CLICK5: Seeing Stars

On The Lash: Aye Aye Kiddo!

I have been pleasantly surprised three times in the last two days, Dear Reader. Whilst I was writing the last ‘On The Lash’ post, I was seriously considering adding in something about Aikido. Lashy seemed a bit agitated and I was wondering if he’d heard of it…

Email 011014 from Roob to Leggy about Aikido

*Ye oldy email to Legs, Clicky… /lights up… Shame my Sync Miss For Him shamble is now gone… /drags… but the MEROVEE comet is still alive…*

Meet The New Boss

As a person who is accused of causing harm by a group that does nothing BUT cause it, all whilst wrapping themselves in the cloak of ‘harm reduction’, I’m just not prepared to demean myself by stooping to their level, becoming just like them…

Aikido (Japanese:Â ćˆæ°—é“Hepburn: aikidƍ) [aikiꜜdoː] is a modernJapanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. Aikido is often translated as “the way of unifying (with) life energy” or as “the way of harmonious spirit”.

Ueshiba’s goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attacker from injury.

The Ki to harm reduction…

Well, Dear Reader, you could have knocked me down with a feather as I listened to the next John Lamb Lash talk, posted on Christmas Eve night, when he brought up the subject of Aikido!

‘Likewise, you can think of apposition as a technique of psychological warfare, like Aikido. It’s very similar to Aikido. The Aikido Master, who I had the opportunity to meet when I was in Japan… In Aikido, the Master uses the incoming force of the opponent to overcome the opponent. In a skillful way it’s a method of apposition, it’s not a method of direct body contact, direct opposition.

‘So Aikido uses the force of the attack to overcome the attacker. I’m showing you how to use the force of the attack on the Romay and Sophia coming from the Xenosh, to overcome and demolish the Xenosh.’

*Yeah… /taps ash… Lashy includes a hammer in there but I’m reminded of what my martial arts practicing osteopath told me when he fixed up my frozen shoulder that time, Clicky… /drags… I asked him about aikido and helping the opponent to the floor, and he replied, “The floor? The floor is fucking hard.” …Nice man, fixed me up a treat…*

The second pleasant surprise was to read the Christmas post at Twilight Language and find it linked to one of my Kubrick posts! I told Thoughtful Man that he’d seen the blog owner, Loren Coleman, on the telly…

*Yeah, I don’t think he believed me, Clicky… /final drag… Or he was too busy cooking dinner… /stubs butt…*

Pleasant surprise number three then, Dear Reader, was last night’s Christmas Doctor Who episode…

*/chortles… Feminists must of been fuming that the first thing the first female Doctor does is blow up the Tardis and then fall out of it… /lights up…*

Enjoy the rest of Boxing Day, Dear Reader… And have a Song ❀


Missive From ‘Merica: “Four?” */buffs nails and waits patiently…*

*Thanks Clicky… /takes off glasses and rubs eyes…*

Four (n.,adj.)

Old English feower “four; four times,” from Proto-Germanic *fedwor- (source also of Old Saxon fiuwar, Old Frisian fiower, fiuwer, Frankish *fitter-, Dutch vier, Old High German fior, German vier, Old Norse fjorir, Danish fire, Swedish fyra, Gothic fidwor “four”), from PIE root *kwetwer- “four.” The phonetic evolution of the Germanic forms has not been fully explained; Watkins explains the -f- as being from the following number (Modern English five).

To be on all fours is from 1719; earlier on all four (14c.). Four-letter word as a euphemism for one of the short words generally regarded as offensive or objectionable is attested from 1923; four-letter manis recorded from 1920 (apparently as a euphemism for a shit). Compare Latin homo trium litterarum, literally “three-letter man,” a euphemism for fur “a thief.” A four-in-hand (1793) was a carriage drawn by four horses driven by one person; in the sense of “loosely tied necktie” it is attested from 1892. To study The History of the Four Kings (1760, compare French Livres des Quatre Rois) contains an old euphemistic slang phrase for “a pack of cards,” from the time when card-playing was considered a wicked pastime for students. Slang 4-1-1 “essential information” (by 1993) is from the telephone number called to get customer information. The four-color problem so called from 1879. The four-minute mile was attained 1954.

Dear Reader, now we have for you the last course of the evening. We hope you’ve enjoyed Cade à la carte. Word of warning: there will be something cheesy at the end. Enjoy!


The other day, whatshername bought what is potentially the stinkiest and most foul smelling Christmas candle ever made. I’ve been nauseated and throwing up ever since I first smelled it. Of course, all of the stress of the past coupla weeks may also have played a role. Not to mention that my foot and leg cramps have been quite wicked over the past few weeks. But yeah…that candle she bought? Holy FUCK does it stink! Smells like some unGodly cross between pine a scented cleaner/disinfectant and modeling glue.

^beauty is the enemy^

While looking for pictures, I stumbled onto the above, and wondered what they were modeling. Luckily for me, Google Images provides a link to the source.

Structure of collagen adsorbed on a model implant surface resolved by polarization modulation infrared reflection–absorption spectroscopy

Hmmm…now why on earth, would someone be tinkering with collagen?


I wonder as to the things that are found when tinkering at these levels, and these things came to be where they are so as to be discovered by those individuals that discover them? Lots to think about there.

^Animal Collective – My Girls (2009)^

LegIron made a rather awesome and awesomely interesting post yesterday.

The pointing finger points

That’s what set me to writing in the first place. I spared the comments section of his blog the majority of my verbal wrath, and saved it for RooBeeDoo’s blog. 😛

^Animal Collective – Golden Gal^

So in addition to LegIron’s blabbering, which in-turn inspired mine, someone posted a link to some Google Search results that got me to thinking about some stuff I’ve seen about what is going on in Africa. Much like Asia, Africa is also kinda “The West’s dumping grounds” with respect to not giving a flying fuck what is going on there. That said, I cruised some of the search results and came upon some interesting reading for anyone who might choose to read further.

The dystopian lake filled by the world’s tech lust

Where your computer goes to die: Shocking pictures of the toxic ‘electronic graveyards’ in Africa where the West dumps its old PCs, laptops, microwaves, fridges and phones

Do you care? Are the tiny bits of this from here, and the tiny bits from there important? I mean, we’re talking about finite bits of certain things in electronics…right? You yourself have little to no impact. Not to mention that we gotta keep the economy going…

How many TV’s do you own?
How many computers do you own?

How many cellphones do you own?

How many houses are on your street?

How many streets in your neighborhood?

How many neighborhoods in your town?

Yep...shit gets exponential...quick.

I mean…you don’t think they sell sand by the grain do you?

^Black Sun Empire & Audio – Drizzle^

But what the Google Search results link really made me think of, was Tantalum.






I saw a documentary sometime back that showed people walking for miles carrying this stuff to the border of a neighboring country, because it was illegal to export Tantalum from their own country. The country in which the Tantalum was sold, would then sell/export to France, who then sold it elsewhere. I can’t find the actual documentary I saw, but I found one that is equally disturbing, and both extremely uplifting and heartbreaking. Lot more to lots of this bullshit than just only minerals and money.

^Congo, My Precious. The Curse of the coltan mines in Congo^

I’m currently only 22 minutes in to the above video. And with all of the crap that I’ve seen in the above video thus far, one of the most horrifying is @ 22:14 where the narrator mentions that he started to work for MONUSCO.


Wasn’t it The United Nations that got Congo into this mess in the first place?

Create the wound to create the cure?

One cannot know peace who does not know war?

Congo Crisis

There’s a nature within us to jump to one place or another. Belgium is all over this…

Belgian Congo

…kinda like France was all over Vietnam

French Indochina

France–Vietnam Relations

…and Britain was all over Malaysia.

British Malaya

Being an American, I know that there are schools of thought that sometimes believe that letting European nations flounder in their own messes is the correct course. But there is an underlying creepiness to some of these lines of thinking. As in, let the Europeans rot, then we can swoop in and take over where they failed. Who are we forgetting?

^Starsailor – Four To The Floor (Thin White Duke Mix)^

Q: Where is The UN located?

A: New York, New York, USA.

That’s weird. How can “United Nations”, plural, be centrally located? Not to mention, that if The United Nations is headquartered in New York? I think they’ve been stepping out.

^Joe Jackson – Steppin’ Out Lyrics^

Steppin’ out…branching out…whatevz. Gotta distribute those peace branches equally I guess.

United Nations


Brussels and the European Union


Hotel California

“You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.”

Roach Motel (Insect Trap)

“Roaches check in, but they don’t check out.”

Am I being too dramatic there with connections? Or not dramatic enough?

Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Passive–Aggressive Personality Disorder

Relational Aggression (Redirected from Abusive relationship)

Victimisation (Redirected from Victimization)


I guess no one wants to give up what they’ve got. Or at least, not give it up without a fight.

From my cold, dead hands

I wonder how that type of thinking translates to other areas of our lives?

Come And Take It

Laconic Phrase


Anthony McAuliffe

Nut (Goddess)

If you want to get creative and/or clever, there are all kinds of ways of getting what you want. That can sometimes include letting someone else get what they want. Feel free to bend and twist that one six ways from Sunday if you so choose. Just maybe keep Pandora in mind here and there.

^Pink Floyd – Another Brick In The Wall (Vintage Culture Remix)^

If we humans can learn to do things from great distances both far and near, why is it such a stretch to think that other beings can do the same? Or is it because there is no proof that other beings exist? Maybe there’s a reason for that. We’ve gotten pretty high on ourselves. I can see there being the potential for conflict if one party or another is forced to start having to explain themselves. Things could get ugly.

^In-Grid – Tu Es Foutu (Hi Quality)^

Guess what? It’s now currently 11:30 in the morning on December 12th of 2017…and it would appear that I am now officially a published author!!!

Like…in a book!!!

<golf clap>


“Let’s dance, let’s shout…shake your body down to the ground!!!”

^Showtek – We Like To Party (Original Mix)^

cYa | cFa

^The Jackson 5 – Shake Your Body To The Ground^


Yes, Anthology IV: ‘The Good, The Bad and Santa’ is now available to buy, Dear Reader…

Underdog Anthology 4 Front and Back


*Interesting that the name of the restaurant I went to for Christmas lunch today, Clicky, is the name of a character in Cade’s story!*

And now for the cheese… As promised, from the Afterword of Vol. IV, corrupted lyrics this time. Festive one c/o Mssrs. Wells and TormĂ©… ‘The Fuckwits Song’… Enjoy!


Snowflakes melting at the tweets Trump fires

Putin laughing down his nose

“Russian hack!” sings the media choir

Addressing all folks like they’re Joe Schmoes

Everybody knows Kim Jong Un has some missiles too

Wants to set the world alight

Won’t be happy ‘til Japan is aglow

How do the Nips sleep at night

We all know that Brexit’s on its way

Except Remainers who still deny they’ve had their day

And every mother’s child has a new gender to try

We’ll see how that turns out by the by

And so I wonder about this coming year

Asking everyone I knew

I heard it said many times, many fear

2018 will be shit too

And so I wonder about this coming year
Asking everyone I knew
I heard it said many times, many fear
2018 will be shit too, 2018 will be shit too.

Dear Reader… Have a Song ❀