Extended CLICK5… CLICKB8: A Fourth Turning Tale – A Wealth & Health Check For US…

CLICK5: Cows Go…

Who Vs WHO: Who’s Who and What’s What… What?

The new series of Doctor Who returns on 19th September and then there’s Sherlock at Christmas…. ah, I miss Moffat

Clicky! A purple spider, thank you. Purple is my PPE… I must say, Steven Moffat is entirely right when he says:

“You know in some ways, I think Mark [Gatiss] has got a point when he says that however good you imagine [the crossover], it would be almost better in your imagination than it would be if the two grand old egotists actually met,” he added.

I have a theory that people obey the WHO because they’ve grown up watching Doctor Who save humanity on a Saturday evening tea-time since it was…

… in black and white, Click. I caught the Who bug with No.3 and the spiders… you know, when he regenerated into…

jelly baby man, yes No.4, Click.

Yes, yes, Clicky, there’s probably a reason for that… makes Wales look good, I dunno. Now stop distracting me, I was talking about the WHO

It was founded practically single-handedly by a man, Clicky…


Brock Chisholm 'Doctor to the World'

‘Doctor to the World’

Perhaps he though Santa was Satan, Clicky, some people do 😉 Now let me get on…

My Y’ello friend Mhehed Zherting sent me an e-cig link this morning…

Mhehed brings Roobee ecig news

‘What’s interesting is that The Lancet revealed this “information” in an anonymous editorial rather than a proper article. Of course it’s impossible to be sure who wrote this, because it’s anonymous, but it is an editorial. That means it was probably written by the editor, and The Lancet’s editor is one Richard Horton.’

As far as Simon Chapman goes, yeah he really is a nob

Now if only Vapers could be convinced to stop acting like ex-smokers (i.e. sanctimonious twats) and realise for one minute that using Tobacco Control ‘harm reduction facts’ against smokers will not help them in the long run…

That’s right, Click, remember… Sat 19th September 2015 on BBC1 😉

Oh give it a rest, Clicky. Have a Song…