Adventures in Remote Viewing: An Invitation For Reflection

Dear Reader, this past week Cade Fon Apollyon and I remote viewed the 3 seasons and movie finale of Deadwood. We’d already seen them together before, but somehow our remote viewing was even better this second time round…

Deadwood EB Farnham Be Brief

*Okay, Clicky, I’ll try… /rolls eyes…*

… As well as the 2007 documentary Up The Yangtze, focusing on some of the people affected by the construction of the Three Gorges Dam across the Yangtze river in Hubei, China…

*Yikes! …/lights up and smokes…*

… And an astrological reading of the Leo New Moon, set to occur on 18th August 2020. As it turns out, Molly McCord’s reading is the inspiration behind this particular post…

*The other one was pretty good as well, Clicky… /flicks ash…*

… Now, at nearly 20 minutes long, we know that you’re probably not gonna watch Molly’s video, Dear Reader, unless you have an interest in astrology. So here’s the takeaway for the purposes of this post: we’re being asked to reflect on what has happened in our lives, and in our relationships, since the last time the Sun and Moon were in the exact same positions in the chart. That was three years ago on 21st August 2017, the date of the solar eclipse across North America…

Deadwood Calamity Jane Be fucked

*No, I shit you not, Clicky… /puffs contentedly… It’s quite auspicious…*

… So that is what we’re going to do here, Dear Reader. Fortunately, to aid Cade and I in our reflections, we have a lovely missive posted at the LoL on that very same eclipse day…

… You might want to take a look.

As Leo is a masculine sign and the energy coming through from the New Moon will be very masculine, especially in the solar plexus area according to Molly, Cade will now open the proceedings…

deadwood Al Huzzah


I guess I can start off by remembering that 2017 was the year that I discovered surgical mesh was likely to blame for the exasperation of some existing physical issues, and it was around the time of the eclipse that this revelation occurred. And yeah, upon reflection it would seem a bit fortuitous that this particular wad of twisted and twisting surgical mesh is indeed in my solar plexus area. Three years later, skin is still coming off by the bucket-load, muscles continue to unwind and cramp, feeling in my extremities continues to come and go, and revelations and discoveries abound. One of the more recent being that my Achilles Tendons both seem to be…absent.

Q: How in the FUCK does one’s Achilles Tendons disappear, yet one does not notice?

A: Something tells me that the massive calloused pads on the heels and balls of my feet hold some answers.

To be fair, my hamstrings also disappeared, but that was something I noticed. In fact, I’m not the only one that noticed. A girl I went to high school with (who just so happened to run track) one day pointed out to me that I had some mighty quads, but no hamstrings. We both looked at/examined my legs further, and I’ll never forget the look on her face as she saw the same weird looking deformity I was seeing in that my hamstrings seemed to have disappeared. They were gone. Not there. Years later, my orthopedic surgeon noticed the same, but he noticed something else going on back there. Story for another time.


I’ve got a playlist on my YouTube page of 15 short videos I took of the August 21st 2017 eclipse, and they were meant to be a humorous look through inexperienced eyes at a celestial phenomenon. What it means to have one’s eyes opened, what it means to learn, and maybe how one handles the realities of learning some confusing and potentially unpleasant shit.

Whilst I’m not claiming any specific knowledge, I have learned quite a bit over the past decade or so about the potential impact(s) of celestial goings on and how these goings on may affect life in various ways. Fine-tunings of the galactic clockworks and how we as individuals fit it. Still digging, still learning, still failing miserably at virtually anything and everything, but still going. Not a fucking clue how, nor why, but yeah…still going.

Prolly should stop reflecting and talking about myself so goddamn much and pass it back over to that loopy cunt Roob.

^Happy Up Here (Datassette Remix)^


deadwood Trixie

*Cade’s so sweet, Clicky…*

Funnily enough, the thing that’s concerning me most, and has felt like a punch in guts, happens to be the thing Cade first wrote in his missive of 21st August 2017…

sync of sorts

*Yes, a sync of sorts… /drags… You know, Molly does talk about a deep cleansing aspect in her vid, Clicky… /plumes smoke…*

Not the biblical character, Job, that Cade mused over but my actual job, the thing I do to earn money and how I earn my keep. In August 2017, I’d just landed a job locally as a Personal Assistant, having spent the whole of 2016 unemployed. Hooray! But by the New Moon on the 18th August I may no longer have a job, or worse, I’ll have one that I’ll absolutely hate because of a dreadful restructure, deemed necessary by the higher echelon in the organisation. All because they fancy a pool…

*We’ll be a pool of comfort women, Clicky… /cough… ‘Cept, you know, providing administrative relief to all and sundry…*

Deadwood Trixie Tree

… Like a return to the 1950s…

*Thinking about it, Clicky. Thinking about it…*

And on that sour note, I’ll pass you back to Cade.


Its all amalgamation and capital. And down sigh zing/redud dancy. The new New walks upon the dust from the bones of the old Old. Which I find ironic considering that a lot of government entities seem to be so fucking lost that they are returning to old ways. Going “old school”, if you will. And speaking of, sure are a lot of council jobs been advertised in The Echo as of late. Not that I read the Southend paper or am looking for jobs in Southend or anything, but perhaps your local Council is tightening its belt in certain areas so it can achieve bountiful proportions in others?

I digress

One of the very first things I did upon starting this re-watch with you was look up the word “hooplehead”. Wanted to find some definitive meaning for usage in this context of usage in the show. I mean yeah, lots of context clues, and everyone knows what a hoople is, but hooplehead? I always assumed it was some arcane slang pejorative in reference to an individual perceived to possess a child-like understanding. Some naive someone who is still playing the children’s games and is not “in the know” and not part of the grander schemes and bigger plays. Someone who is somewhat…under the protection of…their own ignorance. A sort of halo. or maybe a certain light or aura that an individual exhibits. But ya know what I found? Hooplehead…supposedly didn’t even exist until HBO’s Deadwood created it.

But not so fast. Lets pull back on them reigns a bit cowboys and cowgirls.

Mott The Hoople
Mott The Hoople
Hoop Rolling
Hula Hoop
Embroidery Hoop
Agent Noun
Möbius Strip
Halo (Optical Phenomenon)
Halo (Religious Iconography)
Aura (Paranormal)
Pregnancy glow: Is it real? – Mayo Clinic
The Beginning of the Birth Pangs – Matthew 24 (NTE)
From Suffering to Glory – Romans 8: 21-23 (NKJV)
Curse And Mark Of Cain
The Magician (Tarot Card)
The Fool

Been chewing on these thoughts for some time as it relates to shapes generated by orbiting bodies, such as the mandala-esque shapes the planets and other bodies generate over time, and what meanings they may have to someone on the outside looking in. Specifically, is it possible that the orbits of planets are indicative of a system’s current level of development. Maybe even indicative of whether or not life exists within a particular system, or maybe even if a particular system is slated for development or even destruction? A stellar clock of sorts which maps out time and times that we are just now learning how to read and understand.

I digress again

Needless to say when Molly McCord mentioned certain entities being under some kind of protection and Richie Rich and all that other jazz in her astrological talk yesterday, it was kinda jarring because it was right in line with some things I was already actively pondering. Of course, she eventually wandered off into some dark realms and seemed to think that evil people are under the protection of evil forces. But I personally am wondering about “good” people. What is protecting them, why, and is there some kind of indication that they are…untouchable, as it were? Afterall, no one wants to known as someone who engages in sport or combat with unworthy opponents. That would be unfair.

^Depeche Mode – Halo [HyperSPD Remix]^


*There was something Al said about Dan’s fight with the Captain, Clicky… /thinks… What was it?*

(Cut to Al’s office as Johnny knocks on the door)

Al: Yeah? (Johnny enters)

Johnny: I wish you’d look in on Dan, boss. Not for being poorly as… down.

Al: Johnny, some shit’s best walked through alone.

Johnny: Dan’s killed people before. You have too. But neither’ve been solitary after.

Al: A fair fight, something Dan and I have always struggled to avoid, is different. You see the light go out of their eyes. It’s just you left and death.

Johnny: So that’s why Dan wants to be alone.

Al: He knows where to find me. (Johnny nods and turns to leave) Sit down. If you want to. (Johnny turns and shuts the door, sitting down in a chair. He sits there looking around for a bit, as Al is leaning in the balcony door. Finally he turns to Al)

Johnny: What’re… ..what are we waiting for?

Al: To see what kind of hell breaks loose.

Whilst I was editing your Wiki wavy wall above, Cade, so that a new window opens upon clicking, Thing 2 or Loopy-Lou, sitting off to my right, was telling somebody online that “This Halo will be the last”…

*/stubs butt… That’s real-time syncing, Clicky. Shame nobody believes you until they experience it for themselves…*

deadwood Al Welcome to Deadwood

*Front Ear…*


Belief is a weird thing. Some, may have no knowledge of the ride nor what any consequences of riding may be, and they may even not be aware they are on the ride. Some, knowing the ride may not suit them, avoid the ride altogether and are content in their choices. Some, knowing the ride may not suit them, ride the ride anyway and may or may not regret having done so. Some, are not sure whether the ride will or will not suit them, and they may or may not ride the ride out of concern for the consequences of either outcome. Some, are aware, but have no choice as to whether or not to ride the ride. Doesn’t matter whether they want to or not, and it doesn’t matter the outcome. They are where they are. Belief is irrelevant. Proof is irrelevant.

All that to say that we’re all of us in various states of development and/or decay. Some are sharp, some are a bit slow on the uptake, some may be wishy-washy as hell and mostly wander around in a non-committal type daze. Maybe being aware of how we react to one “type” or another may help us learn about ourselves and where we actually may be lacking. Like, as far as relating goes. That which brings comfort to ourselves which is borne upon the wings of the discomfort of others, has a null and empty quality to it. Almost a hunger embedded in the satiations and dissatisfactions which necessitates a repeat of the experience. Maybe we get stuck in loops for a reason.


Apologies for wandering off the deep end. Just wondering aloud what it may mean for one to be satisfied. We are talking about some quite esoteric bullshit, and many have likely only barely scratched the surface with respect to knowing and understanding what all could potentially be entailed in this and these processes. There’s lots to know. Lots to think about. Sometimes its difficult to condense and share for purposes of relating.

^CHVRCHES – The Mother We Share^


*You think I should go there, Clicky? …/lights up and smokes… Alright then…*

Back to the subject of personal reflection on the period of time since 21st August 2017, it was shortly after the eclipse that my interesting in Lashy’s Gnostic teachings was rekindled with his ‘Decoding the Mandela Effect’ series on YTube…

*Fucked up a ton of posts here though when he took them down to start his school…/flicks ash… Probably for the best though eh, Clicky? … /deep drag… Not in his image afterall…*

… One of the things Molly McCord said about of the New Moon in Leo later this month was that it will bring new narratives, new stories. As a writer and co-editor of the Underdog Anthology series of books, this was of great interest to me: any cosmic help in developing new story ideas, is welcome. Since the 2017 eclipse, 9 separate anthology volumes have been published and another is scheduled for this Halloween. I need to get my thinking cap on…

deadwood Tom Nuttall

*/puffs contentedly… Thanks for the vote of confidence, Clicky… /pats snout…*

I’ll pass back to Cade for some final reflecting…


May your thinking cap for the upcoming book be a fucking fabulous one Roob. 🙂

Me? Imma put my reflecting hat on for a bit longer.

^Imperial March Recorder^

As far as reflecting goes, 2017 was a weird year for me. Difficult in talking about some of it without talking about all of it, as parsing the tale tells nothing. That said, I do recall heading out to the National Cemetery not long after the eclipse to see my pop and older sister. Early September. A bird had shit on dad’s tombstone. Musta been a fucking Pterodactyl based on the size of the splatter. A shitty exclamation point on a shitty year? Maybe. But I didn’t think that then and I don’t think it now, so now I’m gonna have to question why I’m reflecting other than I’ve been instructed to do so by an astrologist who tells me the time is right for doing so.

To be fair, I’ve been in a reflective state pretty much this entire year. Am not writing, can’t think straight, having trouble remembering things, under quite a bit of pressure, few writing ideas, and what few there are I cannot hold onto. It would be easy for me to say that the hope that I lost in early 2017 was regained in late 2017, but that ride from December 2017 to December 2019 has began to crumble under me. However, I don’t really feel like anything is crumbling. Shifting maybe, but not crumbling. Prolly because I’ve got other things going on that fill me with hope whilst everything else simultaneously goes to shit? No idea. Been a damn strange year, and a lot of people seem to be completely filled with some anticipation of total collapse. But not me. Can’t say why I’m not filled with fear and doubt, but I’m not.

This “Lion’s Gate” stuff is strange because August 8th is forevermore gonna be a weird day for me personally. Pop was born on August 8th in 1941, he died 8 days before my older sister’s birthday, and my older sister died on August 8th in 2013. If any of that means anything, I have no idea what it is outside of the obvious. Not anything I can share anyway. Mom is Taurus, dad is Leo, older sis is Sagittarius, younger sister is Gemini, I’m a Scorpio. My older sister was the son my father never had, my younger sister was born on Father’s Day, and I’m just kinda in the way. Hanging out. Chillin’. Dodging the bullets I can dodge. Fairly middling, kinda plain, nothing particularly special about me ‘cept I’m sickly as hell and allergic to every fucking thing on the planet; doing my best to be okay with all that. Not sure what else it is I need to be doing. Although if anyone could fuck up something as seeming simple as reflecting, I prolly can. Still, sometimes just kinda seems like people are being nosy whilst appearing to be discreet. Guess sometimes you just gotta take shit on faith, hope for the best, all whilst preparing yourself for a royal ass-fucking.

^Lightnin’ Hopkins-Business You’re Doin’^


*Can you go find a suitable Song to end on, Clicky?*

*No, the post is far too long to get into all that. Just the Song, Clicky… /stubs butt… And try and find sumfin that evokes reflections on rippled water. If it exists…*

That’s the end of this post, Dear Reader. Thank you for your time and attention. Enjoy the rest of your we kenned and… Have a Song ❤


13 thoughts on “Adventures in Remote Viewing: An Invitation For Reflection

  1. FYI, James Butler Hickok (AKA Wild Bill) was killed on August 2nd 1876, 100 years and 29 days after the signing of the US Declaration of Independence.

    He was born on 27 May 1837.

    Tomorrow (or, what is now today for you) is the 144th anniversary of his death.
    52,595 days ago.

    Just sitting here wondering what it takes to open a lion’s gate.
    And perhaps more importantly, what it takes to get the fucker closed again.

    ^Wild Bill (1/10) Movie CLIP – Saloon Brawl (1995) HD^

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was taught that it is The Yangtze Kiang. I can’t find what Kiang means. Any help would be welcome. Thanks in advance.

    Full Moon Tomorrow. I am not feeling good. Must eat more Black Grapes.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. From reading of the Wiki page, ‘Jiang/Kiang’ is old Chinese meaning ‘river’, but the river is so long, different stretches of it had different names…

      I guess ‘Kiang’ became redundant after the normalization of relations between China and the US (West) in the 1970s – ‘the Yangtze Kiang (River) river’ or’ the river Yangtze Kiang (River) – but that is just a guess.


  3. Tik Tok.

    I liked this description . I also believe the past is effected by future events which makes planning a bit tricky !

    ‘Simply put, it may be June 3rd, 2020 in this dimension, but our ENERGY is connected to points in time in the past and in the future. As gateways open, more energy is going to more points in time, depending on our development at any given point. As we move through time, and make choices, rise or fall in vibration — we naturally collapse and charge timelines.’

    View at

    Liked by 1 person

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