30-Day Song Challenge: Voice!

Today’s challenge, Dear Reader, is to present you with songs from artists whose voices Cade and I love…

*Fox has been trending on Twitter all day today, Clicky… /lights up… I dunno… /drags… Disney seem fair that you can be dismissed purely ‘cos of your skin colour… /plumes smoke…*

anglo american celtic viking band 3

^Lea Salonga – On My Own (Les Misérables) [720p]^

Enjoy! ❤


Day 28: songs by artists who’s voice we love

Cade’s first song pick…


Last night, I had a dream. In the dream, there was some vaporous, quasi-hidden fucker hiding in the shadows whilst darting around telling me that I needed to select music(s) that were representative of various things. In one instance, I was tasked with selecting a song that would be representative of the overall vibe of the 1970s. In my dream, the song that I selected was an instrumental. More than that, this song wasn’t released until the late 1970s. Although there is no singing on this track, the vocalist for this particular group likely has one of the most unique, identifiable, and iconic singing voices in rock music. However, when I woke, I had nothing but questions. Made no sense to me at all upon waking that I had chosen this particular song in my dream to be representative of the 1970s that I personally know. Prolly lingering guilt over not choosing a Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers song on the “songs that break your heart” day.

Ironic that whilst pondering all this crap about love and death, I personally cannot escape…dreams. Pretty sure I never owned the album ‘Hemispheres‘, and also pretty sure that I would never consciously select this song as being an all-encompassing representative of my time spent in the 1970s. Moreover, after I woke this morning, did some reading on this song, and was shocked to discover that it is about…dreams. Nightmares, to be more specific. I can only wonder as to why my subconscious would select a song with no vocals to be representative of a time that contained all kinds of vocal expression.

^Rush – La Villa Strangiato^

Roob’s first song pick…

Seeing as Cade has kicked us off with his dreams, I have to include Dolores O’Riordan and the Cranberries, and a song from one of my all time favourite movies…

*/blows smoke rings… Woodstock revivial? Interesting, Clicky… /flicks ash…*

Cade’s second song pick…


Kinda weird that in a dream, there are many things that make sense within the context of the dream. However, once that dream has ended and you are awake, all of that clarity fades to confusion. You can almost feel it in your being that this dream and the things in it made sense whilst you were dreaming. But now that you are back in this realm and lucid, you can’t help but giggle a bit at the absurdity of it all. No fucking way any of that craziness made sense. And if it did? I’ll be goddamned if I can remember what it was that made it make sense. None of it makes sense anymore.

^Cocteau Twins – “Ribbed and Veined”^

Roob’s second song pick…

As Cade is still on the subject of dreams, I shall continue with another voice I love from an all time favourite movie of mine. This time Roy Orbison…

^Roy Orbison’s Dream From You’ve Got Mail^

Cade’s third song pick…


Dreamy. Dreamy, dreamy, dreamy. Some sounds are like a barrier between eternal peace and eternal war. Voices don’t exist here in the more traditional sense(s). They’re here, they just…operate a little differently. Almost like contempt and respect existing in the same space, and doing so without being hateful or spiteful, and even without being loving or adoring. I love you, and I hate you, and I do both of these at the same time, without really doing either. Almost like looking backwards. Or looking forwards. Looking anywhere and everywhere but here.

^Daniel Lanois – Jimmy Was^

Roob’s third song pick…

Harry Nilsson has appeared a couple of times already during this song challenge…

harry nilsson

*Drink & Drugs! on Christmas Day… /final drag… And Sad! on Day 10… /stubs butt… I do love his voice, Clicky…*

… And wouldn’t you know it, he also has a song about dreams, one that plays over the opening credits of one of my all time favourite movies…

^The Puppy Song – Harry Nilsson^

The final word to Cade…


It’s not really unusual that certain things “make sense” within a certain context, but outside of that context…no, no sense made. Putting on a concert in the middle of a field prolly doesn’t make much sense. God almighty…that was over 50 years ago. Made no sense then, makes no sense now, and yet, people are still talking about it.

Q: Does Woodstock have anything more than commercial value?

A: ??

What is “Woodstock” anyway? I’m not trying to plan the 100th anniversary or anything, but I do wonder what value this concert/event will have in the year 2069. Will it make sense. Yeah, the one from 1969…will it make sense in 2069, and if so, to whom, and under what auspices, pretenses, terms and conditions will it make sense? Will DMT be a staple of the water supplies of the future much like Fluoride is a staple of the water supplies of today, and everyone will be “tripping-balls” 24/7? Which, I think I’ve pretty much decided that Fluoride is added to water to keep the pipes and infrastructure clean, and it being added for the benefit of people’s teeth or other human health concerns is pure horseshit. ‘Cept for of course the fact that drinking water supplied via filthy pipes is indeed a health concern. There are some weird loops in life.

Does it make sense to you that I have had the requirements of today’s challenge on my mind the entire time that I’ve been writing, yet have primarily used songs with no vocals?

Welp, I have

Guess you’ll just have to read between the lines a bit. I hear all kinds of voices in the music that I’ve included. Some voices I like, some voices I love, some voices…not so much. Woulda been great to see this final song performed live at the time tho. Strange how voices speak to us, and when.



Woo Hoo! Penultimate day of the 30-Day Challenge tomorrow, and Cade and I will be tasked with choosing songs remembered from our childhoods…

*I said penultimate, Clicky… /rolls eyes…*

Until then, Dear Reader, have a Song 😀

^Giorgio Moroder & Philip Oakey – Together In Electric Dreams^

6 thoughts on “30-Day Song Challenge: Voice!

  1. “30-Day Song Challenge: Voice!”

    Wow, this is a tough challenge.

    Occasionally a commentator on a Y/tube vid can be more helpful than they realise, so tonight’s gratitude-award goes to Chrono Triggerhappy for this gem:

    “So what was your part in the orchestra?”

    “I sang waa waa waaaa.”

    Liked by 1 person

        1. All of it, JP. The tune, the singing, the comment, you, the look on the woman’s face as she sang “waa waa waaaa”. Absolutely delightful ❤


      1. At least Christine Andersen’s contribution took skill.

        Imagine the guy in the background at 1 minute 41 secs getting caught out after boasting he was in the Danish National Symphony Orchestra:

        “And what instrument did you play?”

        “Two planks”

        Liked by 1 person

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