CLICK5: A Fourth Turning Tale – For The Children…

Missive From ‘Merica: Mid Hols Post

It’s the Boyz’ birthday today, Dear Reader. I’ll write a separate post about that, as tomorrow they also get their GCSE results. Fingers crossed…

Below is a missive from Cade. The question for you, Dear Reader is…

Name That Snack



Welcome to my parade.

I brought my own rain…thanks for the offer of some of your own tho.

Not to diminish Roob’s part or anything.
Just trying to…fuck it…I’m shutting up.

Welcome to here…population you…and us…and prolly some others.

Shutting up now.

^ABC – A to Z – 1985^

I’m not going to apologize for the previous whatever turned missive, nor will I apologize for this one. Roob saved yet another with that previous one thanks to her efforts, but I still wasn’t happy with it. I didn’t even wanna send her the damn thing, but I do that a lot with these things, and I’m not just thinking about myself.

But yeah, on that previous one, I was thinking more about myself and what I was thinking about and how it turned out. I even went back and re-read what I wrote after I sent it to her. Did that on the previous one too. I usually don’t do that. It ruins the surprise of seeing what she does/comes up with.

That said, I’m thinking about a comment made to me over at Bolton’s with respect to a comment that I had made regarding proxies and surrendering rights. Most of what I write is prolly not gonna make sense to you.

Especially if you don't read it. 

What I write is not supposed to “make sense”, nor do anything else for you. You like it, or you don’t. I’m just telling a story, as it happens/as the story unfolds and is unfolding. What you really want to know is…

Q: Is everything gonna be OK?

A: No. Everything is NOT going to be OK. Unless it is. In which case, whatever or something.
^ROXY & ABC BAND – Castles^

I wonder if anyone would be interested in seeing some rocks of mine? No, they did not originate in my head, but yeah, they kinda did.

I’ve collected these rocks over the last several years, and they are quite interesting and have some historical significance in my life. A guide stone, a milestone, coupla meteorites, a precious gem that is precious only to me/not worth anything monetarily, coupla other various rocks of significance. I wonder if I took some pictures, and then described the significance of each to me, if that would mean anything to you. Never hurts to try I guess.

Maybe I'll find the time and do just that.

There would be an acorn in with this collection of rocks, but I left it, as it seemed more appropriate.

I’m a sentimental fool.

^HAIM cover Shania Twain ‘That Don’t Impress Me Much’ for Like A Version^

It is my understanding that penis enlargement techniques and methods have come a long way.

It’s a growth market,

and the demand is huge,

leaving loads of room for expansion.

How big of me to share this ever-growing swath information with

Did you watch that video above?

Oh, and hello. I hope all is well with you.

Today is Tuesday August 22 of 2017, and yesterday we finally got the first of two pesky eclipses out of the way. It was definitely cool to watch and participate in, although I originally had no plans to do so.

Whatshername was out getting new tires and said she saw nothing from the waiting room at the tire place. My oldest son slept through it. My daughter was at work. My youngest was kinda disinterested/unimpressed, and spent most of the time during the event playing a game on his new cellphone. I’m not allowed to plan, plot and scheme anymore and I have no voice or say so since I am not gainfully employed, so I guess it kinda hurts to be completely disassociated from everyone and everything save for being a nuisance and annoyance that is occasionally handy for certain tasks.

But…I’ll keep at it because I appear to be good at it…or something.

^Tinlicker – Jalapeño^

It’s currently 12:38, and I’ve decided to give one more go to trying to find a little USB cassette player that I bought several years ago, that is buried in a box of doom somewhere in the closet of despair. But I’m gonna write a little more before doing that, so let’s get back to Job.

Q: All that stuff, and all those people that Job lost? Where did they go? What happened to them? What’s their story? What were their dreams and goals and ambitions? What effect(s) did all of these events have on them? What effect(s) did this have on their friends and acquaintances, and how did this affect their lives? What happened to all the animals, and is anyone thinking of them? What’s PETA’s position on the story of Job? Why do we have no answers to these many valid and pertinent questions?

A:A:A:A:A:A:A:A:A:A:A: (I have no idea how many questions I just, asked)
^Mr. Oizo – Ham^

And what about these two entities? Yeah…Yahweh and Lucifer/God and Satan or whatever…what about them? Have we reduced them to “do or do not” and that’s all they are good for? They own it all and/or run it all, therefore, that’s all they do?

I dunno, but that seems pretty unfair. This place seems like a constant care/constant maintenance kinda place, and we don’t seem to be doing such a bang-up job ourselves…or at least…that’s what we tell ourselves. So…that leaves us management. If management isn’t responsive, we turn to ownership. If ownership is also unresponsive, we take matters into our own hands. That makes me question a bit, but one specific ironical question comes immediately to mind…

Q: What was the question in the first place?

A: Yeah...the one that caused you to call upon management and/or ownership...what was it?

Seems like you may have gotten your answer.

Q: Now what?

A: ¿?¿


^Garbage – No Horses (Official Video)^

Most people HATE circular logic like that. But I fucking love it. To me anyway, it says that there ARE answers to be had, you may just have not found it yet. You may find it…maybe not. Maybe abandoning the quest is the answer…maybe not. Either way…you are on the hook, and there is no getting off of it. Maybe reevaluate what you have done thus far, and maybe rethink your infrastructure. Maybe it needs to be lightened. Maybe it needs to be strengthened.

Both are the same thing at different times. That helps make the concept of “inflation” and “expansion/contraction” make more sense. It does to me anyway. Especially inflation. I’d like to discuss it further, be have neither the time nor space here to do so. Ironic…eh?

^Suburban Lawns – Flying Saucer Safari^

Gonna try to avoid spoilers, but maybe Winston always knew some things, and didn’t want to acknowledge them, needed someone to talk to about some of these things but had no one, and/or just flat didn’t know what to think about these things. I mean…how well do we really know Winston? How well do we really know Job?

The answer is…we don’t. And chances are that many of us don’t want to know either. Who has the time to spend every waking moment getting to know someone? It’s much easier to just look for something we like and/or don’t like, label them, then take the appropriate action that best suits us from there. People never change, they have no intention of changing, and they never will.

Q: Why is change so important?

A: ?¿?
^A Flock Of Seagulls – I Ran^

So I guess that Freudian thinking relies on inference, and Jungian relies on significance. What about Einsteinian?






lolz...Wal-Martian...that's funny. 

But yeah…I guess when we go to the mental-utensils drawer to choose how best to eat whatever we are gonna shove into our heads…maybe the drawer is as empty as our head. There is no fork. There is no spoon. There ain’t even a goddamn butter-knife or tea-spoon. I wonder if there are any specialty items like olive-forks, fondue pokers, chopsticks or can opening devices for the can of worms I need to get open.

I GOTTA get this fucking can open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if I can do it?

Where's my glasses. I have a lot on my plate.

Weird thought for an unemployed dude.

“I didn’t expect to see you again, so…SPOON!” – Blue Raja

Movie = “Mystery Men”

^Kirsten Dunst – Turning Japanese (HD)^

It doesn’t feel like a Tuesday. It feels like Sunday. No idea why, but yeah…today feels like a Sunday. Then again I was up until 4 am and slept until 11:58, so maybe there’s something there/related to my calenderical dilemma. I just made that word up…”calenderical.” I wonder if already exists…let’s check!!!


I like it.
^San Cisco cover Daft Punk ‘Get Lucky’ on triple j’s Like A Version^

Calenderical: Did you mean calendrical?


Calenderical has a more “clerical” ring to it. That leaves room for error(s), and points the finger at someone that we can beat on for being a waste of flesh.

Calendrical appearantly is a word tho.


A.H. and Blue Moon. A reckoning, and a rare occurrence…I like that.


Blue Moon

Let’s on with something else. Something…blue. Something…that could not POSSIBLY be chalked up to chance. Not in the way and ways that most look at chance anyway.

(not that I know how to look at chance or anything)
^Orkestra Obsolete play Blue Monday using 1930s instruments – BBC Arts^

I’ve stumbled across some “Smoker’s Manifesto” crap here and there lately, and I guess to cut to the chase here, and say that this makes no goddamn sense. How in the FUCK does one “fight tobacco control” with a “smoker’s manifesto”? That’s like fighting fires with water quality regulations.

You know, I’d like to point out something that I really don’t want to have to point out here…my oldest son smokes cigarettes. I don’t consider my son a smoker. He smokes cigarettes on occasion. He plays guitar on occasion, and sometimes even the bass, and SOMETIMES…he even talks. He doesn’t have a cigarette hanging out of his mouth 24/7, and even if he did…so what?

Just my opinion, but shit like this is EXACTLY what diminishes you and your efforts by combining you with, and lumping you in, with everyone else. Prolly exactly along the lines of what the “Anonymous” group is thinking…join the herd, and your face becomes irrelevant.

If my son came to me and told me that he was thinking about signing on to some “smoker’s manifesto”…and asked me what I thought he should do/what I would do, I would tell him to tell them to go fuck themselves. If YOU…as “a smoker”…aren’t thinking about the concerns and needs of “non-smokers” 24/7/365, you are prolly an inconsiderate asshole and need to re-evaluate some of your priorities.

 lolz..."you" need to re-evaluate "your" priorities.
^Fatboy Slim – Push The Tempo^

So yeah…is it clear yet why self-deprecation and self-loathing is/are so important to me?

The dent banged itself in, gonna take some banging to get that dent out.

Take that ability away from me…and I am no longer me…because it works for me.

What in the FUCK does that have to do with you?

I don’t wanna float around above the ground in the lotus-position and point fingers at everyone else and tell them what they are doing wrong.

I wanna float around above the ground in the lotus-position and point fingers at myself for what I am doing wrong, and be afforded the opportunity to get it right.

^Stereo MC’s – Step It Up^

I dig your pants baby.

You look fucking GREAT in them.

I bet you look great out of them too, but let’s no go there.

Unless you want to.


 I’m easy.

Oh, and I like you too.

     If that means anything at all.

Just sayin’.

^KLEENEX – nice^

A manifesto is a hammer.

The signors are the one who will swing it.

I wonder who wrote it?

Yeah…this will prolly get us to thinking about why “the first wave” are ALWAYS 86’ed as soon as the revolution is complete.

Gonna force me to join your revolution? If you are gonna force me to swing that hammer, even if I had a say in it’s construction? Just know, that if you do that, you’re next.

I guess Stalin's "paranoia" is that difficult to understand after all.
^Romeo Void – Never Say Never^

If you aren’t prepared to tear it all down? You are in NO way ready for a revolution of any kind. And yeah, I’m talking about the revolution itself…even if you win…it MUST be destroyed. It’s gonna come down whether you like it or not. You wanna be there to see it’s construction, then you better be prepared to be there during it’s destruction. You may even think about leading the charge.

^Snow – Informer 1992 HQ^

While we’re in that mode of thinking…that gets me to thinking…

Q: Can you provide me a list of former politicians that you actively supported/actively opposed, that you still actively follow?

A: ???

There was a tweet along these lines this week that I saw regarding relevance. There used to be a decorum that retired and/or inactive professional politicians kept their mouths shut after leaving office. But now that lobbiests and lobby groups have gotten so diverse, and since they are fucking LOADED with former politicians/elected officials, it’s almost impossible to do so. But before I get to ragging on “special interest groups” too much…

Q: Aren’t political parties themselves lobbyists and/or special interest groups?

A: !?!¿!?!

I guess I don’t see the need to continue beating, banging and ragging on the Whig Party, The National Socialists Party, The Bolsheviks, etc. as STILL being an ineffective and obsolete political groups. I mean hell, they weren’t irrelevant and ineffective to the motherfuckers that lived in those times and believed in those ideas…what the FUCK are we still bitching about this shit for? There are four fucking people that were elected US President from the Whig Party.

William Henry Harrison (1841)
John Tyler (1841–45)
Zachary Taylor (1849–50)
Millard Fillmore (1850–53)

If you wanna talk stats and statistics…you are gonna lose every time. You are gonna have to bend, and shape, and mold, and manipulate those statistics six-ways from Sunday for those statistics to say what you want them to say.

Wanna win? Make up some new stats, and do it the old-fashioned way…live it.

^Sneaker Pimps – 6 Underground – Official Video [HD]^

I notice that The Khmer Rouge were back in the news this week.

Still seeking and getting revenge on those who were seeking and getting revenge on those seeking and getting revenge and on and on andon andon anon anon anon…and a yawn.

Argentina has been in the news as well. I even saw Chile mentioned here and there.

I wonder what that's all about?

Gonna have to move on at some point.

Ghosts will always haunt us.

It’s what they do.

^Gary Numan – Cars^

Let’s stop relying on word of mouth and hearsay, and go check the legitimate news…

Google Tests New First-Click-Free Program & Subscription Tool For News Publishers

…a new subscription tool for news publishers in Google News to “boost subscriptions for news publishers.”

Wait…I thought the Free Market was stand or fall, live and let die, kill or be killed? Why in the fuck would you want to prop up a dying entity? It contradicts pruning the vine or thinning the herd. May have some trickle-down effects on those industries that create life-support systems…ALTHOUGH…that could have some unexpected benefits for unmanned space exploration as well as the robotics industry and related industries.


That’s quite a thought, eh? You can follow that isolation/deprecation/elimination rabbit hole all kinds of ways.

^Missing Persons – Words^

One way or another, this whole smoker’s business is gonna leave a lot of smoking craters when it’s all over. But it’ll never be over no matter who claims victory, because victory requires no proclamation and cannot be claimed. It’s as thin, whispy, vaporous and fleeting as that last pull on your fag, and there will be nothing but ashes when its all said and done. You wanna claim those too?

There may be some tobacco-laced slobber from us chewers, but that’ll evaporate on it’s own.

I digress.
^Devo – Whip It (Video)^

Germany’s orange ecstasy pills have Trump’s name — and face — all over them 

Maybe it’s a slow news day or something. Maybe things are on the upswing and getting better. Which reminds me…it’s August…not October. Which also reminds me “shaped like the head of the leader of the free world.”…um…it’s not free at all. I guess I’m about to find out along “more certain” lines of experience, but thus far…nope…not free at all.

^Ministry – Everyday Is Halloween^

K…I ain’t gonna link this next one, simply because the URL is five fucking miles long, but there is a story on Google that the White House has been under lockdown due to a suspicious package.

Q: What packages bound for The Whitehouse are NOT deemed as suspicious?

A: !!!

You prolly have a goddamn platoon of dogs that sniff shit for everything under the sun, x-ray machines, machines that vibrate and intentionally shake packages, God knows how fucking many points and check-points and filters and filtering mechanisms before a package addressed to the White House gets within 20 zipcodes of the proximity of the White House.

As I recall, used to be anyway, packages addressed to the White House and sent via regular mail have ALWAYS been routed first to a military base in Kansas and/or Alaska or some other remote out-of-the-way place. Dunno for sure where, but I do know there was a routing system like that.

I mean…who is it that is paranoid here? What the fuck are you so goddamn paranoid about? There used to be no fence around the White House…what happened? Maybe that fence sends a message. Maybe it keeps sending that message…over and over.

... --- ..., ... --- ..., ... --- ..., ... --- ..., ... --- ..., ... --- ..., ... --- ...
^Deadmau5 – Templar (1080p) || HD^

Just another dead statistic looking for a place to happen, and a list of some kind/unkind to occupy

Sorry...I'd rather not exist at all.
^Oingo Boingo – Private Life^
Is Donald Trump actually saving coal?

(NOTE: If you wanna click on/read the story, feel free. HOWEVER…please note that you will get a confusing popup about getting updates from this website.)

From an “energy industry” standpoint…kindof a clever headline, eh? I know my first thought was…”how do you save something that doesn’t exist?” I mean really, how do you know what isn’t there? How do you know when there is no more? Do you start off on a journey in some direction that holds the best prospects for finding more? Or do you get clever and enlist the help of three others to set off in directions opposite to yours/theirs?

This energy race is gonna kill as all. 

I really don’t believe that, but there are many who espouse just that. The tower will crumble, there’s no doubting that. Just make sure it doesn’t happen on your watch.


^The Clash – Rock the Casbah (Official Video)^

OK…so…this previous news story/link/website…the term “updates” just got real vague and sketchy all of a sudden like, and trends and trending and trendy just became our enemies, even if we didn’t notice it.

If I personally go to website, and the first thing that this website does is make a demand of me? I don’t go back. It’s the same mentality as placarding the storefront of some public business with patron requirements for entry and continued patronage. But then again, since the owner/operator is prolly MILES away from this particular store’s physical location, why would there NOT be a list of requirements plastered on the door(s)?

There’s no interest in the business’s operation save for being a revenue stream…so the face to face has been outlined in some employee handbook, who is left to stumble and bumble and falter as they try to do something the same way that someone else would do it/the way someone else has told them to do it. Not a lot of room for growth there.

I mean…have the owners of Wal-Mart even been to one of their stores? And I’m not talking on opening day either, assuming that they even do that. So yeah…when the etheral becomes manifest? And the manifest becomes manifesto? You are MILES from both solution(s) AND problem(s) in any and all directions.

Sound familiar? Ring any bells?
^Blondie – Rapture^

If cities weren’t already in dust and states of decay, vacuum cleaners and and soap and dusters and cleaning products wouldn’t be needed at all.

Would prolly not have as much/as many troubles with hiring Illegal-Immigrants as housekeepers and nanny’s.

^Siouxsie And The Banshees – Cities In Dust^

There’s some more shit I’m inclined to talk about here, but I’m not gonna. It’s 15:07, and I gotta stop writing and go dig in that closet/see if I can find that cassette player. I have no idea how I’m gonna record the music and put it into a format that can be shared/listened to by others…but I guess I’m about to find out.

^The B-52’s – Private Idaho (1980)^

But before I go…April 8th of 2024, eh? 7-ish years, eh?


Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024

I wonder where I’ll be?

I wander where I’ll be?

I wonder where you’ll be?

I wander where you’ll be?

I wonder where we’ll be?

I wander where we’ll be?

Not really...but yeah...really.
^Crystal Waters – 100% Pure Love^

I will think a bit more about inflation here. As long as your bullshit remains rooted in and/or fixed with victims and victimization? Yeah…you are gonna require victims opposite.

Q: I wonder who that “victim’s opposite” is?

A: Is "who is holding the hammer?" enough of an answer? Or is when they are holding it also important?

Important and importance take on a whole new dimension and dynamic there.

Hard to put a hot potato down once you’ve picked it up.

How far are you willing to go?

Me personally?

All the way.

^Gary Numan – ‘The Fall’ Official Promo Video^


^Wang Chung – Dance Hall Days^


^Berlin- Sex (I’m A…)^

P.S. – It’s now 16:09, been doing some reading, and the following song came up in my playlist as I was reading.

^You’re Dead Norma Tanega 1966^

P.S.S. – after spellchecking this piece of shit…I have noticed that I occassionally misspell “occasion” and “occasionally” every once in a while. 😛

^Goldfrapp – Systemagic (Official Video)^



Feedback in comments, Dear Reader. Have a Song 😉



Epic Rap Battles of His Story


Thoughtful Man and eye prefer Deadpool over Bobs Fett at the movies. I have no idea if The Boys prefer one character over the other, although they are big Star Wars fans. Kit Kat especially. He’s like a fucking en-cyclops-edia when it comes to Star Wars or Pokemon. Ditto Loops on Destiny ore Call of Duty or Battlefront, witch ever one he is playing at the moment

Eye need help…

Clicky LoLled when Kit Kat showed him the above…


*Yes, Clicky, eye gno ewe wear V proud of getting a special mention for your assistance in constructing the bok… ore is it B Ook?*


*Knot Sophie’s World, Clicky? … /lights up and puffs stream of smoke… *

Dearest Reader, you decide… DNA have a Song 😀