Lashed To River Rocks


Dear Reader, after being blown away by Jordan Peterson’s psychoanalysis of the animated movie Pinocchio last weekend, I persuaded Text US buddy, Cade, to remote viewing the good Doctor’s biblical stories lectures with me this week. It’s quite an undertaking as each of the talks we’ve listen to so far have been quite lengthy and thought provoking…

Frasier intense

*And completely fucking intense, yes! …/lights up… Although you know, Clicky… /drags…Frasier Crane was more Freudian… /streams smoke… Peterson is more Jungian like his brother Niles…* 

*Jung, hung and de Niles? …/smokes… Huh…*

… Then on Friday, I saw that LoL fav, John Lamb Lash, had a new talk out. Lashy has a completely different take on the origins of humanity, to the Bible’s, but cites many of the same influences on this thinking as Jordan Peterson does in his lectures…

‘The case for awe is also a case for humility. “Remain true to the earth,” Zarathustra implored. To stand in naked awareness in the presence of the earth, in silent knowing – this is awesome. Intimacy with the planet keeps us wild, undomesticated, unwilling to submit to social conditioning. In “On Reading and Writing,” Nietzsche wrote: “Untroubled, scornful, outrageous – that is how wisdom wants us to be.” Sophia (wisdom) loves those who preserve and protect her ways, women and men alike, warriors in the line of beauty. It could be objected that my obvious Nietzschean scorn for certain religious ideas compromises my judgment. But I am not the first to assert that religion (i.e., doctrine, rite, institution) is the enemy of genuine religious experience. C. G. Jung, Aldous Huxley, H. L. Mencken, Barbara Walker, and many others have made this observation, but no one has carried it through and backed up the argument in the way I do here.

‘It could also be objected that any expression of hatred is unacceptable in a book that purports to present spiritual values. I would reply that there is plenty of hatred circulating on this planet, and most of it seems to be coming from people who are devoutly religious. If humanity is filled with hatred, my personal share might act like a homeopathic dose against the general infection. I do not categorically reject hatred, or deny it a humane value. I hate a good many things: the rape of the earth, child abuse, sexual apartheid, the exploitation of youth, lies and hypocrisy, bad
literature, the consumer trance. This is my shortlist. But most of all I hate the enslavement and manipulation of the human spirit by false and perverted beliefs disguised in religious ideals and ethics. Hatred is an inevitable part of the human horror on this planet, but it can also be part of the cure. As Paracelsus said, the cure is in the dose.’

Sophia speaks

*To be fair, Clicky, humans are incredibly complex creatures… /taps ash… It takes a degree of sophistication to appreciate them…*

… So I listened to Lashy’s talk…

… Which was immediately followed by a most incredible ‘sync’ – news of humanity’s place of origin, according to Lashy, had broken in the media…

‘So far, there are several theories.

‘”Maybe more gas is falling into the black hole and that leads to higher amounts of accretion, which leads to it being brighter,” Do told a science publication.

‘There’s also the possibility that the black hole consumed a nearby gas cloud that had been documented nearby in 2014.’

*Whoa! That film is 75 years old?*

sophia explains


… So it’s been a weirdly intense week, and no doubt next week will be equally as intense as I’ll be on hols, writing a tale of horror for Underdog Anthology IX. I have the title and a story idea, now all I have to do is write the bloody thing…

sophia speaks again

*Okay, Clicky… /stubs butt…*

Doo enjoy what’s left of your we-kenned, Dear Reader, and, as always, have a Song… 😉