CLICK5: Chinese Grooming & The Dalai Lama Drama…

Adventures in Remote Viewing: Animal Fam

Dear Reader, I have been reading Animal Farm by George Orwell, as part of the newly formed Gloom Dog Book club…

*Poppy Sweet Pea set the club up at UBU, Clicky… /lights up and smokes… I knew the story but never actually got round to reading the book… /flicks ash… Until yesterday…*

*Oh, it’s a great book choice to start with considering current political climes, Clicky…*

There’s a paragraph early on in the story that grabbed my attention because it synced with a conversation that I had with Cade Fon Apollyon on Friday evening, regarding: the 1966 movie Arabesque starring Gregory Peck and Sophia Loren; some randomly posted bible verse in the comments of a YouTube video of disco song that was a hit in Japan in 1977; and an unexpected  stream of swan, monkey, lion and elephant appearances to cross my path that day…

*Yeah I know. It’s a bit whacky, butt bear with me and I’ll try to explain…*

First things first, here is the paragraph from Animal Farm that grabbed my attention:

‘Napoleon took no interest in Snowball’s committees. He said that the education of the young was more important than anything that could be done for those who were already grown up. It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies. As soon as they were weaned, Napoleon took them away from their mothers, saying that he would make himself responsible for their education. He took them up into a loft which could only be reached by a ladder from the harness-room, and there kept them in such seclusion that the rest of the farm soon forgot their existence.’

*Okay I’m getting to it… /drags… Get arabesque to show, Dear Reader, Clicky…*

*No, the movie… /rolls eyes…*

*An outbreak of flu is used as an excuse in the opening scene and the missing cipher hidden in a sweetie wrapper, labelled 9…*

*The title of Wes’ talk is meant to be sarcastic. Actually a ‘pollock’ is also a fish… /thinks… Wait, this is syncing with the ‘lost joke’ in your recent post, Clicky…*

*Vans with ‘Cubitts’ on the side were very prominent in the movie… /drags…*

*Weird fucking movie, Clicky. Enjoyable but weird… /streams smoke… To think, we only watched it ‘cos of a Twitter convo Cade had with @monkeynutshell shortly beforehand…*

*/flicks ash… A trio from Frankfurt…*

*Some elephant tweets had crossed my twitterfeed that day…*

*Menemosyne is an aspect of the Planetary Animal Mother, Sophia, according to Gnostic teacher John Lamb Lash… /final drag… Goddess of Memory and mother of the 9 Muses…*

*An elephant would be an excellent witness to a crime, Clicky… /stubs butt…*

*Wes’ latest vid… /grins… Talk about the elephant in the room…*

Okay, I’m gonna have to assume, Dear Reader, that you followed the conversation above and employed your Clicky when cued, to perceive the synchronicities that I experienced…

… So, let’s go back to the paragraph from Animal Farm that grabbed my attention…

Nose of a Lion took no interest in Snowball’s committees. He said that the education of the young was more important than anything that could be done for those who were already grown up. It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies. As soon as they were weaned, Napoleon took them away from their mothers, saying that he would make himself responsible for their education. He took them up into a loft which could only be reached by a ladder from the harness-room, and there kept them in such seclusion that the rest of the farm soon forgot their existence.’

*Sorry for the spoiler, Clicky, butt those 9 puppies became Napoleon’s attack dogs, enforcing his rule over Animal Farm…*

*Yeah, it’s a lot to take in, Clicky…*

I’ve nearly finished reading Animal Farm, Dear Reader. It’s funny, George Orwell prefaced the story with ‘A Fairy-tale’, a pejorative term used to describe myths…

… Have a Song, Dear Reader… 😉

Missive From ‘Merica: No.85 Part 5 – Sideways

Happy Having-A-Day-Off-From-Work Monday to you, Dear Reader…

*And to you too, Clicky… /looks about… Where’s the link?*

*Thanks! …/pats snout…*

… We’re having a lovely sunny day in Southend. Thoughtful Man read on the news that it’s because of the bad weather in the West – we’re sucking in the good stuff here in the East…

*Or sumthing like that anyway…*

Sew… continuing on from yesterday, Part 5 of The Okie Devil’s weekend missive follows. As received, it was 10 pages of text. Whether turns out as ten posts, well, time will tell…

Enjoy! ❤


For reasons unknown, whatshername just stuck her head in the door, and asked me if I had heard about the weather.

Whatshername: Have you heard about the weather?

Cade: Um…no, I have not.

I’m sure that a confused and/or perplexed look crossed my face. I may even have shook my head slightly in stunned disbelief at what I was hearing and why.

Whatshername: The weather is gonna drop tomorrow, and it is only supposed to have a high of 68°F, and it’s supposed to rain all day.

Cade: OK…noted. The weather is gonna drop tomorrow. Thanks?



I’ve no idea why she popped in and told me that. I’ve told her nothing about my plans.

It’s currently 19:02 on Saturday evening October 14th, temperature is currently 87°F, and current weather conditions are “not a goddamn cloud in the sky”. I guess that’s about to change.



Checked the weather, and it shows no rain forecast. Tomorrow high of 72°F, with a low of 49°F.

^Pretty Lights – Finally Moving^

Other than being a respiration test-subject during random grizzly bear encounters, what do I have to offer? Welp…I took some stock earlier in the week, and found that my achievements are quite limited in the “certified as certificated” departments. “Severely lacking” in just about any and every department. Physical, mental, spiritual, academical, you name it…I’m missing it all.

But that does get me to thinking about teaching and learning a bit, and especially teaching. If someone has a “defect” in say…writing ability as it pertains to grammar and spelling…did you not just compound their “problems” by pointing this defect out? Your standards came from somewhere…right? Chances are good, that these standards are as much based on ability as they are inability…correct?

So…if you have so honed these tools, that they are purposed to divide from and NOT to make a space for, is it any really wonder where the failure starts? Perhaps even where it started?

I can’t think of a single teacher that I’ve ever had in a public setting, who were so bound by the shackles of regulation, that they all seemed like whipped dogs trying to perform tricks in order to make their masters happy. That’s why I personally do not make any dogs “beg” for my affections of any kind. I enjoy their companionship, and the companionship is its own reward, within the scope of an almost invisible reward system.

I mean, it’s there…but most people don’t like to look at things that way. They feel that it’s non-empowering or degrading. I like to think of it as acceptance. Acceptance of the obvious. I choose to be in this animal’s life, not vice-versa. I think that’s maybe where “pet” has gotten us a little sideways in some areas. But that’s just me and my thinking.

You're free to do whatever you want.


*I love a day off work, me… *

Be sure you join us for the sixth installment of Cade’s missive, Dear Reader… And have a Song 😉