Missive From ‘Merica: Tight Slots & Big Shots

*OMG, No! That is not what this missive is about, Clicky!*

*Yes! …/lights up and smokes… Hmm, I guess that could be an allegory to what’s occurring with the ‘vaccines’ and great reset…*

*Not if the instigators get their heads smashed in, no…* 

*Well, at least it would be mercifully quick… /flicks ash… Unlike what’s being perpetrated on the sleeping populace right now…*

Happy Friday, Dear Reader 😀

Although he hasn’t written us in a while, Cade Fon Apollyon has more than made up for the wait with a fantastic new missive about gambling. He’s going to Vegas…

*Dunno, I haven’t seen Cade’s poker face, Clicky. Now pipe down, I have a missive to format…*

Enjoy! ❤


I am going to try and make a note here to never again eat any type of food that has blue food coloring in it. My busted and aging heart cannot stand the strain of that shock in the morning when you look down into the toilet or perhaps when you wipe your backside and suddenly find yourself thinking “OMG!!! I HAVE MOSS GROWING IN MY INTESTINES!!!”

Yep, yellow + blue = green. In this case, that weird “moss green” that is totally unearthly and almost certainly has some kind of supernatural or perhaps extraterrestrial origin. Maybe both. Supernatural aliens have invaded or polluted your body! Bilirubin/bile is/are yellow, which normally turns your feces brown, but the introduction of that blue food coloring into your diet is gonna foil your body’s Dung Shui plans for balance and harmony. Now you’re standing there in the haze of just waking, just had your morning movement and trying like hell to get off of the can ASAP so you can get rolling with your day, and your brain possibly cannot immediately connect the dots as to why you’ve suddenly been sentenced to death by some unknown ailment which is turning your poop swamp moss green. Whatever it is, better get to the doctor quick. Oh, and you might wanna take a stool sample whilst you have one handy. Or maybe just remember that you ate a fuckton of tortilla chips that were dyed blue with blue food coloring in honor of the July 4th holiday, and that is almost sure to be your “problem”. It’ll pass. Like, it’ll pass, go a…nevermind…

you'll figure it out

I realize that it is a huge part of YouTube culture to say “guys” as much as one possibly can in your videos, but, jumpin’ Jesus on a pogo stick…the gentleman in the video above must be going for some kind of YouTube metrics world record. I’m half-tempted to go back and re-watch the video just to count how many times he says “guys” during the course of the video but I know I’d never survive. Plus, it would just serve to pad his YouTube stats.

*You counted ’em? That’s 3.4 times a minute, Clicky, or roughly every 20 seconds… /drags… That is a lot of guise from a man in a mask…*

I wasn’t very far into the original watching when I found myself skipping through the video just to avoid hearing him say it, and I eventually just skipped to the end parts only to see how much he’d lost on each of the three machine types he was playing. The word “guys” has a binding quality because it is directed at no particular individual. It’s only specificity is, that it is to everyone in earshot. “Guys” has the same quality as “fire” or “run” or “help” or “get down” or “heads up” or “duck” or “all hands on deck” or “battle stations” or similar. If you can hear it, it is likely directed towards you. A very inclusive term. An “attention getter”. Someone is “calling you into the fold” of whatever is happening. Including you whether you want to be included or not. But the best thing about the term “guys” is that it doesn’t have the same negative connotations that my previous examples have. In fact, “guys” is kinda neutral until you yourself actually begin to understand the particulars of why someone is trying to include you in some event

“Guys! Come look at this sunset!”

“Guys! Come look at this light in the sky!”

“Guys! Come look at this dumpster fire!”

“Guys! Come check out the television!”

However, when you take “guys” out of such a specific contextual situation and use it generically, “Guys” when used alone has a very “come and see” type of vibe to it. Whomever is trying to get your attention only wants to get your attention and keep it until you yourself figure out what is going on. Or maybe even grab your attention and hopefully you’ll never catch on to what is going on nor why. Yep, I can see why “guys” has become such a popular parlance in the “influencer” and/or “content creator” realm(s). Very catchy, very inclusive, and it always works. Grabs attention, and has a propensity for keeping it for a spell.

^most fun slot machines🎰 Top 10 Slot Machines of 2020 from G2E 😱 Brian Christopher Slots^

It’s kinda like something a barker at a carnival might use to draw in the rubes for various purposes. Some rubes the barker will want to buy a ticket, get them in to see the show, then get them the hell out. Other rubes they may want in order to pick their pocket. Still others they’ll want to buy a ticket AND they’ll want to try and later lure them into spending even more money on the various schemes waiting for them inside. You cannot rob every single person of all they have, carnies will know this. The game is about numbers and the various dynamics within those numbers.

Today they are widely called “metrics”. 

Which individuals are plucked off of the assembly line, when, and for what purposes. Mainly you gotta endeavor to bury “the big scores” in the aggregate. Surround a loud noise with a bunch of smaller noises so as to have a dampening effect on that big noise. Isolate that big noise, and keep it isolated. When you have some lone individual screaming that “HEY! THEY RIPPED ME OFF!”, and the official powers get involved, you need to make that one person completely isolated and alone. If you rip off a bunch of people, this “isolated person” will have allies. Can’t have that. Now you’re facing a mob, and mobs are scary things. Gotta make this one sucker seem like an isolated event, and that gives you a leg up in putting the burden of proof on them. You, as a carnie, you’re operating a business, right? You cannot lower yourself to perform such unscrupulous activities because it would affect your entire business in a negative way. This person screaming about getting ripped off is a nutcase. They’re crazy. More likely that they are just pissed about losing their money, and looking for someone to pin it on. I mean, look at all these fine people here that we’ve treated fair and square. Hundreds upon hundreds of folks pour through these tent doors every day, and you don’t hear any of them complaining. They’ve all gotten their money’s worth, and that’s what we do here…give people their money’s worth.

Heh, genius. 

Playing the long odds, and winning, because the game is rigged long before the long-odds lightning ever struck.


What’s that? You don’t see the connection between unscrupulous carnival workers and legitimate business interests? No WAY that legitimate businesses use the same models as shady carnival operators to make money.


In denial much? Who is it, exactly, that is telling you “we are legitimate”, eh? Exactly…the same fuckers trying to sell you something. Not to mention, do you really think that some business person is gonna come right out and tell you “our goal is to fuck you out of every single penny we can get from you”? Math, is math. Numbers are numbers.

There's no way around that. 

Well, actually, there is, and there are ways around that. Question is, are you aware of these pathways? Spend a lot of time crunching numbers, do ya? Spend a lot of time in the shadows and on darker pathways trying to understand how these systems really work, do ya? Nah…not you…you only travel the legitimate pathways. You keep your nose clean. It’s the righteous pathways, and only the righteous pathways for you. It’s all you know, and you have not a clue how they really work. You see, only what you want to see. You listen, only to who you want to listen to. Has an effect of making you feel exactly how you want to feel.


Oh yes, you are on a carnival midway every single day of your life, and you have barkers screaming at you day and night to indulge yourself in whatever it is they are hawking, you likely just don’t see things that way. In fact, it’s possible you don’t see things that way because the noise of the carnival has lulled you into the very trance it wants you in.

Q: How many advertisements do you figure you see in the course of an average day in your life?

A: ???

Even with me not being much of a gambling man, I’m gonna be willing to bet that whatever number you came up with is extremely low – low, according to the experts anyway. I think it important to point out that the article I linked was from a little over 4 years ago, and a helluva lot can change in 4 years. Anyway, I’m gonna further wager that your numbers are so low because you don’t consider things like the McDonald’s sign up in the sky on a pole as advertising. Nor the Kroger’s sign atop a grocery store as advertising. I mean, they aren’t…trying…to…sell me something. Not like, in commercial commercials like on TV and on the radio or on the web. Yep, safe to say that you may have been lulled to sleep and not even know it. You have devised such clear-cut modalities as to what is and is not advertising and/or commericals, that you are getting carpet-bombed with ads the live-long day and don’t even realize it.

And hey, I’m not knocking commercial interests really either. When I’m on a road-trip in some unfamiliar place and I’m totally surrounded by unfamiliar things and feeling a bit lost even tho I know exactly where I’m going, my tummy is rumbling and I really need to get some food and a brief rest, and then I see that McDonald’s sign sticking way up above the horizon 3 or 4 miles down the road?

Ahhh...what a comfort. 

Something familiar. Something known. A haven of a more or less absolute known quantity is just ahead. I don’t have to chance dropping in to some unknown local greasy spoon, get shitty food at bad prices, then spend the rest of my journey stopping every hour because I’ve got the shits or maybe food poisoning. No…those old days of taking chances at local dives are gone. I can buy-in to the known quantity, and I’m almost sure to get a square deal. Of course, I’m fucking the local gentry that used to rely on travelers like me for them to have an income, but meh, that’s progress. I want the known thing, I don’t want to take chances nor assume risk that might fuck up my own position.

^Beginners Guide to Slot Machines^

I got a question for anyone who looked at that Forbes article which mentions that most people are exposed to between 4,000 and 10,000 advertisements per day…

Q: How many advertisement were on that article?

A: ¿¿¿???¿¿¿???¿¿¿

15 for me. BUT!!!

Q: How many advertisements were in that article?

A: heh...you didn't think about that one, did you.

The most obvious and glaring ad you missed is gonna be from Forbes itself. Forbes is bringing you this content, hence, it is an advertisement for Forbes and also an advertisement for Forbes content.


But there’s also an ad for “Forbes Agency Council” at the top of the page. There’s a sub-ad for “Council Posts”. There’s an ad for “Leadership”. Now we can get to the ad for the article author…Jon Simpson. That’ll bring us to the ad for Jon Simpson’s company, Criterion.B. You then have a picture from and an advertisement for Shutterstock. To the left of the first photo are ads for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. There then, in the body of the article itself, are ads for Apple, Android, Crate & Barrel, Unilever, Banana Republic, Lucky Brand jeans, another ad for Facebook, and ads for Instagram and Crest toothpaste. I should take a moment to point out here that Instagram is owned by Facebook, so Facebook has gotten three ads in this article so far, but only one of those is “quasi-official”.

What’s that? You don’t think that a writer would ever intentionally mention certain products because it is in their interests to do so? You don’t think a publisher would ever tell their writers to mention or NOT mention certain products because it is in their interests to do so/not do so? That’s fair. You’re probably right. Let’s us get back on the topic of how many ads you are seeing, and where they may be lurking and hitting your being without you even realizing it. Did you see those three bars at the very top left of the page? How about those “Subscribe”, “Sign In” and that little magnifying glass at the very top right of the page? Did you notice the date and time on the article? Did you look at the address bar and verify that the hyperlink agrees with the date and time on the article? This date and time stuff may not seem like it’s advertising, but it is. It’s a something that Forbes or the author can potentially leverage at some point and say “Hey look! We got here first! We’re smart! Invest in us!” It’s a vector. A dynamic. A metric. A hook.

 A selling point. 

Just trying to point out that you’re likely being sold via a lot of ways that you don’t really realize, and some of these ads may be downright insidious as to not only how they work, but the laws that do or do not govern them. Seriously, how many of these ads are recognizable as…ads. As advertisements and/or advertising of goods or services. And that’s part of the struggle – knowing when you’re being sold, who is selling you, and what you are being sold. It may just be down the river.

^Slot Machines – How to Win and How They Work^

These models work, and they are in every facet of human life. Keep the risk(s), low. Keep the reward(s), high. Going in, you know that you are going to have to deal with whistle-blowers, back-stabbers, traitors, wild cards, those who develop a guilty conscience and/or crusaders of all kinds as it’s just part of the game. So, you employ models. Ways. Means. Practices. Equations. Algorithms. Theories. Laws. Anything and everything to get you what you want, and do so with a minimum of damage to yourself. Question is, are you, yourself, being vigilant? Are you, ensuring that the laws of the game are being obeyed, or are you letting certain law(s) slide? Are you turning a blind eye because it suits your purposes to do so?

The law(s) mean fuckall if no one is enforcing them, and mean even less if the majority doesn’t care if the laws are enforced or not. In fact, “the majority” may feel that it is in their own best interest(s) if certain laws are not enforced or if certain details are overlooked. Might be some unforeseen opportunity has arisen, and it behooves you in the moment to forget about certain laws or even pesky principles that might stand in your way. Fuck the minority, this may be my one and only opportunity to get what I want. BTW, if you’re thinking that I’m hinting around at all of the lawlessness that it taking place surrounding this COVID-19/SARS-CoV2 business, you just might be right. If that thought had not occurred to you prior to me mentioning it, well, I’ll be mindful to lay it on a little bit thicker for you next time, seeing as how you’re all Snow White pure and unworldly and all.

^Casino Rama Resort – How To Play Baccarat^

From that video above on Baccarat…

The dealer will decide, based on a predetermined list of rules, when they draw a third card for the player or a third card for the banker. The dealer will take care of all of that for you. If you wanna see a list of the rules as to when a player or a banker draws a third card, speak to the supervisor and they’ll give you a chart to let you know, so you can follow along and see when you’re supposed to draw the extra cards.

The dealer will take care of all of that for you.


So, walk into a game, not knowing the rules, and perhaps not understanding the game at all, but trust us, we do. After all, your only interest, as a player, is winning. You are totally singular minded in this game. You, sit down at a gambling table, to win. Let us help you do that.

Heh, heh, heh. 


^HOW TO PLAY ROULETTE – All You Need to Know About Casino Roulette^
I am so fucked. 

You may have notice that I’ve been watching some videos on slot machines, and have also been playing a video game that is supposedly very similar to the slot machines one would find in a Las Vegas casino, and yep, it is clear that I am totally fucked. Aliens could abduct me and take me to their home planet for a visit, and I think it safe to say that it would not be nearly as foreign nor mind-blowingly scary as my visiting a casino. Yet, that’s what I’m about to do, and after spending some time trying to understand how these slot machines work, safe to say I’m fucked.

The concept of “never take money to Las Vegas that you aren’t prepared to lose” is not a new one to me. Heard it most of my life in fact. I know that the small amount of money I’ve saved to take with me to Vegas in a few months is not coming home with me. But that’s really not the issue here as much as it is me trying to understand these various games and how they work. I guess I was under the impression that you drop some money into an individual machine, pull the handle or push a button, and if you get matching symbols in a line straight across, you win something…if not, you lose your money…


But oh no, that’s not the way it works. Now you can bet on all kinds of crazy lines and combinations, and you can make all kinds of crazy bets on these weird line combinations, and the “BAR-BAR-BAR” or “Jackpot” concept is pushed way off into the background of some “bonus round” type of something that you have to earn the right to play by getting some faux-jackpot round qualifier something. Worse still, the criteria for what pays and what does not pay is so abstract and non-linear that I can only assume that this is because those in the gambling industry have so perfected the numbers that all slot machines are now basically reverse-ATM types of machines.

I’ve been playing these video slots on my computer, and they are so fast-paced and so intricate as to the particulars, and I am having trouble comprehending the numbers that the computers have to be crunching in order to calculate every single position of every single symbol. Worst of all tho, I admit that I’m not having much fun. And that’s the point, right? Have fun? You KNOW you are going to lose. The games are designed to keep your attention focused on winning long enough that the casino can take every penny you have from you, that’s a given. But even with that in mind, it is very difficult to have fun if you have no clue what is going on, if you do not understand the game. Now you’re saddled with knowing that not only are you aware you were going to lose, but also with the knowledge that you have no idea what transpired on that screen to make you lose, and what would have transpired to make you win.

^High Limit Lightning Link HANDPAY JACKPOTS | Las Vegas Casino Jackpots Winner^
Not bad at poker. 

I’ve been playing poker since I was probably 6 years old, I understand the game, and even when I lose, it’s still fun to me. There’s something about sitting around a poker table that is familiar to me, comfortable for me, and hella fun. Probably because I understand the dynamics of the game, and I have an understanding of the situations that can arise which can make myself or others a winner, or a loser.

Started out learning how to play at the family games that always came together at Thanksgiving, Christmas and sometimes other family functions, eventually started playing with friends, then co-workers, can follow the cards fairly well, can read people reasonably well, and I can usually hold my own against just about anyone I’ve ever played against. But I’ve never played poker in a casino. Hell, I’ve only been in a casino twice in my life, that was coming up on 7 years ago, and both of those times were only because whatshername drug me up to this casino under duress. I didn’t gamble, had no desire to gamble and didn’t even want to be there. Just walked around and watched her do…

whatever it was she was doing. 

Anyway, I’m now faced with the dilemma of, do I stick to the slot machines whilst in Vegas, or do I actually sit down at a poker table and see what the experience is like. I guess my fear is that I’ll wind up sitting at the table with a bunch of sharks, I’ll get the big-head, they’ll suck me in, and crush me. Which, wouldn’t be so bad were I not in the position that I currently find myself in. I guess more than anything what I’m wondering is, how will I, considering my circumstance, handle the concept of winning if it were to happen to me on this trip out there. If I win a $2,000 jackpot on some slot machine, am I gonna squirrel that money away in the casino’s house safe and bring that back? If I were to start winning at some poker table, how do I know when to walk away from the table so that I can bring some money home? Should these even be goals for me? Do I leave everything there?

This is a once-in-a-lifetime trip afterall. 

I’ve never been to Las Vegas. This will likely be my only trip to Las Vegas. This trip has been on the schedule for 10 months now, and it’s burned a hole in my brain for the entirety of that time. It’s now right around the corner, and it’s becoming more and more obvious that I am completely ill-prepared for whatever in the fuck awaits me. Which, me being me, that’s fucking perfect. Historically, the more ill-prepared I am for a something, the better I tend to fare.

What’s concerning me, is this weird desire nagging at me to prepare. I’m much better at freeballing/walking in blind, so…is it because that I’m in such a shitty position and in such dire need of money that it has awakened some something inside of me which has a desire to go out there and behave like a man on a mission, to break Las Vegas as if the Universe has some big something waiting for me out there and I come home with sacks of cash then go off and live the remainder of my life in some measure of comfort?

Can't be. 

If that were the case, I’d be playing the lottery every fucking time there is a drawing, but I don’t. Wonder what could be eating at me so much that is making me so nervous about this trip.

^BY FAR The MOST FUN Slot Machine in Las Vegas!^

These folks are burning through hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars in very short periods of time. $25 per spin? $50 per spin? Sometimes much more? These are many times $0.01 cents per individual bet or $0.10 per individual bet, yet they’re playing so many “multipliers” or “lines” or whatever that the actual wager per spin is winding up being $25 a pop or more? It also appears that the amount you bet somehow changes the entire dynamic of the game itself. Like, better $1.00 per spin puts the machine in one mode, and betting $75 per spin puts the machine in some other kind of mode. Um, this is very disconcerting considering that all of this is happening within and from a single machine. Maybe this is why I’m having such a tough time following the numbers. What you bet can pretty much turn one machine/one game into a completely different machine/game.

^How To Play Keno^

The other odd thing that stands out to me is these mishmash kind of nomenclature as to “credits” and “dollars” as they pertain to “winnings”. Seems like someone is trying to at least partially obfuscate the various buckets and what they contain. Your “480 Credit” bet is, I guess, $48.00 dollars. 480 x $0.10 is, $48.00. And when you “win”, you are paid in “credits” which you have to extrapolate into dollars. If you win 1200 Credits on your $0.10 denomination bet, you have to figure that you just won $120.00. Yeah, the machine will eventually do that calc for you once the winnings are finally tallied, but I myself am trying to figure out if these conversions are done to help the player, or to help the casino.

 lolz, we already know the answer to that one, eh? 

For me what I’m trying to figure out how I can maybe actually play some games without burning through all of my money in 10 minutes. Which, it would appear that most of these folks are burning through thousands in much less time than that, and I ain’t gonna be taking thousands to Las Vegas and I’m gonna be there for four full days. FUCK! I have no idea what in the hell I’m gonna do for those four days. Sure as shit won’t be gambling it looks like.

^Learn how to play Pai Gow Poker^

Kinda odd that my journey in this particular writing mostly started off with me chasing down the reason that some people use the term “guys” so much in their online content. Not long after I watched that YouTube video where the dude won’t stop saying “guys”, someone I know made me aware of a coupla other YouTube personalities.

Amberlynn Reid

Foodie Beauty

I’ve not chewed on what I’ve seen for very long so I’ve decided to save most of my thoughts for my own blog because I’ve been WAY too wordy here already. But I will mention that what I see on these particular YouTube channels ain’t really any different than the stuff that I see on other YouTube channels. People being edgy and controversial so they can run their hustles…nothing more. Promotion. This is nothing new. Doesn’t matter if you don an expensive suit, sit behind a desk and give financial advice, or maybe put on a chef hat and go into a kitchen and start cooking some stuff, or perhaps slip into a thong and start shaking your goods, or put on a flame retardant suit covered in gasoline, set yourself on fire, mount a motorcycle and then jump over a house and land in a river…doesn’t matter what you are doing, it’s all promotion. Promotion, to make a living.

Your niche. 

Now…all that being said…there’s one player in this game/these games that you are likely paying no mind or perhaps even missing completely…the camera. Always and forever, and without fail, there is a camera. The presence of a camera, will always, alter behavior. A camera provides an audience. This camera will ultimately be a window into what could potentially be a much larger audience, but from the onset, the camera is the audience. That’ll bring us to the other unseen and unacknowledged participant…you. The viewer. I mean, you don’t think these people are doing this shit for fun, do you? They aren’t idiots either. No matter how much of a bumbling dunce they may appear on the video screen, the truth is that you are likely the dunce.

Lemme elaborate…have you given any thought at all as to how much preparation the people who are making these videos have put into making them? Because I assure you, it’s almost assuredly a lot. TONS of preparation. Loads of thought goes into how to capture your attention, and keep it. Question is, how much thought are you really giving to what you are seeing? Lemme stick a video in here real quick that may seem to be WAY off target as to what I’m talking about here, but I’d request that you watch the following video, give some thought to what you are seeing, then we can catch up on the other side.

^Pogo – SplurgenShitter^

One of the down sides of enjoying what you do or even appearing to enjoy what you do, is that the final product is that this is likely to instill a great deal of jealousy and contempt in those who see it. For example, in that video above, the artist gives the impression of having a really great time. Getting to some cool places, see some cool things, all while listening to a cool tune. But the reality is that a lot of planning went into making what is effectively, a lie. I mean, running around to a bunch of different places/locations just to capture a few seconds of video at each place? Hell, the logistics of that alone is enough to drive most people batty.

But then you have to consider the lighting, time of day, potentially waiting for hours on end for the sun to get in just the right place so you can shoot a few seconds of video. Making sure you can actually shoot where you want to shoot without yourself getting shot. And after you go to all those places and get all those shots, now you gotta go back home, dig through all the footage, pray that all of it turned out OK, edit it all together, do all your clean up, all praying that your original vision is coming together as you planned it, and you did all that for a 2 minute and 12 second video.

Yeah, I think it safe to say that someone who is in the habit of streaming live on the Internet for several hours at a time and potentially consuming huge amounts of food has likely put some thought into what they are doing and why. They may have even put a great deal of thought into what they are doing and why, and when, and how, etc.. They’re really only showing you the parts they want you to see. And that’s what you’re here for, right? To see what you want to see? Consume massive amounts of the stuff you are craving?

Q: Who is the “feeder” in this situation?

A: You? Or them.

Could be you are feeding each other. Like some fucked up marriage where both of you are on some endless loop of cutting the cake and jamming it into each other’s pie holes.

^Learn How to Play Craps in 4 minutes^

One last thing that I’ll toss in here is that people using their bodies to make money is nothing new.

It's really all we have. 

The only way to may money is to use our bodies in some way, shape or form. Which parts of our bodies we use and how? Well, that’s kinda subjective. It’s okay to use your hands until you’ve got carpal tunnel so bad that that your hands no longer work, or okay to use your back until it breaks, or okay to use your mind so much that you go insane, or okay to use your feet and/or legs until you can no longer even walk, or okay to work in some shithole where you breathe in so many dangerous chemicals or pollutants that your lungs give out…

but ohhhh no. 

You can’t use your mouth to consume massive amounts of food. Can’t use your multiple chins nor your giant gut to make cash. Can’t use your breasts or vagina to make money. Nope. Using your body to make money in those ways, is wrong. Truth is, you’d be hard pressed to find a single industry or trade that does not have some kind of risk(s) associated with it. Loads of industries and trades are also gonna have stigmas of all kinds. The bottom line tho is that the intent is always the same…making money. Making a living. Providing for yourself and likely others. It may just be that we ourselves are sometimes unhappy that someone has found an unconventional way to make their own way in the world. We didn’t think of it. Or maybe we did think of it, but we for whatever reason(s) didn’t take the plunge. Maybe we’re jealous. Maybe not. Maybe we’re too conservative when we need to be taking risks, and maybe we’re taking risks when we should be conservative, and we just … can’t … seem to fucking find that “in” we need, when we need it. Or maybe we’re just too dense to realize what we’re holding when we’re actually holding it.


Just thinking aloud. Food for thought.


^How to Play Texas Hold’em for Beginners^

Gonna add an addendum here. I’ve already sent this to Roob, she’s edited and formatted it, but she had a question about something I said in the previous section, and it got me to thinking that maybe what I was trying to say in the previous section could actually use a bit of expansion.

In life, virtually everything that one does is likely to be considered, private. We humans have a propensity to share very few aspects of our own lives with others, moreover, the number of people we tend to share aspects of our lives with is gonna be very small. We’re like pies that almost no one ever even gets a crumb of, let alone gets an entire slice of. To actually give some kudos to some governments, at least governments tend to recognize that this dynamic exists, and many either have laws or precedents within law which both recognize and protect these aspects of human life.

And what difference is that? 

Welp, the difference between public, private, and who gets to decide which is which, where, when, according to whom, and why. Most of these thoughts are going to swirl around the ideas of defamation/slander/libel, which means that, yep, “the press” or “the media” is typically hip deep in these goings on. The concepts/primary distinctions that I personally was introduced to back in high school via my extraordinarily phenomenal government teacher was the ideas of whom is thrust into the public eye, and who thrusts themselves into the public eye. Which, what in the hell is “the public eye” anyway, and who are these people who are being thrust into it and/or thrusting themselves into it?

Center Of Attention
Drill Commands
Challenge-Response Authentications
The Public Eye
Public Eye
Private Eye
Public Person
Private Person
Public Figure
Public Figures and Officials
Public Figures vs. Private Figures: Which one are you?
Hustler (Disambiguation)
Side Hustle
Side Hustle

We currently live in a world and in times where privacy is being raked over the coals, and in most instances being flat out trampled. Your privacy is a valuable commodity, and just about anyone and everyone who is involved in commerce of any kind wants a piece of your own personal privacy. They want to know you. They want to know everything about you that they can. But I’m getting off track a bit and that’s really not what I was getting at in the previous section.

What I was getting at in the previous section was that, in order to survive in this world, you are sometimes gonna have to reveal some parts of yourself that are private. You’re parents, family, guardians or whomever are going to want to know things about you that you may or may not want to reveal. When you go to school you’re gonna have to open up and reveal how smart or dumb you are in certain regards. When you make friends, you’re gonna make those friends, and ultimately keep those friends, by revealing things about yourself. When you engage in social activities, when you go shopping, when you apply for jobs, when you interview for jobs, when you engage potential partners, when you encounter strangers, when you travel, when you apply for credit, on and on…just about any and all interactions in life are going to require you to either show or hide certain aspects about your own self. And it’s with that where my thoughts in the previous section lay.

When you, as an individual, are deciding what to do and when, you are usually taking personal considerations into account, and maybe doing so without even realizing you’re doing it. But I don’t think “not realizing it” is the case when it comes to thing like YouTube content creators or influencers or whatever. Typically, these folks are allowing you glimpses into their own lives that you almost certainly would never see, and the short of it is that it takes a fuckton of balls to do that. They’ve taken the plunge, and as a result they’ve opened themselves up to what is potentially an endless reservoir of criticism with very long odds of a worthwhile return. They’ve seen an opportunity and taken it instead of remaining in the “private” realms.

I guess with my mind being on gambling and how I personally am going to handle this upcoming Las Vegas trip, I’m thinking in terms of the foolish and wise decisions that one can make when sitting at a poker table, or sitting at a slot machine or whatever. You’ve taken one step in deciding to go. You’re taking another step when you walk into the casino. Another when you actually engage a particular game. Yet another when you begin to participate/play, and this is where things can get really wonky, because from here on in you are going to either be kicking yourself or praising yourself for every decision you’ve made and every action that you’ve taken. You’re gonna keep doing this until you walk away from the game, and even then you’re gonna be scrutinizing both the decisions you’ve made as well as the decisions you continue to make. Moreover, all of this is likely happening within full view of the public. Others in the game or perhaps just bystanders are going to be watching you, and they too are going to have opinions about your own style of play, the decisions you make and when, your mannerisms, your attitudes, how you handle victory, how you handle defeat…it’s a very similar concept to these same public/private types of thoughts attached to the previous section’s ideas of who takes what plunges in life and when. Who is actually in the game, who is not in the game, why they are where they are, what their intentions are, and ultimately it’s like some big public and private opinions circle jerk that is only happening because a few select people decided to sit down and play a game.

Now, because this example takes place in a casino, pretty good chance that most people will keep their opinions to themselves at the table. I think it’s quite frowned upon on a casino floor for players to make unsolicited comments or give unsolicited critiques to other players, and I think that goes double for any observers who are not actually in or a part of the game. And it is with that which I’d point your thinking back towards our Youtubers and maybe give some thought to whether you are a player (fellow content creator/public person) or an observer (user/private person). May also give some thought to your own station in life. Give some thought to your own intentions. Primarily, are you happy being a private person in wandering through the casino known as The Internet, or would you rather be sitting at a table or playing one of the games? Do you wanna be supportive of winners when they’re up as well as losers when they’re down? Do you only want to be supportive of winners? Do you wanna criticize and dog the losers? Is that “your” game? And do you play this game publicly? Privately? Both, but are choosy about which one you do, when and where/with whom? And if you do ultimately decide to actually play in one of the available games, what are your intentions with respect to how you want others to treat you, and when?

I don’t know if there is a “bottom line” that exists within the framework of these thoughts. But if we were to ever find ourselves near some kind of “bottom line” type concept, and were we able to recognize it as such, it would probably tell us something like…”Hey kid, you’re just gonna have to make a decision, and regardless of what happens as a result of your making this decision, you’re just gonna have to take whatever comes up, good, bad, or indifferent.”

Jmo…it’s highly possible I’m wrong about every aspect of every thought I’ve expressed here. But, I keep plunging headlong into what is potentially oblivion. If only I could see where I was going.


^Simian Mobile Disco – Hustler^


^High Roller by The Crystal Method^


*Oh, now I get you, Clicky, the lotus flowers are like the booster shots… /stubs butt… although I’m not sure guaranteed longevity forms part of the plan…*

Have a Song, Dear Reader…

Missive From ‘Merica: And We’re Off…

Hello there, Dear Reader, and happy new year 😀

No doubt, we’ve had a belter of a start to 2021, what with rampant mutant Covid, stricter lockdowns and a spot of argy-barginess in the capital of the old ex-Blighty colony, across The Pond…

*Clicky, 24 hours is a fucking long time in politics these days… /lights up and smokes…*

… However, we can take a moment to harken back to the halcyon days of 2020 with a missive from the Okie Devil of Text US, which was started before Christmas, but only landed on the LoL doormat yesterday…

*So do I, Clicky, so do I…*

Enjoy! ❤


Gluten schlaben. Mime namen ist Dr. Spliven DuSchpagh, ant eive ville best skriptenscribbling for Hare Cade todazengrabben. Cade dus unt spracken sea Germaniac. Zoe, I spracken zoe he noe aint gotta spracken the Dirtch, capisce?

GOTCHA! Heh heh heh…just kidding…it’s me…CADE! There is no Dr. Spliven DuSchpagh. Just me being a racist bastard in speaking English with a German accent…in text. Wait…is “German” a race? Or are Germans just more of the same white fuckers who just so happen to speak their own language.

Q: Are Germans a race.

Answers...we need them.

I need to know if I am an anti-Germite.

^Deadmau5 – Soma [played by Deadmau5]^
“Lick” is right in the big middle of “complicated”.

If you never noticed that before, you have now.

You're welcome.
^Deadmau5 – Sometimes Things Get Whatever (MosDam remix) HQ^

Fuck love. You fuckers can’t even “like” someone, let alone love them, so give the “love will save the world” bullshit a rest, k? Get back to me when you figure out how to unconditionally like someone, or maybe even understand someone…then maybe we can explore the love angle(s). Until then, yeah, STFU with this love bullshit.

^Benny Benassi – Love Is Gonna Save Us HQ^

That which guides you.

Lets think about it.

That, which guides you, in this life.

Can a certain brand of aftershave or a certain perfume guide your life?

Yeah, I don’t think a certain brand of aftershave or a certain perfume can guide your life either. But just for shits and giggles, let’s us further explore the topic since it would appear that neither of us have anything better to do.

Q: If you don’t smell a certain way, how does this affect your attitude?

A: ? … !!!

More than that, how can certain unpleasant or even pleasant smells alter your schedule. You were gonna catch the 6:20 showing of a movie, but now you gotta take a shower and get freshened up, and the next showing isn’t until 8:40. You need to be in bed by 10:00, but now it’s possible you won’t be in bed until just before midnight. You gotta be up at 6:00am, so that short night’s sleep is gonna effect your whole day tomorrow. All this because of…a smell?


Q: Who says I need to smell a certain way?

A: ó¿ó

Let’s look deeper.

^Boris Brejcha – Sometimes Things Get Complicated^

According to this article, these are the 10 largest cosmetic companies in the world.

Top 10 Cosmetics Companies in the World 2020

Just to be thorough, let’s us check and see if there is a top list, and see if there are any big and/or recognizable names that might be missing from that first list.


Fuck that Top 10 nonsense, let's go Top 50!

Ranking the Top 50 Cosmetic Companies

Jesus Christ…they only give the top 10. I got to use them as a go-between in order to get to the actual list?



Lotta differences between that first list and the second list. Anyway, here’s why I’m primarily interested in various cosmetics companies of the world.

AH! But hold the phone here…

And of course, there are other opinions to be had…

But after seeing that bit on this grooming gang report, I got to thinking…wait a sec here…

Q: Aren’t cosmetic companies capable of being qualified as “grooming gangs”?

A: ¿??

Being understood is not as easy as it sounds.

^Deadmau5 – Soma (For Lack Of A Better Name) (Mark Walter Remix)^

Let’s us just see how rabbit holes may not necessarily be fallen into, but rather…dug with our own hands.

Rockingham Speedway
Richmond County, North Carolina
Rockingham County, North Carolina
Walnut Cove, North Carolina
Walnut Cove Cemetery (Also known as Highland Memorial Park)
Johnny Green Smith Jr.

Now…the question is, how do I, describe to you, how I wound up at 12:24 in the morning reading about a man who died in North Carolina back in May of 2020. Further, how do I explain to you why I kept going, step after step, until there were so many “syncy” things that I had to stop digging.

A: I just do.

I strap in, commit myself to telling the tale, and then I take the time tell it.

I don’t whale it.
I don’t flail it.

I don’t sell it.

I tell it.

^Paranormal investigations the fun, danger and stories with Sam Hundley Hauntings.^

You know that party you were invited to? Yeah, the one where you knew absolutely no one who was gonna be at this party? Maybe you kinda sorta knew the person who invited you, but everyone else…nah, you didn’t know a single…fucking…soul. You wrestled and wrangled as to whether you should go or not. What should I wear? Who are these people? What are they like? Do we have anything at all in common? What should I be prepared to talk about? Should I contact the person who invited me and ask if I can drag someone along with me so I don’t feel so isolated and alone? Do I really want to put one of my friends through this same potentially awful experience? Why in the hell am I even doing this?!?!?!??

You had an experience that maybe you didn’t fully understand. Oh sure, at the time, it made perfect sense. Over time tho, those naysayers and disbelievers, and especially those who have not had a similar experience are gonna drag you down. Some of the very people who SHOULD believe you are gonna be skeptical, and they may even be doing so for their own selfish or maybe even nefarious means because they don’t want anyone eclipsing them. You may even start to wonder to yourself if this experience ever even happened, because no one seems to believe you, and as such, you wanna experience it again. You may even wanna drag someone along with you so that you can go “SEE! SEE!!! I TOLD YOU SO!!!” I get it. I really do get it.

Get it? 😉
^Chris Brown & Benny Benassi – Beautiful People^

As I explained in my replies, I see the “DO IT AGAIN!!!” or “DO IT AGAIN, AND I”LL BELIEVE!” modalities of thinking as being dangerous. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen mention of someone wanting to have a subsequent experience, and in fact, it’s quite a common thing in the paranormal realms. Big Foot hunters, Ghost Hunters, Nessie watchers, UFO chasers, you name it. And if you wanna relate these a little better, you could even put people like Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur to Marie Curie, Max Plank and Peter Higgs in similar categories because they too were chasing phantoms. Hell, the Apostle Paul, Daniel, Samuel,Ursula Kemp, Hermes Trismegistus, Nostradamus, Carl Jung, Dr. Ruth Westheimer…all of them chasing phantoms of one sort or another. Common themes there…belief. Repeatable stuff. Gotta have that subsequent something in order to seal the deal.

Replication Crisis

Just what we need in 2020…an inability to replicate a more or less concrete and solid something.

^Afrojack ft Eva Simons – ‘Take Over Control’ (Extended Mix)^

Anyone else notice that Frozone rode a white horse?

Lemme back up.

First, you will have needed to have seen the movie The Incredibles and/or be familiar with the movie and its characters. In this movie, there is a character named Frozone (Lucius Best), and the character is voiced by Samuel L. Jackson. This morning I got to thinking about “the big fucking deal with skin color”, and it got me to thinking about both representation and symbolism. Started off by me thinking about this little “check mark” that one can obtain on Twitter. “Verified” I think it is called, many people seem to want this little check mark quite badly, but it appears to me that this Twitter Verified nonsense mainly related to influencers, celebrities, famous business folk, and government/official types. The influencers seem to be the lot that are most grasping for this verified status because I guess it will help them turn the ether into gold for them personally.

^Odyssey – Going Back To My Roots^

As I was thinking about this verified nonsense, and people scrambling to receive a mark so that they can be part of the club, a line from the movie The Incredibles popped into my head…

“And when everyone’s super…no one will be.”

– Syndrome

If everyone is “verified”, no one will be. What popped into my head next was, “Wait, was Frozone the only person of a non-white color in that film?” Then it occurred to me…


Ice. Frozone rode ice. Ice is white. 

Sure there are exceptions in the real world, but in the film, pretty sure that Frozone’s ice bridges that he slid around on were all white. Also…Frozone? Fro…Zone? How the fuck did Disney get away with naming a “black” character a name that starts with…


Was it a nod to “Fro Power” maybe? Anyway, I’m getting off track.

Q: Is a “black” entity’s power diminished by riding a white horse?

A: Increased?

Maybe there’s no effect at all. Or maybe I’m just being naive?

^Deadmau5 + Kaskade – Move For Me [Extended Mix] (1080p) || HD^

Hold the pickles…hold the lettuce.

Special orders…don’t upset us.

All we ask is that you let us serve it your way.

Have it yourrrrrr way.

Have it your way

Have it yourrrrr way…at Burger King.

You may not be old enough to remember that commercial/jingle. But I have a question for you…

Q: Is the Burger King Corporation liable for damages to me because I have that stupid thing stuck in my head, its been in there for most of my life, and there is no fucking way to get it out?

A: ???

Seriously…I was not at the age of consent when Burger King started pumping that shit into my head. Was just blissfully unaware. Me being new to the planet and all, I was under the impression that advertising was just part of the world and the people behind all this stuff were good people with good intentions simply letting me know that they had a burger joint and would sell me a burger if I was hungry. I had no idea that they were really trying to worm their way into my head in such a way that they’d be a permanent fixture in my psyche forever and ever. What do I get out of this long term agreement that I did not knowingly nor willingly participate in? Worse still, I can’t talk about it without further infecting others with the same goddamn disease/ailment.

What a weird world, eh?
^Tiësto feat. Tegan and Sara – Feel It In My Bones^

HI! It’s now December 27th. I started this missive on December 14 , but there’s been so much going on that I haven’t had a chance to write any more.


That’s a lie…I ain’t been doing a goddamn thing.

^Satisfaction – Benny Benassi – Isaak Extended Remix^

In a bid for world domination, Nation A attacks Nation B.

Later, Nation A claims that it only attacked Nation B, because Nation B actually attacked Nation A first. Or maybe Nation B was threatening Nation A in such a way as to cause Nation A to defend itself. In essence, Nation A was merely defending itself.

Ever heard this bullshit before?

Yeah? No? What about the “world domination” bit? Ever heard of a group or nation wanting to dominate the world?

Yeah? No?

I guess one of the better questions you might ask yourself is how you are going to react/respond to a group/nation storming into your hood and taking over. It is going to happen. Might also wanna ask yourself how you wanna deal with this certainty. Might wanna preempt. Just sayin’.

The storm is coming. You can either endure it, or be it.

^Reflekt – Need To Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha Vocal Mix)^

HEY! It’s now January 7th of 2021! Happy New Year you pack of fucking losers, scumbags, douchebags, etc.!

Let us think about evolution, and mutation. In this instance, we are gonna listen to two different songs by the same dude, and we are gonna add in two remixes of these same songs by two different artists.

  • 2 songs by one artist.
  • 2 remixes of these two songs, by two different artists.
Clear? Cool.

What I’m wondering is, what is the difference between evolution and mutation.

  • Is mutation obvious because a more or less definitive source exists?
  • Is evolution obvious because a more or less definitive source does not exist?
^Benny Benassi ft. Gary Go – Cinema (Official Video HD)^

The edge of the Universe is right here. Yes…right here, right now, right in front of you.

Q: Can you reach it?

A: ¿¿¿

Doesn’t matter what it is. If you are aware of it, and cannot reach it, its right in front of you.

Inaccessibility expands.

Accessibility contracts.

All this time, you’ve been standing on the edge of nothingness, and didn’t even know it.


People have existed on this planet for a very long time. We mingle. We interact. Some of us even get laid occasionally. Yet suddenly, if you don’t avoid everyone else, and if you don’t stay indoors 24/7, we’re all of us …gonna …be …ded.


No one wants to be dead.

Ded si dab!

^Benny Benassi – I Am Not Drunk^

Here’s the last one…a remix of I Am Not Drunk by Bloody Beetroots. We have had two songs by Benny Benassi…Cinema, and I Am Not Drunk; one remix by Skrillex, one remix by Bloody Beetroots.

Q: Where is the evolutionary something, and where is/are the mutation(s)?

A: …?...

May your 2021 be nCoV-2019 free, and I hope all your dreams come true.

Now...fuck off.

Oh wait…before you fuck off, maybe give a little thought to who is pumping what into your head, and why. That shit is there forever afterall. Even if you forget it, there is a void there where the something was, but is now “gone”. So yeah, there is an effect. There are effects. Sight(s), sound(s), smell(s), feel(z)…others are leading you around via a lotta different methods whether you realize it or not. Question is, what are you gonna do about it?

Now…you can feel free to fuck the fuck off.

Have a great weekend.
^Benny Benassi – I Am Not Drunk (The Bloody Beetroot Remix)^


^Benny Benassi – Who’s Your Daddy?^


*Whoa… /stubs butt… ‘Who’s Your Daddy?’ and Lashy’s fresh talk out this afternoon is syncy as fuck, Clicky…*

*Ah, that takes me back… /gazes wistfully…*

*What? Oh, okay, Clicky, you get a Song and I’ll finish up here…*

We hope you enjoyed your time spent with us here at the LoL, Dear Reader. I’m afraid there are no refunds if you didn’t… /shrug… Have a Song 😉

Missive From ‘Merica: Feeling Chromassy Part 2

At last, here is Part 2 of Cade’s latest missive, Dear Reader…

*Thanks, Clicky… /lights up… Hey, your post yesterday… /drags… You didn’t cover tanks much… /plumes smoke… Patton and tanks go together…*

*Yeah, I know you’ve constrained yourself to 5 fings to click or whatever, butt I’ve been finking…*

*About the Great Reset… /flicks ash… And how its architects needs the global economy to tank… /deep drag… so they can reset it…*

*Um, the pen is mightier than the sword… /thinks… Fountain pens have tanks, Clicky…*

… I know you’ve had to wait since Monday for it, so I shan’t keep you waiting. Enjoy! 😀


Dew U C Ceeds?

Do Ewe Sea Ceeds?

Doo You Cease Eads?

Duyu Cicids?

Do U CC’ds?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Do You See Seeds?

Do You Sow Seeds?

It’s funny how you sometimes see a something for the first time, and you just…get it. It makes sense. Stumble across the same thing a few years later, and your understanding of this something seems to deepen. All the old stuff is still applicable, but this new stuff you’re now seeing adds some layers to the existing.

^M83 – “Wait” (Official Video)^



I look left…there’s Friday.

I look right…there’s Friday.

I look ahead…there’s Friday.

.yadirF s’ereht…kcab kool I

I look down…

well, if I look down I could prolly see my junk if I lean forward a bit.

I look up…o, hallo! Wut u doin’ up thar?!

X: Question is, what are you doing up there?

Cade: Damn good question.

0: Well?

Cade: I’m “down here” to me, “up there” to you.

0: Are you about to start that “an ascent from one place, is actually a descent into another” crap?

Cade: If you must know, no…I am not.

X: What are you gonna do then?

Cade: Keep going.

X: Keep going…keep going…keep going…

Cade: Wait…why did “T:” just bail on me? They made an observation, then bailed. Now I can’t remember what it is they said.

X: Losing a lot of stuff lately are we?

Cade: Sorta. Question is, will I miss it.

X: Are you asking?

Cade: No. Making an observation.

X: Any plans on how to deal with all this stuff you are losing?

Cade: I’d imagine that I’ll have my chin up and maintain my optimism right up to the very end.

Z: At which point, it all goes wrong.

Cade: It’ll all fall apart.

X: It all comes crashing down.

Cade: Or up, depending on one’s vantage point or perspective.

X: Then what will you do.

Cade: The usual. Shed a few tears, have a few beers, then regroup.

X: How many people on Twitter do you estimate have you muted?

Cade: rofl…prolly many.

Z: People who “follow you”, have you muted?

Cade: It’s possible I guess. I see people talking about it all the time.

0: You see other people on Twitter talking about their followers muting them?

Cade: Yes. It’s kinda the only reason that I even think about the topic. I see tweets quite often where people are wondering aloud as to why no one seems to respond to their tweets, and further wonder if it is because their followers are muting them.

X: Have you reached any conclusions?

Cade: Most of the stuff that I tweet out is likely very non-interesting to most people, and I just figure that my stuff is kinda boring or irrelevant to most. My interactions with others in their tweets likely come off as acerbic, non-supportive, and maybe even hostile or combative.

X: Interactions are tricky.

Cade: You’ve very little space in which to interact with others. Back on point tho, in order to have a somewhat meaningful experience on Twitter, you really have to be mindful of both those whom you follow, as well as those who follow you.

Z: Be aware.

Cade: Yeah. Many people on Twitter seem to measure the quality of their experience primarily upon the number of followers and number of interactions because it adds up to a monetary payment of some kind. Others seem to measure the quality of their experience on the number of huggles and hearts and virtual smooches they get.

X: How did we get here?

Cade: Welp, we started off talking about dimensions and perspectives, and now we’re talking about Twitter and how certain people may see the service. So yeah, we’re kinda still talking about the same crap we started off talking about.

X: Dimensions and perspectives.

Cade: Today’s treasure is tomorrow’s shitbag.

X: Maybe there’s a diamond in the rough in there.

Cade: Certainly possible, if not likely.

X: …

What will happen, is the past.

What is happening, is the future.

What did happen, is the now.

^The Nuns – Lazy^

This next song was indexed as “42” in the randomly generated YouTube playlist that I am currently listening to.

Q: Does that “42” mean something?

A: /???\ /?¿?\ /???\

Hey, don’t ask me for answers, I asked you. When it comes to synchronicity, I cannot even begin to tell you what it/they might mean. I can only tell you that they’ve occurred. And hell yes I ponder the living fuck out of them. Have learned (the hard way) tho, that assigning a value and/or some kind of meaning to these things is almost a sure-fire way to wind up disappointed. A pathway to heartbreak. Maybe even destruction or some kind of calamity. As such, I personally don’t spend a lot of time trying to find exacting and specific meaning in these events.

Will good things come?

A: Yes, absolutely.

Will bad things come?

A: Yes, absolutely.

Can you predict which will occur when?

I've notta clue. I figure if I need to know a something, I will, and I'll know it precisely when I need to.

^Blackmill Feat. Veela – Let It Be (Full Version)^

That bit in the previous missive about “slavery” as it relates to “the state” and/or the US Constitution got me to thinking about attachments. Got me to wondering if it is possible to be attached to a something, without necessarily being a slave to this something you find yourself attached to. Surrendering rights and/or freedoms in order to receive a something, and this may be a something you don’t even realize you have. You may not even know that you’re giving a something up in order to get this something you don’t realize you have.

“The things you own, end up owning you.”

Fight Club (Movie)

You may need a something at one point in your life, but then at some point, you don’t need it anymore, so do you get rid of it? Free up some space? Shed some weight? Make yourself more mentally, physically and spiritually more agile? Or do you continue to carry it around with you. After all, you might just need it down the road. Like take for example when a something in your life becomes cliché. Does that mean it’s become a burden, and it may be time to trim some branches off of your own personal tree of wisdom?

“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.”

Greek Proverb

Is that really a Greek proverb? Like, really, really a Greek proverb? Or is it just some reworked and repackaged something being sold with a recognizable and somewhat reliable brand name.

“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit” – an ancient Greek proverb?

Potentially, that saying has been plagiarized, and maybe falsely attributed. The Jews appear to have a claim or two on it, the Chinese appear to have a claim on it and it was then stolen by the Romans/stolen by a Roman, another Roman may have attached it to the Greeks, on and on. Someone planted the seed, the tree grew, the tree continues to provide the fruits of its shade, and everyone on the planet is trying to claim ownershit. Ooops…I mean, ownership.

That was an actual typo. I left it.

^The National – “Sea Of Love”^

Plagiarism has been a hot topic in the “spiritual awakening” community ever since I first arrived in it. Loads of people accusing others of stealing from them, and especially in the more predictive portions of the ascension crowd; as in, those in the astrology types of realms.

  • Astrologer A posts their stuff first (chronologically);
  • Astrologer B posts their stuff next (chronologically);
  • Astrologer A then accuses Astrologer B of stealing their stuff.
(I assume because Astrologer A posted their stuff first)

Lessee…we’re talking about very exact and very precise times, places, things. I’d think that the interpretations, predictions and forecasts would almost have to be at least similar. The foundations of Astrology are set. Certain signs always and forever mean certain things, and the clockworks of the Universe are very precise. Hence, any deviation(s) or any lack of similarities between foretellings would be more indicative of some kind of an issue rather than similarities.

You’re all spinning yarns from the same wheel(s), right? Surely your textiles are going to be very similar. Then I guess it just comes down to marketing your product better, and some of that is going to include Pepsi Challenge kinds of crap where you praise your own product, and damn everyone else’s product(s). Make your own business thrive, skin your competition alive.


^Lord Huron – Time to Run^

Another one of the things that I don’t get about Astrology is that, yes, I am a Scorpio. But ya know what? My parents weren’t. I’m the offspring of a Taurus/Leo matchup. I’m a Scorpio spliced together via a Leo and a Taurus union. Surely that has some kind of affect on the particular flavor of Scorpio that I as an individual am.

…that I as an individual am.

Does that sentence fragment make sense? “I as an individual am” /shrug

Yeah, where was I? Oh yeah, um…

Leo + Taurus = Scorpio. 

How does a Leo and Taurus coupling create a plain vanilla Scorpio? Surely there’s some kind of triad type structure going on there. I have qualities of the three, and not just and only the one. Just thinking that I cannot rely upon the single “Scorpio” archetype to guide me in my travels and/or help me understand myself better. BUT! Maybe that’s the point?

Mom’s mom was a Virgo, and mom’s dad was a Libra. Dad’s mom was a Leo, and dad’s dad was a Virgo. That means if I wanna kinda understand myself, I need to understand all of these signs in order to understand how all of that can coalesce into…me. When your horoscopes make absolutely no sense, but you start to take the time to start reading the horoscopes of those who are in your life, and then combine them, maybe your own astrology stuff will start to make more sense.

Maybe not. 

Kinda thinking tho that the point of any system is to get you hooked on it. Work it until it starts making sense. Once it starts making sense, you can now believe in it. All that is left to do at this point is figure out if this stuff is really real, or if you were simply programmed to believe its real.

^Flying Lotus – Zodiac Shift (Sonnymoon Remix)^

Heh, it’s funny to think about the information one can glean about me just from my mentioning my parents and grandparents birthsigns. Data harvesters. What’s that? You were unaware of how stupid it is to reveal personal information of any kind or form on the Internet? Welp, it is. Gonna be very difficult for data harvesters to do “deep dives” on you if you’re shielded behind an e-personna. Those cute little things you see where they want you to take the first initial of your first name, last initial of your last name, day your were born, and month you were born in order to get your Jedi name or rocker name or whatever? Yeah, they now have your initials of first and last name, and your date of birth sans year. You know, all that “official” stuff that is splattered all over “official” documents and identifies you as being who you say you are.

Be safe…travel well.

^Unknown – High Society Climber (’60s GARAGE PUNK)^

A few years ago, was spending some time kinda bouncing back and forth between where I am now and this other place west of where I am now. Divorce was finally happening, new doors opening, new life on the horizon, new place(s), new people, new times…long story. Anyway, I saw something out there one day that really caught my attention. An advertisement, posted on a bollard outside of the entrance of a grocery store. I asked my compadre to take a picture of the advertisement, she did, but I have no idea where she uploaded the picture to, and she posted the picture on the now defunct Synchromysticism Forums. This means I cannot share the picture with you here and now.

Vaccination Schedule
The 2016 California policy to eliminate nonmedical vaccine exemptions and changes in vaccine coverage: An empirical policy analysis
When to Get HPV Vaccine
Influenza Vaccine
Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine
Four-In-Hand Knot
Foreign...hand...knot. Foreign...won...NOT!

Anyway, sorry I cannot provide the photo in question, but the advertisement was for a 4-in-1 flu vaccination shot, and it was outside of a Brookshire’s grocery store, slipped over one of the bollards outside the entrance. Immediately made me scratch my head. Yes, I understand the difficulty in trying to predict which virus will appear in a given season, and I also understand how frustrating it must be to whip up a batch of vaccines for on strain, yet another appears. Still, seems like a strange approach. Has a carpet bombing kind of feeling to it.

^China’s gateway to Europe – the New Silk Road | DW Documentary^

Can something “force” a mutation?

Unique genomic features of fatal coronaviruses
Characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
Thumbscrew (Torture)

How long can you chase a something before it either capitulates, or turns and fights? You prolly want it to either capitulate or die, but this thing you are trying to tame may not see things that way. May choose its own path. Yeah…sounds completely nuts, eh? Impossible.

Body Modification
Body Hacking

You’ve somehow figured out what could be billions of years of information, what can and cannot be, what is possible and impossible, and you’ve figured all this out in only a few years. Wow…you’re smart. Can I have your autograph?

^Grouplove – Colours^

BTW, the Synchromysticism Forums are still up. Kinda.


Looks like they only have 11 members, and “PearlChan” seems to be pretty much the only person posting there. I assume that’s “Peg” from the whatchacallit forums. Her FundRazr for SMF is still up and open too. Still sitting at $680. Still wonder what all that was about. Seeds? A small group of people spreading seeds?


^Of Monsters And Men – Empire (Official Lyric Video)^

If you are a someone who is just now wandering into this Synchronicity and/or Synchromysticism nonsense, and you’ve somehow found your way here, I can only imagine the path you’ve walked to get to where you now find yourself. Prolly a safe bet tho that you’ve encountered some strange stuff, this strange stuff makes little to no sense, and it’s prolly gotten you to thinking about things you never would have thought about otherwise. Thinking in strange directions, looking at things in different ways, and some of these challenges are likely foundation-shaking types of thoughts about the very things you hold dear. Also very likely that you are encountering a lot of paradoxes, and/or, you are encountering paradoxical types of thinking. Like some invisible force is trying to pry from your grasp the thing(s) to which you clutch for safety:

  • God is a man;
  • No, God is a woman;
  • No, God has no gender;
  • No, God, is;
  • No, God, “is not” because God does not exist.

You may be scrambling in and through the esoteric realms of everything from spiritualism and the paranormal, to some rather mundane stuff that you’ve previously had no interest in or maybe even no knowledge of. Almost like you are being led by some mysterious hand into some continuing education program, so you can learn about a bunch of stuff that you’ve currently no clue why you’d ever need to know this stuff. And yet, there’s something inside you that is drawing you to it. It’s not at the barrel of a gun or at the end of a pitchfork either. Its more like a gentle nudge from the Universe to “hey, no pressure here, but give this a try” type of situation. Almost like the Universe knows something you don’t, and for some reason, a mysterious force (which likely shouldn’t even exist) is now providing you some guidance and insight as to how you might proceed. You’re shocked. This can’t be happening. Why now? Why me? What in the FUCK is going on here?!?!

A: The only thing more weird about a person asking the Universe for a something this person needs or wants, is getting it.

You prayed that silent prayer. You made a wish on that falling star. You tossed that coin into the fountain. You shook your fist at the heavens. You blew out those birthday cake candles.

Wait…it’s coming true? NOW?!?!? Why now? Why the fuck are my prayers being answered…now?!?

Wait...what in the fuck did I even ask for???

I remember asking for something, but I sure as shit don’t remember asking for this!!!

Seriously, why would you ask for a something via supernatural channels, and then be shocked when this something you asked for arrives via supernatural pathways? Sounds to me like you got exactly what you asked for, precisely from whom you requested it from.

^Deadmau5 – Clockwork (1080p) || HD^

Heh, just as I finished writing/editing that bit, this appeared on my Twitter feed…

Remember that quote from the movie Fight Club that I used earlier? There’s more to it.

“The things you own end up owning you. It’s only after you lose everything that you’re free to do anything.”

Movie = Fight Club

Losing things is bad. Unless of course you have a pocket full of nickels and you suddenly find yourself in deep waters. You’ll drop those nickels like a bad habit, rapidly.

^Bonobo : Linked (Official Audio)^

You’re gonna have to deal with the idea of absurdity sooner or later. Absolutely bonkers and completely ridiculous absurdities are going to surround you like a fog on the Golden Gate Bridge. Absurdity, ridiculousness, and paradox. Just a friendly suggestion that you maybe try and develop your own personal comfort levels with these ideas. 1 + 1 is many times not gonna equal 2. It’s more likely that 1 + 1 = 0.60005000023217. Or 1 + 1 = 368. Or 1 + 1 = Riboflavin. Or 1 + 1 = A Week Ago.

Abstractions where the outcomes are much greater or much less than some “more sane” or some “more fair” type of equilibrium. The most obvious place to look as to why your equations are fucking up?


Today’s crazy, is tomorrow’s sane. Or maybe, today’s imbalance = tomorrow’s equality.

^Parcels – Lightenup | A COLORS SHOW^

We do nothing to affect this planet.

Nothing…we do it…to this planet.

And I mean nothing.

It ain’t there.

You did not see it.

Of course when you do finally see it, you may shit bricks.

^Deadmau5 – Whelk Then^

Drove my poor parents crazy with questions when I was a kid. But my questions were less “where does so-and-so come from?”, and more “where does so-and-so go?”. Where does used motor oil go? Where do old clothes go? Where does that cigarette smoke go? Where does car exhaust go? Where does rainwater go? Where does trash go? I think they hated giving me answers because they knew I’d then ask “well, where does it go then?”


I saw no ends. Still see no ends. See lots of cycles, these cycles contain end-ish types of things, but they all seem to be the beginning of something else. Prolly why it occurred to me sometime back, that if you really want to find the beginning, find the end. If you find the end, you will find the beginning.

^Khruangbin – Time (You and I) (Official Video)^

I wanna go to Hinterland this coming August.


St. Charles, Iowa


Looks like the 3-day pass is $145, and camping is $45 per-person. And I gotta get there. And since I’ll be in Iowa, I might wanna saunter up to Clear Lake/Mason City to see where the music died.

Guess I best start saving my pennies now, eh?

^Old Crow Medicine Show – Wagon Wheel [Official Music Video]^

Do you know what time it is? That’s right kats and cittens, it’s time for a…

RANDOM WIKIPEDIA ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! … !! …

Be gentle with me, I’ve not done this in a while.


From today’s featured article…

Alister Murdoch – a senior commander in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). He served as Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) from 1965 to 1969. Joining the Air Force in 1930, Murdoch trained as a seaplane pilot and participated in an Antarctic rescue mission for lost explorers in 1935. During World War II, he commanded No. 221 Squadron RAF in Europe and the Middle East, and later occupied senior positions on the staff of RAAF formations in the South West Pacific. His post-war appointments included Commandant of RAAF College from 1952 to 1953, Air Officer Commanding (AOC) Training Command from 1953 to 1955, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff from 1958 to 1959, and AOC Operational Command from 1962 to 1965.


Aberdeen Creek (Drowning Creek tributary) – is a 12.45 mi (20.04 km) long 3rd order tributary to Drowning Creek (Lumber River), in Moore County, North Carolina.


List of Queensland Lacrosse Premiers – This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items with reliable sources. Men’s Premiership Trophy: ? Women’s Premiership Trophy: ?

NOTE: Don’t ask me. This is the first time in the history of Random Wikipedia Attacks that I can recall running across a Wikipedia article that was this much of a trainwreck.Cade


Alan Wilson (judge) – justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland in the Trial Division. He was appointed to the bench in 2009, after serving as a judge in the District Court since 2001. He was named a Queen’s Council in 1999.


Zip Szold – the fourth president of the Hadassah Women’s Zionist Organization of America, serving from 1928 to 1930.


twlv – a South Korean singer-songwriter and record producer.


Eunidia opima – a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae. It was described by Holzschuh in 1986.


Oksana Khrul – a Ukrainian para-swimmer, competing in S6, SM6 and SB7 categories. With limited use of her arms, Khrul has won medals in the World Para Swimming Championships, Paralympics, and the IPC European Championships. She set a World record at the 2012 Paralympics, and World and European records at the 2016 Paralympics, all in the 50m butterfly S6 event, and has three times received national honours in her native Ukraine.


Young Lachlan – a schooner that was stolen and wrecked by convicts in 1819. Between 1812 and 1817 as the Henrietta Packet it provided passenger and cargo transport between colonial ports, and was possibly involved in exploration in the present-day Tasmania.


Holly Lodge High School – a secondary school located in Smethwick, West Midlands, England.


Blue Wall Cafe – a former dive bar and current restaurant at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Opening inside the Murray D. Lincoln Campus Center in the 1970s, the bar made upwards of $600,000 in the late 1970s (over $2,300,000 in 2013 dollars), and went through 1,800 kegs a year. This made it one of the largest beer-consuming establishments in the Northeastern United States. Following the raising of the drinking age to 21 in the United States, the bar experienced a decline in sales, before finally going dry in the 1980s. In the early 2000s, alcohol was again served, although it proved to be unprofitable.


List of Dutch Top 40 number-one singles of 1964 – These hits topped the Dutch Top 40 in 1964.


Three Rivers Athletic Conference (Indiana) – The Three Rivers Athletic Conference was a short-lived conference based in Southern Indiana, not to be confused with the Three Rivers Conference in northern Indiana, which still exists. The five schools that made the conference were very small, far-flung schools that were unable to find a home in closer leagues for various reasons. The league folded in 1989 due to travel concerns, with all the members becoming independent.


Don Julius Caesar d’Austria – the oldest illegitimate son of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II and his long-term mistress, Catherina Strada. A schizophrenic, d’Austria died serving a life sentence in prison following his murder of a barber’s daughter in 1608.


Thomas Anson, 2nd Earl of Lichfield – a British politician from the Anson family.


Taferne – an inn in Mandling village, which is part of Schladming, Austria. It is near the Schladming Tauern hiking area and the Ski Amadé winter sports area.


Ever get the feeling you are being piloted somewhere, but at least someone in cockpit appears to have no clue where they are taking you?

^Cymande – Dove^

I’ve been dragging my feet on this one for two days now, so I guess I should go ahead and finish it and send it over to Roob so she can work her magic on it. But I’m really glad that I didn’t send it two nights ago when I promised, because something damn interesting popped up yesterday morning…

Ya know, when the lies and the lying start to go public in a very public kind of way, welp, let’s just say that a lot of that appears to be going around currently. Damn difficult to tell who is full of shit, and who isn’t. Which…hey…have you ever thought of that? Like, humans are all kinda full of shit in that we’re kinda turd transport modules. If you had x-ray vision, and you checked out that hot dude or hot chick internally, there’s likely a turd in there somewhere.


If they’re hooked on painkillers, there might be a whole backlog of poop.

Eeeeewwww. Meh fuckit...they look hot on the outside.

In their closest alignment in 800 years, Jupiter and Saturn will create a wonder: A Christmas Star

Did the universe’s creator hide a message in the cosmos?

Jupiter, Saturn, and although you can’t see it, Pluto is lurking way out there in the background in the same area. Mars is lurking directly overhead each and every night. Orion is laying on his side each evening. Does all that mean something?

^Khruangbin – Pelota (Official Video)^

Mystery = SOLVED! Next?

UK regulator issues allergy warning on Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine

Didn’t see that coming /yawn

Mystery = WILL WORK ITSELF OUT NATURALLY! Next? Next? NEXT?!?!!?!?!???

^Black Pumas – Colors (Official Live Session)^

Sure have been seeing a lot of references to both Rabies and Leprosy lately.

Scientists baffled after leprosy found in chimps for the first time ever
Changing the Narrative on Bats and Rabies
Rabies moves north through Wyoming, risk to humans remains low
Lyme Disease and the Dangers of the Forest Edge
Drink Crazywater
Mineral Wells, Texas
‘Big Short’ investor Michael Burry reveals he’s short Tesla, tells Elon Musk to issue more stock at its ‘ridiculous price’
Why Is Michael Burry Investing In Water?
Grand Saline public works department hopes a new water pump will solve old problems
Grand Saline, Texas
Angelina National Forest
Selling and Harvesting Your Timber
Texas coal companies are leaving behind contaminated land. The state is letting them
Cross Mountain Mine Disaster
Elon Musk says he has moved to Texas
The 10 biggest silver mines in the world
Solar-driven silver demand set to dim as sector innovates

It doesn’t necessarily have to be the biggest, nor the most long-lasting, it just has to get you through. Get you over the hump. Position yourself in such a way as to ride out the storm, all while remaining in operation. Makes sense. Supposedly, that which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You could exit the bunker fat, happy, and well-positioned.

^Bedroom – We All Need Something (feat. Jade Lawhon) (Official Video)^

There’s one other thing I wanted to write about, but I can’t recall what it was. Oh well, it’ll come back around.

Or not.

Someone will pick up on it.

Talk to you freaks later.

/me waves

^deadmau5 – Some Chords^


^Of Monsters And Men – Love Love Love (Official Lyric Video)^


*What, anuvver peace one?!*

*Hmm… /stubs butt…*

Thank you for your company, Dear Reader. We hope you’ll join us at the LoL again soon. Have a Song 😀

*Oh, I dunno…*


Missive From ‘Merica: The State of US…

*LOL, Clicky… /lights up… The number of times… /drags… I’ve been inna pub… /streams smoke… since the 2007 smoking ban can be counted on one hand…*

leprous hand

*You got that right! Pubs, clubs, cafes, restaurants, cinema… /taps ash… All kinds of social gatherings…*

It all seems to be kicking off in the United States, Dear Reader…

…So we were especially pleased to receive a missive from Text US resident and BFF, Cade Fon Apollyon, last night…

*I agree, Clicky, it’s all very suspicious…*

… Which we’re delighted to present for you, below. Take your time, Dear Reader, and enjoy 😀






If you’re scummy and you know it clap your hands!


If you’re scummy and you know it clap your hands!


If you’re scummy and you know it,

Your dirty self will really show it,

If you’re scummy and you know it clap your hands!

^Star Shine – Rabbit In the Moon^

Sure are a lot of “looming threats” in the world.

Better pool your spirit
^40 years later: Spirit Lake’s looming threat^

Fighting isn’t even a question.

It's something we do
^The Code: Documentary on Fighting in Hockey^




List Of Wars: 2003–Present
List Of Wars: 1990–2002
List Of Wars: 1945–1989
List Of Wars: 1900–1944
Trade War
Drug Wars
Religious War
Spiritual Warfare
Kerguelen Islands
Alexander Weygers
Anti-Police Sentiment – (Redirected from War On Police)
War On Poverty
War On Want
War On Waste
War On Women
War On Cancer
(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!)
Alice The Goon

You want to war, and you wanna win, you gonna need some bad-asses on your side. Muscle.

^Tough Guys – Full Documentary^

Booing a boogeyman

Boo Fer Boris


Some wars are kinda funny. At the start anyway. But at some point, shit is likely gonna get real. Not all boogeymen are created equally. Some are phantoms and shadows, others are quite real.

^Punched Out: The Rise and Fall of Derek Boogaard [Full Version] | The New York Times^

There will be survivors. They’ll crawl out of the rubble, piece their lives together and try to make sense of it all.

^Hockey Fight: wives reveal the cost of concussions – The Fifth Estate^

You may be wondering what war has to do with hockey. Does sport or even gaming have anything to do with war? Actually, I have no idea what you may be wondering. I only know what I am wondering, and what I am wondering about is the nature of conflict, and when/where/how it manifests. Who are those at odds, why are they at odds, and how does this evolve into war(s) which will further descend into battle(s) and combat. There appear to be many wars and many fronts. Maybe the term “war” has been inaccurately applied. Would be a good diversionary tactic. Draw attention away from the real fighting. Dangerous tho. Two fronts. That primary front is gonna have to fall.

^The Prodigy – Funky Shit Perplex Version^

No idea how many of those links you may have actually explored, but all of them are quite interesting, and they’re all related in some way, shape or form. Some links are stretchy, sure. But they are related. What really tied it all together for me was the story on the Hells Angels MC/Rock Machine MC and their war in Quebec, and a Canadian cop named Benoit Roberge.


Benoît Roberge, ex-cop, sentenced to 8 years for gangsterism


Former Montreal cop who sold police information to Hells Angel granted day parole


Former Montreal cop who sold information to Hells Angel granted full parole


La rédemption de Benoit Roberge

Not only was he apparently playing both sides, he got 8 years, was granted day-parole after 2 years, and full parole a year after that. Now, I dunno if you’ve seen the video of George Floyd being murdered face-down on the pavement, but I can’t help but wonder what’s gonna happen if these cops aren’t charged with a crime. They were suspended, then shorty after that they were fired, but as of this moment, they’ve not been charged with any crime(s). And not only will they need to be charged, they’ll need to be convicted.

Q: What happened to guilty until proven innocent?

A: OOPS!!! What I meant to ask, was what happened to innocent until proven guilty?

They’ve not even been charged, let alone tried, so how can we possibly jump straight to a conviction.

Slippery. Very, very slippery this slope is.

All kinds of grey
^Nitzer Ebb – Once You Say (Celluloide Mix)^

Someone is about to show us the way. Heard a term last night called ‘T&Trace’. It appears to be shorthand for ‘Track And Trace’…some new Facebook something. Today, I hear that Twitter has started to label some or all of Donald Trump’s Twitter account Tweets as “misinformation”. That says to me that someone is getting ready to show us the way. Take us by our tiny unwashed hands, and guide us to the promised land. Not before the bank forecloses on our current residence(s) of course.

Hey, that reminds me, I know that many if not most people only own one house/one home. Some of us own zero houses/homes. Heard last night tho’ that Johnny Depp owns 14 houses? Like, personal residences I guess? His money and he can do whatever in the fuck he wants with it, but it’s strange for me to think of owning 14 houses. I guess maybe it’s possible that he rents some of them out, but to whom I wonder. The one home under discussion was a $2.9 million dollar horse farm in Kentucky? Who the fuck has the money to rent such a place, and why would anyone with that kind of bread be renting instead of buying?

Strange world

But yeah, someone is about to show us the way. President Trump appears to have the FCC looking into social media companies and their practices.

^Planetary Assault Systems – Haiku^

What in the fuck is a service company doing in the editorial business anyway? Twitter is a service. A communications service like AT&T or Western Union or Verizon. AT&T ain’t in the business of censoring my calls. They provide a service with some stipulations, if I violate the terms I am subject to my service being terminated, and if they violate the terms…well, they either make it right or are big enough to pretty much avoid any major trouble from am insignificant worm like me. Any violations by any party may be subject to further investigation by some government entity. But it’s unlikely that AT&T is gonna monitor and potentially censor or edit my calls.

What I’m trying to figure out is why Twitter is not breaking out from under the umbrella and adding some additional service. Twit Tour or TwitterSJW or Twit Sewer or something like that. You see only stuff that makes you happy. Wait…users already have the ability to create their own echo chambers. Why this extra layer? And why this extra layer within the existing architecture? Are they trying to circumvent moderation of accounts and pruning of accounts entirely by slapping accounts with some scarlet letter? Could also be that maybe Twitter is outgrowing their existing architecture, and this is a workaround. Maybe Twitter is wanting to sell? That said, I’m wondering if that last update to the Twitter TOS maybe had something in there that I didn’t fully understand at the time.

^White Pony – Falling^

I do know this, it would be funny as fuck if Twitter management is trying to influence the upcoming election. The so-called Russian election scandal in 2016 wasn’t sketchy enough, so, fuckit…let’s go whole hog.

Q: Is it possible that Twitter creates their own bot accounts, spam accounts, and/or scam accounts?

A: Like, via 3rd parties? Pays people to “hack” or otherwise exploit their own service?

Nah…unpossible. Why on God’s green Earth would someone bankroll a phantom army to exploit their own service.

A: I can think of some reasons

Relevance is relevant, and there’s nothing better than being relevant, even if you have to make yourself appear relevant via sketchy means.

Has a Julian Assange or maybe a fight club ring to it

Not to mention, why would someone expend the resources to attack someone who is already under attack? Especially if you are operating under the assumption that you are the one doing the attacking. Yeah, like Russia thinks they are doing the attacking, but in fact Twitter is actually attacking themselves. Kinda hard to get a punch in on someone who is already getting mobbed.

Jussie Smollett Alleged Assault

Names in the News : Downey’s Skinhead Tale Disputed

All kinds of angles to consider
^Nitzer Ebb – Shame (Regis Edit) (2016)^

Pretty sure it’s impossible to pop a balloon that is not inflated. What’s that? You wanna know what I’m talking about?

I just got a question from the Whatever However Hotline, and the question centered around humility and how one achieves it. Supposedly, we all of us have a something called “the ego”, and we seem to accept this as being true.

We have an ego, end of story

By the same token, we all of us have the capacity to have humility, yet not everyone actually has humility. Occurred to me that a good way to pump some humility into someone is by inflating the ego, then popping that motherfucker. Of course, you could also inflate the ego then let the air out gently. Guess it all depends on your motives and maybe your immediate needs. If you want someone with stiff knees to bow, yeah, you maybe wanna humble them. But if you want someone to have some humility, maybe the slow-release is the ticket.

You're driving the bus, you figure it out

Hope this either answers your question or gets you pointed in the correct direction.

^REZZ – Diluted Brains^

Sitting and watching a movie with a friend, and I get a notification on my phone from YouTube. I’m subscribed to this person’s channel and have been for years, but, I don’t recall ever clicking that “notifications” bell thingie. That said…erm…sometimes I’m really not sure what to do. Not sure what to make of things. Is there anything to be done here? Or is there some course that needs to run?


I’ve been following her on YouTube for years, and I’m honestly not sure what to make of that. I guess she/her channel got demonetized by YouTube, she started making some damn odd vids, and I was left a bit befuddled. They’ve only gotten more strange, but I can kinda empathize because I’ve ridden that razor of being a complete castaway for some time now. Some of her vids from way back helped me through some tough times, now it appears she’s up shit’s creek without a paddle, and I’ve no idea how to help. Can I help? Should I help? Plus, I’m a dude, so most people will likely think I just want to help her out so I can get into her pants/knickers.

Q: Why would I want to be in her pants, when it appears even she doesn’t want to be in them?

A: ? substitute “pants” with “shoes” if you're having trouble with the analogy ?

Good luck lady. Hope you find your feet ❤

^deadmau5 – Polaris^

Your health is a matter of public record. Your health is a matter of state concern. Your health is not your own business. You got an ailment, malady, condition or defect?

We wanna know about it

You wanna get out and gallivant around, you best be healthy. There will be no sickies out mingling with all the vaccinated people. The compliant might become ill thanks to your non-inoculated and diseased self. Wrapped up in your own self-interest(s). Pathetic. You are a pathetic citizen.

Butler County lawmaker refuses to have temperature taken at Statehouse

From that article, here’s a direct link to the Facebook post, but there’s coupla interesting things:

Do you think if I weren’t a State Rep that he would have forced me? How is this any way to be treated?

Treated? How is that any way to be treated? Are you under the impression that you are to receive special treatment or get special privileges because you’re an elected official? Because you tout yourself as Chairwoman of Higher Education and because you claim to represent 115,000 Ohioans?

I’d guess you’re not just and only a State Representative, you’re also a US Citizen, an Ohio resident, Butler County resident, appear to be a woman, potentially human, maybe a gun owner or firearms enthusiast, a wage-earner, taxpayer…in short, you wear a lot of hats. Lots of hats means more rules, not less. Methinks your view of the layer cake may be a bit askew. But, “resent” is 2/3rds of “represent” so I guess maybe a healthy dose of resentment for what you were is required in order to become what you want to be.

^Tears For Fears – My Girls (Animal Collective Cover)^

Something else that has me scratching my head is…wait, this appears to have happened on May 27th of 2020. Did the Ohio Statehouse just reopen or something? This lockdown nonsense has been going on for months. Are you telling me that all this time, security at the Ohio Statehouse has not been upgraded/augmented to ensure that suspected COVID-19 infected people are given the boot off-premises? Temperatures haven’t been taken until now, and no one has been kicked off state property for being a threat to security?

Just checked the Ohio Legislative Calendar and went all the way back to January. While it would appear that some sessions have been canceled, it also appears that the place has been open for business through this whole thing. Maybe she’s been playing hooky from the legislative sessions, and this was her first day back to work in months. The only other thing that I can think of is that maybe she’s up for reelection in November. Let’s check that out.

BALLOTPEDIA-Candice Keller

Yep…her term as State Representative of District 53 expires 31 December 2020 when the 133rd Ohio General Assembly adjourns. She’s only been in office for 4 years, and Ohio term limits say she can be in that position for up to 8 years. She’s gotta be running, which means she’s campaigning. Let’s dig some more.

Controversial Butler County State Rep. Candice Keller Loses GOP Primary for State Senate Seat

DOH! She’s trying to upgrade from State Rep to State Senator. Ohio has 33 Senate districts, looks like she was trying to take the 4th Senate district, but lost in the GOP primaries to some dude named Lang.


Not only will she not be moving to State Senate, looks like she’s out of a job entirely.

Lawmaker Who Said Gay Marriage and Drag Queens Cause Mass Shootings Loses Election

People being discriminated against based on sexual orientation, race, nationality, disability…

Ohio Republican Party snubs Rep. Candice Keller, former U.S. Rep. Jean Schmidt

…gender, creed, religion, blah blah blah.

Loop pooL
^Ghost Rider – Shamanic (Symphonix Remix) – Official^

That “Butler County lawmaker” stigma is gonna hang around for a while. The ass in the chair may have changed, but that legacy of an asshole in the Ohio’s 53rd district is gonna live on for a while. On the upside, I hear there’s no such thing as bad press. Anything you can do to draw attention to a particular somewhere? Good all around. Especially for those occupying spaces where no one is looking.

^Coronita – Cocaine^

Hay meadow middles!

That cat Nero fiddles,

A scowl came over the moon;

The old sea dog laughed, to see such a port…

…and the Petri dish ran away with the soon.

^Pixies.- The happening (subtitulada en español)^

I just saw something that reminded me Halloween is only 5 months away.

So much to do, and so little time
^Planet Jazz- Monster ??!^

If you’re looking for definitives, you came to the wrong place sister. The only definitive you’re gonna find here, is that there is definitely nothing to be found here. So yeah, 1 definitive, beyond that is all grey.

^Knife Party ‘Resistance’^

X: Where’ve you been?

Cade: You talking to me?

0: “Where’ve” is not something you see every day.

Cade: No it isn’t. Was just thinking that I can’t recall the last time I used “where’ve” in a sentence.

X: Where’ve you been?

Cade: This is about SoPi, isn’t it.

X: Maybe.

Cade: I forgot about it.

Z: That didn’t stop you from wandering off past SoPi-Z tho, did it?

Cade: You saw that did ya?

Z: …

Cade: Yeah I know that I have a few languishing, but at the same time, I’m getting close to the end.

X: This is about Victor.

Cade: I know. Had a lot of thoughts, wanted to write…

X: And completely forgot about SoPi-V in the process.

Cade: Did indeed forget.

Z: That didn’t stop you from wandering off past SoPi-Z tho, did it.

Cade: Is there an echo in here?

X: Zed. I wanna know about zed.

Cade: Having a tough time deciding when and where to use the Omega character in SoPi-V.

X: And if.

Cade: Correct, and if.

X: Why would you mix and match the Z/Zed character with the Omega character?

Cade: Good question. I don’t really know if Omega is representative of Z/Zed in this instance.

A: Are you changing any other characters?

Cade: No.

A: So why would you change Zulu to Omega.

Cade: Welp, my thought was that maybe 0/Zero could be better represented if I used Omega instead of Zed.

X: Flow.

Cade: Correct.

0: I’m gonna change the subject real quick. Do you really think it possible to create a verbal message in time, and postmark that message for delivery thousands of years in the future?

Cade: I don’t see why not. If we can transmit a message electronically and estimate how long it should take that message to travel a certain distance, I don’t see why a message couldn’t be sent from way back in the past to arrive in the now.

0: And you realize that we are talking about an audible message, right?

Cade: Welp, this idea isn’t a new one to me. But that thing about blackbodies the other day, plus some discussions with a certain someone about how events which are seemingly impossible to predict may in fact be predictable?

X: The short being, this is the first time you’ve given serious consideration as to how to explain to another how communications over time might be possible.

Cade: Correct. I’ve given the matter a lot of thought, it makes sense, just never expected anyone would want to hear about it.

X: And now, someone wants to hear about it.

Cade: They asked a question, it took me aback, I don’t know if they actually want me to go off on a tangent about how I see how this may be possible.

X: Relies too much on some risky leaps of faith.

Cade: Sorta. I would imagine the primary question is likely to be “what is the source?”

X: Bingo.

Cade: We make a lot of assumptions predicated on our own current abilities.

T: I think you may wanna explain that one a bit further if you can.

0: Try not to hurt yourself.

Cade: Noted.

X: Source.

Cade: Source and sources. What interested me was the potential delaying types of mechanisms.

X: Blackbodies.

Cade: Correct. A capacitor of sorts. A timing mechanism.

Z: Like…The Synchros?

Cade: The Synchros Of Time, yes.

Z: And what are those, prey tell.

Cade: Um…can we get back on track?

0: You were on track?


T: Woah nelly.


Cade: lolz…touché.

X: You were just looking up Interferometry. Do you even know why?

Cade: In order to send a message from a time to a time, you’re likely going to have to have some pretty accurate cosmological clocks.

A: Have you considered the length of the message being encoded with an iterative, and then placing that message in a stasis?

Cade: That’s what I was just thinking. If the dimensions of a blackbody were known, the message could be angled in such a way that its trajectory would basically keep it in a (for the most part) steady state for a certain period of time.

A: And what about the space the blackbody itself occupies and it’s proximity to the target/message recipient?

0: Not to mention that you’re going to have to take decay into consideration.

Cade: Maybe that’s a property of a blackbody which has not been taken into consideration.

X: Conservation of energy?

Cade: Perhaps.

X: You’re basically describing coiling an audible message like a clock-spring within a blackbody or some other space, and that message will remain within that space for a specified time, at which point it will leave that space along a certain trajectory for delivery.

Cade: You said it, but yeah I was thinking it.

X: And no decay.

Cade: Potentially. With the right calcs, perhaps keeping the string in unoccupied space might limit or even prevent decay or any kind of degredation to the message.

Z: Would need to be some awful stable particles and energy.

Cade: I’m not trying to make things more difficult than they need be, but surely the vectors themselves could potentially be utilized to reinforce some kind of referential integrity.

A: You’re attempting to avoid another layer.

Cade: Conservation of energy doesn’t make much sense if your throwing several megawatts behind the transmission source just so that a coupla hundred watts make it through.

Z: You’re lost.

Cade: I am lost. We’re discussing what equates to farting into a jar, closing the lid, then burying it in the sand for a thousand years so someone can eventually dig it up, open the jar, and smell the fart.

0: lolz…um, don’t you think that “speaking into a jar” might have been a better analogy than “farting into a jar”?

Cade: You’re probably correct. But we are talking about audible messages here.

X: Audible messages over time.

Cade: Supposedly, not much energy in those.

A: Depending of course, upon who you ask.

Cade: I don’t think Science puts much stock in “intent” nor “intentions”.

X: What about opportunistic relaying.

Cade: Now we’ve got arrays.

X: We need to get the message through.

Cade: So much of this seems to be based more upon unpredictability than predictability.

Z: You’ve absolutely no faith in absolutes.

Cade: Hey, I’m a product of my environment.

X: SoPi-V. May I make a suggestion?

Cade: Lay off Omega…noted

X: Three in one.

Cade: Four, actually. But who’s counting.

Z: …

So yeah, when I started writing this earlier today, it never crossed my mind that I would come up with a visual representation of some concepts about messaging over, time from a time to a time, and SoPi-V would be hatched.

Wanna see?
^Jay Lumen & Gary Beck – Strange Fruit (Original Mix)^

Straight up lied to you. Not gonna reveal SoPi-V for a while.

1. It’s incomplete, and I need to spend some time completing it;

2. This thing is already 9 pages long;

3. Prolly best that I do not reveal SoPi-V until some stories I’m working on are complete;

4. I got hit by a twist or two with respect to that blackbody shiz.

So yeah, didn’t really lie to you, it’s just not ready yet.

^Bow Wow Wow – I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish^

It’s creeping deep into Friday afternoon on 29 May, and I’m guessing that one or more of those cops who murdered George Floyd have been charged…

Usually gonna be difficult have a cop charged, tried convicted of 1st degree murder, and especially an on-duty cop acting in the line of duty. The District Attorney is likely only to go for what they think they can win. Because if you think Minneapolis is burning now, and these guys don’t get convicted, one of the Twin Cities is likely to become an only child…rapidly. Gotta take what you can get.

So I hear anyway
^Pete Lazonby – Sacred Cycles – Quivver Remix^

Hey…forgot…your weekend…have a good one.

Fuck the so shall de-stance sing…Go outside and touch someone. Get permission first tho’.

Sew shall de-stance sting.

It's the name of the game
^The Crystal Method – Name of the Game (Hybrid’s Blackout in LA Mix)^


^Cocteau Twins – Need-Fire^


*Loot tooL? …/stubs butt… Probably, Clicky, probably…*

Have a Song, Dear Reader 😉

Missive From ‘Merica: SoPi Lot of Whatever…

*That’s how you want to start this post, Clicky? Okay…*

Some perspective, Dear Reader, courtesy of Legs via Twitter…


*Fuck! So lockdown’s been an over-reaction?*

*Fuck!! But why would the government trash the country’s economy over a piddling, little virus?*

*Oh…  Oh FUCK!!!*

… And here is some more perspective, courtesy of Cade Fon Apollyon via missive. Enjoy! ❤


When the labels come out…

…shit is about to get real.

It would seem that the pejoratives paint the bullseye(s)
^Repro – Triad [EUROMANTIC006]^

That Bitcoin thing. Crypto Currency. Whatever. There are loads of them now. Still, GPUs seem to drive it/them.

Graphics Processing Unit
Render Farm
Distributed Computing
List Of Distributed Computing Projects
Precursor (Chemistry)
Protein Precursor
Precursor (Physics)
Course (Medicine)
Precursor Cell
Computer Simulation

A race to model non-conventional weapons. Get everyone to work on your problem via covert outsourcing, throw them a bone so they’ll do your bidding, you win in the end and take their bones. WTF is a “conventional weapon” anyway? Something that is applicable to some convention, and “non-conventional weapons” are…what? Illegal? Illegal according to the same fucks who both making these weapons AND are also deciding what is/is not illegal?

Nice. Quite the racket
^HICCUP – Mischief (Lag Remix) [AVO015]^

You’re gonna need people banging the drum for horrors much worse than the ones you are actually planning. Lizard royals, superflu(s), eminent war(s), aliens, anything and everything which can strain the imagination and prevent individuals from suspending disbelief. That way, your actual horrors don’t seem so horrible, are better than any alternative possibilities, and people may be more likely to think

“hrm, well that’s not so bad.”

You can then reel them in, “impossible” remains impossible and unrealized, “not as bad” horrors become the new norm, fin.

Mystery = SOLVED! Next?
^JKS – Right Now [SMILE001]^

Ever notice that anything/everything world leaders say is batshit insane psychobabble? ‘Cept for your own leaders of course. Everything they say is either correct, or pretty goddamn close to correct.

Q: What are the odds that everything every world leaders say is wrong, except for your own leader(s)?


Yeah, I’m betting somewhere around nil. And yet, citizens from each country tow the line. Not saying that leaders cannot be correct, but most of them say the same shit or some variation on the same shit. How in the fuck is it that yours is correct, and all the others are incorrect. Even the oppositional stuff is the same shit in a different direction. Pretty good model for unity tho. They parrot the same shit, all are right, or all are wrong. Has an almost Three Musketeers ring to it. Till the backstabbing starts anyway.

“All fore 1, 1 for awl.”

Et tu?
^Kancheli – The Same Things [BAS010]^

If you tell me what I must do, you limit me in what I can do
^Silicon Dream – Andromeda (HQ)^


Q: Cade, why do you write about the things you do, and why do you continue to write about them in the way that you do?

Cade: Great question, and I can only give some answers which may not be “the” answers.

A1: I grew weary of subcontracting my understanding out to others. One day it kinda became clear that I had been farming my thinking out to others. I own the land, but someone else works it. And this is by no means an attempt to berate those who have taught me nor to degrade what their assistance has provided me. Plenty of people throughout history seem to have figured out some amazing stuff pretty much on their own, and yet we seem to live in a time where “you can’t figure out anything for yourself” is a quite common theme just about anywhere you look – I’m too stupid to bake a cake from scratch, I’m too stupid to jar my own pickles, I’m too stupid to fix my own toilet, I’m too stupid to do my own taxes…No, no citizen…sit back, relax, leave it to the professionals. Modern life is too big for you to make it on your own steam.

It became clear at some point that maybe there are those in the world doing my thinking for me, and maybe that these same individuals and/or groups don’t necessarily have my best interests in mind/at heart. Kinda jarring actually. Maybe even horrifying.

A2: I have access to quite an amazing tool called ‘The Internet’. Loads of information is relatively easy to access, and its full of parity, same parity, opposite parity, disparity…you name it, it’s there. All kinds of contrasts and flavors, and loads of stuff which I now have access to which I almost certainly wouldn’t otherwise. As such, my wandering mind can afford to stretch a bit with respect to not only what I research, but also the connections that I make. It’s a unique environment to search for paradox. Seemingly disconnected things which are in fact connected, even if their only connection is that they are not connected and/or not connected in the way(s) you thought they may have been. If I see an image, and it makes me think of something, I start writing about it, then a song comes up in my playlist which, oddly enough, also seems to have a connection with both the image and what I’m writing about? That’s weird. I’m likely gonna share that.

^The Smiths – Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me^
Raiders Of The Lost Park

Time: Distant Future.

Premise: Archaeologists excavate large areas all over the world which appear to have been plots of land set aside for unknown reasons. Some contain unique arrays of various strange contraptions and devices, winding paths, minimalist infrastructure/construction, and many appear to have been near creeks, rivers and ponds, but no clear evidence exists as to any specific purpose(s). Religious rituals? Centers of commerce? Lavish social events? The growing of crops? The keeping of livestock? Public gathering places for political discourse? Primitive scientific studies? Astrological and/or Astronomical studies? Public execution sites? Carbon Dating reveals that sites all over the planet appear to show that these areas ceased to be used at almost the exact same time, so what happened globally to cause them to all be, apparently, simultaneously abandoned?

Conclusion: We may never be able to answer these questions.

^EPIC COVER | ”Strangelove” by Black Math^

Speaking of Carbon Dating, I wonda if Carbon Credit Dating will become a thing.

Gotta have C-6-C, if you wanna be with me
^Digitalism – Idealistic^

Missouri is trending...
Missouri lawmakers pass bill against boycotting Israel
For 22nd year in a row, push to outlaw anti-LGBTQ discrimination fizzles in Missouri
Bill authorizing hyperloop partnership passes Senate
Pro Tip: You have to scroll way down past some HUGE ads in order to read the hyperloop article
Missouri elections bill would give secretary of state subpoena power in investigations
Newly passed Missouri bill helps sexual assault survivors
FYI: I could not read much of that article because there's so goddamn many ads on the page that my browser kept crashing at 37 ads
Without public hearing, bill to benefit Missouri payday lenders reaches Parson’s desk
Punitive damages bill clears General Assembly
Missouri congress passes crime bill that expands what is considered a felony

I’m gonna stop there because that last one is a doozy. In fact, let’s break outta this paragraph and create a new one because I feel some wanderin’ wonderin’ comin’ on’.

^Chlär – Artificial Supremacy [BD005]^

The best way to repeal the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution (the right to bear arms) is to not repeal it at all. You can go around the impossible by adding/modifying other laws to where the citizen(s) themselves are to blame for their inability to own, purchase or possess firearms and/or other weaponry.* We’re right in the big middle of a situation where virtually every level of government is abridging a piece of the 1st Amendment – the right of the people peaceably to assemble – and I see a law which “expands” what is considered a felony as a method of deflating the relevance of the 2nd Amendment. If you are a felon, you likely cannot purchase nor own firearms of any kind. Also if you are a felon, you are a felon for life, barring some extraordinary something which you are granted a pardon or your conviction(s) are overturned. As such, convict someone of a felony, and the 2nd Amendment is immaterial. It’s almost like…spiritual warfare.

* I make this note because what is/is not considered “arms” can and does change. A taser, a laser, mace (the spray chemical, not the surface-tosurface tactical missile nor the bludgeon nor the spikey-ball flail attached to a stick via a chain) a railgun (and that’s “railgun” not “railway gun”), a claymore (the sword, not the explosive anti-personnel mine) a box cutter or some other utility knife, strong acid(s), radioactive material, a … erm … virus or maybe some other disease …shit like that. I can “arm” myself with just about anything. Question is, what is a something’s intended/designed use or intended/designed purpose vs actual use.

^Triple French Pork with Svetlana – Cooking with Boris^

People seem to be pissing themselves over what that UFO video “officially released” by the US Department of Defense actually shows. You know what interests me? What the video does not show. You might be able to engage an enemy aircraft, destroy it, but modify video filmed from the aircraft to show…nothing.

Why would that be beneficial? 

Welp…suppose China says USA shot down a Chinese aircraft. You could show that it was impossible for the aircraft in question to be involved because they were on maneuvers elsewhere in the world. See? We’ve got video proof right here! More disturbing tho, is the onboard weapons systems themselves. Could it be that a weapons system could be designed in such a way to display things which are not actually there?

Sure they could

We live in an era where it is not uncommon for a weapons platform like a fighter jet to never actually be within visual range of the targets they are engaging and/or firing upon, save for the maybe the advanced optics that a particular aircraft may be equipped with. Is it possible to bastardize systems to where they think they are engaging enemy aircraft, when they are in fact engaging commercial or maybe even general aviation aircraft or drones? I’d think it’d be possible. Not to mention that you might be able to access enemy weapons systems and have them chase phantoms or maybe even identify their own resources as hostile.

^The Loud Age – Sur La Maladie (Pt. 1) [PS06]^

There was a fire in/on South Padre Island…lightning appears to be the suspected cause.

Hash Oil-Adulterated Products

If what I am reading is correct, people are cutting corners to make more money selling their, what appears to equate to, medical products. Cheap fillers, potentially unethical or even dangerous stopgap measures instituted so that production may continue, shoddy manufacturing methods…business as usual kinds of stuff. Just like any business might do when they want or need more money. Maybe even say…companies who produce vaccines or other medicine(s).

What really surprised me about the LA fire… Oh wait, I forgot to mention that fire. But yeah, watching a video of the LA fire and that HUGE deflagration revealed a company called ‘Biohazard Inc.’ Stuffed right in the middle of ‘Green King’ and ‘Green Buddha’ is a something called Biohazard Inc…

Biohzard Inc.

That looks more like a medical supplies page or a chemical lab equipment page than a retail paraphernalia business. I guess they are a manufacturer and/or wholesaler. I sure as shit know their “About Us” page seemed kinda ambiguous. But yeah…medical suppliers. Medical manufacturers. I’m mainly wondering how much “product” it takes to generate a deflagration of that magnitude, and what in the fuck they are doing storing that much flammable material in the same place. Let alone storing it in a place surrounded by what appears to be all kinds of other businesses.

Smoke Tokes

You’re gonna get regulated to death after this. Pot finally starts to get some breathing room, and something happens that sucks the wind right out of you. Look, it sucks that there were firefighters injured. I hate it. But I also hate when shit has the appearance of intentional mislabeling. That does not appear to be an “explosion” to me. Not even a detonation of any kind. Even the video from a distance looks and sounds like a deflagration, but even the Public Information Officer calls it an explosion. Maybe I have an incomplete understanding of what an explosion is/is not. Explosion does sound cooler tho, and most people may not have a clue what deflagration even is.

Deflagration To Detonation Transition
Energy Release Component
Exhaust Gas
Burn Rate
Burn Rate (Chemistry)
Black Match
Fuse (Explosives)

Wonder if this Coronavirus thing is considered an explosion. Or is it more of a fuse. A something designed to burn at a specific rate in order to facilitate spacing between one event and another. I only ask because it would appear that Australia is wanting an inquiry into where nCoV-2019 came from.

Fires feeding fires
^Explosion in downtown L.A. injures multiple firefighters^

The fact that the Universe is 50+ billion years wide and getting wider and older all the time, but only 13.8 billion years old, is mysterious enough. Especially when Science keeps selling this business about certain constants always being constant, like the speed of light, all in the big middle of constantly changing how old they think the Universe is. But you know what is really mind-boggling?

The symmetry

Yeah, the symmetry of elements + the symmetry of when they supposedly formed on the universal timeline. How in the fuck is it that Hydrogen formed left, and right, and up, and down, and every other fucking place? Moving outwards from the point of this Big Bang thingie, shouldn’t there maybe be Hydrogen up, and maybe Hydrogan down, and Hydrogon left, and Hydrogenoganogon right, and Hydrogodonlyfuckingknows in the middle? Not to mention that all of these elements are all said to have formed at precisely the same time.

But to be fair, maybe this is why certain things appear to be so screwy. Positive/negative charges, entanglement, things appearing older than they should be, things appearing younger than they should be, spooky whatever at a wherever, things without mass and things with mass, up, down and all around quarks, things that appear to be in multiple places at the same time, black holes, matter/antimatter, etc…

^747 – Aurora Centralis (Tin Man’s Spaced Remix) [AQR015]^

With all that in mind, you know what else bothers me? If all of these distant galaxies that we are now seeing are really and truly no longer there because their light takes so long to reach us…

Q: Shouldn’t we not be here either?

A: ¿¿ ? ¿¿

If that distant galaxy can be seen, there’s a good chance that galaxy can also see us, yes? No? Am I being naive here about when our own galaxy may have been formed? I’m just wondering about the nature of this so called Big Bang with respect to the formation of galaxies, and why and maybe even how a galaxy would be able to project matter and energy outwards if it had no place to go. But the basis of my thinking in this case is why is it that a distant galaxy is thought to be gone (even tho we can see the fucking thing), and yet we somehow are not also gone.

One would think there is somehow an equality as to why things not only exist within a scope to where these objects can observe one another, (irrespective of how the information is exchanged) but also that there would be some kind of symmetry to it. Even if that symmetry is muddy or fuzzy. There would have to be something at work which maintained the illusion that a galaxy 20 billion light years away is still intact and recognizable as a galaxy, when in fact the galaxy no longer exists at all and hasn’t for some time. Some force which maintains a referential integrity of points in space long after these points are gone (if they are indeed gone, that is).

^Leftwing & Kody – You Were (Original Mix)^

Gone. What is “gone”. Wait. Would one of these questions be more correct?

Q: What is “gone”?

A: ???


Q: When is “gone”?

A: ???

Or maybe even

Q: Where is “gone”?

A: ???

Maybe “gone” is an amalgamation of every interrogative where the sum total of all = 0. If any of the interrogatives != 0, then Gone = False. That sounds like it should be a SoPi. Let’s make it so: SoPi-X. And in the spirit of SoPi-X being a formula for the calculation of null within spacetime, I think I’m gonna forgo any kind of visual representation of it for the time being.

NOTE: Black holes, “empty” space, massless particles, dark matter/energy and the like won’t count because they occupy space(s) and time(s) in measurable and/or observable ways. Neither will extinct species, dead people, people who have yet to exist, ancient civilizations, dead languages, dreams, memories, etc., because they too occupy measurable space(s) and time(s). SoPi-X is to be representative of a never-was which cannot be calculated and/or a never-will-be which cannot be calculated, except via the representation of a 1 via 0. (zero(0) being the “one(1)” in this case)

I’ll need to chew on whether or not both 1 and -1 need to be addressed, and when. Also need to give some thought to things which may have existed on timelines we are unaware of, and whether or not the potential exists for these things existing again.

^Tom Neville – Slide (deadmau5 Remix)^
∞ = -1 + 0 + 1 = ∞ + SoPi-X = ¿?

Wait…instead of combining ∞ = /_\ = ∞ with SoPi-X, maybe SoPi-X actually should be ∞ = -1 + 0 + 1 = ∞

SoPi-X = ∞ = -1 + 0 + 1 = ∞

I never had a name for that ∞ = /_\ = ∞ thing anyway. Maybe SoPi-X is just the thing for that thing. Problem is tho, ∞ = -1 + 0 + 1 = ∞ has another piece.


Plus, ∞ = -1 + 0 + 1 = ∞ is supposed to be more representative of how things bend + how endless cycles are formed + how things stretch. Even linear cycles which aren’t bent nor stretched at all.


It is part of the SoPi puzzle tho, and the SoPi puzzle is based more on Pi than anything else. Still, the circular + non-repeating cycles aren’t devoid of linear concepts. In fact they depend on them as far as I can tell. Is/Is Not. Closed and open systems existing in the same space(s).

^Clockwork (Cosmic Gate Remix)^

Thanks to a certain someone’s playlist, and a how-to video recipe for corn porridge, I learned a new word today.


Groat (Grain)

I’ve heard of oats, and I’ve heard of Groot, I’ve heard of grits, but not groats. Unless you speak Russian, you’ll need to turn the subtitles on. Interesting the feminine references, and there’s something about “bitch tekke raisins” in the subtitles…lol


Dervish or Sufi lodge, eh? Interesting
^CORN Porridge, Queen of Porridge !!!^

What in the flying fucking hell is going on with all of these state-operated aerobatics teams appearing in the news? First there was the Blue Angels being mistaken for a UFO prior to the lockdown, then the Blue Angles started doing “appreciation” flyovers of major cities, then one of the Red Arrows were supposed to fly in to Southend Airport (but canceled), and now the Snowbirds are in the news?

To be fair, we are supposed to be knee-deep into the airshow season at this point in the year, but pretty much everything is subject to this lockdown, so no shows. That said, its damn weird that these military demonstration teams are appearing on the radar in some damn weird ways. Gotta sting tho that the Paris Airshow has been cancelled.

^Snowbirds CL41 Tutor Crash 17 May 2020^

I was gonna interject something really meaningful and breathtaking here.

Something heartfelt and impactful.

Something to let you know that you are wanted…needed…loved.

Nothing is coming to mind tho.

Nothing cept you anyway.

I am thinking about you.

Hopefully, that’s good enough.

^Willy Wonka – Pure Imagination (Pixels Remix)^


^Green Velvet – Bigger Than Prince (Jay Lumen Remix)^


Thank you for your time and attention, Dear Reader. We hope you have enjoyed exploring this missive. Have a Song…

*Cade mentioned fire and flying, Clicky, but… /scratches head… I don’t know what you’re getting at…*


Missive From ‘Merica: Covid Cosmic Thinking

Hello there, Dear Reader. Glad you could join us…

*That’s rude… /lights up…*

*No, we are not well and truly fucked, Clicky… /drags… Okay, maybe the French are… /streams smoke…*

… For a brand new missive from Cade Fon Apollyon, the Text Us Okie Devil. He and I were thoroughly engrossed in remote viewing Carl Sagan’s late 70s ‘Cosmos’ TV series at the we kenned. Although physically we’re caught up in our countries respective lockdowns, our thinking was/is free to travel unhindered…

*Sumfin’ like that…*

… and the same is true for you, Dear Reader, if you think about it 😉 Enjoy! ❤



What say we stretch our legs a bit? O wait, exercise is suddenly forbidden. I guess the Religion of Health Healthiness and The Healthy is gonna take a blow thanks to these recent developments. Gonna have to make some adjustments to existing exercise regimens, and you can bet there are people working on such plans as you read this. Gyms and spas are festering septic tanks of disease. Running is out, walking is out, being out is out, but on the upside, dogshit piles in public places is likely to be much diminished. Massage therapy is out, touch therapy is out, dating is out, prostitution is out, public gatherings are out, sports are out, and I guess pretty much any and every therapy and activity is out unless it has been much scrutinized, sterilized and approved. Sounds clean.

Q: What about next year?

A: ¿ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?

“The flu” is a seasonal thing. This nCoV-2019 thingie appears to have cropped up/been released into the wild sometime between late October and early December, and that’s well within the range of what we here would consider the normal time to start catching the flu. So, now that this thing IS in the wild, Spring is now here and potentially could aid in this thing burning off/losing steam via the season change(s), I’m wondering about next year’s “flu season”. Like is this thing gonna pop up again next fall/winter, and are those in command are gonna shut everything down and lock everyone in prior to the holiday season?

Also concerned about our friends down in the southern hemisphere. It’s just turning fall there as we here transition to spring. Wondering now if this is likely to result in some odd mutations which may allow this thing to stay prevalent year-round. Global travel will resume at some point. It has to. Everything in our economies depends on it. Thinking a bit now how this new little gizmo can be used to get things moving and keep things moving in the direction(s) that the Bilderbergs want it to go. I mean, that’s who is running all this shiz, right? They own everything, are responsible for everything, are behind everything that happens, so whatever happens from here is all their fault.

Even the good stuff
^One Slip – Pink Floyd^


Gotta wonder if it is inappropriate for me to date an alien. I mean, I know its OK to pursue aliens of various types, in various ways because all kinds of people do that for myriads of reasons. But I’m wondering if it’s OK if I hook up with an alien. I have no idea why I’m asking your opinion on what’s best for me and my future alien girlfriend.

^R. E. A. L. M.╭ ╯Numbering Connectives^


The WHO has a mess on their hands, as do their nutritional underlings. All the Deacons of Diet, Bishops of Bite, Chaplains of Chew, Witches of Weight, Yogis of Yogurt, Gymnosophists of Grain, Houngans of Halal and Tenzos of Tofu are likely to encounter some serious issues in the running(s) of their Seminaries of Sustenance.

Supplicancy may suffer

WAIT!!! We interrupt this thoughtstream to bring you an update on something called…


No, wait…




Why are so goddamn many vowels in such close proximity on the keyboard? R E A L I D. It’s a something in the USA which everyone is supposed to have by October 1st of 2020? Quasi-National ID I guess. Smells like more Patriot Act bullshit. Thanks to a coupla typos tho, I’m thinking of ODs, IUDs, IEDs, and IDs.

Drug Overdose (Redirected from Overdose)
Overdose (Disambiguation)
Intrauterine Device
Emergency Contraception
Selective Progesterone Receptor Modulator
Improvised Explosive Device
Asymmetric Warfare
Identity Document
Law Of Identity

Is it possible that “an emergency contraception device” could be considered an antipersonnel weapon?

Don’t sweat it if this rambling nonsense appears to go nowhere and/or makes no sense at all to you. It’s all unimportant stuff that means nothing.

^Underworld – Born Slippy (Alma & Mater Edit)^

Reading through that Wikipedia article on ‘Law Of Identity’, and was thinking about the “a rose is a rose” bit as I read, and it occurs to me that “rose” is only one side of the story.

 Our side


We named it. We observed it and documented all of its/their features. Pretty much no thought put into what we are in relation to a rose. There also appears to be no thought given to what a rose thinks of us, nor what a rose thinks of what we think of them. But why would we give any thought to such things. A rose has no voice. It cannot communicate with us in any way, shape or form.

^Forest Drive West ‎– Scanners^


The Isle of Man TT has been canceled. The Olympics have been canceled. All things sports have been canceled. The only thing open for business is the cancellation department. I have no idea how we are supposed to get our sport on with all this sickness. May I suggest massive media consumption in these lean times? Should get us all riled up, and we can create our own sport(s).

^Mor Elian – Paralysed Focus [FAM01]^
America's … Holistic … Plastic … Surgeon … ®

Seriously? Someone, somewhere gave this dude in the following video a registered trademark for “America’s Holistic Plastic Surgeon®”?

We love our marks.

Not stretchmarks, of course.

But marks?

Yep…we love em.

We love our sport(s) too.

^Plastic Surgeon Reacts to BOTCHED – Dr. Anthony Youn^

Speaking of sport(s) and supporting sport(s) and our team(s)…

Q: Could wearing a hat which contains a logo on it be considered “taking a mark on one’s forehead”?

A: ¿? ~°╗0╔°~ ?¿

I’ve always wondered what they meant in the Bible by “taking the mark of the beast on their foreheads” or whatever, and someone recently gave me a toboggan with a giant-assed “Las Vegas” logo on it. Got me to wondering if, by wearing this hat with this logo, I was willfully putting a mark on my forehead. Will prolly be microchips in hats at some point (if there aren’t already). Lots of ways other than microchips to use hats as an identifying mark tho.

^UR – A Thousand Questions^


How bout a new iteration of SoPi?


One of the problems that I keep stumbling onto regarding The Big Bang is that there was/is only one, and that one happened once. Not to mention, that if this one big bang did in fact happen, and we are the sum total, this bang is still happening, and we are in fact not the sum total. “A” sum total, sure, but not “the” sum total.

Anyway, one of the things that I’ve long pondered is why I can go above “1” on the periodic table of elements, but I cannot go below “1”. Another thing that has bothered me is why certain things have no representation. They don’t exist. Not here anyway.

Q: Can they?

A: ? !!!VAGUERY!!! ?

Humans have evolved to the point where certain things which do not exist/occur naturally here on Earth/Terra can be created synthetically. But some stuff?

Nope. Not yet anyway

So thinking with respect to this big bang that is said to have occurred 13.7 or so billion years ago, there have been times when a something not only did not exist, it could not exist. No yet anyway. This makes me think a bit about extinct species, and causes me to correlate when certain organic and inorganic matter exists. Makes me wonder if maybe there are certain frequencies embedded within the fabric of the space and time(s) that we know, and that makes me wonder if certain things have their own period(s).

^Svreca – Ebisu (Dasha Rush Remix) [SEMANTICA44.2]^


Yeah…anti-elements. That’s kinda what I’m thinking about. Some pre-matrix or post-matrix something that allows or prohibits a something from existing. And I’m not thinking in terms of universal standards either. Way too much weird and rarefied shit going on out there that is quite localized. Basically, I’m wondering if there is something embedded within nature which allows certain things to exist or certain events to occur under certain conditions, and maybe also prohibits certain things from existing or certain events from occurring under any conditions. Sounds pretty straightforward, right? A given. All we need do is figure out what those conditions are, allowing us to create those conditions, then we can do whatever it is we need/want to do.

Q: Why do nuclear detonations contain fire?

A: I've honestly never pondered this

I assume the naturally occurring hydrogen is burning and oxygen along with it, but you’re usually talking about extraordinarily small amounts of “fuel” powering these devices, and there’s really no secondary anything in the device to burn. High explosives don’t really create fire, this isn’t Napalm, incendiary devices start fires in existing infrastructure(s), and this isn’t Hollywood using diesel or gasoline to intentionally create fireballs. So how in the hell does 50 pounds of Plutonium create a fireball? I need to look that up or something.

See what's cooking there
^[1994] gescom – cicada^


Can exist, has not existed.

Can exist, has existed.

Cannot exist, has not existed.

Cannot exist, has existed.

Can exist, has existed, can no longer exist.

Can exist, has not existed, can exist.

Has existed, no longer exists, can never again exist.

Cannot exist, has never existed, will never exist.

Could exist, did exist, no longer exists, can no longer exist.

Could exist, does exist, will always exist, this is all there is/cannot be modified nor augmented.

Could exist, does exist, will exist as long as this lasts, once that’s gone will exist no more.

Cannot exist here, can exist there.

Can exist here, cannot exist there.

Just trying to brainstorm a bit with respect to how the galactic and/or universal regulatory agency/agencies may work. In my mind, I’m kinda using vice and vices as a model. Specifically, tobacco, alcohol and drugs. A nice mix seeing as how alcohol can be made by just about anyone, tobacco can be grown by just about anyone, and drugs can be made by just about anyone. And yet, someone else has stepped in and said “OH NO YOU DON’T!!!”. Crashed the party because they want some of the action and/or don’t want someone intruding on their own action. I can see a galactic community maybe doing something similar. More than that, I have to wonder of the Universe itself may have some embedded something which does similar and expresses itself in various ways. Maybe even does so by not expressing itself at all.

^Michal Wolski – Generator [EE11]^


‘Tis strange to contemplate the concept of having a knowledge of something that has never existed.

Even more strange to contemplate not only having knowledge of something that has never existed, but also to actively work towards prohibiting this something from ever existing.

I guess you can relate more easily regionally. Like, they may smoke crack in their house, but no one has ever smoked crack in this house, and they never will.

But in thinking in terms of being within the mind of a universal creator, thinking of things that could exist, but you adopt a position of “not on my watch”. Radioactive flying snake goats, for example.

Who the hell needs radioactive flying snake goats?

Well, besides science-fiction authors…they might could make use of radioactive flying snake goats.

^Michal Wolski – Caleidoscope [EE11]^


Was diagnosed yesterday with Retral Omniosis.

May sound humorous, however I can assure you it’s anything butt.

/ba da ching

Actually, was watching the Cosmos series earlier with a friend, and got to thinking about the orientation of Uranus relative to the rest of the planets. Sagan got to talking about Astrology, mentioned Mars’ influence on himself (or lack thereof) at the time of his own birth, and it got me to thinking about Uranus’ unusual orientation and Pluto’s unusual orbit. Since Astrology seems to be little more than sequencing (to me it does anyway), I got to thinking about that little swirl atop a soft-serve ice cream cone. Sagan had mentioned at some point that if anything ever hit Jupiter, it would simply make a hole in the clouds of Jupiter. Cosmos originally aired in 1980, and thanks to Comet Shoemaker/Levy, we now know this “hole in the clouds” idea not to be so.

Sagan also refers to Pluto as a planet, and we all know that Pluto is in fact not a planet as it has been demoted to…not a planet. What does all this add up to? Well…

SoPi-T, of course
^Melleefresh / Something Inside Me Redux (Original Mix)^


Have thought a bunch about the need to “demote” a planet from the planet category. The only two things I can think of are A) hype, B) commercialism and C) commerce.

That's three things, but who's counting

Anyway, I tend to thing of “ordering” in terms of navigation. Knowing where a something is or where a something will be provides us a pathway to plot intercepts to that something. Pluto is a pain in the ass because sometimes it’s going to be the 9th planet, and sometimes it’s going to be the 8th planet. Delete Pluto from the planetary register, and Uranus can remain firmly entrenched in the 8th spot without having to do-si-do with Pluto. Kinda makes sense. Unless you’re inbound to Sol on the solar plane instead of outbound from Sol. I may lose some of you here if you are unfamiliar with Pluto’s unusual orbit relative to our sun and the other planets.

^Biosphere – Novelty Waves (Biosphere Darkroom Mix)^


Ever listen to an expert talking about a something, but this expert sounds like a fucking moron? So which is it? Are they an expert? Or a moron? Someone gave them the expert title just so this person can prove how they don’t deserve the title.

Or it could be there's maybe just some distance between the two of you?

Two idiots who have not a clue how to communicate with one another.

^Acronym – Back to Understanding^


No idea if the space agencies of the world already have existing planetary charts which reorient the numbering of the planets relative to their position of Earth/Terra and/or Sol, but I do know that most science doesn’t appear to put any effort into explaining that Earth/Terra is not always “third stone from the sun”. Not only that, there’s apparently no effort put into explaining that Earth/Terra is sometimes both first rock, and the only rock…1 of 1. Depending on your approach/departure of course. So in that regard, why are the planets not renumbered according to their current placement and orientation within the scope of time?

A: Fear of Astrology

That’s honestly the only thing I can come up with. Religion on religion warfare. Science Vs. Every Other Religion, with a special hate of Astrology. Odd that “mathematics” is said to be the language of science, yet it is utilized only in ways that suits the monks and their methods. Destroying the very portal which allowed you to get to where you are.

^Marco Shuttle – Kinshasa Decadence [EE12]^


Numbers are failing here. “From” is our only perspective. From Sol to Infinity, all from the perspective of 3. Which makes me wonder, that if we were to apply Pi to our solar system, with Sol being “the point”, when and where would Earth/Terra be “3”? Which must be why I’m thinking that accurate mapping/charting of any system would require 360° mapping of all approaches and departures on all three axis, with consideration for a time axis along each physical axis in order to accurately calculate the numeric value of a planet or other body.

And yes, not distance, time

I would think that time would need to supersede distance(s) in order to better identify anything anomalous. Thinking this might also better assist with course alterations. Prolly doesn’t make much sense, but I’m basically stretching Pi in multiple directions relative to an object, and not just and only “around” a round object. Gonna be all kinds of crazy shapes in space, I would think.

^The Higher Intelligence Agency & Biosphere – Countdown to Darkne^


There is nothing new, it’s just new to you.

A New York doctor’s story: ‘Too many people are dying alone’

Shitloads of people dying alone is nothing new.

^A Certain Kind Of Death – Documentary^

My question is, what does she think should be done about this? I’m sure it involves creation of a process and processes which include(s) delegation. The doctor orders, others comply. If it really bothers you that much, don’t delegate, do. I know…you’re a doctor…far too busy to give care…you’ve got other patients to get to.

Q: Has it ever occurred to you that some people may want to die alone?

A: ó¿ó

There may even be people out there who don’t want to die alone, realize they pretty much have no choice but to die alone, so dying alone is how it’s gonna be. All that said, it just occurs to me that if you create a system, instead of being the system, this something you create loses all of its heart.

^Too Many People (Remastered 2012)^


One of the more interesting things that Sagan has demonstrated in this Cosmos series is the use of mirrors to demonstrate infinity. Interesting in that it got me to thinking about my own experimentation(s) with mirrors whilst pondering the concept of an end to the iterations being reflective of an end to time. What I mean by that is, if you place yourself between two mirrors, you expect to see infinite reflections in these mirrors, and yet…the iterations stop. You start to count, and you only see sat 5 or ten reflections, and then nothing.


Or maybe even white or some other color. Maybe even a clear something that is nothing.

Q: Would the end of infinite reflections in a mirror be indicative of the end of time?

A: !!!! ?¿ !!!!

More than that, would the end of infinite reflection in a mirror possibly be indicative of a certain location not only in time, but space? Perhaps you are at some unknown end of a solar system. Or maybe nearing the edge of a galaxy. Perhaps too close to a black hole or a quasar or some other celestial body. Maybe even be that you are approaching the end(s) of the Universe. Or, “a” universe. Makes me wonder too about approaches. Like, do we race to the end, or does “the end” race to us. Maybe we meet halfway? A dog can only run so far into the forest.

^Mike Parker – Lustration Two (Nor’easter) (A2)^

I gotta take that thought further aloud because I’m thinking them. Primarily, mirrors might should be standard equipment on any/all spacecraft. Perhaps even a chamber full of mirrors casting infinite reflections so as to be indicative of any warping, blurring or distortions in what should otherwise be exactly what we expect to see. This is based on Sagan talking about looking for gaps (red-shift/blue-shift) in order to determine if an object is moving towards or away from your present position. But what about…

Rainbow Shift?

Or even White Shift? Black Shift? More than that, Purple Shift where something may appear to be moving both towards and away at the same time? Wouldn’t this possibly be indicative of a something that is actually moving faster than C/speed of light?

I gotta also wonder about “less standard” types of binary, tertiary, quaternary, etc. shifts. For example, what if red and green are shifting? Lastly, what about ultraviolet or infrared shift(s). Radio? X-ray and gamma? Null or maybe zero shift(s)? A shift should exist in some space, but it does not. There have to be some dark shifts lurking out there. Perhaps even some happening right here.

^Biosphere – Baby Interphase (Remix)^


I just got a notification on my phone from Google. April 1st of 2020 is national census day.


This should turn out well.

^natural/electronic.system. – Sicut Erat [TIKITA006]^


Science, scientists, aerospace companies and space agencies of all kinds likely already have quite complex navigation systems as well as loads of equations for calculating such things.

I don't. Not part of the club either

Might be nice for some lost someone to be able to figure out their way home all on their own.

^Alan Backdrop – Quaraman [SBCV003]^



^Revolution 9 (Remastered 2009)^


*The false start to this year reminds me of when dad died, Clicky… /stubs butt… Seemed appropriate at the time. He fuckin’ loved that race…*

*1967, the year Cade and I were born…*

So keep health, keep sane and keep coming back to the LoL, Dear Reader. And, of course, have a Song… 😉

Missive From ‘Merica: With ADDED WOO

Been on a bit of cultural exchange these past two weeks, Dear Reader…

Adventure Time

*Indeed, Clicky! …/pats snout…*

… Whereby I’ve been introducing The Okie Devil of Text Us to Doctor Who

*It’s been an Utter joy, Clicky, bouncing around time and space with Cade… /lights up… Seeing things anew…*

… And in return, he has introduced me to Doowdaed

*No shit! It’s called Deadwood?! …/rubs eyes… Actually, Clicky, that does makes more sense… /drags…*

… And we’ll continue with more of that later today…

*/coughs… I ain’t shown him that one yet! …/taps ash… Mind you… /smokes… touch and hearing in one clip, Clicky? Fucking clever!*

Woo Hoo

In the meantime, Cade has very kindly sent a missive for us all to enjoy, Dear Reader…



Where have I been?

Where have YOU been is likely a more appropriate question.

I've been taking a break.

Getting my bikini figure into shape for Bikini Season.

Let’s remedy that.

^DJ Shredda – Chainsaw (The Crow Mix)^

Let me come clean. I’ve been avoiding anything and everything on the web, except Twitter, and I’ve been doing that for the last few months. I don’t care what it is, I don’t want to see it, and I don’t want to hear it. Those “pokes from else and/or elsewhere” have gotten too numerous. My feet, legs and hips are cramping almost non-stop, and it fucking hurts.

So yeah...vacation. 

I keep thinking about some 16 year old girl shooting herself. Can’t get it out of my fucking head. That, and this goddamn anti-smoking bullshit. Oh, and I’m trying to write. So there’s that. I also keep swirling around swirls. That has led me to some interesting thoughts on “flat space(s)”, so I’m gonna ramble about some of that…

assuming it's A-O-fucking-K with you.
^Acid Fighter (DJ Crow Remix) – Soundgrabber^

So what’s up with you where you are? It’s snowing outside here. Gonna put my cold weather gear on in a bit, go outside, and make a video. I doubt very seriously that most fucks are going to believe that it’s snowing in North Texas in late April, but it is. Once I make the video, we’ll have proof, the case will be solved forever, and there will be no reason to argue about the truth of spring snow(s) in Texas. I’ll keep you posted on where you can view the video.

^DJ The Crow meets DJ Arne LII – The Speed (Überdruck Mix)^

Why in the fuck would anyone care if North Korea/South Korea reunified? You running low on shit to talk about? Running low on shit to worry about? East Germany and West Germany got back together.

Maybe if you fucks would stop thinking in terms of big and small, you could actually focus. Or at least, make some discernment(s) as to what focus is.

Which reminds me, I got to thinking about the nature of focus with respect to membranes, and it got me to thinking about what is required to stretch a something so thin, that it results in the reduction of mass in certain sectors of the stretched membrane in such a way as to detract/reduce scale. Meaning, the reduction in mass does not cause a fundamental change in anything except scale.


Basically, a chain of say…Oxygen atoms…have become so stretched, all while retaining their relational bonds, that some atoms begin to shrink in scale. Methinks we are stumbling into/onto some gravity/anti-gravity kinds of things here.

^Norman Bass – How U Like Bass? (Warp Brothers Club Mix)^

Thinking more in terms of contextual processes that are created for the purpose(s) of creating something that does not currently exist, there are certain things that we can accept as being, for the most part…normal. Like say, the creation of a house using wood, that starts with the chopping down of a tree, and is followed by the chopping down of more trees.

Pretty normal sounding right? 

Welp, what about slamming sub-atom particles together at near the speed of light using the machines that we build in order to achieve this? Is that normal? Or can we consider it “normal” to qualify these activities as…abnormal.

Q: Is “sawdust” considered waste?

A: ???

Do we have processes in place to adequately deal with the ongoing sawdust issue(s)? Have we taken steps? Addressed concerns? Is the matter settled?

^Crash Bass – Hardshake^

Let’s focus

Focus (Optics)

Let’s get more focused


We on the same page?

Let us turn it
^Gary Beck – Say What (Adam Beyer Remix) [SAVED RECORDS]^

I wonder how many membranes are breached in order to perform an “average” surgery.

Crystal Habit (Redirected from Fiberous habit)
Dietary Fiber
Biodegradable Waste
Tortious Interference
What Is a Tortuous Artery?
Twisted Blood Vessels: Symptoms, Etiology and Biomechanical Mechanisms

So can we assume that there is a difference between a perforation and a cut/incision? What about a stretch or strain? Wouldn’t an incision by a laser be both a perforation and a cut? No to mention the burn(ing).

^Hanayo – Joe le Taxi^

It’s just passed noon on Saturday April 28, and I’ve not been sleeping well. I’ve been dreaming non-stop for months now, but I guess its the season change that is currently fucking me up. I went on a 5 day drinking bender last week, and it did me some good. But still not sleeping very well. Guess I’m sweating heading to Austin a bit. Leaving for Austin soon, and looking forward to it, but also kinda nervous. The dynamics of the trip have suddenly changed. I’ll survive it tho. May even have some fun.

/me shrugs

On the up side, I’ve got the fever to write.

On the down side, I’m gonna be without my computer for a while.

I guess it's time to break out the pen and paper.

OH! I’ve got three stories in the new Underdog Anthology which was published this last week.

UAV front cover all named

I guess I need to write a post on it on my own goddamn blog.

^M83 ‘Midnight City’ Official video^

Got to thinking about the referential dynamics of gene sequences the other day, and the numbers went from “ridiculous” to “incomprehensible” almost immediately.

Picture This: two identical strands of DNA. One of these strands is located in the heart, and the other is flowing within the bloodstream. Now, imagine these two strands in relation to one another. Now think about the sequence in each strand. Do the sequences remain constant? What about in relation to each other?

I mean, we are talking more about cryptography/cryptology than we are about relationships or gene sequences/gene sequencing, so what about discretion, distinction and/or discrimination? Is there potentially some magic in the spacial relationships and orientations of identical things? What about like things? Similar not same kinds of things?

Discernment of Spirits

So yeah, if you get two identical things together, what are they now?

Spooky action at a distance?

Or does the action always and forever need to follow a predefined path?

^Boy Harsher — Pain^

Was talking to a certain someone this week about “GUT”, and espoused that this particular pursuit is going to have to include multiple elements, and that the omission of a simultaneous “constructive/destructive” is likely why these efforts to construct a unification continues to fail and/or be elusive.

Grand Unified Theory

Whatever this “GUT” winds up being will have to have contextual nature, and I added Earth/Terra and Sun/Sol distinctions.

EX: The GUT on Earth/Terra will not be applicable on Mars, and the GUT on The Sun/Sol will differ from the GUT on Earth/Terra. We are in motion, and the only constant state appears to be that of “change” and/or “changing”, depending on where you are and when.


So yeah, there is likely a metric shitload of fucktons of galactic considerations that also need to be made. Maybe The Zodiac ain’t such a stretch afterall, eh? I mean, if these distant gamma ray bursts are suddenly of global concern because we can now see/detect them, that means that they’ve always been a concern. So I got a question for you…

Q: What’s your fucking hurry?

A: ¿?¿

Maybe if you fucks weren’t so goddamn wrapped up in the fatalistic ends of the more modern interpretations Darwinian theory/theories, you wouldn’t be so fucking anxious to win your very own Darwin Award, and take the rest of us with you in the process.

^Kiesza – Hideaway (Official Video)^

Yes, I am suggesting that certain sectors of science seem to be pretty goddamn fatalistic. I mean fuck, we can get that fatalism bullshit from religion. We don’t need it from you too.

But you’re free to do what you want.

Blow it all up.

^Azari & III – Hungry for the power (Jamie Jones remix)^

 My brain hurts.

Imma go get something to eat, then video the snow for anyone who wants to see it.



^Hey Boy Hey Girl (Soulwax ‘2 Many DJ’s’ Remix)^


Feeding time

*Yeah, I’m hungry too, Clicky… /stubs butt… Let’s get sumfin to eat…*

Dear Reader? CYL… 😉 …and have a Song ❤

Missive From ‘Merica: Hook, Line & Syncher

Dear Reader, the latest missive from Cade, set out below, has been a tad difficult to format…

*’Use the new and improved editor’ WordPress says… Lose all your fucking formatting and music videos up to that point is the result… *

*Yep! The bastards! I had to start it all over again… /sigh… Go get a suitable Song to stick in the bottom, Clicky…*

*/splutters… For fuck’s sake… /guffaws… Oh Clicky, I’m pretty sure it’s not that Jack Jones’s quote… /wipes tear from eye…*


This is the greeting you get.

  If you don’t like it, feel free to fuck off.

But before you go, I’d like to point something out…

What I did there...do you see it?

This is the hook.

It’s catchy…you like it.


^BSOD / This Is Also The Hook [full version]^

If it’s easy to deceive, doesn’t it stand to reason, that it is also easy to be deceived? Sounds easy. I’m easy. But I’m not looking for a relationship right now, so let’s skip the fucking part, and we can just go our separate ways, and everyone is happy.

Nice knowin' ya. 

There are two types of hooks…a hook “J”, and a ring “O”, but both are hooks. There can be all kinds of crazy iterations of those two, but let’s keep it on fishing.

A hook, “J”, can be somewhat easily added, and somewhat easily removed. However, once you have caught your fish, you are going to want to keep the “keeper” varieties of fishes, so you are going to need a stringer…”O”…a hook that cannot be removed.

I wonder if fishes that have been caught, then either escaped or were thrown back, ever really have that hook removed?

^Truss – Beacon^

We’ve not done this in a while…so…let’s do it…


From today’s featured article…

S-50 (Manhattan Project) – an electroplated steel corrosion-resistant fuel line. It was one of three technologies for uranium enrichment pursued by the Manhattan Project.
>>>>>>>>>> 🤓 <<<<<<<<<<
Süleyman of Germiyan – the ruler of Germiyan an Anatolian beylik between 1363 and 1388.
>>>>>>>>>> 🤓 <<<<<<<<<<
Malayalam Calendar – a solar and sidereal Hindu calendar used in Kerala, India. The origin of the calendar has been dated as 825 CE (Pothu Varsham) at Kollam.
>>>>>>>>>> 🤓 <<<<<<<<<<
Oviraptor – a genus of small Mongolian theropod dinosaurs, first discovered by technician George Olsen in an expedition led by Roy Chapman Andrews, and first described by Henry Fairfield Osborn, in 1924.
>>>>>>>>>> 🤓 <<<<<<<<<<
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit – an American police procedural, legal, crime drama television series set in New York City, where it is also primarily produced.
>>>>>>>>>> 🤓 <<<<<<<<<<
Owens Cross Roads, Alabama – a town in Madison County, Alabama, United States, and is included in the Huntsville-Decatur Combined Statistical Area. It was incorporated in 1967.[3] As of the 2010 Census, the population of the town was 1,521.
>>>>>>>>>> 🤓 <<<<<<<<<<
Varmint (album) – an album by American jazz vibraphonist Jason Adasiewicz, which was recorded in 2008 and released on Cuneiform. It was the second recording with his quintet Rolldown, featuring cornetist Josh Berman, saxophonist Aram Shelton, bassist Jason Roebke and drummer Frank Rosaly.
>>>>>>>>>> 🤓 <<<<<<<<<<
NGC 7331 Group – a group of galaxies in the constellation Pegasus. spiral galaxy NGC 7331 is the brightest member of the group. This group is also called the Deer Lick Group,[1] and contains four other members; NGC 7335, NGC 7336, NGC 7337 and NGC 7340, affectionately referred to as the “fleas”.
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Chah-e Darmohammad Makam – a village in Dumak Rural District, in the Central District of Zahedan County, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its existence was noted, but its population was not reported.
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Charlton Rauch House – a historic home located at Lexington, Lexington County, South Carolina. It was built in 1886, and is a 2 1/2- story, frame vernacular Queen Anne style house with an irregular plan and a gable roof.
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Lodi Crushers – a collegiate woodbat baseball team based in Lodi, California. They are charter members of the Great West League and play their home games at Tony Zupo Field in Lodi.
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Girolamo Tiraboschi – an Italian literary critic, the first historian of Italian literature.
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Pyrausta Omicronalis – a moth in the Crambidae family. It was described by Snellen in 1880. It is found on Sumatra.
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Craig Doyle (hurler) – an Irish hurler who plays as a full-forward for the Carlow senior team.
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Filipino Cuisine – is composed of the cuisines of 135 distinct ethno-linguistic tribes found within the Philippine archipelago, however, majority of mainstream Filipino dishes that compose Filipino cuisine are from the cuisines of the Bikol, Chabakano, Hiligaynon, Ilokano, Kapampangan, Meranaw, Pangasinan, Sebwano (or Bisaya), Tagalog, and Waray ethno-linguistic tribes.
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Sanjurge – a small rural village and former-civil parish in the municipality of Chaves, in the Portuguese district of Vila Real. In 2013, the parish located 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) from the centre of Chaves, was merged into the new parish of Santa Cruz-Trindade e Sanjurge, as part of the White Paper on local authority reform.
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Welp…there ya fucking go…a long overdue Random Wikipedia Attack. Hope you learned as much as I did. Oh, and sorry we haven’t done it in a while.

I miss doing it with you too. 

I had no idea that such a thing as “hurling” existed as a sport, ‘cept for as it pertains to drinking. After a night of excessive Jim Beam – or too much beer + too much food – I could prolly sometimes compete with the best of hurlers, as hurling pertains to puking.

 ^nthng – Human^

Cfrank Davis has some new bullshit today…

Arrogant Manipulative Busybodies

The first thing that popped into my head was…

“wait…what happened to tar?”

I thought that “tar” was “the killer” with respect to cigarettes? Has something changed? And if so, what changes that were changed, are likely to change further? I’ve no doubt that “the pro-smoking” brigade has many valid points, butt it always burns down down to one.

(pun intended) 

That said, this “crusader” bullshit is a tough animal to tangle with. Its difficult to know how to get involved in something you feel passionately about. And if you get involved with something to protect people, all while smashing the fuck out of people… Erm, something does not compute.

This bullshit bickering from certain groups/interests has to boil down to sterility. Sterility meaning: method of delivery. Coffee/Caffeine and it’s delivery, is relatively clean, not to mention the dependence on water.

Or had you forgotten about that angle? 

I don’t see a rush to reduce or remove caffeine from all coffee(s), which means that’s exactly what is on the agenda once nicotine has been better caged.

So yeah, delivery and delivery mechanisms. We want clean and sterile ones; clean and sterile removes variables, which allows for more efficient, accurate and dependable throughput. Methinks someone is missing something.

(pun intended)
^Jon Hopkins – Collider (Karenn Remix)^

Shipping is where the money is. Freight, transport – it doesn’t matter if you are downloading something from The Internet, getting something delivered via UPS that you bought off of The Internet, munching on a Snickers bar, or taking a breath, or even taking a shit…

It's all shipping. 

Matter(s) and motion(s), in motion, intercepted and/or redirected for a time by someone or something, then passed on from there. Everything comes from somewhere, and everything goes somewhere.

This is the hook, it's catchy, you like it. 

You get your ass in a car, or on a bus, or on a train, or in your wheelchair, or whatever…then you pedal your goofy ass to and fro…shipped from here, delivered to there. All while carrying loads of shit with you, up to, and including…yep…shit.

Clothes, air(s), food(s), water(s), memory/memories…all while piling more crap on and shrugging other crap off. It’s the nature of travel in nature I guess.


All it takes, is for some clever motherfucker(s) to see this and these processes, recognize them for what they are, repackage them, and they can capitalize on it. Sounds…parasitic.

Or does it?
^Dj Randy – Deception^

LegIron has a MASSIVE new batch of bullshit up over at UBU…

Babbling elsewhere

What a fucking rip-off. There wasn’t ANYTHING there. Just a link to more bullshit elsewhere. I’m writing my congressman/congresswoman, to voice my rage, and then I’m starting a new group.


I’m too lazy for all that nonsense. Let’s follow the rabbit trail a shade further…

Why are there so many smoking scenes in movies and TV shows?

Why…would anyone…who is in their right mind…take the time…to volunteer to answer random-assed questions…for free…on some website?

Don’t they have some robot that can do this shit? Aren’t there books someone can read? Plus, most of these questions are stupid anyway, so, why take the time?

A: The need unmet.

Any questions?

 ^Yello – Bubbling Under^

Is it possible for a “non-rhythm” to be rhythmic? If not, then any theories you might have about “alternate-universe(s)” and/or “alternate-realities” are going to have to go right out the fucking window. There are always spans within a span. Times to each and every purpose, as it were.

So back on hooks, a “J” will hook for a span, and an “O” will also hook for a span, but they both overlap.

Q1: What if you keep the fish, but don’t use a stringer after catching the fish?

A2: ?¿?

Q2: YEAH!!! What if you use a net instead of a hook to catch your fish?

A2: ¿?¿

Okay, so let’s take this step by step…the answer to the first question is “O” = your piehole instead of a stringer. Not to mention your eyes, nose, and ears, but let’s keep it to your mouth is an “O”, that will eventually snare the fish “more permanently”.

With that out of the way…the answer to the second question is substitute “I” for “J”. In this case, “I” = a needle. Just like a hook (“J”), which is nothing more than an bent needle (“I”), and needles are required to make a net. Needles are required to make up a net also.


Enter “S”. String Theory, M-Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Theoretical Physics, Set Theory, Chaos Theory, and on and on…What could they POSSIBLY have to do with…fishing? My guess – and this is just going to be a guess – but, if nothing else, ”landing a big fish” might have something to do with it.

 ^Objekt – Cactus^

Not all “big fish” are as big as you might think tho. According to science, “The Universe” originally started with an infinitely small “everything” that was all wadded up and bubbling in a single point. With that in mind, thinking scientifically anyway, the biggest fish of all, would in fact, be the smallest.

Q: Perspective?

A: SAY...fucking...WHAT?!?!?!?

OK, I’ll grant you that…but think of this…

Q: Ever heard of a slingshot?

A: !!!

Yeah, I’ve had some ideas about “membranes” as it relates to proximities and contexts. The bubble of our atmosphere, the bubbles/concentrations of gas(es) within it, bubbles in water, bubbles in rock, bubbles in magma and lava…blah blah blah. But bubbles can, and do, warp.

That said, that’s not really where I was headed. Where I was headed, was needles. A point, at a point, within a point, that stretches the point…

Think of a bubble (a point).

Think of a grain of sand within that bubble (b point).

Think of that grain of sand, contacting the surface of the bubble from within (c point).

If we think of the bubble, as our Universe, and the grain of sand as a particle of matter trying to stretch the boundaries of that bubble/membrane, that leaves us with one question…

Q: What is outside of the bubble that allows this expansion to happen?

A: Maybe membranes are stimulated to expand/stimulate expansions in ways that we've not considered?

I’ve certainly not considered them. I mean, I have, but I’ve never talked about it. Why? Welp…lemme take it down a notch or two.

^Yello More (rockabilly mix)^

Why would something, as ridiculously small as a grain of sand, that’s pressed up against the outer limits of our Universe…NOT…have infinite mass? I mean, the weight and mass of the entire Universe is pressing against it…is it not?

The entire weight of our Universe, is pressing up against this grain of sand, and the grain of sand is pressing up against this membrane that is the outermost region of The Universe… So what is pressing back? Is anything pressing back? Or is our grain of sand being urged onward and outward by the entirety of existence.

Let’s say that there is an outer limit to which the grain of sand can go, but our grain of sand is going to go through some amazing changes before it eventually snaps back and returns. What happens?

I dunno, but I have some ideas.
^Yello – La Habanera^

K…so it’s 15:13 in the afternoon on January 22, and me and Roob have been talking a bit on Twitter. There have been a couple of things mentioned that have casually crossed paths with what I’ve been writing on/thinking about today. Now that I’ve started to think about how to address these “crossings”, I’ve gotten kinda lost in my thinking. Not about any of the bullshit, above, because crap like that is always floating around in my head. Relating it…


that's a horse of a different color...

isn't it?

No one reads this bullshit, so, why do I bother? Welp…I know that a couple of people do read this bullshit. Maybe not all the time, and that’s OK, but I know Roob reads it, and I read it. Prolly gonna be some that accuse me of being “Narcissus-like” as I peer into the me that is me via my writing, but there’s PLENTY of ugly on both the inside and outside that help me balance “shit-thinking” like that out. The “shit-thinking” being, others liberally gracing me with whatever labels are handy at the time.

Ironic that they don't take time into consideration when doing so.
^Arcade Fire – Everything Now^

If you label me as dirty and needing a shower at 9:00 pm in the evening, you may be right.

If you label me as dirty and needing a shower at 9:00 am in the morning, you may be right.

What's missing? 

Welp, what additional requirements do you have for me?

Are you implying that I need to put on some cologne or deodorant?

Or are you implying that I need to take a shower?

Will a bath suffice?

Do I need to use soap?

What kind?

Do I need a shampoo, or can I just use the soap?

Do I need to also use conditioner, or is one of those shampoos with “built-in conditioner(s)” going to be OK?

Now that I’ve done all that for you…now what? Point being, I may be clean in the morning, but dirty in the evening. I may be dirty in the morning, but clean in the evening. When are we meeting, and what is it you want to do with me that I need to meet your inspection requirements at the time of said meeting? Or was that just a friendly “y0 dude!!! YOU STINK!!!” kind of thing? Ya know…like, you stink, just sayin’…chill on the overthinking.


Sry. Just trying to make the writing interesting. I realize that you’ve an investment in taking the time to read it, so, I take that into consideration when writing. I say “hi” when and where I can, and that’s kinda all I can do. Anything beyond that would seem…rude.

^New Order – Regret^


Jesus fucking CHRIST you assholes are impossible to please and/or appease.


^Of Monsters and Men – Mountain Sound (Official Video)^

Lot’s of shit, that has no answers, gets dumped, and then it lays there until someone picks it up.

EX: Yesterday, on my own blog, I took the time to look up the lyrics to a song by The Smiths, and I found something that I’ve long searched for, but had forgotten that I ever even asked the question. The question was…

”what in the FUCK is he saying there towards the end of the song?!?!?!?”

A: 'I lost my bag in Newport Pagnell'

Mystery = SOLVED MOTHERFUCKERS!!! Motherfucking Next!

^Max Webster – Let Go The Line (1979)^

Let’s do some digging…CADE STYLE!!!

Newport Pagnell
Domesday Book

I’m gonna stop right there, and just point out, that “The Domesday Book” was supposedly the first all encompassing census of the entire country. So, Newport Pagnell’s first mention being in this particular book, should really not be that big of a surprise. Synchronistically speaking anyway.

jmo. Onward.
Newport Pagnell Railway Station
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Redenhall
Nieuwpoort, Belgium
Fly Zone
No-Fly Zone
No Fly List
Terrorist Screening Center
Vienna, Virginia
Sterling, Virginia
Loudoun County, Virginia
Chesapeake Beach, Virginia
On the Beach (Novel)

I’ve been listening to The Smiths since the late 1980’s, and prolly know the words to every Smiths song. However, that line from “Is It Really So Strange” has always eluded me. Knowing a bit about Morissey’s lyrical musings, I simply assumed it was something:

A) English, and

B) funny.

He can be quite sarcastic sounding, and even bitter or morose, but there is always an edge of humor to it. When Morrisey writes sad shit…you know it. Prolly why his humor stands out in the way that it does, even in, and amongst, sad shit.

^The Hollies The Air That I Breathe^

About 4 years ago or so, around this same time of year, January, I drove up to the store around midnight to buy me some snuff. It was VERY cold. The temperature was well below freezing, windy, and generally inhospitable.

Upon entering the store, there was a guy standing in front of, and to side of the counter, indicating that he was not a customer per se/not standing in line: large red duffle bag at his feet, dressed warmly, but his clothing was severely lacking, and it was obvious that he was a hitchhiker seeking refuge from the elements. I stifled any further judgment(s), continued to the counter, bought my snuff, and when my purchase was completed, I turned to the guy and asked him if he needed some cash. His response was…

“What I need is, a place to go.”

I told him that I couldn’t help there, but I then asked him if he had plenty of warm clothes, and he said he did not. So, I went home, grabbed a plain black sweatshirt, a long-sleeve wool undershirt, a couple of t-shirts, a few pairs of normal socks, one pair of thick wool socks, a toboggan cap, then found a small duffle/knapsack to put it all in. I then gathered UP three heavy coats that I got from my mother when my father died, then headed back up to the store.

When I got there, I gave him the bag with the clothes in it, told him what was in it and how he should layer them. Then I showed him the three coats and told him “pick one”. He took a heavy winter coat that my father used to wear when he “went out” – it was a pretty nice coat/looked nice, that dad would wear when it was cold and he was going some place that required a nice dress. He often wore his cowboy hat when he wore this particular coat.

Anyway, me and this guy talked a bit. He told me that his wife had kicked him out, and he was headed back to where he had some family.

“Where’s that?” I asked.

“Sterling Virgina,” he replied to my astonishment. Me being me, I know there is sometimes nothing coincidental about coincidence, so I smiled and said…

”No way! I lived there for several years.”

The look he gave me was one of utter disbelief. Shock. Almost like my generosity was about to take an ominous turn. But I stood my ground, didn’t retreat, and started talking to him about familiar things that only someone who had lived in that area would know. His posture relaxed a bit as I talked about fueling airplanes at Dulles, and how much money I saved on gas driving back and forth to work when I moved from Charles Town West Virginia to Sterling Virginia.

I apologized for not being able to provide him with a place to stay, but told him that I hoped the clothes and coat helped out. He went back into the store, and I got back into my car, and left. On the drive home, all I could think about was the fact that Whatshername and me were on the outs, both wanting a divorce with no means to get one. I wondered how many times I teetered on bailing the fuck out before she kicked me all the way to the curb. Is that what it looks like?

Did he know how, with a glance, I knew that his dress was inadequate for long-term exposure to this kind of weather? Did my taking the time explain my spending a lot of long, cold winter nights fueling airplanes at Dulles airport – which is partially within Sterling Virginia – and how to layer clothing accordingly help him in any way? Was he completely freaked out by our “Virginia” connection? Was I?

I can only speak for myself…and my answer is yes, I was a tad freaked out, but not really. That kind of shit happens to us all the time, but we tend to dismiss and/or ignore, and move on. Nothing wrong with that. Everyone is different.

I think about that dude quite a bit. Where is he? How is he doing? How is his ex-wife? Kids? I have a similar red duffle bag. I keep it packed at all times. I’ll likely never see that guy again.

Weird world.
 ^I’M NOT IN LOVE – 10cc^


^The Smiths – Shoplifters Of The World Unite (Subtitulada en Español)^


*The Smiths? That’s the song Cade mentions in his missive… /squints… To go with the Jack Jones song at top?*

*/rolls eyes…*


Missive From ‘Merica: The Blighty Bounce

Roobs tells Leggy about the missive experiment

Experiment (n.)

mid-14c., “action of observing or testing; an observation, test, or trial;” also “piece of evidence or empirical proof; feat of magic or sorcery,” from Old French esperment“practical knowledge, cunning; enchantment, magic spell; trial, proof, example; lesson, sign, indication,” from Latin experimentum “a trial, test, proof, experiment,” noun of action from experiri“to try, test,” from ex-“out of” (see ex-) + peritus“experienced, tested,” from PIE *per-yo-, suffixed form of root *per- (3) “to try, risk.”



I think I just started liking Twitter a lot less just now.


It’s prolly more a case of I liking myself less.


That said, we live and learn, I guess.


^Cocteau Twins – Pur^

Anyway…so um…it’s Friday. It’s 13:20. I was gonna go get me something to eat, but my stomach just shrunk to the size of a walnut or smaller, so I’ll get to the important stuff.


Stop Wait a sec

*What? What did you spot, Clicky? …/squints… Mercury TransporterMerC… /:O… 137 and Shewanella?… /wrinkles nose… Eww…*

Continue with Wiki Wavy Wall

Maine Eastern Railroad (Redirected from MERR)
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Mers (Disambiguation)
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems
Reston, Virginia
Washington Metro
Orange Line (Washington Metro)

I had an idea. I had a thought. Started writing. Got sidetracked.

Idea = Gone

Maybe it’ll come back. Let’s keep writing, and see if it does.

UPDATE: I remembered <golf clap>

Just wrote two more sections, and as I was editing/formatting the above, I remembered.

^Simian Mobile Disco – Dervish (Club Mix)^

If someone spent, the better part of their life, not being able to talk to others…and then suddenly, they were able to talk to others… I wonder what that would feel like, when and if that same someone was suddenly not able to talk to others again. Would it be the same pain as before? Or would it be a new and different pain.

We are supposedly supposed to learn from others. Some employ the kick, some employ the pet. Some may even employ both, depending on present circumstance. Where is my heart? Like…right now…where is my heart? It was in all kinds of places just a few minutes ago. But something happened to change that. So, again I ask myself…

where is my heart? 

Welp…it sure the fuck wasn’t in “fear mode” prior to, and it sure the fuck doesn’t feel like “fear mode” now, so I cannot but wonder where my heart is. I don’t feel like retreating, and I don’t feel like advancing, so what is this feeling that I feel?

FON - Freak Of Nature

That’s the best I got. Don’t run to, don’t run away. Curl up, and take it. It’ll be over at some point. When the storm passes, pick myself up, and move on. No need to calculate…no need to tally…no need for facts nor figures…no need for revenge nor justice nor anything else…just, move on. I’ll know when I know, or I won’t. Either way, I’ll know.

FON <> Fawn

Just thought I should prolly point that out to anyone who might decide to look up the “Fight or Flight” concept. There has been an addition of sorts to “fight or flight response” types of research, and that is the addition of “fawn” to describe those who hunker down and take the beating instead of trying to fight or flee.

That does not apply to “FON”. FON is a knowing that you will survive the beating, and in fact, you are supposed to survive the beating. We’re on dangerous ground here.

^Simian Mobile Disco – A Species Out Of Control^

Let’s see what’s happening in the world of invention…

The IllumiBowl toilet night light helps you find relief after dark.

Illuminati = confirmed. 

They are watching you pee and poo. Anal probes are prolly next logical step. Might wanna think about potential “upgrades” for this glow shitter before buying one. Suddenly…”automatic updates” just lost ALL appeal 😉

I digest. I mean...digress.

I’ve always wondered what happens when I take a shit in the dark. I’ve also wondered what happens when I take a shit in the restroom of a discotheque and/or when I’m tripping balls on some psychedelic drug. It would appear that all of those questions can now be answered, and can be answered in the safety and convenience of my own home.

Not that I have a home, nor that I will be getting one of these new “glow shitters” when and if I do someday get a home of my own. But I can sleep well tonight in the knowledge that these things now exist in the event I do get a home someday. PLUS…I can rest well knowing, that someone…somewhere…out there…is shitting on a glowy toilet with a built in laser light show, that also kills the fuck out of bacteria.

Not to mention that, as the article points out, “the dark” of your own home, and you wandering through it “can be genuinely dangerous”. I guess light switches have grown far too complex or difficult to operate. Then there’s the communal nature of light switches: no telling who has been touching that light switch; they may not be as thorough and thoughtful as you are about washing their hands after touching your filthy bits all over while peeing and pooping. So why touch a filthy disease infested light switch if you don’t need to? People are diseased and filthy.

What a world.
^Mathew Jonson – Marionette^

K…so, I remembered where I was going with this bullshit. So the question now becomes…do I:

A) keep writing here, or

B) turn this into a missive and send it to Roob?

A: We'll see.

Time Now = 14:07. Date Now = Friday January 19th, 2018.

^Ross From Friends – Talk To Me You’ll Understand^

Lemme start this line of bullshit by giving a shade of insight as to how I see/interpret a lot of this crap transpiring “in the world”.

Simple = A War Of The Sexes

Yep, not a battle…this is full on, balls-to-the-wall…war.

Complex = The Internet

Things just got REALLY fucking simple.

Woah woah WOAH dude!!! You just listed “complex”, and are implying that the complex/complexity made everything simple?

Yep. The Internet = 100% male. 

You cannot dispute the above. It is fact. Designed in totality, and occupied by, males. Males and only males. There are no women/females on The Internet, and this is well known. If you don’t already know this, you are a fucking idiot and a moron, and should get the fuck off The Internet immediately, if not sooner.

Now that we are aware of “The Internet” being populated by just and only men/males, we can now further qualify and quantify what type(s) of men/males are occupying “The Web”.

Men are pigs.

Mystery = Motherfucking SOLVED!!! Next!

^Luke Vibert – I Love Acid^

Why would someone need to be equipped to take a beating? Don’t we need to determine motivation(s)? Establish right and wrong? Guilt and justice?

Q1: Do you know why someone is beating the fuck out of you?

A1: ?¿?

Q2: Do you know why someone wants to beat the fuck out of you?

A2: ¿?¿

If you choose to do so, there’s lots to think about there. And I’m not sure about you, but I’ve seen and experienced some crazy shit in my life. I’ve seen people get the fuck kicked out of them just because they were there. No rhyme, no reason…they were there, and that was the only mistake they made.

Now, you’ve prolly already jumped to both the “before” and “after” parts. But does that matter in the moment? Someone is standing on the street, and some other someone wanders by, and proceeds to kick the fuck out of the other, because they can.

^Jad & The Ladyboy – Step In My Direction | Exploited^

Now that you are questioning these events…may I point something out to you?

Q: Who is involved in this and these goings on?

A: Yeah...YOU!!!

Why are you involved all of a sudden, and who is it that you’ve got a mind to start beating up on? Not such an easy question to answer…is it? Because now, you are equally culpable. I hope you make the right decision(s).

Good luck.
^JMII – Thrills (John Talabot’s Early Edit)^

Can you imagine what God had to go through, in inventing humans, by getting their bodies to functioning well enough to take a shit? When you think about that, then follow the digestive tract backwards, and consider all that God had to do to get humans and their bodies functioning well enough to eat…Man, what a ride, eh?

Lots of things to consider there. 

I mean, prolly a reason or two for eating and shitting in the first place…right? Now…when you start to consider how much life is on this planet…Woah, that’s a lot of building. Prolly took some time. Prolly took a fuckton of time. Are we on the same page? Or have you already decided that, not only are we on the same page, but we are reading from the same book? I wonder what book it could possibly be?

 Erm...The Bible? 


Damn. You are one narrow-minded motherfucker :/
^Kevin Saunderson feat. Inner City – Big Fun (Simian Mobile Disco Remix)^

Lets see if we can pick up some messages that might be coming via alternate pathways.

Mercury (Element)

Isn’t Mercury, the element, kinda…prevalent in our modern world? Like…prevalent in ways that we may not like. Welp, you like your gold…right? If so, that means you like Mercury too. It also means you like Cyanide. The more you like Gold, the more you like Mercury and Cyanide. Not to mention your romance with explosives. Oh, and mining. Not to mention shipping and transportation services. And not forgetting the jewelry industry/industries.

Am I piling it on too thick? 

Or is it becoming more clear just how connected and interconnected everything is?

Mercury (Mythology)

Does everyone get their say? Andy Warhol sure seemed to have an opinion on the matter.

Campbell’s Soup Cans

Andy Warhol

Did you know that The Campbell’s Soup company now owns a Texas-born staple?

Pace Foods

What is significant about this fact, is that The Campbell’s Soup Company is based in New Jersey. Pace Picante sauce is as readily found in Texas pantries, as Mayonnaise is found in Holland, Denmark and England. And thanks to the movie Pulp Fiction, we all know what those idiots do with mayonnaise.

What are the top ten countries for mayonnaise consumption per capita?

BLOOPS!!! Holland, Denmark, and England are nowhere to be found on that list. Must be a statistical error. Or urban legend. Whatever the case, it’s sure to be human error.

^Mistakes Are OK – Forgiven (Edward Remix)^

Stop Wait a sec

*Yes, Clicky, what now? …/listens…*

*A second part? …/grins… Doo you mean a ‘number two’? …/rolls eyes… Okay. You go tell Cade what we’re gonna do, Clicky…*


*/hollers… OH! AND DON’T FORGET TO BRING THE LINK TO CADE’S POST BACK YOU… /sigh… Must of needed to go or sumfing…*

Dear Reader, the second half of this missive experiment will be along in a little while. Have a Song whilst you’re waiting…


Missive From ‘Merica: Lashings Of It

Cade has very kindly been listening to the most recent John Lamb Lash talks with me, Dear Reader. His missive, below, was written and emailed to me shortly before we started listening to the latest talk, last night…

*Participation and spiders, Clicky… /lights up… Both the JLL talk and the missive concern participation and spiders… /drags… And Cade’s blog post yesterday morning mentions ‘Tension‘…*

*/screams and drops cig… You fucking bastard, Clicky!! …/scrambles round for lit fag… Don’t scare the shit out of me like that… /brushes off ASH… You utter bastard!*

*Yeah you better run… swim… whatever… /resumes smoking to calm nerves…*

I’ll, um, see you at the bottom, Dear Reader. Enjoy!


I would greet you fucks…but I’m not going to. I just heard a really funny story about yoga balls, and I’m far too wrapped up in that story to say hello to you or anyone else.

Go away.
^R. Stevie Moore – I Like To Stay Home (1986)^

Maybe this bit below is why we fail our fellow humans…

(lolz...bit below...lolz)

With respect to the above, the first thing that has popped into my head while writing this is “hit it and forget it”…but prolly not for the reason(s) you might think.

^Juan Wauters – Woke Up Feeling Like Sleeping^

I was thinking about finding new species. We find something, observe it a bit, make some notes about our observations, maybe draw some pictures, and maybe capture or even kill this one of a kind new something so we can drag its remains back to some group for them to have to a look at it too. We then get proclamations and some accolades, or perhaps are even met with skepticism and are denied those things.

No wonder we are so shitty to each other...eh? 

We find something completely new and completely unique, then we treat it like there are plenty more where that came from. What if the one you found, was the only one there was? Would you treat that something any differently?

^Clio – Faces (1985)^

I guess the same could be said about studying existing species of life on this planet. We observe for changes by ripping some something’s gut out, make some observations, note significances, then remark about how we – and what we’re doing as a species –  is causing changes or damage in other species.

YA THINK?!?!?!? 

You just ripped that poor animal to shreds!!!

Killed it in cold blood!!!

I smell something fishy lurking in the shadows, and it’s not just and only Newton’s 3rd.

^Fugazi-Waiting room^

Maybe this spider knows that no other gal will ever be good enough for them.

Maybe they chew their dick off because they are/were being observed.

Maybe it’s because they are in captivity.

Are they in captivity? 

Maybe there is some other purpose(s). Fucking ain’t just and only about fucking, any more than it is about just and only procreation.

Seems to be more going on there. 

Are we being good observers? More than that…

Are we being good participants? 

I can answer these questions…can you? Maybe some of the answers I can provide may be more questions…but since when can questions not be answers? If I answer more questions with answers, than with questions, I may not be thinking of you and your own situation. I may not be custom tailoring my answers for you and only you. There are situational considerations to be made as well.

^The Stone Roses – I Wanna Be Adored^


Thai Greeting
Discrediting Tactic
Setting Up To Fail
FIFO (Computing And Electronics)
Fit In Or Fuck Off
Culture Of Fear

Isn’t there a story about a guy wandering in the wilderness searching for a master, who unknowingly keeps bumping into God on his travels, but each time they meet, the guy always gives the wrong greeting and/or salutation?

I think there is some short discussion that occurs as to religion that transpires, and perhaps something about the wandering guy bouncing from religion to religion because he is not finding what he is looking for. The undertone being: maybe what you are searching for is also searching for you, maybe even that you’ve already found each other, and that’s there’s a “getting to know each other” process that goes on.

Afterall, the student chooses the master as much as the master chooses the student.

I dunno…maybe I just made all that shit up. I’d hate to claim it as my own if I didn’t make it up tho. I’ve read a lot of shit in my time. Prolly another reason I’m hesitant in writing fiction. Tough to find your own way when you are loaded down with information and data from sources of all kinds.

^the flowers – after dark^

Anyone else use Twitter? I saw a Tweet today where someone was supposedly looking for their grandparents that had gone missing after a flood.

I saw another Tweet recently, where some dude was looking for his lost roommate that had been missing for some time. I can’t find that one, but that’s the basics of the Tweet.

Um...isn't this kinda dangerous? 

Lot’s of ways for shit to go wrong here. Lot’s of people that disappear because they choose to do so, and there is all kinds of nosiness that can completely fuck that up. Doesn’t matter what the reason is. But this makes me think of just and only…justice.

Q: Does the legal system(s) where you live work perfectly all the time?

A: How do you know?

What a slippery slope we sometimes find ourselves on. We like our closure(s).

^kate fagan i don’t wanna be too cool^

We need a prosecution and defense in order to forward our agenda(s). We need expert analysis and analysts. We need every detail picked apart, so we can get rid of the shit that doesn’t serve our purpose(s), and bolster the shit that does.

But as I write this, I wonder about the same with respect to honesty in writing. Is it necessary to be dishonest when writing fiction? THAT’S a concept I had not pondered previously, and now that I am thinking about it, it’s causing me a bit of distress.

If I start getting hung up on precepts, I can’t tell my story. And that’s all I’m trying to do, is tell a story. Several stories actually. All fictional, of course, but also very real. Trying to be as mindful as I can, and that’s all I can do.

/me shrugs
^BEACH HOUSE // Space Song^

Life treating you OK today?


Yes…I realize that I just assumed your mood, and I should be punished accordingly. But irrespective of whether you are feeling rotten or good, maybe sending some good thoughts a certain woman and her daughter’s way will help you out. I read a Tweet where a woman’s daughter is having some issues, and the woman is having issues with the hospital in trying to get some treatment for her daughter.

Always sucks to hear about someone in distress, and I myself can do nothing to help. So, I do what I can. It ain’t much, but it’s all I’ve got to give.

^Gregory Isaacs – Something Nice^

Been thinking about the assumptions that we make about people based on certain criteria, and how that can hurt relationships.

EX: If you are getting all of your relationship advice from your best friend, and your best friend has hated your bf/gf from the moment you met them, how reliable is that advice counted on to be? Do you think that someone would try to intentionally steer you towards or away from certain things that might make the situation worse?

Not that much of a stretch really. When you are counting on navigational information from someone else, and you are the one that is actually steering the ship, you’ve got several relationships to consider there, and not just and only the one you are asking for advice about. I mean, you are the one that is steering the ship, but the ship being steered is you and your life.

Just thinking out loud.
^BAD BRAINS – ‘I Against I’^

I just saw an image that said “Key Of Solomon Deciphered”…yeah…that thing above.

So…what are you gonna do now? You gonna kick God in the balls, take his shit and run?


Seriously…what’s your plan? Or are you expecting Heaven to descend, and knowledge and riches to be bestowed thusly upon thee because of thine supa-smartz? Cause I’m kinda thinking, that any time that “Now what?” cannot be answered by you, yeah…someone is gonna answer it for you.

If you’ve not figured out, that some mysteries are created as “busy-work” to, if for no other reason, keep you out of trouble, you may not be as smart as you think you are.

Meaning: Yeah. Some mysteries are solved for the sake of solving them, and nothing more.

But you gotta keep that in context. Some mysteries are there just for the ride. For the thrill. Just like amusement park rides. And with respect to amusement park rides, the smaller and less intense rides gets us more comfortable for the bigger and more intense rides


Or have we already forgotten some context?

^Ariel Pink – Put Your Number In My Phone (Official Video)^

Been watching a lot of roller coaster vids recently, and some of these vids are really amazing. The rides that they are coming up with are nuckin’ futz. That said, there was one where the guy was reviewing his “Top 10 Worst Coasters” and it got me to thinking about focusing on just and only “big stuff” and “intense stuff” and “new stuff” and the like.

As he started knocking on “old” roller coasters, it got me to thinking about paying homage. Surviving the rough rides in order to figure out how to get to the smoother ones. But it also got me to thinking about “going back”. When I go to my local amusement park, which is Six Flags Over Texas, I always ride “the old rides”.

Six Flags Over Texas

My favorite is “The Runaway Minetrain”.

Runaway Mine Train (Six Flags Over Texas)

The seats are uncomfortable, the ride is rough, it’s clunky, it’s jerky, it smooths out here and there, then it does all that shit over again. It was one of the first “steel roller coasters” in the world. Compared to the wooden roller coasters of the time, it was smooth as glass, but that comparative shit gets old quick. You start comparing stuff to everything else, eventually everything loses it’s own flavor, and you are left with nothing but a bland bitterness that eventually itself degrades to null.


Not even bitter nor bland…just…nothing.

^John Maus – Believer (Official Video)^

Wanna take a ride?

^Official Runaway Mine Train POV at Six Flags Over Texas^

Maybe we sometimes get lost when “coming up”. We focus on the prize and forget the ride that got us there. Prolly why amusement parks team up games of chance along with thrill rides. It helps to better make the distinction of when and where chance is on your side, and when and where chance has been almost completely eliminated.

Amusement Park Games – Your chances of winning are just about null.

Hence, chance is on your side.

Amusement Park Rides – Your chances of dying are just about null.

Hence, chance is not on your side.

Amusement Park Games – Your chances of having fun are just about assured.

Amusement Park Rides – Your chances of having fun are just about assured.

Your participation is required of course. Choosing not to participate is as valid of a choice as any.

^Ariel Pink – Another Weekend [Official Video]^

When presented with a problem, the implication is that there is also an accompanying solution. That could be anything and everything from trying to find it, to not trying to find it. When and how we get our own satisfaction is dependent on us. No one and nothing is perfect. But that allows us the freedom, motivation(s) and mobility to seek perfection.

How ironic...eh?

Attempting to find the solution may be the solution.

Not attempting to find the solution may be the solution.

Me trying to write may be a lost cause. 😐

^Official Titan POV at Six Flags Over Texas^

Did you watch the video above? Did you notice how fast the ground is coming at you on the diving hills? The top speed of this ride, The Titan, is reportedly 85 miles per hour, which is 136.794 kilometers per hour. So, if you want to watch it again, and pay attention maybe to some of the stuff that’s on the ground, and how quickly those objects go from tiny, to not very tiny at all, consider that you are traveling roughly 85mph/137kph. Then consider this…

Imagine how fast shit would be happening if you were traveling at 450mph/724kph.

Shit will start happening even faster once you slow down.

Why? Because now we have not only some context, but we’ve got context with contrast.

Have you ever traveled at 450 miles per hour?

Have you ever traveled at 724 kilometers per hour?


What did you have for contrast?

Just and only…say…a clock?

Or did you have a clock, and maybe…a map?

Were you on/in an airplane?

Do you know how fast you were going when you took off?

Do you know how fast you were going when you landed?

Did shit ever kinda get…blurry?

^Judas Priest – Troubleshooter^

I don’t make myself ride the old rides…but yeah…I kinda do. Try to anyway. Fun is fun. That said, when we forget, maybe giving something a re-whirl will jog some memories that we’ve forgotten. May remind us of some stuff that we tried to remember, but forgot. It your judgement. Exercise it accordingly.

^R. Stevie Moore & Ariel Pink – SteviePink Javascript (2001)^


^Virna Lindt – Underwater Boy^


*Oh, so you’ve come back? …/final drag… No, it wasn’t that funny… /stubs butt… Go get a Song… /sigh…*

Until next time, Dear Reader… ❤