Alpha, Beta, Cerebral, Delta… */waves…*

Previously at the LoL

*Pretty! Thanks, Clicky… /pats snout…*

Red Frank over at MEROVEE put up a new post last night, that touched on things I covered from the last John Lamb Lash talk two weeks ago. Namely AI, D Waves and Quantum Computing. He was inspired, no doubt, by the breathless news yesterday from NASA that Google AI had been instrumental in the discovery of a new planet circling a distant star…

I DMed Cade on Twitter, as I thought the post might interest him. I was a little surprised at the reply he gave…

Roob sends a link to Cade who has an unexpected reply

Beta waves were discovered and named by the German psychiatrist Hans Berger, who invented electroencephalography (EEG) in 1924, as a method of recording electrical brain activity from the human scalp. Berger termed the larger amplitude, slower frequency waves that appeared over the posterior scalp when the subject’s eyes were closed alpha waves. The smaller amplitude, faster frequency waves that replaced alpha waves when the subject opened his or her eyes were then termed beta waves.’

If you’ve looked at the Red Frank’s post, Dear Reader, you will see he brings up not only the ‘Observer Effect’ but also Stanley Kubrick. The wiki write-up on Beta Waves did the same for me. Observe

*Saved by the “Mandy situation”, Clicky? Interesting…*

Roob Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut in Beta Waves

Indeed I was thinking about Cade’s ‘Cosmic Corridors’ from the evening before, and travelling from/to points A (alpha) and B (beta)…

Cade poses Roob a question

… And then he mentioned ‘wrinkles’…

Cade and Roob discuss restrictions on space

*I believe he’s read the book, Clicky…*

Cade's wrinkles and Roob's brain

*/smirks… Wrinkles…*

*So the brain gif I used was dancing to ‘The Chicken Song’, Clicky? …/rolls eyes… Figures…*

Roob asks Cade about beta waves and the observer effect

We’ll have to explore seeing through our eyelids in the dark another time, Dear Reader. This post is quite long enough for now…

Have a Song 😉


Squiggle It, Just A Little Bit…

About a week or so ago, Dear Reader, I mentioned in the blurb atop of a missive from Cade, a magazine article that I was keen to get my hands on…

FOR years after the physicist Richard Feynman died, his 1970s yellow-and-tan Dodge minivan lay rusting in a garage near Pasadena, California. When it was restored in 2012, special effort was made to repaint the giant doodles that adorned its bodywork. They don’t look like much – simple combinations of straight lines, loops and squiggles. But it is no exaggeration to say these Feynman diagrams revolutionised particle physics. Without them, we might never have built the standard model of particles and forces, or discovered the Higgs boson.


Now we could be on the cusp of a second, even more far-reaching transformation. Because even as Feynman’s revolution seems to be fizzling out, physicists are discovering hints of deeper geometric truths. If glimpses of exquisite mathematical structures that exist in dimensions beyond the familiar few can be substantiated, they would seem to point the way to a better understanding not just of how particles interact, but of the nature of reality itself.

It was a hard road that led to the standard model, this monumental theoretical construct that describes all the particles of the quantum world and the forces that act on them, except for gravity. The starting point came in the 1930s and early 1940s, when physicists investigating quantum electrodynamics, the theory of how charged particles and electromagnetic fields interact, embarked on calculations of “scattering amplitudes” – the probabilities of different outcomes in a given particle interaction. But the calculations proved maddeningly difficult. For a while they seemed impossible.

Then along came Feynman. In 1949, he showed…

And that was all I could read of the article… Until yesterday, when I got home from work and found a copy of the magazine had arrived from Leggy, with a note saying…

‘Thought you might like to see this comic. It would just have ended up in recycling anyway, at least this way its life gets extended by a few days 😉 ‘

New Scientist cover

Woo Hoo! I was so excited as I flipped the pages…

*That’s right, Clicky… pages 28 – 31, right…*

Centre fold 1

*…in the…*

Centre fold 2


Centre fold 3

*Hmm… Superconducting Super Collider in Texas… Reminds me of another Missive From ‘Merica, Clicky… the one with the drawings…*

Principle of Least Action

*Whoa! The Principle of Least Action? …That seems a bit Idle Theory-ish… /cough… Yeah, I think we’ve probably shown enough of the article, now Clicky… I don’t want to get in trouble…*

*/nods… I’ll go tell Cade I’ve updated his missive…*

Okay, I have a lot to do tonight, Dear Reader – early start at work tomorrow. Make of it as you will… And have a Song ;

Missive From ‘Merica: Splitting Apols (2)

Following on from yesterday, Dear Reader…

*Don’t mind me saying, Clicky, butt sumtimes… you’re kinda fucking weird…*


Distracted…I get it.


Part and Particle…I get it.

^The Jacksons – Can You Feel It (Official Music Video HD)^

Got to have a damn good conversation right in the big middle of writing this.

As a result…my brain is siting on empty. Or, emptier. More emptier?


Welp…at least we can assume that thicker/better armor = bigger/better bullets.

^Bulletproof Glass vs 60,000 PSI Waterjet^


Gonna have to summon a story here.

A story from “A Veiled Gazelle: Seeing How To See” by Idries Shah.

The story is called “Four Friends”

If you wanna read it…

If you wanna listen to it…

Anyway…long story short, a Sufi moves to a city to open a school. There are three people in this city who are familiar with this Sufi and his work, they all three desire to be students of this Sufi, and the Sufi employs/enlists all three under the auspices of…

My Critic

My Defender

My Employer

The first two are odd enough, but make sense, when you see and understand the the intentions of the Sufi. However, employing someone to be your employer? That’s kind of a weird thought, eh? Anyway…thinking about this story in terms of today’s world and atmosphere and using the vernacular of this time, the Sufi seems like he’s setting up…a conspiracy…eh?

Or is he a teacher who needs to learn in order to teach those that wish to learn? I mean, how else do you learn to teach? Yep…gotta learn how to learn. So invasive, these students are 😛

^deadmau5 – Hyperlandia^

How we apply what we learn seems to be the place where things perpetuate themselves and their eternal via change. Ironic, eh? But not really. I mean…when you learned whatever you learned, there was prolly a change there, yeah? Why would you not expect whatever you learned to change even more when and where you apply it?

And so…percentages suddenly become our friends. But if you really want to jump that train, you’ve got to wrap your head around the concept of gaps and gapping. Some can be bridged, some not. You can do a quick scan back through your own time and get a good bead on what these are rather rapidly. Failed and successful relationships of all kinds in there prolly. Assuming you have been afforded the opportunity that is. Can’t learn much as a corpse in a box.

That said, some gaps cannot nor will not ever be filled. You can prolly relate to this concept as well via the past. But in the percentages model, it always seems to be the one that you think you have a bead on, that causes you to focus on the other end thinking that it can be tamed as well.

EX: 99.9% – 100%. It makes the assumption that you have already correctly calculated the gap to zero(0) on the other end.

The thinking that I’ve been doing lately has me to thinking that neither gap on either end can be accurately calculated. Not in the way and ways it’s being attempted anyway. Lotta folding there that is going twist and create a simultaneousness that suddenly makes discernment as to which end you are at impossible.

Continuing to assume that you remain on the end in which you started is only going to further complicate this confusion. Primarily because, things will begin to simultaneously move so fast and so slow at the same time, that you can no longer discern what is moving and what is not moving.

^The Plimsouls – A Million Miles Away^


Song of Solomon 3 (ESV)

Song of Solomon 3 (KJV)

Lotta differences in those two versions of the same passage. And speaking of passage and passages, a lot time has transpired and transacted during the passage of time between writings of those two versions.

Are we looking for:

A: similarities?

B: Sameness?

C: Differences?

D: All of the above?

E: All of the above above?

That’s just my thinking tho.


Anything that we forgo, tends to create a gap.

Almost sounds like a cog turning about a wheel, that is entangled with the cog and cogs of another wheel, eh?

^The Smiths – These things take time^


It’s now Wednesday May 31. I started writing this yesterday, but a conversation I had via Twitter kinda drained me, which resulted in me ranting over at Merovee in order to make sense of…fuck it….whatever….I gots no answers.


Someone made an interesting observation on Twitter about a scientist that appears to be “crossing the streams”…if you will. I tried to go to the story, but got the message above.

"The College Fix" ain't working. lolz

Anyway…yeah…it appears that rigidity is rigid. Especially in the application thereof. Or lack of. To think that physical laws do not apply to the physical objects that they describe seems kinda…weird. Prolly why I operate under the assumption that:

A) any scientific law is equally applicable across the board outside of it’s own definitions, and

B) calling anything “law” is foolhardy in and of itself. Including the temporary states of matter is pointless without simultaneously excluding them.

Yeah…both. Forever and always, in all things, both. It’s going to work itself out as to which is contextually applicable at the time of observation.

But to think that this case will ALWAYS be the case, is neglecting the time and times that allowed you to make the observation in the first place. A lack of understanding of time and times as they behave and operate over time. Yes…it’s quite pesky…this little paradigm of paradox that I submit is equally solvable and unsolvable. 😉

I found a different copy of the story BTW.

Have fun.
^Bow Wow Wow – Do You Wanna Hold Me [HD]^

Did you know that if your spelling is so bad, yet you transpose letters in just the right word, at just the right time, you can sometimes stumble across gems?




I must be thinking about time as it does not relate to the time that I am trying to write about that thought in.

All kinds of mistakes and snafus that wind up teaching us stuff.

^Goldfrapp – Anymore (Official Video)^


I’m not gonna jump on the “I’ve Been Saying This All Along” bandwagon, primarily because I haven’t been saying this all along. I’ve thought about it quite a bit. I’ve espoused it quite a bit in my own personal life. But you don’t know me do you? How could you know me? I don’t expect you to know me. I’m just a fan in the stands cheering you stupid fucks on. Yeah…both teams. Any team. I don’t care what team you are on nor what you are trying to accomplish…I’m cheering you on. Unless I’m not.

If you weren’t chasing your dreams, our paths would never have crossed…right? Ever stopped to consider the possibility that someone exists for the sole purpose of helping others chase and achieve their dreams? That someone could have a dream, and that dream is to help others dream? We all do that from time to time. Mine is just a little more focused in that area. It helps the sting of “those who can’t do, teach” not burn quite so bad.

^Martin Roth – An Analog Guy In A Digital World^


I guess this is a short week for those in the civilized and industrial worlds.

I don't every day is Halloween for me.

I noticed in my recent travels that someone pulled this one out of the hat for some odd reason. Prolly all of the AI and robots talk as of late.

I have no interest in the subject of robotics, which is why I neither write nor talk about it.

I have an inlaw that owns a rather successful robotics company tho.

Success…it’s all around us.

Q: Now what?

A: ???
^Röyksopp- Alpha male Wolves clip^

What does having successful relatives have to do with me?


I mean…kinda it does…but not really.

As a matter of fact, it has the effect of compounding the nothingness that I already am.

“Less Than Less Than”…in a comparative contextual kinda way.

Sounds accurate.

^The Speakeasy Three – When I Get Low, I Get High – ( Official Video )^



I'm thinking about doing that myself.
^the smiths, death of a disco dancer, buik remasters^

X: Where ya gonna go?

Cade: …

X: Sounds risky.

Cade: …

X: You sure you wanna travel this path?

Cade: …

B: Allow me here if I may…maybe a course change is order Captain.

Cade: …

T: I have some thoughts.

Cade: 🙂

X: Broken and melty like an ice-cube fired out of a bazooka towards the sun in the Northern Hemisphere during the month of July.

Cade: Sounds…accurate.

Z: I’m all about accuracy sometimes.

Cade: lolz…sometimes?

Z: 😉

0: No comment.

Cade: rofl…no pointers to be considered there, eh?

0: None.

Cade: OMG! That’s quite enough references to absurdity.

0: I’m done.

Cade: This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

C: Why would someone shoot fish in a barrel?

Cade: I dunno. How big is the barrel? Can’t you see?

C: Har har.

X: Are you going to invoke size? Or quantity?

Cade: Aren’t they the same?

0: We need a bigger barrel.

Cade: Bigger barrel for bigger fish is indicative of need for a bigger gun.

T: May I suggest…Howitzers?

Cade: Jesus fucking CHRIST!!! What kind of fish are we talking here, and can our lumber industry/industries support such an endeavor?

X: Always a bigger fish.

Cade: I fucking KNEW you were gonna say that!!!

X: 😉

Cade: My comment on Twitter regarding relativity and change was meant to invoke more of a quantity of speed than distance.

X: Why is that?

Cade: Prolly because there was a weird link to something that Roob said in a conversation yesterday.

Z: And what was that, which Roob said, in a conversation, yesterday.

Cade: I can’t remember what she said smartass.

X: …

Cade: She posted a link to a picture of cookies that were shaped like a penguin and a groundhog.

Z: And what did we deduce from that?

Cade: I wound up cruising The LoL’s December archive.

X: Lotta stuff there, eh?

Cade: Yeah. We’ve covered some ground.

X: But…

Cade: It was what was missing.

A: Which is?

Cade: Roob’s writing. I think I’ve run all her readers off.

X: And…

Cade: It bothers me that her part of what we do together is prolly overlooked.

X: And…

Cade: I guess I can see what she does better.

Z: And why is that?

0: Yes…why is that?

Cade: Prolly because I know what I send her vs what she posts.

X: Makes a lot of changes, eh?

Cade: Almost never.

X: Which leads us to…

Cade: She changes a LOT.

T: That makes no sense.

X: Which will bring us to…

Cade: The empty spaces that holograms/templates create…before, during, and after.

X: All at the same time?

Cade: Technically…yeah. It depends on how you look at the time.

A: What about “the before time” portion of that?

Cade: In the context of now, that thought is simultaneously both peaceful and comforting and mind-bendingly scary.

Z: Why is that?

Cade: The thought of having to try and explain it to someone.

X: Explain what?

Cade: Um…time, before time as we know it, via where we know it, as a construct for time as we know it.

X: Yer back to that “prior to now” portion of Big Bang + Big Swirl = Now.

Cade: Vectors and vectoring.

X: Like shooting a bullet with a bullet.

Cade: Lotta symbolism everywhere as to things that were, that are again.

0: And not just from “The Evil Dead Movies” perspective?

Cade: It’s everywhere.

C: What about the symbolism itself?

Cade: Layers and layering. A lot of plans within the plan.

X: But you personally feel that “the planning” aspect is overlooked in the current context.

Cade: Hey…if you can’t get your head wrapped around the concept of “The Alpha And Omega” being a pointer to “the now”…join the fucking club. It’s a difficult concept to ponder.

Z: From which end?

Cade: Yes.

A: Exactly what I was thinking.

Cade: The absent nature of applicability is…erm…unpopular.

X: Ironic.

Cade: Indeed.

0: Indeed, you say? Not gonna read into that one.

Cade: Can’t help but read into it, that doesn’t mean that I have to entertain it.

T: And why would you not want to?

Cade: No idea who is reading this. I only know who has to edit it. 😐

X: She made a reference to Internet Filtering didn’t she?

Cade: Something like that.

X: Care to elaborate?

Cade: OK…take the user name of the following video for example.

Z: Which is what?

Cade: MrOmar Osama

X: And that is related to Mr. Jarred Harris, how?

Cade: Associations.

0: Ironic.

Cade: Very.

X: Associations of what type and types via what sorts of typing methods?

Cade: Negative via Positive/Negative that leads to Negative.

X: I thought that tenets, tomes and edifices were something on which to be clung?

Cade: For how long?

X: Kinda…”leaves people out” don’t it?

Cade: Just a little.

X: Hmmmm….

^Benny Benassi ft. Channing – Come fly away (DJ Winn remix)^



^Shemian – Happy Swingin` (Radio Edit)^





*/rolls eyes… Definitely weird…*


Missive From ‘Merica: Pair Pull Crown

On Monday, I sent a ‘silly name‘ sciency story to Cade, who has not yet left for his walking adventure…

Roobee DMs Cade with a science discovery story

‘Steve’ is a shimmering ribbon of purple light which was initially referred to by the much more tedious name of ‘proton arc’.

Eric Donovan from the University of Calgary said that he saw something he had never seen before in images shared by a Facebook group called Alberta Aurora Chasers.

He didn’t know it then, but it was Steve.

While the Aurora Chasers combed through their photos and kept an eye out for the next appearances of Steve, Prof. Donovan and colleagues turned to data from the Swarm mission and his network of all-sky cameras.

SteveSt Eve on Merovee… Thoughtful Man to you, Dear Reader 😉

Cade continues

Cade continued and expounds further on the subject in the following missive…


WE NEED A PIPELINE!!!!!!!!!!!*



*+**+***(Subject To Change)
^Dick Dale – Pipeline^

So…how would “nature” build a pipeline?

A: As needed?

A: When needed?

A: Where needed?
A: As long* as needed?

Prolly shoulda worded this as “As long as is needed”…but I didn’t, and it got me to thinking as I performed my usual fucked up method of re-reading shit as I write it, then re-reading it again as I’m thinking about/typing something else.

Maybe this is why I have convinced myself that I have something to say. I must be hypnotizing myself with “my own brilliance.”*

*(Or lack thereof)
^Stevie Ray Vaughan & Dick Dale – Pipeline (1987)^

Little bit of a delay in leaving, due to an attempt to um…yeah. The unexplainable is a little bit difficult to explain. But the short of it is, that I told my youngest son that I would stay until his Guitar Hero® controllers, that his mom ordered online, came in. They came in yesterday, two days early, but on one of them the connector was bent…so…yeah…a little tedium there with disappointment.

However, whatshername was able to use her jewelry tools to bend it back, and it seemed to work OK…

…that is…until today arrived. That same controller stopped working, became intermittent, so…yeah…lotta frustration.

I guess that one could make all kinds of “connections” there as to the symbolism of people being left out of processes that others have determined that you are on the “need to know” list, of the “you don’t need to know” variety. Talking…it’s important. But that’s just my opinion. Sometimes I’m wrong. Maybe I’ll shuttup right now and see how that goes/works for us.

^Dick Dale & The Del Tones “Misirlou” 1963^

Yeah, that wave or whatever that seems to be making some rounds (har har)…got me to thinking about not only particles and energies, but how they are able to move/travel at all. So a Proton Arc that science is already claiming that “it can’t be that” and some amateur astronomers/observers that observed it prior to the big guns moving their shit into position to get a better look/option.

Damn…that was a helluva run-on sentence eh? Anyway…

Yeah…it got me to thinking about the temporary nature of pathways, and how our pathways seem to differ quite a bit from nature’s pathways by doing the same damn thing for different periods of time. So this got me to thinking about a pathway coalescing to facilitate the travel of a single particle, and the mechanics behind the whole of that process.

We tend to think of particle travel as something akin only to things like meteorites, and don’t considered the dynamics that they are already traveling in and through. Meaning: something akin to what the Apollo Astronauts encountered on their return trips from the moon, and the “reentry corridor” that is always described as being ridiculously narrow.

Welp, between the Earth/Terra and The Moon/Luna, yeah…that corridor is ridiculously narrow. But stick the reentry vehicle in that corridor…yeah…kinda wide, but at the same time…yeah…not so much. They could come in too steep and burn up in the atmosphere, could come in too shallow and bounce/ricochet off of the atmosphere, or come in just right, go home, and have dinner with the fam.

^Dick Dale – Nitro (Live on KEXP)^

So if a particle like “The Oh My God Particle” shocks the living shit out of researchers in such a way as to name a particle as such after the fact, were there smiles? Frowns? Fears? Wonder?

According to science, this Universe has been around for a long-assed time…and according to religion, this Universe has been around for God knows how long…so…what’s the big fucking deal? This shit appears to have been happening for “a while” at least, so what is with all of the shock and awe? Welp, to me anyway, the obvious obvious is obviously obvious…


So when we get to science, shit gets a little tedious, because they feel the need to explain everything. If you’ve got the tools to do it? Cool. Knock yerself out. Dunno how that helps the rest of us, but at least we got a bitchin’ picture, and a confusing assed explanation as to what it is and/or isn’t and/or may or may not be…maybe. Or something.

^Hybrid – Choke^

So it got me to thinking about the mechanics of this “event”…but primarily the one between the photographer(s) and the scientist(s)…and the events leading up to the event that facilitated it. Now that we are past it…we are still really right in the fucking middle of it as far as I can tell. Meaning, someone was there to see it/photograph it, someone was there to pick up the ball from there, so …now what?

We wait for 7-10 years for science to tell us what it was, all while telling us how important it was/is? And this isn’t about job security or funding or any of that other shit, as much as it is about legacy.

Opportunity = ? 

It occurs to me that there is ALL KINDS of discovery going on here. Such as, learning that there is a “swarm” of satellites that apparently can be directed at a moments notice to deviate from whatever in the fuck it was doing previously, and fly through this whatever it is. Almost like…we are bumping into ourselves coming and going…and we didn’t even know that the other was there.

^Hybrid – Out Of The Dark^

Is it possible for something to be speeding up, and slowing down, at the same time? I would imagine so. I’m just thinking about the temporary nature of matter and energy/energies as they coalesce to do whatever it is they are doing, then go on their way. Especially in “the vacuum of space.” Change that previous thought to “the vacuum of spaces”…and suddenly shit starts to get real creepy. Especially if you are thinking in terms of Neutrons and Neutrinos, how those relate to Quarks/Gluons/Tachyons, and how those relate to Electrons and Protons from the standpoint of motion.

Meaning: Time.

Neutrons are going to be our “Zeros” in the manner in which I’ve been thinking recently. They are dark matter, but not all of it. There are two other components that we can link directly to their formation, and those are Tachyons/Neutrinos via Electrons and Protons, and Electrons and Protons, are the exact same fucking particle, but configured differently. This is gonna give us our vacuums, when Electrons and Protons are in proximity to one another, which are gonna give us not only our Neutrons…but also our shells and valences. Tachyons and/or Neutrons are gonna help, with the help of Quarks and Gluons. Sometimes, our Gluons are gonna be outside of our shells, and sometime in. It all depends on what is being done and why and how.

However…Protons in proximity to other Protons, while operating within a nested environment of Electrons…is what is going to give us our “Particle Zoo.”

Not via collision…but via “stripping.”

Stripping is going to be a reconfiguration of the particles that make up Protons/Electrons, in order to turn one into the other, so that direct contact between these to “same particles” is prohibited.

^Hybrid – Know Your Enemy^

If you think of these particles that make up these Electrons/Protons, as something more akin to geometric shapes that are more along the lines of fractals, that may help. Maybe even imagine “the grid” from the movie Tron. However, not flat per se, but bent to whatever shape(s) they need to configure themselves in, in order to do whatever it is that they need to do, in order to do what they need to do. That previous sentence may sound intentionally ambiguous, but that is not my intention.

Maybe if you think in terms of an aircraft in it’s different flight modes…that’ll help. Clean, Dirty, or combination. Like flaps down? What position? In transition? Gear down? Gear up? Gear down/flaps up, Gear up.flaps down…etc. I’m just thinking that maybe this is where science both go it wrong, AND got it right, in that order, when you flip it sequentially a coupla times.

Right, Wrong, Right, Wrong

Meaning, all of these particles that they started seeing? Yeah…it boggled minds. But then, they started to qualify and quantify and omit, in favor of. So what they are omitting, is the possibility that every single “Proton” that you “slam together” is identical because it comes from the same element. Take Helium for example.

Q: How “old” is that Helium?

A: Carbon Dating?

Think “Metallic Hydrogen” as a molecule instead of an element, and it frees up our atoms to be a little more dynamic than we ever imagined.

Maybe think…”imprints and imprinting.”

That thought sure left an impression on me. 😉

^Dick Dale – Surfing Drums^

Now that we have our reaction of the desired variety, and we are seeing computer readouts of shit flying motherfucking everywhere…”now where does that particle go?”

Welp…if we think in terms of data preservation and data retention? Maybe that’ll help.

If we think in terms of data loss? Maybe that’ll … whatever.

I’ve thought about micro-fractures within the framework of these machines that record this shit, and I can’t but think now, of …


OK…so you replace your detectors as they become old/outdated/worm-out or whatever…NOW where does that particle go? Some landfill? Is the material burned? Shredded and sold for scrap/recycled or re-purposed? Now what? And don’t give me this “irrelevant” bullshit. If these particles and their parts were irrelevant, you wouldn’t be “banging them together.”

^Hybrid – Salt^

Q: How important is Depleted Uranium to your daily needs?

A: ?¿?

Q: What if you live in the Iraqi Desert? How important is Depleted Uranium to your daily needs?

A: ¿?¿

Yep…divorce will drive a man crazy. Never mind her and her needs…she is no longer important to me.

(NOTE: Yes...that was bitter sarcasm of the mine variety)
^Ulrich Schnauss – Monday Paracetamol^

Where was I? OH YEAH!!! Parts and particles.

Um…you have particles swirling around in an event of events, that is a series of events leading up to an event…I wonder if there is a point to where that “Big Event” was always going to happen? I mean, that was your intent…right?

HOORAH!!! Break out the party hats. (golf clap)

What about the truck driver/train driver that hauled that shit into your facility? What role and roles did he/she play? We all generate fields around us right? The heart, the brain, and all that other shit that is unimportant until it malfunctions? How important is that shit? I bet that job is pretty important to whoever has it. Prolly so important that it needs to exist, so that they can continue to exist. Weird pathway and pathways model, eh?

Just thinking about the nature in which this “Proton Arc” has come to our attention, and the amount of time that it has taken The Universe to organize, facilitate, and actuate this event. Now…think about how many people have looked at that picture in wonder…now think about the people that wrote this story, the scientists that picked it up from there…now…think about all of the people that have no…fucking…clue that this event happened. Now…let’s give time a little breathing room.

Because our betters are behind us…not in front of us. 😉

^”Moon” Little People^

If we use carbon dating to date things that are in our proximity, why wouldn’t they be accurate? Welp…first thing that this dumbass can think of is…”how much carbon was there at the time of The Big Bang?” The second thing that I can think of is…”how long you been using these techniques?” (Meaning: Carbon Dating).

Now that we’ve given time a little break, I guess we can talk about the nature of energy with respect to particles, and how Einstein was prolly right AND wrong, all at the same time, because he left out…time. Or…times…as it were. Why would he do that? I can think of some reasons. Lotta people wanting answers of the definitive sort, and can prolly see him throwing his fucking hands up and saying…”here…chew on this.”

Maybe this’ll help us account for “the missing matter” in The Universe. It’s there. It’s just…fluid. Keep that contextual, and it’ll prolly help with the dynamics of something static that appears to be both…because it is. Influence and friction is all that comes to mind here. That sometimes things need to connect and or grind, and sometimes…not. Both are equally important, when and where they are. I’m gonna shudder a little bit, start thinking about the possibility of creating “pure vacuums” that are already nested in a vacuum that is deceptively not really a vacuum…then we can maybe think about making us some Neutrons. Should help us skip Anti-Matter completely.

^Groove Armada – Edge Hill^

Just fuckin wit cha. I’m gonna skip Neutrons (har har) and think about this Morgellon’s shit, since we are talking about small things that don’t matter. But sometime back, I stumbled across some shit about these Austrailian Termites, and these bacteria that live within their gut digesting the wood. I then stumbled across this Icelandic Moss, and it got me to thinking about bacteria and how we think of them today. Meaning: Pretty fucking indifferent. I have no idea what the bacteria themselves think about us, but may have some ideas.


Q: How wood our bodies deal with a splinter?

A: Tweezers?

Nope! Those are for Unibrow type people 😛

But yeah…if we get a splinter, and think we plucked it all out, but there are microscopic or larger particles that we cannot see, once that wound heals…how in the FUCK does the body know how to deal with it? Especially if we have loaded that wound with antiseptics and antibiotics and shit like that?

I know some people are prolly already leaning towards medicine/modern medicine, and are thinking about all of the lives that have been saved by antibiotics. And to that I would say…”Hey…yer preaching to the choir brother/sister”…they have saved my life a time or two. But…how long is that good for? I mean, not me personally, since I am utterly fucking hopeless/completely worthless…but as a species? As a planet? Do we really ALWAYS need antibiotics? I dunno the answer either. But, to me, it explains things like MRSA a bit.

Q: It is possible, that bacteria would be attracted to a certain area/wound, in order to assist?

A: ...

Lotta…separation types of thinking to think about there. Especially within the context of evolution, whether that be a compeletly automated process, intelligently designed/controlled, or both.


I’m gonna distance myself from this, all the way down to the next paragraph.

^Sneaker Pimps – 6 Underground – Official Video [HD]^

This “sidewall cooling” bit here may seem a bit out of order, but not really. If we are only looking at the energetic portion of an event, and not the anti-energetic portions of these events? Yeah…we’re prolly missing some shit. And by that I mean…what about all of those Electrons swirling around driving those Protons? What if they themselves are not behaving the way that you think they are? Anyone monitoring that shit?

I’m thinking pulses here, and how that directly relates to “the event”…but what I’ve been thinking about more and more is that some if not most of these electrons eventually aren’t moving at all. They are simply reconfiguring themselves in a single space, to accommodate a pull, rather than pushing. If you think in terms of a strobe-like effect, that is pulsing?

Yeah…thinking about it now, maybe more of a “plasma type-of phasing” that is working to prohibit, rather than facilitate. Maybe “accommodate” is a better way to think of this, since we are learning afterall. I’m trying to accommodate the heat AND the cold, as well as the motion and the time and times that are already nested in time and times. They are just…different sets of time and times that are operating at the same time. Almost like the disruption that happens just prior to a wing “going supersonic.” Not only as if to say “should we do this” or “are you sure you wanna do this”…but also a “can we do this.” That at some point, a particle/atom of Lithium can exceed the speed of light, if and when that becomes necessary.

Lotta green in that “Steve” whatever.

Just sayin'.
^SoogoWonk – Pink Missiles^

My blood-type has been tested and the results were AB-. But a few times, it has been tested as inconclusive, and sometimes AB+-ish. So thinking about my ugly scraggy-assed body in this big-assed Universe of ours…what would make someone’s blood type…waffle?

Say…if a certain someone may have a bunch of fiberglass embedded in their body, and the conductive nature of this material, and as these factors relate to the spin and spins of our environment(s)/Universe…ya think that might make someone with a rare blood-type like mine…erm…flakey?

I dunno. Prolly impossible. Prolly just my Bipolar Disorder acting up and giving me delusions of grandeur. And that shit is all localized and my environment has no effect on it.

Where was I?

WOMEN!!! Women are awesome.

Um…yeah…Morgellon’s. If I have a scar with some shiznit in there that could not be removed, what is my body supposed to do with it?

Welp, if we take a leap of faith here, and consider the possibility that this walking/talking learning machine that we occupy can get smart/clever all on it’s own, we might have a chance to investigate some channels that others might personify as “a bit off the beaten path.” Not like someone has already walked that “beaten path”…I mean…they have an injury for Chrissakes.

The body ALWAYS knows what to do? Yeah, me either. Meaning…I don’t know. But I know that I’ve had enough ingrown toenails and fingernails to know that cutting the fingernails can sometimes be a risky proposition. Not that I am suggesting that we not attend to our nails, but attending to them/being mindful of them is not inclusive ONLY of cutting them/making sure they are pretty. Swelling sometimes made those ingrown fingernails/toenails bearable and fixable. Cept for the time I had to get a nail cut-off in the doctor’s office. <BLECH!!!>

^Moby – Bodyrock (Hybrid’s Bodyshock Remix)^

Q: Why would someone “crave” sugar?

A: Because they do.

If, according to science, the body seems to prefer lactose to glucose, why would we crave sugar? I mean, this shit causes Diabetes. Why would our body not be producing lactic acid? Lack of exercise? Lack of motion? “Chained” to a desk? If we think about those two substances as channels for communication, then include fat(s) and oil(s) and how those relate to the body?

Yeah…we wash a lot of that shit away…daily. So maybe there is a need to communicate? That communications are being slowed or disrupted? Maybe even stoppages? Like legs and feet going to sleep? I mean, thinking about sticky platelets in proximity to rubber-containing or synthetic rubber or polymer containing socks, pants, hose, shoes and shit like that? Who says that there is not some sort of attraction there with respect to someone shifting in their seat all day?

Almost as if the body is sensing an injury that is happening, but the internal messages are being disrupted due to other similar energies/materials in proximity to these messages. Maybe even…conflicting messages? Maybe to the point of cessation? Meaning, a material within the body starts to get signals that it is needed, then the warning is called off/postponed, but THEN…these same materials start to get messages via alternate pathways. Almost as if some backup system has kicked in to verify what the FUCK is going on. Or…not going on…as it were.

All of this not doing anything sure as shit is taking up a lot of time and resources for not much getting done. We better check this shit out.

^M83 ‘Midnight City’ Official video^

I watched this movie called Looper sometime back, and it was really interesting, but it also freaked me the fuck out. Mainly because, it contained a lot of elements that I have pondered with respect to time-travel. Loops and Knots being the biggies. But not ever really knowing what those were, I keep my mind in the present, and they don’t seem quite as scary.

At least, not until you think about inventing some time machine, and at the moment of it’s creation, everyone and everything that would ever use that machine and its pathways pouring the fuck out of it all that that same time. Kinda gets…erm…gloopy and globby with all kinds of globules and stuff. Which…thinking of globules and meteorites with respect to that sky snot that is sometimes spotted in proximity to these events.

Been thinking about that transitional nature of things and the facilitators of these events/actions. Unburned jet fuel…for one. If the atmosphere contains a bunch of unburned jetfuel that is floating around up there, that gets turned into this gel shit that then falls to the earth and evaporates…um…is it me…or does it sound like something doesn’t know where to go?

If we think about satellites and the propellants that they use, and think about “crazy unpredictable weather” with respect to shit that has nowhere to go…do we…

A) Freak Out,


B) Freak Out,


C) Freak the FUCK OUT!!!

I dunno either. Just…thinking out loud. This is pretty basic stuff since we got all modernized and such.

Imma go play some Plants vs. Zombies.
^Röyksopp – Happy Up Here [Official Music Video]^

Yeah…this is the crazy kind of shit that I try not to think about when trying to think about how to make someone happy as best I can.

And yes…”me” is on that list of “People To Make Happy.”

I must have mental problems or some sort of personality trait defect.

Sodium Dichromate
Accretion Disk
"NUTS!" - Anthony McAuliffe
^Röyksopp – Eple^

 cYa | cFa
^deadmau5 – Raise Your Weapon^


News came through yesterday that Harleyrider, long-time commentator in the Blue Universe and fearsome fighting opponent of Tobacco Control has died. I’d shambled Harley at the LoL before… I’m sure wherever he is now, he still fighting for us smokers…

Oh good lord...

*Ha! Dawned on me too, Clicky… Tobacco Control are in SO much fucking trouble now…*



Missive From ‘Merica: Swirly Whirliness

I received a new missive from The Okie Devil last night, Dear Reader, which is set out for you, below. Whilst I was reading it, Leggy sent me a Twitter DM about a ‘Recorder of Possibly New Energy‘…

Legs DMs Roobee with Torsind link

Special studies have established that the torsind perceives an unexplained influence which can be associated with neither gravity nor electromagnetism. Perhaps it is responding to a new kind of solar radiation unknown to modern science. The special significance of this radiation is that it transfers a torque which causes a torsind disk to rotate.

*So the box moves faster, Clicky… Interesting…*


Welp, it’s official. I forgot to say HOWDY at the very beginning of this particular whatever, hence…I’m an asshole. Please forgive me, I’ll do better next time. Or not. Or something. Whatever. OH! And whatshername informed me a little while ago that she went to court this morning, and our divorce is now final.

<golf clap...or something>

“The wind whistling through my ears” would prolly be more applicable.

^Fantastic Plastic Machine – Days and Days^

HOWDY!!! 😉

Not gonna harp on this, but it’s kind of a shocker, seeing as how this situation was only recently described to me as “should hear something soon.” But to be fair, I was kinda left out of the process, seeing as how I was only an inconsequential party to the process/processes spinning in order to include me for omission. Now that I have been officially omitted, and I have a copy of the divorce papers in my hot little hand, I’m free to roam about contemplating what went wrong for the rest of my life. I might get to some other mysteries during that process, but prolly not.

^Dirty Vegas – “Days Go By” (Original version)^

I guess one of the things that I’ve wrassled with during this process, is how to tell “my side of the story” without sounding like some pretentious prick. Easy, remove all pretenses, tell it as it is, as best you can. It’ll be close, not exact, and yet…exactly like that. Prolly put some thinking into trying to mindful of others, but I may not have to. I dunno. Tried.

/me shrugs

Anyway…yeah. That’s why I call whatshername “whatshername.” I know her name, she does too. But I don’t want you to know it. You can know that she has one, and also know that I know you know she has one, but I ain’t telling what it is. It has too much of …erm…”an untrusting ring” to name names in this particular situation. Lotta weird shit going on…and it’s been my experience that the best thing to do in a storm…is ride it. Not like you have any other choice, unless you do have another choice…so…yeah. Maybe this is why I personally have such a difficult time with “separating certain things” just because we can. I guess that notion of asking someone else the question of “why are you doing this?”…which is responded to with an answer of “because I can.”

Points of confusion, merging at the same time, and at different points in time, all at the same time, while seeking understanding on different timelines.

Party A: Has been at this party a while, and can’t go into all of the details at this particular time of your arrival.

Party B: Has just arrived at the party, and has no fucking clue what the hell is transpiring, but needs an accurate accounting in very short order!

^Philip T.B.C. feat. C.Monts – Back To The Batcave (Topspin Remix)^

So…watching the video below…it got me to thinking less about “the tornado that comes down”…and more about “the tornado that goes up.” If you wanna know more, about my line of thinking here…give the following vid a gander, then I’ll catch ya on the flipside.

^Extreme up-close video of tornado near Wray, CO!^

I’ve actually seen a small funnel similar to the “finger” shown first in the video, that seems to be timidly reaching down, then extending back up. This got me to thinking about the air/moisture at ground level, and it’s motions and movements relative to the funnel in the clouds. Almost as if, there was “a negotiation of sorts”…transpiring between the clouds, the ground, and everything in between, as the funnel was seeking it’s pathway to the ground in a manner that seemed…hesitant.

Thinking about the weight of the water/moisture contained in those clouds, the lightning in and of those clouds, and the electrical/energy portions of the ground and their motion(s), as well as the air/wind and everything in between…it really got me to thinking about the low pressure(s) generated during tornadoes with respect to lightning’s ability to transform vapor/gasses into water and vice versa. That “phasing” kind of simultaneousness of turning some gases into water, and some water into gases, all at the same time, all in a more dynamic system that seems very turbulent and chaotic, but is actually quite stable.

But don’t tell that to anyone in the path of such a storm.

^Soulwax – Is It Always Binary^

So yeah…thinking about the tornado itself as a stabilizing factor and/or director of sorts, as to distribution and movement of that storm within the dynamic systems that surround it. Thinking about it in terms of making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, where you have peanut butter on the top slice of bread, jelly on the bottom slice of bread, and what happens when you mash those two slices of bread together. There is going to be a spreading out, then some suction as these substances and particles try to find their own balance once you release pressure.

Almost like two parabolas meeting, bending further to accommodate each other, then finding their natural balance together…whatever that might be. If you keep the systems that surround these two meeting forces in mind, maybe it’ll make more sense as to why excluding the whole can sometimes be folly. And yet, we keep trying. Nothing wrong with that, cept when and if there is something wrong with it. But we can’t know when and what those might be, until and when we do.

Q: Now what?

A: I dunno. Why are you asking me?
^Stonebridge ft. Therese – Put Em High (JJs Club Mix) HQ^

Focusing more on the goings on around the tornado, than the tornado itself. Afterall, the tornado seems to be some sum of these goings on around it, and not the whole in and of itself, I get the feeling that “the tornado knows this.” Yeah…it’s a stretch. BUT! Tornadoes are kinda…”springy and stingy” at the same time, so thinking about “The Ancient Greeks” here, and their postulation of “something’s desire to return to it’s natural state”…LET’S TALK SPACE TRAVEL!!!

^Hybrid – Marrakech^

Q: How far do you have to be away from home, in order to get “homesick?”

A: ?¿?

Q: How long do you have to be away from home, in order to get “homesick?”

A: ¿?¿

Are we talking time here? Or distance? Or speed? Because they all had to merge at some point to get you away from where you left, in order to get you where you were going, in order to get you to being homesick.

So when and where did these things “merge?”

My immediate answer is going to be “all along the way baby.” But that sounds a little too saucy, zesty, zany and/or spicy, so let’s dial that back to boredom so we can see where we are going.

Wait…where were we going?

Meh…doesn’t matter.

ANYWAY… travel. Now that we’ve been out in space for some time, and we’re God knows how far from Earth/Terra…what are these factors that are making us “homesick?”

The easy path is going to be family, friends, loved-ones, etc…but what if you have no such “ties” behind on Earth? I mean…there is nothing that we as individuals have to keep on Earth/Terra…so why are we getting sick? Erm…we are made up of we…so…there’s gonna be some creepiness to that immediate thought.

Yeah…a being made up of 40 trillion cells + 50 trillion bacteria/viruses/etc = one space-sick/homesick dude or dudette.

Now, you are thinking…welp…”eliminate one of those two, and we are good as gold.”

Hmmm…I wonder if “bacteria” is gonna first on that hit list. Just guessing on that one. Not like bacteria are currently on any hit lists or anything. Just…thinking out loud.

^Pogo – Oyster Dreamland^

Been seeing “Thor’s Hammer” being bandied about here and there lately, and it got me to thinking about Osiris.


Yeah…Osiris. Seems like he carried something around with him on his person that might be capable of giving something or someone “a smack” equally as well as a hammer…so…yeah.

Maybe a connection there. Maybe not.

But anyway, it got me to thinking about Thor needing his hammer to either stop something, or start something. Kinda like those crazy Poles and their Bricks and Hammers, cept Thor has no brick/bricks. Or…maybe he does. So trying to think as a scorpion might, I’m gonna jump to “dancing with Shiva”…or…”what it is to dance with Shiva.” Not that I’ve noticed how red Orion’s foot has looked lately or anything…but I digress. (Yeah, in my part of the world, Orion’s foot has looked very red in the sky lately.)

^deadmau5 – Polaris^

Thinking even further now about this storm in the video above, and all of that transitioning weight and mass of the clouds themselves as they move and roll in, trying to get to where they are going…I can’t help but guide my gaze downward and think of the people. The houses and infrastructure, the people that built it, and the people that they built it for. So now that I am breaking my cardinal rule of never looking into the future…let’s go all the way, and see what we are trying to see, as we are watching these events unfold.

Not like there is any poetry to the people who made that video running out of gas right in the big middle of that tornado or anything. I personally could not decide whether it was a good thing or bad thing that someone chasing a tornado ran out of gas right there at the business end of that particular event(s)…but the video survived, so that story is capable of telling itself via the active participants.

I am a mystery...find me.
^Pogo – Raining in Wonderland^

Yeah…I’m all over the place currently. But I couldn’t help but think about that statue of Shiva at the LHC. Thinking in terms of all of the things that “make The Universe go”…it’s a lot to think about. Especially for someone like me who is WAY out of their league in both science and religion, and just about everything else. It’s difficult to try and fit in when you know that you don’t.

So…you improvise. Before long, you are building some huge thing for some reason that you aren’t sure of.

Thinking in terms of arcs and parabolas, yeah…that shit was prolly coming together LONG before you first thought of it. Just keep that in context, and shit should get out of hand in no time at all. 😉

^Dr. John: Right Place Wrong Time^
"How Shit Applies To Me."

lolz…If I ever get the gumption to write/write a book, that prolly outta be a title of one of them.

But I digress.

Yeah, ego. On the outside, it’s damn near impossible to understand since it’s interpreted/interpretive and kinda…situationally based on something that is kinda easy to understand until you are told what a piece of shit yours is. (lolz) So, survival instinct, and how yours manifests when it manifests. So…that’s gonna be an outward thing, based on inner reflection of these coming interpretations, as they manifest through interpolation “as it happens.”

So, action/reaction in a little more dynamic fashion than just “Newton’s 3rd”…even tho that is going to be our base. So if I put that thought back into “Thor’s Hammer”…I’m thinking in terms of guidance with respect to “is Thor putting the string into my stinger? Or taking it out?”

I picture Thor’s Hammer banging on my claws to put the string into the sting, or banging on the sting itself to either hone or harm the sting. Afterall, we only get to do this once. After that, we have to either do it all over, or find something else to do. And who wants to do that? 😉

It’s a lot to think about. Especially as a student, which is what I consider myself.

So…relying on others’ best judgement, even when it opposes my conclusions.

^Radiohead – Everything In Its Right Place (Hybrid Remix) – COM LAG (2plus2isfive)^

Not gonna go much deeper into the Horoscope aspect since I know little to nothing about it. But what I am good at, is piecing things together that go together, and leaving things alone that need to be left “as-is.” I guess I don’t need to bring up my abilities of dissecting things, and my discretion in those types of matters.

So…now that we have our storm, and our lightning trying to keep things together and/or take them apart, we have a lot of pressure changes between our mass of water/moisture/clouds, as well as the dust and other particulate matter contained within that mass of clouds.

WAIT!!! WHAT?!?!?!?!?

Any dynamic within a system either adds and/or detracts from that system yes?

Dust is paramount in the formation of raindrops and hailstones, so why would other particulate matter not have an effect on a storm or other arrangement of visible moisture? And not just particulate that can usually be detected in some way by science, but also gas and gasses and energies of all kinds.

Q: Ever seen a storm change colors?


Yeah, not just black and/or grey, but green, yellow, orange, red, and black and blacks, and grey and greys all mixed in. When you throw The Sun/Sol and it’s motion in there relative to The Earth/Terra and it’s motion(s) relative to the storm and it’s motions? Yeah, a lot of pushing and pulling in the middle there. Almost like…breathing. In…and out. So if we think about particulate with respect to breathing? Yeah…prolly gonna be some “hiccups” in the normal motion and dynamics.

Suddenly…predictability just went right out the fucking window. The house prolly went with it.

^Royksopp – Poor Leno (Jakatta mix)^

Basically, yeah…I see the gears turning. Just not sure what role I have outside of seeing these gears turning. Not that it’s important, but I guess someone had to do it.

/me shrugs
^deadmau5 – Avaritia^

Just been pondering the notion lately, that any long-term/long-duration trip away from The Earth/Terra, is gonna be a one way trip. And not from some looming potential disaster that has been anticipated, accounted for, and relegated to the realm of the negligible. It’s going to be for those things that you couldn’t possibly account for, seeing as how we’ve never done this before.

Instead of time/duration/length, you instead think of energy and energies with respect to transitions/transitional from a standpoint of “evolution” and/or “mutation”…there might be some long term effects of leaving/returning to Earth/Terra that haven’t been accounted for.

EX: When Apollo 11 returned from the moon, the astronauts were kept in isolation/quarantine for a period of time in the event of any contaminants of the viral/bacterial variety that they may have encountered on the moon.

But if we flip that…

Q: What about mutation within the astronauts themselves?


Yeah. They had a lot of stuff from Earth/Terra with them, and this stuff sought to emulate standard Earth/Terra conditions on The Moon/Luna so that the astronauts could survive the trip. But what effect(s) did the astronauts themselves have on The Moon itself, and what effect(s) did it have on them in return?

Even if you are emulating Earth’s/Terra’s environment, you aren’t on Earth/Terra…so…how accurate is that emulation over long periods of time.

I dunno either.

I do know that if these effects are relegated to the realm(s) of “the negligible”…that’s prolly where they are gonna manifest.

Q: Do we want a pendulum? Or a snowball here?

A: umm...wut?

Do we need to see an IMMEDIATE effect in order for this “negligible” to be considered paramount? Or does it need to remain “hidden and undetected for a while” until the negligible becomes paramount?

Same shit…different timeline.

The short is, who is affected, and who is not, and when?

^Jay Lumen – Can You Dance (Original Mix)^

Now that we are back to fission/fusion, and how these energies are distributed “in straight lines” during a particular event…how long are these “straight lines” before they bend?

Are you sure of the origins of these energies?

Because if not, how can you be sure as to their destinations?

If the prevailing assumption is that “we need to get the fuck away from this planet” due to knowledge/understanding that we currently have in our possession regarding our ALWAYS living on a planet, that is bombarding us with radiation from different sources, and these sources are the source of all of our ailments and maladies….

Q: Where ya gonna go?


Q: What cha gonna do when ya get there?


Q: Where are the rest of us gonna be?


Q: Are you sure that you are sure as to the methods and reasoning(s) in your action(s)

A: Yeah...I dunno either.
/me shrugs
^Wizard Of Meh | Pogo^

If I were to wrap some of these thoughts into ergonomics, and the way that we treat people today with respect to how we view “someone sitting on their ass all day and collecting a paycheck”…we might be able to think a little more with respect to space travel and how we would think about treating those travelers on our mutually-beneficial type of journey.

I suggest you view the movie “Dark Star” if you wanna see how I view long-term space travel with respect to the travelers themselves. Their mission, their status and statuses, the changes within the changes that are changing, and how all of these changes change during the changes, and the change that they change into.

Quite a headful, eh? Not really. I hate to have to say that sentence aloud tho. I’d prolly cover anyone within 20 paces with gallons of bacteria ridden slobber.

But yeah…ergonomics within the workplace. If you are sitting most of the day in an uncomfortable chair, what are the odd ways that your body is going to try and compensate? And I’m talking adaptation in more of a compensational type way, since we are gonna have this job for a while right?

Right? RIGHT?!?!?!?


Whew…that was a close one. Mighta went postal there. 😉

Q: If everything in our lives revolves around work, how long is that gonna work?

A: ???

Just…something to think about.

^Chaos Chaos – In This Place (Live on KEXP)^

I dunno. The astronauts get everything custom-fitted and custom-made, why is it so hard to understand that everyone kinda needs/requires the same attention? Too much standardization and adaptation to that/those standardizations? Hmmm…has that worked out well with the concept of “the bra?” I understand modesty. I respect it. But ever seen how dead people/sick people get handled?

Yeah…not a lot of modesty there.


Anyway, I noticed a story about this husband wife team making custom fitted bras, and my heart kinda leapt a little. I mean yeah, my heart leapt a lot…but prolly not for the reasons you might think. But you might be able to think of a couple. 😉

^Propellerheads – Velvet Pants^

Gotta run.

Have a great Wednesday.


^Alan Fitzpatrick – Skeksis^

cYa | cFa

^Jaaam | Pogo^


bespoke (adj.) “custom or custom-made, made to order,” of goods, as distinguished from ready-made, 1755, the same sense found earlier in bespoken (c. 1600), past participle of bespeak, in a sense of “to speak for, to arrange beforehand,” a sense attested in bespeak from 1580s. Now usually of tailored suits.

Room x37 – Spotting Syncs 101: A Pointless Exercise Part 1.7

*sigh* Clicky, there seems to be sum confusion over the point of this ‘Pointless Exercise’ series of LoL posts… Could you get me something digestible on Quantum Theory… something eve-n I’d understand *rolls eyes*


Is that it? *squints*


Why you no rissen

Well, excuse me *indignant huff* … Carry on, Clicky…

There is a most profound and beautiful question associated with the observed coupling constant, e, the amplitude for a real electron to emit or absorb a real photon. It is a simple number that has been experimentally determined to be close to -0.08542455. (My physicist friends won’t recognize this number, because they like to remember it as the inverse of its square: about 137.03597 with about an uncertainty of about 2 in the last decimal place. It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it.) Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to π or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the “hand of God” wrote that number, and “we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.” We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don’t know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly!

A coupling constant? *boggles* Meditation, Clicky?


And that's an order


Rude! Ah… Apols! You need the second-hand smoke, Clicky… cos you’ve only got flippers *smirks*


Part 1.8 follows shortly… still going up the line. Next up Craig, the builder, from Big Brother.

