Missive From ‘Merica: Sho’ Can Awe

Dear Reader, so far this week we’ve had ‘Fire & Fury’…

*Hmm… crossing arms…*

Furiously Fired

…Google unable to handle Damore’s ‘truth’ to Maduro setting up a ‘Truth Commission‘… It is totally Caracas out there, Dear Reader…

A new missive from Cade follows. It’s quite long, so hopefully we won’t all be reduced to vape-or-ASH before you get to the end of it…

…c Ya at the bottom… 😉


This where this starts. If you are interested in starting somewhere else, feel free to do so at your leisure. I have to start here. Catch ya on the flipside…

wherever that might be/not be.
^Trio Los Panchos – Quizas, quizas, quizas.^


8-8 4-30 12-18 11-15 6-20 (fail)
        11-15 (failed)
11-15 3-25 12-20 1-4 3-21 (fail)
  11-15 (failed)
     11-15 3-6 (fail)
  11-15 (failed)
^Happy Mondays – Step On^
Ignore that numerical shit above...it means nothing.

This morning….I got to thinking about change, changes and changing while I was sitting upon the can and relieving my body of poop.

I personally find this scenario “weird” because, I usually think about only two things plus one procedural addition during my own personal process of dumping poop into the splashy porcelain water bowl of doom, that is located in the chamber of ultimate isolation…

(1) getting on,

(2) getting off,

(3) remove clinging particles.

Not that there are not LOADS of membrane processes and/or pressure changes going on there or anything. And not that pressures and pressures changes have any affect on our bodies. So…is it any wonder that people sometimes report thinking about the goddamndest of things while sitting on the shitter and making #2?

This has me now thinking of “normal” and “normalcy” with respect to these pressure changes, which got me to thinking about ergonomics. And yes…ergonomics as it relates to the workplace. I mean…where else does ergonomics play a role in your life but the workplace? It’s not like you have any choice or choices at work…you do what you are told.

^The Charlatans – The Only One I Know^

Been watching a lot of drag racing videos. I spent a lot of time with my nose in drag racing magazines when I was a kid. Lotta things that I haven’t thought of in a long time.

Q: Do you want to know me or not?

A: I dunno either.

Shit like below tho? Yeah…I spent a lot of time hearing about a lot of perspectives about women, and from women, about women. What they never tell you about, is…”a woman”. Guess you gotta find that one yourself.


Last Wednesday, whatshername had the pest-control people come out and spray the house. Thursday morning, I wandered out front like I typically do…and there was a dead grass snake in the middle of the walkway. Very small, so it had to be young, but I thought it was just sunning in the morning sunshine, and was going to prod it back into the grass since others that traverse this walkway may not be as mindful about where they walk, and might crush him/her. But it was dead. I then remembered that they had sprayed the previous day, so, yeah…mission accomplished.


I moved the snake to a non-conspicuous area of the grass, and figured something would prolly eat it. But night came, and it was still there. Friday morning came, and it was still there. Friday night came, and it was still there. I mean, not even ants were on it, but then again, why would there be any ants on it…they had just nuked the entire area two days prior. It got me to wondering about these dead-zones that are created by spraying and/or pest control, and just how out of balance these areas are and/or can be.

Saturday morning came. I looked for the snake, but I couldn’t locate it…then…I noticed a BIG goddamn snail right about where the snake should be. I then noticed the snake…or what was left of it. This snail must have sucked the snake completely dry, as all that was left of the snake was it’s skin, which had the appearance of one of those paper wrappers that covers drinking straws. I couldn’t have been watching this snail for more than 15-20 seconds, when it began to retreat. I musta been just in time.

^Fixx – Lowlyfe – Break Beat Temazo^

I’m not sure how to qualify the video below. It’s too awesome for description. I guess it’s one of those “needs to be experienced” kinda things that even then, still defies description. Guess you had to be there.

/me shrugs
^Cuba Feliz – Lagrimas Negras (Lyric added)^

There was an interesting Tweet that came up on the radar after I finished my morning movement.

Musta been the #2 ass-pecked of thinking at the time, but #5 is NOT what caught my attention. There are #2 pics in that Tweet, not #1. So…I hunted down the source of pic #2.

The first line of the first sentence of the first paragraph is what grabbed me.

“Electric or ‘plug-in’ vehicles come in all shapes and sizes with a wide array of technologies making up this sector.”

Man…talk about ME being non-committal.

That sentence is devoid of anything and everything except grammatical rules and spelling accuracy, and my personal incompetency in these areas makes me question the presence/existence of even those. Jesus Christ…talk about a gasp of oppression from whoever had to think that shit up…I’ve never seen a better example. Not that I’ve done any technical writing or anything…but yeah…I’ve done loads of technical writing.

That sentence says “I’ve/We’ve not a fucking clue”…they must be talking about new shit. They may even be talking about new shit that appears outwardly as old shit. I guess these fixed roadway systems and accompanying infrastructures weren’t as liberating and freeing as we thought, eh?

^Stone Roses – Fools Gold(Full Version)^

“To find out more about plug-in vehicles, watch our electric car guide video that explains the different types of electric vehicles and helps you understand how the different fuel technologies can work for you.”


“If you’re interested in learning how to manage your fleet sustainably to save money and reduce emissions, read our fleet management essentials.”


Grant money!!!



^Happy Mondays – Loose Fit (Official Music Video)^

So yeah anyway, fuck electric cars or whatever…I can’t afford a car of any type, shape, size or array of technology type(s). But since LegIron is getting Ultra-Violent with his stove, I can talk about something else. Like…I watched a video last week that shows someone demolishing a barn with 164 lbs of Tannerite.

 (whatever in the fuck Tannerite is)

It appears that you can buy this shit from various places…

…for example.

I have no idea why this particular video came up in my recommended videos, but it did, and I had to wonder why in the FUCK someone would blow up a barn they want to get rid of instead of demolishing it by hand. So…I watched it. Even tho I am a pyrotechnician, I personally HATE things that explode. May seem ironic, but a few up close experiences with these things can certainly change your thinking about them.

Q: Why not hire a 164 lb person to tear your barn down for you?

A: ???
^sugarloaf – green eyed lady^

Sausage Making
Drug Injection
Bacon’s Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon (Virginia Colonist and Rebel)
Consumer Protection
Demographic Profile



Wikipedia:No Original Research
Research-Forms of Research
Researcher (Disambiguation)
Charles Town Classic
Charles Town, West Virginia
Charleston, West Virginia

I’m getting there. Just doing a little light reading. I usually don’t pay attention to much when I am reading. Hence, I don’t learn much. You’re prolly safe.

^Eydie Gorme Y Trio Los Panchos – “Piel Canela”^

I’m not here to tell you what to do or which way to go. Therefore, yeah…much of the shit I write is incomplete and/or full of holes. I write that way on purpose. It’s intentional. By design. I actually put a lot of thought into much of what I include or omit when I’m writing, irrespective of how quickly/slowly I bang this shit out. That leaves room for you to find your own goddamn answers. Not that many people read this shit, but “this shit” does filter down, to and through channels.

Always being mindful of others helps me better express myself, seeing as I have no answers to give and I know that. That said, there are answers to be had, and you can find these answers anywhere and everywhere. Some answers just take an insane amount of time to find. Prolly a good time for some self-evaluation(s) as to modes and methods there, irrespective of the channels that you navigate.

Acceptable...unacceptable...same things at different times.
^Buena Vista Social Club – Candela^

While we are changing topics here…lets talk changes and changing and change and related stuff. Women…for example. How much do you really need to know?

There’s a good chance that any woman you hook up with has prolly been through something called puberty…maybe that rings a bell/you may have already heard of it. There’s also a good chance that this woman has an interest in a concept called “marriage”. Here in The USA, it’s pretty popular/unpopular thing at various times, so I can only assume that it is similarly popular/unpopular worldwide. There are these things called…babies.

(Google it yourself if you don't believe me) 

Women appear to have an interest in these things called babies. There is also this thing called menopause that women go through. You may also need to Google this one. That’s IT! Finito!!! You now know all you need to know/all there is to know about women. That makes “the woman”…and everything else about her…unique. Specific to her and her alone.

Now all you gotta do is figure out what all that shit is. Just keep in mind that she is always learning and growing while you are simultaneously trying to learn all of the existing shit about her. Some choices on your part to be made there. Might wanna be mindful. Just sayin’.

Have fun 🙂
^Blur (The Best Of) – Girls and Boys^

Speaking of Twitter…there was also a pic that came up somewhere, that showed some woman jumping up and down at a sporting event of some kind, and I guess she wasn’t wearing a bra, and someone was lucky enough to capture some photos of her underboob. I ain’t looking that one up…

(ba da ching) 

but it did get me to thinking a bit, and not just about boobs at various angles and/or various states of motion. I mean yeah…breasts and the woman they are attached to is interesting, but there were/are a number of creepy aspects to consider. I can think of a lot of wheels turning that made these particular photos possible, but it makes me feel creepy to think about them, even tho many of these thoughts would prolly be considered by others as being pretty straightforward … tame … even.

EX: This person specifically requesting/hiring a photographer to take pics of her at this event, they sell any interesting photos to interested parties, split the money.

Gotta keep in mind tho, I’m wondering how in the fuck these pics wound up in a publication of any kind. Lotta angles to suddenly consider. Lotta players too.

^Pulp – Common People^

Q: If “pressure within the head” is of utmost importance during times of trauma, why would it not be important all of the time?

A: ¿?¿

We have many membranes within our bodies. Prolly goes without saying that pressure might be important. But what if pressure cannot change according to “standards?” Take an asthmatic, for example. Now take that asthmatic, and put them on a ventilator. The lungs do more than merely inflate. They even do more than just inflate/deflate. Not that I would know.

I mean, if “asthma” is unique enough of a condition to separate it from standard operating procedure, then why wouldn’t the entirety of the individual that has this condition also be unique? Just thinking that many of these standards have become so standard that they are in fact, non-standard. The application portion contextually within the dynamics of changing environment is going to make people’s head swim when they start thinking about it like that. Is it any wonder why the concept of change is so scary? Especially when and if YOU are changing, and no one else is.

Now yer gonna wanna grab onto something, and if something isn’t there to grab onto, yer gonna wanna create something to grab onto yourself. Lot’s to think about there.

^Happy Mondays – Wrote For Luck (Official Music Video)^
Popular Music of Manchester

What really got me to thinking about writing, was tomorrow. I mean, this was yesterday that I was thinking about writing tomorrow, so yesterday’s thinking would have been about two days from yesterday, which is tomorrow today.

Tomorrow today is August 8th…my dad’s birthday. But I think that HIS dad’s birthday was on August 7th or 9th, and dad’s MOM’s birthday was either August 7th or 9th…I can’t remember. But they were all born within 3 days of each other in different years. I think my dad’s only sister may have been in there somewhere as well, or maybe she was nearer my older sister’s birthday. Can’t recall. I just know that a lot of birthdays within my family fall weird. Lotta weird death-days in there as well.

EX: My paternal grandfather died on November 13, and was buried two days later on my birthday…November 15th.


Everyone…and I mean EVERYONE forgot my birthday that year. I have no idea why tho. Musta been something else going on or something.


What pushed me over the edge and got me to actually sitting down and writing tho, was a song. Someone pass along that Happy Mondays song…and I was like…


I had forgotten about them. Not that there isn’t tons of shit that I’ve forgotten about. But why would I actively remember something that falls under the banner of something that was no longer important? Music…in this instance. Especially something that could be considered arcane or fleeting under this banner…The Happy Mondays…for example.

Happy Mondays

Oh…they are called “Happy Mondays”…and not…”The Happy Mondays”.

Lots of bands have struggled with that “The” concept/addition with respect to band names/naming…but I digress.

So yeah…Happy Mondays broke up in 1993…so yeah…kinda fleeting.

^Halie Loren – Sway / Quien sera^

Today is now 8-8. I got sidetracked and stopped writing yesterday. Did some quick Twitter breezing, as there were 36 unread Tweets, and it seems…Google is in the news.

Q: If you give a certain concept a name, does that validate the concept?

A: ???

I ain’t gonna look up this Google story, but it appears that someone got canned by Google.

Seeing as how I was just pondering corporate and corporations right before bed, that gets me to thinking about “guilt” and “guilt-free”…and how these concepts relate to life/a life.

Oh...and HBD Pop.
^¿Quién será?^

Q: If your first reaction/response to an event is “What in the FUCK was that?!?!?” or “No fucking WAY that just happened!!!” or “I can’t BELIEVE that just happened!!!” or something similar, why would that original concept/thought ever change?

A: ? Show ¿ Can ? Awe ¿

Yeah…Shock And Awe, sho’ can awe. So can show.

I think a lot about pretexts and conceptions as it relates to control and controlled, and also with respect to things that are controllable/uncontrollable. Dogs…are a great example. Especially as it relates to the concept of “pet/a pet”…and certainly when cats are thrown into this mix. Lots of assumptions have already been made about cats and/or dogs and their “owners” and the hows and whys as to who chooses what and when.

Q: How many animals are born with the ability to speak, read, write and understand the same language you speak?

A: (hang on to your hats here)

Q: If mathematics is “The Universal Language”…then how come so few people speak it?

A: (?)

Q: What happened to love?

A: (¿)

I would have thought that communication would be “The Universal Language”. Or at least the base/a base for it. Is it what you have to say, or your desire to say it that makes communication important? Or is it, actually saying it/actually communicating it? Or all of the above? Prolly a lot more to consider there. Just sayin’.

^REZZ x Kotek – Ascension^

X: Maybe you should take a break.

Cade: Prolly. I’m kinda lost.

X: Hadn’t noticed.

Cade: Whatever it is, it’s suddenly buzzing around in there somewhere.

X: Can’t grab it tho.

Cade: I wonder sometimes if I’m actually trying to grab it tho. Most of the time, I don’t feel that its something I need to “grasp.” Too much…”now what” that goes along with it.

T: You think that would be any different if your station in life was different?

Cade: Why entertain such thoughts tho? If I’m supposed to be somewhere, that’s where I’ll be.

Z: Took a minute to get here…didn’t it?

For the sake of anyone reading here…I just had quite the gap in thinking. Typically…these “convos” come out fast, and I just write them from top to bottom, never knowing who is gonna say what nor when. But between myself and “Z”, on that last exchange, there was about a one minute gap where I sat at my desk with the wind whistling through my ears. Almost like someone had something to say, but either didn’t know what to say and/or how to say it. Contemplating.

Cade: So…idleness and what that really is.

X: You’ve already jumped the shark. Good show.

Cade: lolz…I guess I did jump the shark there didn’t I? lolz

X: Anyway…

Z: Yeah…anyway…erm…this CFrank Davis dude has been talking about “idleness” lately.

Cade: I’ve not given it much thought since that’s kinda where I operate all the time.

B: Meaning what exactly?

Cade: Meaning, I think a lot.

A: Ain’t no work being done when you ain’t doing nothing but thinking…is that it?

Cade: WOAH!!! Look at who has developed a saucy attitude and/or approach all of a sudden like!!!

A: Thought I’d give it a whirl.

Cade: Nicely done. Well played. ❤

A: 🙂

X: I wanna talk about nothing.

0: Me too.

Cade: rofl…welp…let’s on with it then.

X: Why do you think we ask you so many questions?

Cade: The best way for me to find my own answers is not via my own questions.

X: And why do you think that would be?

Cade: Welp…I fear much of that which much of society seems to deem as mystical.

Z: Gotten any…help…in that regard recently?

Cade: Yep. Mentioned getting some help in those areas to someone else just recently.

T: Anyone in particular?

Cade: Funny that YOU would mention it. 😉

T: Why do you think the thought of some “Egyptian God” would be so traumatising to you personally.

Cade: Mainly, because I was told/taught that it should be traumatizing.

X: Lotta nested thoughts about trauma there as it relates to thinking.

Cade: …

Z: That’s not what you were just thinking.

Cade: No. But I cannot organize every single thought into something tangible, and certainly not on cue or command.

Z: And why is that?

Cade: It doesn’t allow me to custom tailor that response to whoever is asking.

X: Now if anything in this universe ever sounded non-committal and wishy-washy, that previous statement would be right in and amongst such sounds.

Cade: Details only require the slightest bit of attention in order to understand just how important they are.

C: Like a woman’s teeth…or her nose?

Cade: Or whatever.

0: What about Osiris? You never mention him much.

Cade: I’m learning. But I can never really know these entities as individuals, until and unless I can.

X: That’s a tall order.

Cade: /me shrugs

0: You really need to work on that story. Lotta interest being shown for “The Seven Sisters” here and there recently.

Cade: I know. I’ve been thinking about it quite a bit. Just…wanting to represent them correctly/accurately in the story.

X: Not possible.

Cade: Welp…you got that shit right. But I’m gonna try.

B: Maybe you shoulda mentioned more details in the first part of the story.

Cade: And you wonder why I’m having trouble writing this shit?

Z: Not really.

B: 😀

Cade: lolz

Z: 😉

B: 🙂

0: …

^Animal Collective – My Girls (2009)^

If you target a certain area, for the sake of the whole, all while foresaking the whole for the sake of this target area, is it really any wonder that you spend so much time disappointed? The belly/belly-fat…for example. Or cellulite on the legs. That belly is connected to you, and so are those luscious legs of yours. There will be affects in other areas when you make changes. Prolly why certain people are classified as “being addicted” when it comes to getting tattoos or piercings. There’s a symmetry to the body, which means there is a symmetry to the self, and everything else.

Matthew 6 - Verse 3 is of particular note.

There’s a scalar kind of vibe to that thinking with respect to balance. Now, all we need is time. If you work on your belly, then your legs, neck and shoulders are gonna know about it. If you work on your legs, your back is gonna know about it. Prolly why meditation, Yoga and Tai Chi are so popular in certain parts of the world, and why these things are so attractive to other parts of the world that don’t have these things.

Q: Do you REALLY need to do Tai Chi for 3 hours each day in order to be able to sit at a desk and type for 8 hours each day?

A: Only you can answer this.
^ZZ TOP – Got Me Under Pressure^

Even if you find an answer for yourself, I’m still not sure what in the flying fuck that has to do with me. Your answer for you is not applicable to me, unless it is. I wonder if I have any say in this process?



A Maze



Maybe it was corn, and not apples.

Yeah…that fruit…or whatever.

Yeah that one.

Dunno why anyone ever thought it was apples.

If I had to pick, I’d personally pick mushrooms.

^Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah) – 1984^

If you are looking for answers from me…let’s start off on the correct foot.

A1: Fuck You.
^FREE RIDE – Edgar Winter Group^

cYa | cFa

^Focus – Hocus Pocus^





*Wise words…*


11 thoughts on “Missive From ‘Merica: Sho’ Can Awe

    1. Oddly enough, your comment along with that “Everyday Robots” video that Roob added has me to thinking about something…
      When designing a robot, or any part of a robot, on a computer…
      Q: Who is watching who do what and when via where?
      A: ?!?!?
      Yeah…I get the feeling that “The Genie” was out of the bottle a long time ago. We just hadn’t yet caught up to them within the constructs of time and times over time. Prolly never will. But lot’s to think about there, and I’ve not yet read the above, so I’m gonna digress here and go read it.

      And FYI…I keep my porn separate from other web based activities. Plus, I’m a premature-ejaculator, so as a result, I don’t really watch much porn. 😛

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Thanks for the intro to Tannerite, I learn something new every day. 😀

    At the other end of the sensitivity spectrum to it, is the unstable nitrogen triiodide:

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Roob…I just clicked on your…

    A billion lives.
    A billion lives?
    A billion lives…and not a goddamn one of them belongs to anyone else. 😦
    Mystery = SOLVED! Next!

    ^Three Blind Mice (with lyrics)^

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Welp…that’s why I don’t understand why “smokers” isolate themselves further. I mean yeah, I understand it…but…no…I don’t. There are many people that smoke for many different reasons, but they are their own reasons, so, I tend to just…erm…shrug.
        I can only think of Commander Adama here…
        “the last battlestar Galactica leads a ragtag fugitive fleet on a lonely quest… a shining planet known as Earth.”

        ^Armageddon – evaluation^

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope I didn’t trigger any acid flashbacks. 😉
      Unless you wanted an acid flashback…in which case…glad I could assist. 😛

      BTW, here’s the made for TV version.

      ^Focus – Hocus Pocus Live ’73^

      It answers the question… “how in the FUCK do we cram an almost 7 minute long song into a 5-minute segment for a television variety show?”

      Liked by 1 person

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