Missive From ‘Merica: Saturday Musings…On Sunday!

I haven’t done didn’t do much today yesterday, Dear Reader. Dug a rabbit hole on Mars in the ‘so below’ of Red Frank’s latest over at MEROVEE

Merovee The Dark Tower

*That thread got long and pointlessly pointy, Clicky… Fun afternoon though…*

*Heh… ‘cos play’s the thing, Clicky…*


… Listened to some TED Talks…


*I guess it does look a bit bearish, Clicky…*

 …And a new missive from Cade has just arrived, so I’m off to read and format that… I may be sum time…


I have decided to write a bit this morning….I hope you don’t mind.

I have decided to be extra-mindful of my writing/textual expressiveness…I hope you don’t mind.

I hope you don't mind...I hope you don't mind.
^Lead Into Gold – A Giant On Earth^



Q1: Cade, do you mind?

 A1: …not really.

  Q2: Cade, what set you off to writing this morning?

    A2: One word…but I’m not gonna tell you what that word is just yet.

Welp…reading…I guess is what really “set me off”…if you wanna get technical. But since we, as humans, tend to have this capacity and/or need for redux, is it really any wonder that one single word, nested within several thousand words can set us off? Rev our motors? Send us packing? Dizzy our head(s)?

Don’t think so?

Let’s experiment…gender-neutral.

I guess that could be considered dirty pool since:

A) it’s two words denoting a single concept, and

B) it’s very current, new-ish, news-ish, popular, trendy.

So let’s change it up a bit…lartuen-redneg.

How’s that? Better?

^Ministry – Stigmata (Psychopomps Remix)^


Yet another question via The Whatever However Hotline!!!





Q: Cade, what exactly is…The Whatever However Hotline?

A: Welp…let’s be straightforward here…TWHH is communications via alternate means. Think of it like a Déjà Vu that is packaged differently, and this differently packaged package has different atomic spin. It travels along the same pathway(s) as a deja-vu, but has it’s own ringtone…if you will. Let’s call it…A Déjà-Boo…or Déjà Bʊ, for continuity.

^Simian Mobile Disco – I Believe (SMD Space Dub) HQ^

So … this one word … that grabbed me … shook me … made my head spin … made my eyes roll … made my fingers start dancing around on this keyboard in some white-boy boogie type of crazy-legged dance?


Here it is->Progressives.

That should narrow its source down…

…considering that I don’t read very many websites/blogs, and that short list of mine has gotten even shorter as of late. If you wanna track down the source, knock yerself out. I’m gonna Google, Bing, Yahoo and Dogpile real quick while you do whatever it is that you personally decide to do…

^Metronomy- “Love Letters” Soulwax Remix [MUSIC VIDEO]^

Progressive (Google Search)
Progressive (Bing Search)
Progressive (Yahoo Search)

I’m gonna stop right there…because Yahoo gave me some results that aren’t some goddamn insurance agency own website(s) and every fucking social media portal that they have invaded.


The above got me to where I really wanted to go…

Category: Political Ideologies

I mean…no…I really didn’t want to go there on this fine Saturday morning…but yeah…I really wanted to go there on this fine Saturday morning.

Speaking of which…it’s currently 08:56AM…and there are several helicopters flying low overhead for some reason. Good thing I didn’t want to sleep-in this morning, eh? Lemme go outside and see whazzup…

Went outside…siren going off in the direction towards the end of my street…I can only assume that another high-speed cop chase ended at the end of the street on which I currently reside. What a world.

^P.diddy ft christina – Tell me (switch remix)^

For the sake of liberty and freedom, I used my freedom and took the liberty of taking the sub-categories and reclassifying them into one big supergroup of subgroups of “political ideologies”…since “political ideologies” is too … restrictive … too limiting … too…erm…political.



I spent almost two minutes of my time taking that screenshot and editing it in MS Paint, and it prolly took like another 30 seconds or so to host it on my own blog. God only knows how long it has taken me to think and write about it here…we could be close to double-digits in minutes-spent.

Oh the humanity.

I’d like to think that it took only a second or two for me to arrive at the conclusion that all political groups are idiots. But I’m gonna be 50 years old in a little over 3 months. So I guess it would be kinda foolish for me to try and explain every single life experience over that amount of time that has made me a hater of almost any and all politically motivated groups of any and all kinds/unkinds.

Once the individual abandons their individuality for the sake of a herd, that individual ceases to exist within the context and confines of that heard. Prolly why concepts like Solidarność are so fleeting. They are energy and energies manifested in a tide that is pitted against a wall or some other fixed barrier. If you aren’t prepared to bail on this movement every step of the way…this movement will fail.

I mean…it’s gonna fail at some point, whether that be pre or post any success and/or successes. But that’s kinda why I feel that Big Ben in London should be disassembled and reassembled instead of propped up. I prolly feel differently about The Leaning Tower of Pisa, but that’s a different animal entirely…ain’t it?

^Simian Mobile Disco – 10000 Horses Can’t Be Wrong^
All it takes...is a lot of static...and a little motion...and everything changes.
^Chopin – Funeral March (Scrolling)^

After all this time, I finally broke down and looked up one of the creators of some of the images I use…Bees And Bombs.

It seems that he is a PhD of some kind, so I now hate his guts and will no longer use his images in any of my posts and/or writings of ANY kind. All this time, and I had no idea that this elitist fuck was…was…was…AN ELITIST FUCK!!!







I’ve been bamboozleswaggled by the system and it’s systems via one of it’s initiates.

I digress.

/me mumbles something about sex and/or lack-thereof.
^Melanie Martinez – Mad Hatter^

Does it piss you off?

Yeah…that grouping that I did above…does it piss you off?

Think I am somehow including myself out, or on the outside looking in?

Welp…you would be quasi-correct. The only problem is, that these groups include me in to include me out…so…yeah…I find myself wherever it is that I find myself. And being that I am, who I am, and I am where I am, the only reason that someone would suddenly want to include me…welp…I would have to seriously question their motives in doing so. I’m not some bottle of wine. Maybe a bottle of whine, but I digress.

Yeah…I cannot see any group including me even tho there are many that I personally identify with. But what really gives me the shakes? What causes me dismay and makes me nervous? Finding myself within a separatist group that I identify with wholly. Contextually, that nesting has to go way up, way down, and hit all points inbetween.

But I’ve never felt comfortable in my own skin…so…whatever. I just don’t consider these facts as ringing endorsements for human groups and grouping. Prolly why “The Tower of Babel” makes so much sense from a practicality standpoint. I mean yeah…Babel makes no sense…but that’s kinda the point. Does that make sense?

^”deadmau5 – For Lack of a Better Name” Album Review^

I dunno. The “blood out” types of revolution seem to have failed so many, so miserably, I simply cannot see how this continued thinking can serve. Maybe self-serve, but that’s the problem with spilling blood, eh?

Not that I think some “blood in” revolution is going to fix anything either. Certainly not some organized one. It negates the very individual and individuals it is meant to serve. I personally believe that there is a God…gods…even. But I ain’t in any hurry to meet any of these motherfuckers. There HAS to be a better way. I think I’ve found that way…but I ain’t saying what it is.

^Deadmau5 – Lack of a Better Name (1080p) || HD^

I’m hungry. Anyone else hungry? Whatshername has a wedding today, so she’s gone all day. Her and her cousin have been planning/working on this wedding for several months I guess, and they’ve been doing something all week long…the wedding is today. I have no idea when, I just know that I was not invited…so…meh…no free food and/or free booze.


Her cousin has 10 kids, and I think that this particular one that is getting married today is like the 4th or 5th in age. He’s a cool kid tho, kinda weird amongst the weirdos, cause all of them are weird, but yeah…this one is kinda extra-weird.

That kinda gets me to thinking about marriage tho. I personally have no regrets. None that I can cast off the entirety of the concept of marriage itself, and certainly not even my own marriage which ended in divorce. Weird how that works, eh? I wish them well.

^Goldfrapp – Little Bird [Animal Collective Remix]^

G: Bamboozleswaggled, eh?

Cade: lolz…yeah. You like that one?

G: Not really. Upon hearing that word…I was forced to drop by and make sure there was no bamboozleswagglin’ actually goin’ on down here.

Cade: And?


G: OH! SO! There is no bamboozleswagglin’ goin’ on down here?

Cade: Oh shit.

Z: Oh shit is right.

A: Agree.

X: Yer mine now tough guy.

Cade: Wait wait wait…wait a moment here. You had me from the onset as the protagonist and/or instagator…so…what’s this all about?

X: Woah thar Mistar Big-Britches…let’s not get the cart before the trailer-hitch.

Cade: Isn’t that where the horse goes?

X: What if there is more than one horse?

Cade: Isn’t that where the horses go?

T: An English lesson…go got served one.

Cade: Fat lotta good that will do.

X: Turn that Chopin Funeral March tune off…we need a different one for below.

Cade: K.

X: …

^Ravel – Bolero (Scrolling Score)^

Let’s see what Google News has to say about things.

U.S. military searches for three Marines in sea after aircraft crashes off Australia

Q: How many US Marines need to die in this piece of shit before it gets the deep 6?

A: Lotta 6's to consider there.
Jeff Sessions’ Attack on the Media Is Worse Than You Think

“The Media?” The media. THE MEDIA?!?!?!?

Q: What in the FUCK does “The Media” have to do with “The Press” within the United States of America?

A: ¿¿¿???¿¿¿

I guess we’ll just…make it up as we go, eh?

United States Attorney General
The Press
Media (Redirected from The media)
Mainstream Media
Alternative Media
Alternative Press
Mainstream Media (Media Group)
Personal Organizer (Redirected from Day planner)
Professional Organizing

OK…well…that’s all of the fucking news that I can stand for a single day.

Ok…well…maybe one more.

Trump achieves what few presidents have: Strong economy, low approval ratings

Trump. Trump did this. Trump did this? Is it any wonder that virtually anyone and everyone is looked upon as some kind of dictator and/or tyrant when written about within “The Media”?



There are no “new levels”…just…levels and leveling.

You’re unique tho…so…don’t let the lack of new infrastructure bother you too much.

^koyaanisqatsi – Vessels^

I wonder sometimes what goes through RooBeeDoo/Roob’s mind when I send her these things. What she thinks about when she edits them. Why she chooses what she chooses with respect to any formatting. Why she adds whatever she adds in her “top and tail” portions of these things. But in truth, I don’t think about it much…or at least, I try not to. I also don’t want to know. We are two people separated by miles and miles, oceans of both land and sea, a shitload of borders and bridges, and a timezone or six also divides us.

^Koyaanisqatsi (RORSCHACH VERSION)^

Housing Inequality

So…if government/a government owns everything, and private business/businesses own everything else…what does that leave?

Not much. 

You can’t even go into a National Park or State Park and setup a tent and camp anymore. You gotta do this in certain areas, and that in other areas, and the other stuff in approved areas on approved days and dates…I don’t think I like that very much. I would imagine that any state-owned properties not only belongs to the citizenry, but that the citizenry can go there any time they damn well please.

When you speed up the life process, you speed up the death process AND slow it down…and when you slow down the life process, you slow down the death process AND speed it up. That’ll bring us to conception. Yeah…life is…erm…you know what…fuck this….no way in hell I’m gonna tangle with this.



I’m thinking that New Orleans might be a good choice. That’s where I’m currently leaning anyway. Maybe I could get me a job on a barge or a ferry or a fishing boat of some kind. I wonder if I started in/around New Orleans, then worked my way east, if I would make it all the way to Florida before finding a job. I mean, assuming there is a job to be found.

I was just contemplating how much shoreline I would have to cover before someone might hire me, and if not, what in the fuck I would do once getting to Florida? Welp…if I continued around the horn of Florida, I’d eventually wind up headed back towards the Carolinas. That would put me on a path to New York City, which is where I always wanted to go anyway.

^Tears For Fears – My Girls (Animal Collective Cover)^

Social Stratification

I guess I've shot my wad...run out of gas...no wind in my sails...kaput.
^a very gentle squid^

Psychoactive Drug

I wander…

I wonder…

I wa wa wo wo WOAH!!!

Prince’s music is back on YouTube? WTF?!?!?!?!?

Someone musta worked through all the bullshit or whatever.

I have no clue.

Not like ChiPs and Fantasy Island and Love Boat were ever taken off the air, so we have no frame of reference.

I guess shit comes and goes or something.

^Prince – When Doves Cry (Official Music Video)^


Let's do two for the fuck of it.
^Prince – Let’s Go Crazy (Official Music Video)^



^Violent Femmes – Gone Daddy Gone.mpg^



*/rubs eyes… Morning, Clicky… /blinks… Oh fuck, sunday! What happened to the rest of yesterday? …/looks up… Work tomorrow… /yawns… Song? …/rolls over…*

5 thoughts on “Missive From ‘Merica: Saturday Musings…On Sunday!

  1. Roob

    The Mission to Mars ended with a bit of a splash in Springview !

    If All is God, is every town Godalming?


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