Phallic Frigg Day and the Rise of the Power Tools

It’s Friday and on Friday mornings I receive digital copies of ‘Building‘ and Estates Gazette magazines. I usually post the issue covers on MEROVEE because they sync so much, but with the overflowing comments, the latest page has become difficult to load…

So for the Meroveeps, or Mirror VIPs, here’s what’s…

Building cover 131115

Ding Dong, Clicky! What does the little Gazette (‘e states *rolls eyes*) have to say?

Estates Gazette cover 141115

Kinda black and white, Clicky. I wonder what it means…

Etymologyonline is a fantastic resource if words grab your inner rest…

property (n.) c. 1300, properte, “nature, quality,” later“possession, thing owned” (early 14c., a sense rare before 17c.), from an Anglo-French modification of Old French propriete“individuality, peculiarity; property” (12c., Modern French propreté; see propriety), from Latin proprietatem (nominative proprietas) “ownership, a property, propriety, quality,” literally “special character” (a loan-translation of Greek idioma), noun of quality from proprius “one’s own, special” (see proper). For “possessions, private property” Middle English sometimes used proper goods. Hot property“sensation, a success” is from 1947 in “Billboard” stories.

If you clicked on ‘property’ EOL you’ll see four pages of listings where the word is used. These can be fascinating – both ‘black’ and ‘white’ via ‘bleach’ are Shining words, revealed to me whilst looking for hidden things in ‘The Shining’

Look down the first page for ‘Property’ and you’ll find ‘waif’…

waif (n.) late 14c., “unclaimed property, flotsam, stray animal,” from Anglo-French waif (13c., Old French guaif) “ownerless property, something lost;” as an adjective, “not claimed, outcast, abandoned,” probably from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse veif “waving thing, flag,” from Proto-Germanic *waif-, from PIE *weip- “to turn, vacillate, tremble ecstatically” (see vibrate). Compare Medieval Latin waivium “thing thrown away by a thief in flight.” A Scottish/northern English parallel form was wavenger (late 15c.).

Meaning “person (especially a child) without home or friends” first attested 1784, from legal phrase waif and stray (1620s), from the adjective in the sense “lost, strayed, homeless.” Neglected children being uncommonly thin, the word tended toward this sense. Connotations of “fashionable, small, slender woman” began 1991 with application to childishly slim supermodels such as Kate Moss.

Look again at the ‘Building’ cover *scrolls up* and find the waving flag…

Wow, Clicky… Big Ben, flag and Kate Moss…

Anyway, it was whilst I was taking digital snapshots of the magazine covers, when the fire alarm suddenly screamed into life. A drill – just enough time to grab cigs, phone, hat and coat before being ushered down the spiraling fire escape by orange fluorescent wardens.

Too wet and windy to smoke during roll call, so I waited until everyone else sprinted for the lifts and settled my back into a covered corner to smoke and read. “Yippee!” there was a new post from The Slog to think about…

Now if you add all this mayhem up, you could be forgiven for concluding that the two government institutions Britain should steer completely clear of are The United States of America, and the European Union. And if you then look at their disgraceful citizen rights record and parlous econo-fiscal positions, you’d probably add Saudi Arabia, Turkey and China to that list. So it does say quite a lot about the judgement of the so-called British élite that they continue to laud the Special Relationship with the US, are desperate to stay in the rapidly collapsing EU bed, like nothing better than selling arms to the Saudis, have hired Beijing to oversee our nuclear power development, and toddle off to Ankara at regular intervals in order to praise Recep Erdogan to the Heavens.

Not just power, Johnthought I, quite a bit of London.”

Oh we just have to waif until… TY, Clicky 😉 Have a Song…



Don’t Panic! Update I

Hello Neighbours!

I thought you might like an update on work going on here at the LoL. It’s stressful. Not the construction – that’s coming along a pace. No, it the stuff that goes inside; there’s quite a lot of it and squirrelled away in all kinds of places. Most of it lovingly protected in a thick layer of … um… what’s the word …?

*Thank you Clicky.*

*That’s quite alright. We couldn’t have you running around bare legged now, could we?*

Scruffy, the chap in charge of the logistics on site, has been quite helpful in this regard. He suggested I consolidate all our fantabulous materials. Genius! It seems to be working so well for the build, I thought I’d give it a try. The only problem being was the lack of a shed …

*Yes, Click. Spectacular*

Eventually some space was found and the consolidating could begin …

Investigating treasures

*Alright! Just show the photos please, and do stop smirking, I’ll narrate.*

Really, it very green … recycled racking …


… even the walls were utilised … plenty of space …


… we were even able to start putting recollections together …


… ready to be installed when the Library is ready. Drip-fed of course, because there is just so darn much of it … lots of hidden treasures.  Which reminds me. You may have spotted the smoking notice I’ve put up. I was reminded to do so after rediscovering this neglected item…



Really, Scruffy has been most accommodating with his ideas. He even lent me a copy of his handbook … extraordinarily useful … I’ll must dip into it again …


*Thank you, Click! Now would you like some bacon?*