Who Vs WHO: Who’s Who and What’s What… What?

The new series of Doctor Who returns on 19th September and then there’s Sherlock at Christmas…. ah, I miss Moffat

Clicky! A purple spider, thank you. Purple is my PPE… I must say, Steven Moffat is entirely right when he says:

“You know in some ways, I think Mark [Gatiss] has got a point when he says that however good you imagine [the crossover], it would be almost better in your imagination than it would be if the two grand old egotists actually met,” he added.

I have a theory that people obey the WHO because they’ve grown up watching Doctor Who save humanity on a Saturday evening tea-time since it was…

… in black and white, Click. I caught the Who bug with No.3 and the spiders… you know, when he regenerated into…

jelly baby man, yes No.4, Click.

Yes, yes, Clicky, there’s probably a reason for that… makes Wales look good, I dunno. Now stop distracting me, I was talking about the WHO

It was founded practically single-handedly by a man, Clicky…


Brock Chisholm 'Doctor to the World'

‘Doctor to the World’

Perhaps he though Santa was Satan, Clicky, some people do 😉 Now let me get on…

My Y’ello friend Mhehed Zherting sent me an e-cig link this morning…

Mhehed brings Roobee ecig news

‘What’s interesting is that The Lancet revealed this “information” in an anonymous editorial rather than a proper article. Of course it’s impossible to be sure who wrote this, because it’s anonymous, but it is an editorial. That means it was probably written by the editor, and The Lancet’s editor is one Richard Horton.’

As far as Simon Chapman goes, yeah he really is a nob

Now if only Vapers could be convinced to stop acting like ex-smokers (i.e. sanctimonious twats) and realise for one minute that using Tobacco Control ‘harm reduction facts’ against smokers will not help them in the long run…

That’s right, Click, remember… Sat 19th September 2015 on BBC1 😉

Oh give it a rest, Clicky. Have a Song…

‘Cos the play’s the thing… innit?

The swords arrived in pristine order. So well packed in fact, it felt criminal to destroy the artistry…

Cos Playing is my thing

WTF! Clicky, that’s a personal, private photo and you’ve… *squint* …You’ve fucking numbered it! You cheeky bastard! Oh my fucking word…

I don’t care, that photo is a joke; I look awful…



Thoughtful man and I were having cross words, this moaning... I told Leg Iron about it...

roobee and leg iron sword chat

Moanings when we have to do something or go anywhere are the wurst; we have very different ideas about time Thoughtful Man and I...

We'd had a couple of skirmishes... steely words on steely words but I'd managed to wear him down with my cheeriness until...

Roobee brings glad tidings

So I went upstairs to get ready to go out and it was as I was brushing my teeth that I noticed:
1. My hair looked kinda wild and curly in the bathroom mirror...

2. I had a red face and baggy eyes...

3. I was wearing a stripe up my arm...

4. I was wearing yellow... sorta...

And then I remembered No.5...

Roobee loves The Princess Bride

So I plucked a sword from the boys' bedroom wall and went downstairs to pose for him...à la The Bride...

I must have got him a good one across the gut because he was holding his sides...

… you are the absolute pits! No, Clicky, it’s just not on posting my photo like that… what the fuck are you laughing at now?

What the Blazes! Taking an arrow to the nĂ©e

Following last night’s burning shamble about my surname, a story about a horse called Blaze appeared on my T-wittier feed this morning…

Blaze the horse stabbed and sexually violated

Clicky, it’s so strange. As I was telling Hugo, I just bought some swords from Legs

Legs ordinary day

The swords are a birthday gift for Kit Bisto, my nipper who’s into all things Japanese. He’s a Bonner…

Bonfire, that’s right Clicky. But he’s only half Bonner; the other half comes from me 😉 From the Top…

shewan meaning top


shewan meaning middle


shewan meaning bottom

That’s right, my boys may be Bonners but they have She-won genes 😉

Merovee Moulin Rouge

I know, Clicky! At the same time as I was telling Hugo about the swords and Blaze, Merovee Frank was putting up a new post that features a windmill…

*squint* Having fun extracting the Michael, Clicky? … Here, have a Song

A rose by any other name would smell as… Hang on, can anyone smell burning?

Clicky! It’s Friday night, I’ve finished work until September… let’s party like teachers…

Friday night top

Yesterday I saw my name, quite unexpectedly on an article at the Slog.

the slog bonner mention

A Thoughful Man reckons our name comes from ‘debonaire‘. He might be right but it also has other meanings

‘The Bonner surname can be derived from a town in Scotland; or it can mean a chain of hills; hills for tillage; or, the hill of slaughter.’

Indeed, Clicky, a shamble is a device used by witches to detect and amplify magic… elsewhere it was a place to butcher and sell meat

Victorian Slang Bonner

Ha! Also yesterday, Clicky, from ‘Passing English of the Victorian Era’, a gift received from my Y’Ello good friend Mhehed Zherting… I lost my virginity to a boy named Hatton, you know…

Friday night middle

What was I saying? Ah yes,Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe is the ‘quintessential novel of the 1980s’.

I haven’t read the book but I have seen the film version by Brian Depalma…

Yeah, that opening shot is probably the best bit of the film, Clicky… 

Hugo brings fire to Merovee

Good thinking, Clicky…

And the day before, Hugo was posting burning man stories and images on Merovee. Last year Hugo brought us a Superb ‘Owl Burn-a-Debt with Bruno Mars (Roma Burns) sync 😉

So what has the week been like for financial markets?

Zero Hedge Friday night headlines

…*Clink Click Bang*…

Friday night bottom

Oops. Think I’ve had enough of the black stuff for tonight, Clicky. Best try and end this shambles on a dignified note with a Song… Hit it!

Apols! A quick and dirty shambles…

Clicky! You’ll never guess what just happened on Merovee

Merovee 2

Hugo just called me ‘divine’. Clicky…

Hugo calls Roobee Divine

There are so many syncs with this story, Clicky…

Okay, we’ll list them…


Virgil Doll

That right, Clicky, on Saturday you posted a photo of my Thunderbirds Virgil doll. Quite why you decided to arrange it like a cock and balls is beyond me…

Joe L brings up Richard Doll's Bet

Ah yes, Richard (Dick) Doll… darling of the Tobacco Controllers, friend of industry

Roobee and Dick Doll both had smoking bets

Of course D = Door… lol 😀



That’s me online, my avatar, a dog called Roobeedoo2. And, Click, Rain sounds like reign sounds like rein sounds like REGN… and that’s MRS to you…

Shall we move on…?


Came with the Library. Now wears trousers.
Came with the Library. Now wears trousers.

That’s you, Clicky, helpful assistant. Now that’s 3 syncs with Hugo’s story. but I’d really like 4 for a condor

Condor means scoring four under par (−4). This is the lowest individual hole score ever made. A condor would be a hole-in-one on a par-five (typically by cutting over a dogleg corner).

come on, Clicky, think…


ai weiwei sunflower seeds

My Ai WeiWei sunflower seeds! Clicky, how clever… OMG! Is that the time? Clickstar, have a Song…

Can’t Wait to Watch Films: An Under Underdog’s Reply

Over at UBU, Poppy Sweet Pea has listed the films she can’t wait to watch…
Top 5 films Poppy can't wait to watch

The last film I went to see at the cinema was ‘Kajaki‘ but it was the premiere with red carpet and everything…

I don’t go to the cinema much, so going to see that was a special treat and I did get to catch a glimpse of two celebs on the night…

Which is an odd coincidence considering that half a year later one was sacked from BBC’s ‘Top Gear’, whilst is other is being touted as a replacement on the show.

The last film before that, one I paid to go and see, was ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2’…

That’s not the film, Clicky…


Ahem… like I said, I don’t go to the cinema much but Thoughtful Man wants to see the new Dad’s Army movie. Now he’s kinda weird in that he’s fond of those old films made from TV comedies… ‘Please Sir’,  ‘Love Thy Neighbour, ‘On the Buses’, ‘Porridge’ and of course, the original Dad’s Army film.

I’m not so sure – how can you recreate beloved characters with new actors without leaving the audience feel cheated? I’d tried watching Sky’s version of ‘Yes Prime Minister’ and hated it. However, knowing I have a soft spot for underdogs…

Alright, Clicky *rolls eyes*

… my friend Hugo on Merovee coincidentally pointed me in the direction of the Daily Flail and the captioning of the images from the film…

Hugo brings Roobee Dad's ArmyThat’s another coincidence, Clicky, as I attended the Kajaki premiere with Toby, my sister Juju’s stepson, who was a cameraman on the film…

Aww cute pug, Clicky. Have a Song…

Poppy Popstar: An Under Underdog’s Reply

Over at UBU, Poppy Sweet Pea has written about her dog Susie and Hannah Schneider, a Danish musician, who’s music, it turns out, is pretty wonderful…UBU Hannah Schneider Dreaming Kind Pets

Clicky, I need a photo of Poppy, this is going to be way to long to stick in the comments at Leggy’s place…


Ha Ha, Clicky… now get a proper one…


Oh, you’re being like that are you? Clicky, pull your socks up; I’ll start without you…

Poppy is the queen of our household. Miniature in size, humongous in impact on the running of our household. Which is quite a feat considering she’s an Olympic standard sleeper.

She had just turned 1 when we got her; she’d spent the first year of her life living in a cage, something recommended for Dooshunds’ spine development. The old lady that owned her didn’t want her, probably because she’d kept her in a cage for a year and didn’t get to know her.

“All she needs is love” is how my sister Juju described Queen Poppaea to me. We weren’t going to get another pet – been there, done that with two rats (Chewy and Han), a cat that ran away (Nat King Cat), gold fish (Tom and Jerry), a enormous, hairy German Shepherd (Klaus) and Pumpy, the moggy I took in before I took Thoughtful Man into my home – she lived long enough to meet the boys… just.

So Poppy Popstar joined our family. She’s pedigree with a fancy name (Chocolate Puzzle) and we got her for free. Mistress Ploppy is smooth as a sea lion and curls up in your lap like a cat (presumably because she has a strong spine. Thoughtful man insists that she likes to spoon during their afternoon nap). Unless she wants her belly rubbed. Then she she just lies on her back, pawing the air and presenting her soft, pink underside with a come hither look that says “I know you want to. You know I want you too. Just do it and make them long, hard strokes. I’ll tell you when to stop”. She’ll dictates the rhythm with her thumping tail…

Pops will lick your face off when you wake up, return home from work or even if she hasn’t seen you for 10 minutes. She’ll lick your legs and feet (and for some reason, the inside of my shoes) with a relentless determination and thoroughness that is a wonder to behold.

The boys adore her. She’s like a little sister to them. Thoughtful Man treats her like a daughter we never had, which is brilliant because I do not want any more kids. When she eventually goes, we’ll get another Dooshund… except I don’t think I could bear to keep one in a cage for a year. Perhaps then we’ll get a pug…

We likes an underdog, don’t we Clicky?

Shambles: A Pointless Exercise?

Hugo emphasizes ‘Blackbushe’ in posting the story of the Bin Laden plane crashing into a car auction yesterday.Hugo brings news of a plane crash

Ironically, for the man seen as behind the 911 Twin Tower attack, a lot of his family seem to have been killed in plane crashes.

Osama bin Laden’s stepmother, half-sister and brother-in-law died after a private jet owned by the family exploded into a fireball after overshooting a runway while trying to land outside London.

Stepmother, half-sister, brother-in-law join his father and brother…

Bin Laden’s father Mohammed originally registered the tail number of the aircraft involved in yesterday’s crash in the 1960s.

He was flying the aircraft with the number HZ-IBN, when he died in another crash in 1967, however his family retained the registration.

The aircraft was registered to Salem Aviation – which was named after the dead terrorist’s eldest brother, who himself died in a crash in 1988 when he ploughed into powerlines in San Antonio, Texas.

On the same day, it was reported that Saudi Arabia was making an appeal to be dropped from pending and future 911 lawsuits.

Saudi Arabia insists it had nothing to do with 911

*Ground Zero was a bit of a scar, wasn’t it Clicky? And it was only yesterday that Thoughtful Man was showing me images of sCARification he’d just seen on Facebook page…*


*That’s right, Clicky! Scar is Simba’s evil uncle in ‘The Lion King‘… based on ‘Hamlet’, voiced by Jeremy Irons…*

*Of course, I spent quite a bit of time discussing the similarities between ‘Memento’ and ‘The Matrix’ with Hugo last year, Clicky…*

hand is main in french

*Main does sound like Mane, Clicky, and Leo was the main character in ‘Memento’…*

But what of ‘Blackbushe‘ I hear you ask: Hugo specifically emphasized ‘Blackbushe’ in his comment. Well, that’s where ‘Pointless’ comes into the equation and yesterday’s episode featured an obvious black bush… can you see where it is yet? 😉

Pointless Contestants

‘Pointless’ is the only TV show Thoughtful Man and I regularly watch. Obscure answers are best but a pointless one is the holy grail. Because he works on a Friday night, we watch the show in the wee small hours of Saturday morning, feasting on Maccy Ds whilst the children sleep soundly…

So before I’d read Hugo’s comment or even knew about the plane crash (Thoughtful Man told me about it when he got in, in the midst of the grease/brown paper prison-break from his bag laden arms), I watched Pointless, with a warm, oleaginous chin, and wondering about the bushy, blackness of contestant Ian’s facial hair…

Richard brings up Ian's Beard

I love the fact that ‘sidekick’ Richard Osman (a 6’7″ giant) has a laptop for a prop. He addresses the audience and particularly the fourth wall… he is the audience’s confident…

Order of beards

There was banter about the black, bushy beard… Apols, moustache…

moustache banter

I’m just going to focus on Ian in this shamble, though goodness knows the whole show is a syncfest 😉  The first round was ‘Beverages: Types of tea, coffees and herbal infusions from around the world’… this was the board, filled with my answers, shouted out between delicious beefy mouthfuls…

Ts and Cs First Board with Roobee's answers

Ian was up first…

ian gives flat white answer

Flat… White..?

Luckily he survived to Round two or this shamble would end here, but partner Louise completely fucked up her answer to ‘Name a chemical element beginning with the the letters A through to M…’

Louise fucks up with an superfluous R

Before poor Ian had a chance to answer, they were already eliminated from the show…

ian has already lost

Louise stole Ian's answer

Europium is a Pointless answer

Europium is a chemical element with symbol Eu and atomic number 63. It was discovered in 1901 and is named after the continent of Europe.

*Clicky, is it me or can you see a 911 in the year Eu was discovered?*

*Enough, Clicky. Let’s end this pointless shambles on a Song…*

Fiction v Non Fiction: An Under Underdog’s Reply

Broken Girl has posted about the top 5 books she’s excited about right now…
Top 5 books Poppy is excited about right now

I’m sworn off all new fiction until ‘Panoptica‘ is published…

Cheer up, Clicky. Not long now… probably

In the meantime I have a few ‘non-fiction’ books on the go…

I have a bet with Scruffy Oik that we can defeat this generation’s Nazis…

That’s right, Click, every little helps…

The next couple are a bit of a double act…

Aww… Nice staging by Kitten there, Clicky. Tell me, what am I going to have to watch in return?

Oh good lord… he’s only 13!


The fourth book is one I’ve commented about before, ‘The Fourth Turning’. It helpfully describes which part of the spiral of history we’re occupying…

The last one was bought for the name of the author *titters* Sometimes I can be just that shallow 😉

Okay then Clicky, let’s be having ya; we’ve got things to do, places to go, people to see…