CLICK5: Not Mushroom For Maneuver…

CLICK5: Fishy Tales…

Missive From ‘Merica: Bend It, Shape It, Shake & Bake It

*Blimey! I’ve been to three of the Canary Islands, but not that one… /lights up and smokes… Wait! Isn’t that the volcano in that Horizon doc I saw ages ago, Clicky?*

*Thought so. Shit… /plumes smokes… well, let’s hope that don’t ‘appen…*

Hello there, Dear Reader. I’ve been under the kosh for the past few days, as I’ve been trying to finish writing ‘OK Charon!’, the next installment of my Ronageddon series of stories for the next Underdog Anthology. So I was delighted to find a missive from Cade Fon Apollyon waiting for me this morning… 

*It’s always a pleasure to read Cade’s writing, Clicky…* 

… And I couldn’t wait to share it with you. Enjoy!


If those of you running things on the web and/or various websites have wondered if you are approaching critical mass on the number of ads you are subjecting visitors to, the answer is yes. For this reason, there will be no YouTube video accompanying this section. Sweet Jesus, you fuckers are off your rockers with the ads. And the popups now are worse than they were in the late 1990’s/early 2000’s. In fact, it’s now a rarity that a website does not give me a popup of some kind. Fucking hell…you do want me to read your content, right? Not spend the entirety of my time on your site clicking off popups in an attempt to read your content, then getting frustrated and leaving, never to return? But yeah, critical mass, website ads, you’re there.

Speaking of, I’ve had my current email address for 6 and 1/2 years, and in that entire span of time, I have not gotten ONE single piece of unsolicited email nor have I gotten one single piece of spam.


However, since ordering some Pizza Hut pizza online a coupla months ago? I’ve had a rich relative who I didn’t even know existed up and die and they left me like 30 million dollars, I’ve had someone offer to pay me several million dollars to help them smuggle their millions out of some backwater country, the United Nations/World Bank has discovered that they owe me 5.4 million dollars for some unknown reason, the International Monetary Fund has discovered that they owe me 10.7 million dollars because of corrupt bank officials and courier companies, and I’ve also won 1.2 million dollars in the Australian Lottery. Fuck ME! I had no idea giving my email to complete strangers was gonna make me so goddamn LUCKY!!!! And just in time for my Vegas tip too!

Thank you PIZZA HUT!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ 

Had you and/or your employees not sold my email address to a bunch of sleazy fucknuts for a few bucks, I would not be the multi-millionaire I am today.

^Republica – Ready To Go^

You, are way behind me. Your quest to elevate yourself to an enlightened state is happening so far behind my own that I am lightyears ahead of you. I am knocking on God’s door, and you are so fucking lost that you are still unsure whether or not God even has a door. Hell, you’re so far behind me that you’re prolly still doubting there even is a God.

X: This is not where you were going.

Cade: Correct.

0: May I interject here? I sense danger, and for once I’d like to see the kid avoid trouble if possible.

Cade: I was going to put forth the notion that, in some things, we might actually be able to challenge this almighty entity many of us have grown up hearing about.

0: But…you got lost.

Cade: Correct. I had an idea, was gonna write it down, and in the 15 to 20 seconds it took for me to pull my tubby ass off the floor and open my word processor, the thought was gone.

0: Why do you think that is?

Cade: I really do not know. I didn’t sense danger. And I honestly sat there for a minute or so trying to get the feeling back, but it did not come.

0: Feeling?

Cade: Yes. Everything that I write is a feeling. Something in me…erm…feels, like, a certain way or something, and the words come.

0: But, you aren’t being totally honest here. You had a brief moment where you thought “this might not be such a good idea”, and you were unable to recall your thought.

Cade: Again, correct.

0: So what is this “challenge God” crap?

Cade: I really don’t know. It was an idea that maybe sometimes we are on a more or less equal footing with…”elevated fuckers”, or whatever…and I wanted to explore the idea of what we as individuals chose to do in those situations.

0: Do you really think it a good idea to point out such things?

Cade: I can take the high ground here and say “no”, but I don’t think that would be honest to the feeling that I had in my gut.

0: Which was?

Cade: Perhaps a bit on how to deal with success.

0: You aren’t very good with that.

Cade: Fuck no I ain’t. I have no idea what “success” even is beyond some social construct where outside opinion is required in order to justify a contextual something.

0: And shortly after any such proclamations, you’re right back to being a moron.

Cade: Exactly. Some…”poking my head above the clouds” type of moment occasionally exists within the fabric of space and time, these moments are rare, and fleeting.

X: You think that in these moments, you’ve challenged God, and won?

Cade: No. As far as I can tell, the idea is to challenge yourself and win. As to whether that victory somehow translates to God or others, I do not know.

X: And yet, you had an idea that led you to come here and write about the notion of “challenging God”, and now you’re talking about…whatever it is that you are talking about.

Cade: OK…then let’s wander back to where this idea sprang from.

0: Are you sure you want to do this.

Cade: No. But, I’m gonna do it anyway.

0: God be with you.

Cade: The original thought that got me to spinning was the idea of eliminating the concept of “human trafficking”.

0: You’ve temporarily fixed your broken headphones, you started to watch a documentary, but then you stopped watching it because you thought of a someone who might want to watch it with you.

Cade: Correct. I stopped, and someone in the documentary had just put forth the notion of “permanently eliminating human trafficking”.

0: Sounds like something good to aspire to.

Cade: God is the biggest human trafficker in history.

0: Uh oh…

Cade: You ain’t wrong. It’s a helluva thought to have, but after thinking on it for a moment, I can find no fault with the thought.

0: And so your idea was that you are basically “challenging God”?

Cade: No. My thought was that anyone who read my making the assertion that “God is the biggest human trafficker in history” would likely see me as challenging God. This had the knock-on effect of me starting to wonder if such thoughts in my own head are “a challenge to God”.

0: And you promptly sat up to start writing, then forgot what you were going to write.

Cade: Yes. BUT! See what just sitting down and writing a bit got me?

X: Why yes, I do.

Z: Concur.

A: Also.

Cade: lolz…look, I can see the thought being a bit…um, controversial or inflammatory or emotionally charged or whatever, but the point was, there was a dude in this film who suggested that we humans should endeavor to completely eliminate the concept of “human trafficking”, which on the surface sounds great and all, but it immediately became clear that in order to do so, there are metric shit tons of stuff that will need to be eliminated as a consequence.

0: And?

Cade: Well, I’m not going to go into all the details, but it immediately occurred to me that, if there is indeed “a” God, or if there are “gods”, anyone wanting to eliminate human trafficking is gonna find themselves toe-to-toe with these entities at some point.

X: And by default, will actually and eventually find themselves staring down “the” God?

Cade: Yes.

X: And the result would be?

Cade: No idea. I only know that, within the framework of “creation”, there appears to be a force that deals in human flesh/human lives, and for one to actually eliminate this “trafficking” would, perhaps, fuckup “Creation” as we know it.

X: And from there, your mind wandered.

Cade: Well, yeah. There’s all kinds of “futurist” types of considerations.

Z: Designer babies.

Cade: Yes, but in all honestly that concept is nothing new. People have been matchmaking in various modes since the beginning of time as far as I can tell. The only difference is maybe the means and a somewhat greater availability via technology and such.

A: And your feelings on these matters?

Cade: It comes down to the same shit as just about everything that I write.

A: Which is?

Cade: How many lines am I crossing, and am I in any way prepared to cross them.

X: You honestly think that “God” deals in flesh?

Cade: There are points in the Bible where God talks about intentionally making people stupid or blind or ignorant or hardening their hearts or whatever….I guess, in order for “God” to get what they want.

X: Your point?

Cade: I have to wonder sometimes if God makes me a moron for the express purpose of letting me blunder around in the dark.

Z: I admit I am a bit lost.

Cade: I know that is not true, but thank you for providing me a moment in which to meld these many ideas.

0: You are suggesting that God is a human trafficker…

Cade: Wait…for the sake of arguments, let’s make “God” and “Nature” somewhat interchangable.

X: Are you sure you want to do that?

Cade: Actually, no. It muddies the discussion something fierce. That said, it’s probably a fair approach seeing as how plenty of people seem to have no idea what to think about the concept of “God”.

T: Many have no idea what to think about the concept of “Nature” either.

Cade: Tru dat.

0: So you think that you have what is essentially a heretical and/or blasphemous type of thought, and you wonder if God is making you just stupid enough to ramble on about it anyway.

Cade: I think it highly possible that if there is some “higher” something actively working on my own life, that yes, they can potentially make me capable of being smart and stupid at the same time. And, fuck, they ain’t gotta do much at all to make me stupid.

0: And what about smart?

Cade: I’ll refer back to the original thought of typically needing some kind of outside influence to even have the slightest comprehension of what is typically billed as “success”. I’m successful at a lot of things that many if not most wouldn’t even bat an eye at because they aren’t things that are all flashy and make loads of people cream in their pants or swoon or whatever.

X: You’re thinking that “simulation theory” or “simulation hypothesis” is part of the posthumanist agenda.

Cade: It occurs to me that in order to eliminate “human trafficking”, there is a lot of average and boring shit that most “elevated folk” will almost certainly overlook, and all of this will also need to be tamed and then controlled.

X: And you think that the Posthumanists will think of these things?

Cade: Well, if they haven’t thought of it before, they’ll sure as shit be thinking about it now.

0: The Matrix has you Cade.

Cade: So it would seem.

0: And what was all that jazz about being ahead of others?

Cade: Just think that there has to be some property embedded within the concept of “ascension” where some, must, be left behind.

0: Doesn’t seem quite fair.

Cade: Fuck fair. I wasn’t thinking about “fair” as much as I was thinking more about how and why “elders” cannot relate to their own peers irrespective of where these peers may be in their own journey.

X: Get too big for for their own britches.

Cade: Maybe. Was just thinking that perhaps “relating” is so difficult because everyone is struggling so much to get those top tiers and become untouchable, that they forget from whence they came.

X: Interesting.

0: Do you?

Cade: Probably. I try not to, but I’m sure I fail miserably just like I fail at every other fucking thing.

X: Interesting.

0: …

^Kraftwerk – Die Roboter 1978 (1080p 50p)^

You may not have read all that. I would submit tho that yes indeedy, if one is going to endeavor to “end human trafficking”, it is likely that you are only thinking in terms of “evil”, and you’ve not thought this through. Hell, once you get to thinking in both good and evil terms, you’re then gonna have to stop thinking only in “human” terms, and that is gonna be so deep and overwhelming that you might just lose heart entirely.

Human tissue trafficking. Bacteria trafficking. Virus trafficking. Plant trafficking. Animal trafficking. Insect trafficking. Oil trafficking. CO2 trafficking. Mineral trafficking. Vitamin trafficking. *.* trafficking. Like it or not, your very existence causes you to stomp the living shit out of all kinds of things – you traffic in all kinds of things, and you likely don’t give these things a second thought, let alone think of yourself as a trafficker. However, if you’re gonna plumb these depths, you’re gonna have to give some of these things some thought. Or, you can just, half-ass it like most crusaders do. Take what you can get then pat yourself on the back for being all great and stuff.

Oh, and here's that documentary. 

Like I said, I didn’t get that far, and to be honest it looks more like hype and cheese than anything, but I’ll prolly give it a watch at some point. If for no other reason than to see where “the up and comers” are in their various journeys.

^A Glitch in the Matrix – Official Trailer^

Ya know, the big appeal of “The Matrix” is being in position to where the rules either do not apply to you, or you yourself can be in a position to bend or break the rules.

It's that simple. 

I get the feeling that someday, many folks are going to “wake up” and realize that all of the crap they were reaching for, they already had it. Already possessed the freedom to bend or even break any and every rule imaginable. It will be at this point that you’ll have to come clean with yourself and admit that what you were really looking for, was a realm where you could do as you please without fear of repercussion or reprisal. Welp, I got news for you…

these realms exist too. 

Very exclusive these realms tho. Very fragile too. And worst of all, they are almost certain to contain all the bullshit that you espouse to so vehemently oppose. Quite a loop. Cover a lot of ground, and go basically…

^Electro Swing Dance Freestyle: Spooky Scary Skeletons, Glenn Gatsby feat. Ashley Slater^

Do you even know what “swing” is? Of course you don’t. Who the fuck listens to swing anymore, let alone any music that either has swing in it or a swing to it.

^What is Swing? Swing Explained in 2 Minutes (Music Theory)^

Have often wondered about the nature of time, as it pertains to the times that are crammed in it. One of the most intriguing ideas is the notion of how time appears to run faster or slower under certain conditions. And by faster or slower, I’m referring to faster according to our own perception of “normal time”, or slower according to our own perception of “normal time”. Some examples would be when people have near-death or some other type of traumatic event, huge chunks of time can appear to run extremely fast, and we know that the further that one travels away from the Earth, the more time appears to slow down.

For me personally, all kinds of things are always running at strange times because of some “celestial events” that I use constantly as filters for my own thoughts. Big Bang, Big Crunch, Big Swirl, Pulsars, Novae, Black Holes, etc.. Over the past 10 years or so, I’ve also picked up some less relatable filters via thoughts about…erm…how do I word this…”entites who move through time differently than we do”. Basically, living beings of some kind that move through time and space faster or slower than we do. These thoughts can be quite scary when one thinks about contextual events such as “moving through space which contains a star, when operating in a realm where time moves thousands to millions faster or more slower according to the observer than time moves for us.”

I mean, can you imagine moving through a star when you’re only moving at 1 foot per year? Or 1 foot ever million years? Yeah, I know. There are questions there regarding things like mortality/immortality, but this does not invalidate the thoughts on speed if for no other reason than we humans have little to no understanding about either concept, and plenty of folks in our own human history who seem to think that at least some part of our own mortal being carries some immortal something within it. And of course, there’s that pesky “energy can neither be created nor destroyed” conservation of energy thing.

All that said, where I was really going with this is some thoughts that I’ve had regarding “The Big Bang” and the idea that it wasn’t just some singular something as it is usually portrayed in all those science shows with their fancy explosions. Namely my thoughts have been, it happened, it is still happening right now, and it will continue to happen. It is with that thought I’ve wondered…wait, what if a star is actually an exploding something that is running at a different time than we perceive time? Stars supposedly collect a bunch of crap that is floating around via some unknown process(es), then they eventually get so dense that some chain reaction starts via some critical mass, then all that shit catches on fire and starts burning. Welp, from there, our understanding is that the star starts expanding as it gives off energy and starts losing its mass, and a star will continue expanding, growing larger and larger throughout its “life”.

Sounds like an explosion to me. 

Perhaps a really fucking slow explosion, but an explosion nonetheless. Eventually, this “slow-ass explosion” will eventually speed up to speeds that we more readily understand when the thing goes nova or supernova. But until that time, I mean, the entire mass of the Universe is pressing down on this star, right? The entire mass of the Universe is basically containing this explosion. So, why would this “explosion” run at the same time as everything else?

^Underwater Submarine Explosion in Slow Mo – The Slow Mo Guys^

I’ve watched plenty of videos of the Slow Mo Guys and others blowing shit up underwater, and every time they do this, I’ve seen that little “star” or “Big Bang” representation in these detonations. However, for some reason that video above and that first pop Gav does really demonstrates these thoughts that I’ve had about time running slower (or faster) under certain conditions. Perhaps it’s the proximity of an object nearby, or maybe I’ve watched so damn many of these things that I was finally able to express in words what I’ve been seeing for so long. I’m not an educated fella so, I don’t really possess the vocabulary to express things the way some actual scientist might. And that’s by design because if I learn their language, I’m gonna just wind up talking like they do and saying the same shit they do and that ain’t gonna help anyone. Gotta find my own way. Or die trying.

Prolly gonna be that second one.
^[Electro Swing Remix] A Friend Like Me^

That shit always has a bend to it. And no matter what it is, if it’s not bending now, or it hasn’t bent in the past, you can bet your ass it is gonna bend at some point. Has to be some property embedded within even the most linear of somethings that, causes it to bend. Maybe even break. Maybe even break before the “bend” property can be realized or maybe even before it can be recognized as a bend.

Q: Can a “bend” property exist within a system, yet never be identifiable as such?

A: ? /?\ ?

Gotta be possible. You have no interest in this. It’s all “Big Swirl” crap and “The Big Swirl” isn’t even a real thing so, I’ll bail.



^James Randi’s fiery takedown of psychic fraud^


*For the Song? …/stubs butt.. That’s an idea, Clicky…*

I don’t know about you, but I feel refreshed now, and ready to get back down to writing. Thank you Cade ❤

See you next time, Dear Reader, and… Have a Song ❤

CLICK5: Yell ‘Oh!’

Missive From ‘Merica: Sumfin For The We Kenned

Happy Friday, Dear Reader 😀

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s missive, we have another from the Okie Devil of Text US…

*Yeah, and it has some wavy wikiwall pools for you to explore, Clicky…*

Enjoy! ❤



It’s Thursday December 3rd of 2020, and…fuck! Can you give me a sec? I promise I’m not ignoring you, just receiving a call, and I really need to take this. Mind if I put you on hold for a sec? Thanks. ❤

X: You’re about to open a can of worms.

Cade: I know.

T: You really think that’s prudent?

Cade: Prudence is a strange topic when you’re in the big middle of a shit-storm.

A: How so?

Cade: It occurs to me that, during extraordinary times, “prudence” would be measured in seconds, or maybe minutes.

X: Not days, weeks, months, years, etc..

Cade: Correct. If you’re in a trench in 1916, each and every thing that you do, whether prudent or imprudent, is gonna vastly affect your continued ability to measure and mark time.

X: Living one second to the next.

Cade: Yes. Do I raise my head up, have a peek, and hope no one puts a bullet in it? Or do I keep my head down and wait for a more opportune time.

0: You ever wonder what “an opportune time” would be in those circumstances?

Cade: Welp, I would think in that situation, one would either have to rely upon one’s own gut feelings as to how best to proceed, or maybe the instincts of a commander who is putting a boot in your butt irrespective of your own internal inclinations.

X: In one set of circumstances you have a choice, and in another, the choice is not yours to make.

Cade: Yes. Just thinking that “prudence” can get lost in situations where the consequences are much more immediate and dire.

Z: Almost opens one’s self to being a scapegoat.

Cade: Or at least a tool or some kind of leverage for another purpose.

X: Care to elaborate?

Cade: Well, just thinking that one could make a thousand “good” decisions…

Z: But it’s the one bad decision that you’ll be remembered for.

Cade: Yes. You’ve been on the line and hugging that berm for ages, peeked over the edge a thousand times, but the one time you look and your brains get dislodged from your cranium?

X: You did a bad thing.

Cade: That’s what I’m thinking. Your “prudence” is suddenly measured by that one event, and not the multiple events that allowed you to arrive there in the first place.

X: And how does this relate to your thoughts on the concept of prayer in the presence of a deity?

Cade: Or deities.

0: We get the point, get on with it already.

Cade: Just occurs to me that “prayer” is an odd concept to entertain when one is in the presence of one or more deities. Seems…oddly self-serving. Fucking hell, I dunno, just a weird thought I’ve danced with for a while.

Z: Can you elaborate a bit? Even I’m lost.

Cade: Let’s say one is given an audience with God and their merry pack of miscreants and hooligans. You’re standing around chatting about the weather and fashion trends, and suddenly, it occurs to you that you have a friend back home who is sick.

X: Your first impulse is to…pray, for that someone?

Cade: Yes. I’m just that dense.

X: Standing in the presence of The Creator & Co., and you have the desire to pray for someone else because you thought of them. Interesting.

T: You think maybe instead of praying, you could…I dunno, ask?

Cade: That’s not as straightforward as it seems.

0: It isn’t?

Cade: Hell no it isn’t. I’m a human being. Being in the presence of all the Universal big-wigs doesn’t mean that I abandon who and what I am. Also doesn’t give me license to clear my own personal wish-list just because I have their ear.

X: Ears.

Cade: I was gonna say that.

A: Protocols…plural.

Cade: That’s…yes…I’m thinking of that.

A: But?

Cade: But I’m also thinking of the fact that “prayer” in this instance could be construed as me trying to secretly communicate a something to the Almighty, even tho I’m in their presence and the fucker is right in front of me.

0: Wait. Wait, wait, wait…wait just a second here. Prayer, whilst in the presence of God, is secret communication?

Cade: Way to put words into my mouth.

X: I think they are just trying to understand.

Cade: That makes two of us.

B: May I interject?

Cade: By all means.

B: You are saying that, just because “God” can hear your prayers, the others cannot?

Cade: I have no idea if that is the case or not. But I have thought that this may be the case, yes.

B: So you are concerned about having a side-conversation on the sly, with God, whilst you are in the presence of not only God, but also all these other higher-ups.

Cade: Correct. But I also don’t want to sperg and verbalize just because a thought popped into my head, and now might be an opportune time to bring up the subject considering where I am.

B: Because you are in the presence of the gods.

Cade: One would figure at least one of the fuckers might be able to do something about it.

B: And if they don’t?

Cade: That’s the rub isn’t it. Since when is any god or deity or some other ethereal entity mine to command?

X: Sounds like a prudent course.

Cade: When I was younger, sure, “the gods” are my own personal ATM machine from which to dispense funds whenever I demand it.

Z: Do you even have an account at that bank?

Cade: Good fucking question. I have no answer for you tho. Christianity sure seems to think that you have to be a member of the guild before blessings will be dispensed.

0: And if you aren’t a member of the guild?

Cade: Luckily, there are two. You get defaulted into the shit-show, and you have to make a conscious effort to join the winning team.

X: You join a team, simply because they are the winning team?

Cade: That’s what it says in The Book. The game is rigged, the fix is in, the match outcome has already been decided, now it’s just a matter of going through the motions. If you want to be a winner, put your money on the Christians.

0: Sounds as if it is prudent to sign up.

Cade: Here on Earth/Terra, it’s very frowned upon to stack teams, simply because you have the money to do so.

B: Moneyball.

Cade: Yes. The deep pockets can afford the primo players, which means they can tip the scales in their favor in order to better increase their odds of winning the big games.

Z: The house always wins.

Cade: In gambling, yes, but I see what you are saying I think.

0: “The house”, is those big-wigs.

Cade: Rumor is, they created it all, they own it all, they can do whatever in the hell they want with it. But now I’m thinking about the “houses” in Astrology, and I’ve completely lost my train of thought.

T: Maybe you should pray.

Cade: Sounds prudent.

0: Is it prudent to keep writing?

Cade: No idea. I have less than two years to get the fuck outta here, and currently, things look quite glum.

0: No, I meant all the stuff you are about to write below.

Cade: No idea, but I’m gonna do it.

X: You see what you see.

Cade: I wrangle over what to write or not write more than most prolly think.

X: You see.

Cade: I see what I see, and share it. Me actually understanding a something is an exception, not the rule.

X: Big game.

Cade: Sure seems that way. I’m not fond of that particular association tho.

X: Blood, sweat and tears.

Cade: Waters.

X: …

Sorry, that call was a bit more lengthy than I expected. You now have my undivided.


^Love and Rockets – Mirror People ’88^

Anyone remember 9/11? Afghanistan? Operation Iraqi Freedom? Guantanamo Bay and all those pictures of “brown people” in orange jumpsuits?

Orange (Colour)
Major Depressive Disorder
COVID-19 Resources for Calgarians
Penal Labour
Krebs, Oklahoma
Citric Acid Cycle
Eustis, Florida
Citrus Production
Triple Sec
Trump lawyer: ex-election security chief Krebs should be ‘taken out and shot’
Fair-Weather Friend
Fair-Weather Friend
Don’t allow ‘foul weather friend’ to abuse good will
The foul-weather friend
Language Of The Birds
Huginn and Muninn
Orange Is The New Black
Danbury, Connecticut
“Incomplete Pass: Elliott-Marino Motorsports”
Miami Dolphins

Hey…don’t bitch at me. Its a busy planet. Lots going on.

^Butthole Surfers – “Moving to Florida”^

One of the easier ways to acquire real estate, or at least acquire an interest in certain properties, is gonna be via the/a banking system. If your country does not provide for foreign ownership, no problem…use a foreign funds to purchase said property and utilize intermediaries. You can tie up stuff in all kinds of red tape, and leverage the living shit out of it.

Debt = Power. 

Sure there is risk, but the rewards are massive. Question is, how does one “foreclose” on an entire country. Especially if that country has claws.

A: Clause trumps claws.

For some it will anyway. I guess the trick is to position one’s self in a portion of the water column where you remain the apex predator. Sure, there are plenty of much more ferocious creatures in the sea, but they don’t swim in these waters.

^Nategawd, Flo Rida & Lil Jon “Take A Shot And Make A Tik Tok” (Official Video)^

All of this came of a personal sync this morning in learning that someone who I did not know, has died of a heart-attack at the ripe old age of 33. I knew of them, but I did not actually know them. Prolly played a video game with them, and may have even yelled at them a time or two on an Internet forum, but yeah, didn’t really know them.

It appears they may have worked in the mortgage industry, as did I, so we had that in common also. Would also appear that they were from Canada, and Canada has this weird kind of “ground zero” type feeling about it regarding synchromysticism. Dunno if the dude was into this tho, and they may not have been spiritual at all as far as I know.

Personal syncs are typically real easy to work out. They apply to you, and may even be specifically for you, but explaining personal syncs to others?

Dicey. Sketchy. Difficult. 

Hardly anyone on this entire planet gives a flying fuck about me, and most people on this planet don’t even know I exist. So with that in mind, how do I, explain a somewhat mystical synchronistic event to a bunch of strangers? How do I explain to them that “HEY! This weird shit just happened, a bunch of tumblers fell into place, and this means something!”


Yeah, I’ve nothing specific, and I’m not gonna assign a bunch of predefined meaning(s) to this/these event(s) just so it will make sense to you, but I’m telling you…this means something.

^deadmau5 – A City In Florida (1080p) II HD^

No idea why I do this. I wrestled with the idea for quite a few years as to whether I should start writing or not. As to why I decided to give it a whirl? Simple…I wanted a return. I wanted some answers. Why is all this weird shit happening, why has it intensified now, and is there anyone out there who is experiencing anything similar? Perhaps if I open up, they will too, and maybe all of us can, together, figure out what in the fucking hell all this nonsense is.

But yeah also, I wanted to help. 

Fuck it…if others are being tight-lipped because they are scared shitless, welp I understand that, but as for me, I’m going for it. Maybe someone out there needs to hear what I have to say. Poor bastard(s). If you are needing to hear anything I have to say, you must be in some deep shit, and I empathize.

^Slap Shot – I’ll be staying in Florida^

I am not a paranormal investigator. Certainly not one with any street cred as to a someone who goes out into the field looking for weird and strange shit in order to better understand it. Due to my personal situation, I’m more of a bookworm type. I sit and wait for the weird and strange shit to come to me, irrespective of the form(s) these entities may assume. And let me tell you, some of the shit that somehow worms its way into my tiny 10′ x 13′ cell can be quite diverse.

^This Is What F-22 Engine Startup Sounds Like^

This is not a challenge, nor is it a test. It’s a demonstration. Put “being right” and “being wrong” on the shelf for a moment, and maybe just be an observer/participant with no agenda for the next few minutes. Below is a video for a band called The Knife, and the song is “We Share Our Mother’s Health”.

Phase One: play the video below, but mute the sound. This time through, we are just going to watch the video and see what we see.

Phase Two: Replay the video, unmute the sound, but do not watch the video. Minimize your browser window if you need, just make sure that you do not watch the video. Listen to the video only.

Phase Three: Replay the video, listen to it, and watch it.

^The Knife – We Share Our Mothers Health^

On #HauntedHour last night, the topic/poll was what kind of paranormal experience one would like to have:

A: Seeing;

B: Hearing;

C: Feeling;

D: NOPE! Fuck this shit, I’m out!

I um…I…ay yi yi…

how do I say this without being dishonest? 

Um…I do not consider myself a paranormal experiencer. Yes, I can safely say that I’ve experienced a lot of weird shit in my life, but as to whether any of it is supernatural or not? No idea. That said, those experiences involving sound tend to be the most reliable as to being accurately indicative that something is amiss. Not only can you hear sound, many times, you can feel it. Sound is also going to carry much more data as to location, distance, intensity, and you can quickly and accurately form a picture in your mind as to your own position in space proximate to the goings on. If the sound repeats, you can zero on it quickly and accurately. I would think that one of the important things, as an investigator, would be to rely on your own internal sample library as to individual sounds, what they are, what they could be, and why these sounds would exist irrespective of whether a location is “haunted” or not.

^The Tucker Zone (A 3D Sound Experience) (Wear Earphones)^

The physical stuff isn’t likely to change just because a location is haunted. There’s likely to be walls, ceilings, floors, paint, pipes, sink or bathtub/shower fixtures, maybe electrical wiring, electrical outlets, carpet, doors, door hinges, door knobs, windows, glass, stone, wood, metal(s)…

you prolly get the point. 

Identify the stuff in your environment, and know the noises they can make. Maybe when first arriving at a new location, wander around banging on shit for a while just so you know how certain things may sound. You are likely in a new environment afterall, and considering the nature of construction and construction materials and how these things can vary, banging on a hotel wall may sound completely different than what it sounds like banging on one of your own walls at home. Same with the springs in a bed, or maybe the water spigot in the bathroom, or that squeaky third drawer in the nightstand.

Now that you’ve acquainted yourself a bit with your new environment, you can better know what certain things may sound like, and you’ll also know whether or not you or someone else with you here in the physical realm is the trigger for a certain sound happening. If the top door hinge on the bathroom door squeaks, its prolly better to know that in advance. Know your environment in order to better interact with it, and to better zero in on and identify stuff that is…out of place.

Phase Four: listen to the below, watch the below, and see if you notice anything different in the video. It’s the same song as above, same band.

^The Knife – We Share Our Mother’s Health (Shaken-Up Version) Live At Terminal 5^

Certain frequencies can cause nausea.

Sonic Weapon

Long Range Acoustic Device

I’ve read stuff about people having disorientation or maybe becoming nauseated when having paranormal types of experiences, and I’m wondering if maybe it could be related to sound(s) being present. These sounds are inaudible, but you sure as shit can feel them/your body detects them. Another thing to consider is that maybe the presence of a visual spectre, with a lack of secondary indications such as sound or touch. This, too, may cause nausea. I know that one of the problems that “virtual reality” has is that the eyes are basically seeing things, but the inner-ear revolts because there’s nothing to substantiate what the eyes are seeing. Just thinking that maybe a visual sighting of a ghost or whatever that has no accompanying secondaries, that maybe any resulting nausea is the secondary indicator/ is indicative that a very real something has indeed been seen.

Graveyard Spiral
Sound in Filmmaking: How to Use Sound to Heighten Emotions in a Film
Schumann Resonances
Chemistry (Relationship)
Earthquake Sensitivity
Disturbances in equilibrium function after major earthquake

All kinds of weird shit going on all the time, but we appear to have some filters in place that more or less blind us to some of the intricacies of the Universe. Having the blinders removed is…

^Klaxons – Gravity’s Rainbow^

A final thought would be that, I assume anyway, that paranormal type stuff is gonna be busting some veils. Or at least maybe making them wobble a bit. And what happens when you wobble a piece of film or a membrane or a diaphragm or whatever?

Seven Trumpets
The Beast (Revelation)
Sometimes, horns and trumpets happen. Perhaps not always Armageddon, but certainly something noisy.
Moving air...vibrating membranes.
^Klaxons; What makes them sound like that?^


I'd never heard that sound until a coupla years ago.
^TARDIS sounds^

You know how I know if I’m depressed? If all I want to do is sleep, I’m depressed. I fucking hate sleep. Way too full of piss and vinegar to waste time on sleeping. I wanna be on the go, moving, doing something. Past coupla months tho? Sleep.

Sleep sleep sleep. 

It’s all I wanna do. No idea why I’m depressed, but I am.

Catching up on some sleep tho.
^Soulwax – Gravity’s Rainbow^

Air is gonna be a buffer between life and earth.

Water is gonna be more of a negotiator between life and earth.

Fire too will be a negotiator of sorts, but between life and air.

Buffer. Repel. Repel and/or attract.

You’ll need to contextualize with an anecdotal something in order to relate.

A bath. A swim. A flood.

A fire. A fireplace. On fire.

A breath. A breeze. A gale.

A flower. A potato. Quicksand.

^Love and Rockets – Ball Of Confusion^

I’m guessing that the polyethelene glycol is added to allow the vaccine to be frozen while still preventing it from freezing. Maybe, as an added bonus, it’ll give you a case of the shits, post-vaccination.

Polyethylene Glycol
Macromolecular Crowding
Precipitation (Chemistry)

I’ve already got enough autoimmune issues and allergies, and my DNA is almost assuredly a trainwreck. Do I really need to be even more fucked up than I already am?

Q: Can someone who is really messed up and requires all kinds of special considerations just to survive, really be considered “alive”?

A: ó¿ó

Some conspiratorial fodder for you dystopian types to chew on.

Because I cannot participate in a majority of the activities available to humans on this planet, I am…dead. Maybe not dead, but certainly not alive.


Incapable of participating in and contributing to the whole in such a way as to justify my continued existence. A burden. A drain. A waste of space that could be better occupied by a productive someone who isn’t me. Seeing as how I’m not alive, it’s kinda open season on me and my ilk, and there are no consequences. Can’t kill/murder something that isn’t alive.

Hrm…now why does this type of thinking ring a bell?

^Devo | Beautiful World | Official Video^


^Vance Joy – Riptide @Live Lollapalooza Brasil 2017^


*/squints… Clausewitz trumps clause?*

*I know ‘vaccine’ comes from ‘cow’, Clicky… /yawns… I fink I’ll go have a snooze..*

Enjoy your we kenned, Dear Reader. Have a Song…

CLICK5: Come & See All

The Rhino in the Library

Rhino in the Library

*Really Clicky, did you have to use that photo? It’s not exactly hanging straight…*

Following the death (and global outrage at the manner of said death) of Cecil the Lion I’ve been listen to some talks by Wes  Cecil on philosophers. Merovee’s Viktor put me on to him.

Vik brings a Cecil link and Roobee sends thanks

Before delving straight in, I sought a review.

Wes Cecil is another favorite of mine when it comes to introductory philosophy courses. Cecil is a philosophy professor at Peninsula college and focuses on the biography and work of a different philosopher with each lecture. What I especially like about him is the fact that he treats major philosophers from many camps: analytic philosophy (Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell), pragmatism (William James), continental philosophy (Jacques Derrida, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Nietzsche), existentialism (Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beuvoir), and even christian mysticism (Simone Weil). Cecil has a wonderful sense of humor and gives even the most seasoned theorist a new way of explaining the significance of these major philosophers to just about anyone. I thought of including Cecil’s lectures here because of how many times I have quoted his Jacques Derrida lecture in attempting to explain Derrida’s significance to linguistic philosophers. Trust me, these a great.

Buoyed up by that, I decided to start with Nietzsche as I was a little familiar with him.

*Thanks Clicky! Have you got the link to the talk? The review is not wrong…*

After a slight diversion, and having the day off today, I decided to hear all about Bertrand Russell

… Who I had not looked at before, and his protégé, Ludwig Wittgenstein

… Who I was slightly familiar with through fiction

*I know Clicky… /sigh… Still libraries do carry tomes and someone, some day might want to check it out…*

*Good point, Clicky! When push comes to shove I’ll be able to check it out again for myself in the future… Got a song to round it off, Click?*