranger Things series this week, Dear Reader. I want to finish season 3 before I write anything about it, but rest assured, a shamble is formulating in this noggin of mine…

*Dagnammit, Clicky! I said short and sweet… /flicks ash… Dear Reader ain’t gonna spend ten minutes listening to that. Not when there’s a fantastic missive to devour…*

… Luckily Cade touches on the series in his missive below. So enjoy! ❤


I’d like to tell you a story…

about a man named Jed…

a poor mountaineer who barely kept his family fed.

I’d like to tell you that story…

but I’m not going to.

Happy Friday Shit4Brainz
^Skrillex – First Of The Year (Equinox) [Official Music Video]^

Welp, this is one way to get someone to “take you to their leader”…

Intentionally giving lawmakers and weapons designers/manufacturers reason(s) to use those laws and weapons…

great idea!

Thanks for justifying their reason(s) for existing. I’m sure the fines will be a welcome windfall, as the prison time is likely to choke the living shit out of the legal system for centuries to come, and create the need for more and bigger Gitmo and Joe Arpaio types of “correctional facilities”.

But lets think practically

The automobile has made us somewhat stupid as to the logistical nightmare that this A51 invasion would be. Last night I was watching a documentary that was talking about the Second Fitna (Second Islamic Civil War) and they were talking about how long it took for the Umayyad to pull their troops out of Mecca and return to Damascus because the king had died, and someone killed his heir not long after. The documentary I was watching is actually trying to make the argument that “Ancient Mecca” is actually Petra, and not the modern day Mecca…

but that's not really what was on my mind

What was on my mind was how in the hell you pull an army out of an area that you just got to, irrespective of the distance(s) you have to cover. Supposedly, the Umayyad had only gotten to Mecca 40 days before, and now it had to disengage, pull out completely, and does so in about that same amount of time…40 days. Ironically, there’s a more modern logistical nightmare like that if the thought of thousands of people in the desert doesn’t tickle your fancy.

Retreat From Gettysburg

I watched something on that recently too…and…holy shit…what a fucking nightmare. But I know that warfare prolly isn’t your cup of herbal tea, so lets keep it more realerist of all…

Burning Man

I guess they are up to around 70,000 attendees for this thing, it is quite the feat to support that amount of people in the desert for a week, and this ‘Area 51 Get Stun Gunned Fun Run’ is going to host 300,000 people…over 4x more. Even if only half showed up, you’re still talking over 2x Burning Man. So lets think about what is going to get you to Rachel Nevada…assuming you idiots are planning on hitting the base from the North. You are going to drink every gas station dry. ‘Cept for you dolts driving a Smart Car or Prius or a Tesla. the FUCK...would take an electric car to the desert?* 

Of course, the government is going to have to respond to your onslaught, so its possible they are going to commandeer or restrict every gas station within 200 miles of the base. You may have enough gas to get in, but you won’t have enough to get out. You’re going to fuck over a lot of the locals in the process, so it is unlikely that visitors of any kind will be welcome in the future.

(pun intended) 

Better bring plenty of tents since accommodations will be few and far between, and bring enough water to drink at least 8 litres per day. I know I’m rambling, and this Facebook thing is stupid, but my mind is awash with how in the hell you’d ever get even 1/10th of that many people remotely close to there. “Strength in numbers” is not always a true statement.


That’s a social bum rush that turned out well. They didn’t think their shit through either.

*I’m not talking about engineers testing electric cars on the Bonneville Salt Flats.

^Tenacious D – Storm The Gate!^

My suggestion is to show up early, get arrested/detained immediately. At least you’ll have a place to stay, you’ll be out of the heat, food and water will be available, and you’ll have a nice clean place to shit and paper to wipe your ass with until the shitstorm you created, itself, passes. You get you social badge of honor of “being there” to wear around your social media sites, you’re safe and snug thanks to the gubment… and the best part? You still paid for the accommodations via your tax dollars. Its win/win.


Area 51…Being…There



sounds catchy...kinda like the same way that barbed wire is catchy
^F’ing Rant | Rory McIlroy’s rigged Canadian Open win, June 9, 2019 & Kyle Lowry jersey tribute^

What are you gonna do with these alien remains? Shove them in your mom’s refrigerator like the idiots did with the Demidog in season 2 of Stranger Things? I bet mom’s fridge is a long ways away, you’re in the middle of the desert, so how long you figure before that fucker thaws out and begins to rot. Or worse, wakes up in a bad mood, tries to eat your brain, discovers you have no brains, gets even more pissed off, calls in the mothership for a rescue, and vanishes from this planet forever.

Seriously, have you given thought to what kind of social damage an alien showing up once, leaving, and never returning would do? You’ve got your proof, but only for you. Everyone who follows is going to think you and everyone around you were morons, hallucinators, uninformed bullshitters, story tellers and/or liars…prolly all on drugs too.

 Sound familiar? 

It should. Just about every culture that came before us can be accused of the same, and the theme is the same all over the world. The Long Gone Gods. Gods and monsters. Mystics and Titans of all kinds. Gone forever. Never to return. Prolly never existed in the first place. Buncha uneducated idiots telling tales after school/making shit up because they weren’t smart like us. They didn’t have…SCIENCE!

Our new god(s)
^Iron Maiden – Flight Of Icarus (Official Video)^

Speaking of flights of fancy, we sure are flying close to the sun/Sol these days. I wonder if that’s a good idea. Not saying we shouldn’t do it, but this new religion of Science requires/demands the unquestioning belief of the followers in much the same way more traditional religions do. But Science still omits a shitload of us, all in favor of the clergy themselves.

Sound familiar? 

It should. But, that’s why I write in the first place. I’m not gonna win any awards or make any cash, but I will hopefully leave something behind for my children. Fill in some gaps, pass along some ways of looking at things that are neither faithful nor rebellious. Hopefully allow them a bit of guidance + the freedom to do what they need to do in their own time(s) and in their own moment(s). I’ve learned that there are times when the best thing to do, is throw the rule book(s) out the window.


There are other times when you should follow the rule book(s) step by step, and without fail. You can’t remember everything. That’s why there are rule books and manuals in the first place. Or so an aircraft mechanic told me once.

Makes sense
^Why the Parker Solar Probe is NASA’s most exciting mission | Michelle Thaller^

An interesting vid, but the analogy she gives regarding a camp fire getting hotter the further away you move? That’s…not really accurate. Heat here in our context…rises. Convective activity. Not to mention that during the Tudor period, they found out real quick that it gets a helluva lot hotter above the fire/in the chimney than it does in front of the fire. Not to mention that they found out that the gases themselves and the soot/unburned stuff is pretty goddamn flammable.

Think about it like this…heat, really doesn’t go “up”…it goes out. Actually, it goes up and out at the same time. But if you see a chimney burning from space, the smoke is going to be going out, not up. A “spew” rather than a “rise”. But yeah, it does both at the same time, depending on your orientation/location. So what she is talking about regarding heat traveling laterally…is not…really…accurate.

I would imagine that much of our Sun’s matter/mass at and around the surface actually acts as to keep the temperatures more constant/consistent. Much like room temperature water or molten metal or even salt in a sodium reactor. However, in the case of molten metal or a sodium reactor, everything in the immediate area is gonna be hotter than hell because of the change in the medium for conducting heat.

Wait...did I just state the obvious? 

I guess I’m wondering why science/scientists are wondering why the corona is “hotter than the sun itself”.

^KISS – Hotter Than Hell (Live at Winterland ’75)^

I wonder sometimes if matter/energy can begin moving so fast, that it becomes immeasurably cold. Maybe even that the surrounding environment becomes ridiculously hot. Like say…


Prolly unrelated, but there’s gotta be something going on that prevents the flow of electrons from becoming constant in certain environments. I know that prolly doesn’t make much sense considering the nature of materials science – I’m actually thinking about static electricity and aircraft more than I am thinking about naturally occurring lightning – but there’s got to be something that sustains cold other than just/only the absence of heat.

^No_4mat – 1992^


Q: What do you want from these aliens?

A: ???

Seriously, what can they possibly provide for you? Is that all they can do? Provide things…for you? This seems more like government angst than it seems like some natural interest/curiosity, but that’s prolly because I’m still steaming over season 1 of Stranger Things. Yeah, I watched it last weekend, have written a bit about it, but you’ve basically got different groups of assholes fighting over…


Doesn’t matter whether it’s that pack of creepy assholes in their government hideout, or that creepy pack of nerds playing Dungeons and Dragons in their basement…they’re basically the same people at different times. The kids start talking about Eleven as if she’s a weapon…a tool for them to use. Before long, everyone is doing the same shit. She’s something to be feared, and everyone wants to get their claws in her for various reasons. So again, I gotta ask…

Q: What do you want from these aliens?

A: ???

You want disclosure? You want proof? Or is access what you are really wanting? Can’t say I blame you really. There’s plenty of places that I’d like to visit and poke around. My itinerary and reasons for visiting these places might differ slightly from yours. Some might be similar tho.

^Trentemøller: Moan^

Most people don’t give a fuck about the water itself, they want control of the tap. Others want to control the pipelines.

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Was watching a doc yesterday on Antarctica, and the mission itself was more of a fisheries expedition than it was a research mission. Not to mention that the musical score, the editing and the narration made the whole thing seem like a commercial. But it seems to me that “business” is only willing to fund science if there is a return. And business is going to have to be in cahoots with government in order to finance the mission in the first place, so yeah…

a triad between science, business and government

That said, if you want control of the infrastructure that provides information, build your own. Hell, I thought that was the purpose of Social Media in the first place…give you a voice. So…what have you done with it, this voice you now have. Have you been honest? Have you been forthcoming? Do you actually tell the truth, or do you simply espouse to the fact that you are telling the truth, and you are you spewing whatever will get you the most votes on election day? Wait…what’s that? You never thought of likes and shares and followers as being the same as votes?


I’d imagine a smart fucker like you woulda been all over that.


Oh, and here’s that documentary on the Antarctica exploitation, if you wanna watch it. The documentary was posted on YT on July 9 of 2019, but the documentary itself is a National Geographic documentary from 2008 called Expedition Antarctica.

Expedition Antarctica

So yeah, an 11 year old documentary repackaged as something new in the now. If you’re wanting to be timely, current, and on the cutting edge of discovery, this show may not be for you.

^The Secrets of Antarctica | Full Documentary | TRACKS^

Would be nice to find a copy of that Paul Watson movie/doc At the Edge of the World. I bet Roob would enjoy that. Yeah, Watson is accused of being a bit sketchy, but EVERYTHING is sketchy, so not sure what the problem is with sketchy things. In fact, if it wasn’t for sketchy shit, the Internet prolly woulda died long ago. TV too. And radio. And film. And photography. And print. Hell, is media the only thing keeping us alive? Well, maybe that and oral tradition.

The Aroostook Triangle

That appeared on my radar yesterday, and I’ve been contemplating to concepts of gossip and rumor a lot lately. Hell, most of this post is about rumor and gossip, it’s just that a lot of it gets packaged as some kind of official and/or authentic something that is reliable because of a mark or seal or something. Which, did you know that Twitter has “authenticated” accounts?

About verified accounts

Excuse me…”verified”, not authenticated. So yeah, the tap itself has a placard saying that everything is A-OK. That’s no guarantee as to what is in the pipeline tho, nor its source(s). Most information is aggregate anyway. Not clean and pure like single-malt Scotch whiskey.



I guess that “single-malt” refers to batches of a particular production run that have not been mixed with leftovers from previous runs? I have no idea, and pretty sure I’ve never drunk a single-malt Scotch. Too fucking expensive. I ain’t spending $150 on a bottle of Scotch. I can buy several fifths of Dewar’s for that, or maybe a keg of beer. Not that I have a place to keep a keg nor a means of keeping it cold. Maybe someday I can afford both a kegerator and a bottle of single-malt.

^Fever Ray ‘When I Grow Up’^

Anyway…it’s 10:24 on Friday morning, been at this for a while, my butt is frozen to the side of the bed from sitting here writing all that bullshit above, and I guess I better get prepared to watch the rest of season 3 of Stranger Things. I don’t like much of anything of what I’ve seen thusfar. A bunch of angsty yelling and everyone trying to tell everyone else what to do/not do. The Snow Ball was kinda funny. I couldn’t decide if it was more Napoleon Dynamite or Fish Under The Sea Dance. Or Carrie. Or Footloose. It did have a Napoleon Dynamite song in it, but maybe the Snow Ball was actually not trying to be any of those previously mentioned things. I mean, it’s a dance and school dances, unlike alien landings or paranormal shitstorms, are quite a common occurrence here in the US of A.

Are school dances portrayed onscreen taboo unless approved by the Bomont, Utah Community Standards and Morality Council?* Or is this where union groups and guilds come into play. I had no idea that the entertainment industry was so inundated with guilds and unions, but it is.

*this is a nod to the movie Footloose (fyi)
^Joke Theft and Cryptomnesia^

You want to know things. Me too. I guess the question is…

Q: How do you want to know it?

A: ?? ¿

You can kill two birds with one stone that way. “They” are gonna be equally interested in how you know what you know, as well as what you know. And knowing is half the battle. No wait, surprise is half the battle. Anyway, yeah, both halves of the battle are important, and how you know what you know is equally as important as what you know. Some considerations to sequencing might not go amiss either. Chronological, topical, contextual, alphabetical…things like that.


Some reference points get a little…loopy. Especially when someone is pulling your fingernails out with a pair of pliers. You’ve only got so many fingernails, and getting them yanked out makes concentration a bit difficult.

^Deadmau5 – Sometimes Things Get, Whatever || HD^

I do wonder what you think you’re gonna find on the other side of that fence other than miles of desert, a shitload of snakes and scorpions, dehydration, sunburn, some giant runways, secret aircraft programs, a shitload of toxic waste(s), and a bunch of gung-ho types with automatic weapons who are more than willing to deal you out some government issued bullet wounds. Even if you find what you are looking for, then what? Haven’t you seen Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade?

^The Judys – Grass is Greener^


^Cinema – Skrillex^


*Burning man, Clicky… /stubs butt… Fought so…*

Have a wonderful we kenned, Dear Reader… And have a Song…