

*Oh fanks, Clicky… /puts fag to lips…  Red Frank scent that photo to me last night …/flicks lighter… No, Clicky, I’m not having sex with you, so take your fin off my arse, please …/lights up… Hey! Knot to change the subject of anyfin, butt I see ‘pong’ in the foto… /drags… ‘You had me at impeccable spelling and correct use of grammar’. Huh…*


In the whirled of MRS REGN, Dear Reader, the second R stands for Reproduction…

Cade and Roob start the day 1

*puffsBlue Frank has another great post up today, Clicky. He’s on a roll… /flicks ash… 

Cade and Roob start the day 2Cade and Roob start the day 3

*Oh! …/sucks down hot smoke… You mean do it Cade-style! …/streams smoke…*

Q. Roob, why did you assign the colour ‘yellow’ to ‘Reproduction’?

A: *.../sighs...*

Cade and Roob start the day 4

*/coughs… Fuck! …/clenches… Getting old can be a bit of a pisser sumtimes, Clicky…*

Q. Roob, why do you refer to Twitter as the ‘Yello universe?

A: *.../titters...*

Cade and Roob start the day 5

*/continues smoking… Wot another one? Okay then…*

Q. Roob, why do you think Reproduction underpins everything?

A: *.../drives...*

Cade and Roob start the day 6Cade and Roob start the day 7

*/final drag… No more questions, Clicky… /stubs butt… Let’s get to Cade’s bit…*


K…so…erm…let’s think about “Reproduction” a bit in a different direction.

EX: You are a kid, first day at school, some complete stranger hands you something called a pencil and paper, and then further demands that you start to try and reproduce these foreign and mysterious shapes called…letters.

So let’s take that same kid from their first day of school to their first post-graduate degree. Now that you know everything, and “society” has confirmed this by handing you your walking papers…

Q: What is your current attitude towards learning?

A: … Yep, you know it all and can do it all.


Did they teach you all about “KSAP” up at that school you just graduated from?


You know all the ins and outs of KSAP and it’s application within our modern world?

Klimovsk Specialized Ammunition Plant

That one above actually fits kinda well with Potassium considering how Potassium can be used.

Potassium Perchlorate

There’s other types of Potassium available too…depending on how adventurous you are seeking to be.

Potassium Chlorate

More KSAP.

Kidney Self-Assessment Program (KSAP)

There’s a breakfast cereal here in The USA that touts Potassium in it’s name.

Special K

You might be asking yourself…

DUDE!!! What in the flying FUCK does all this bullshit has to do with some kid learning to reproduce existing things?!?!?!?”

The answer is, I dunno. 

Seems to me that if this kid hits the skids after graduating college, and they are good at reproducing stuff, they might just wind up reproducing famous artworks to make a buck. I mean yeah, there are rules as to what can and cannot be reproduced, and we must abide by those rules. But we all gotta eat…yeah?

^Yelle – Je Veux Te Voir^

Everything we know, we know it via our own knowledge being a replica of something someone has taught us…


Something we’ve experienced? I mean, you aren’t the first fuck to see a tree… or a cloud…or raindrops. But your experiences are yours. You do occupy your own space, and the things you experience are yours, all yours. Even that concert you attended and spent the whole fucking time videoing with your phone…that experience was yours all yours…till you upload it to YouTube or whatever.

Wait...where was I going with this? 

Oh yeah…replication and mimicry.

^Blind Melon – No Rain^

Not to change the subject or anything, but I had an interesting thought a coupla weeks ago with respect to subduction/uplift as it pertains to volcanoes and/or hot spots, and I call it…

“Planetary Crust Roll”.

Our planet does wobble quite a bit, and it likely wobbles on some axes that we are not really thinking about much. But our tinkering with Neutrinos, Neutrons and other sub-atomic particles should probably get us to thinking in some of these directions.


Anyway, what I started seeing is where there are vector changes in a particular plate that causes the dynamics of plates near a volcano and/or hot spot to change in such a way as to cause the volcano to become either active or inactive. Prolly also helps explain why certain “magma dynamics” are as they are with respect to the magnetosphere and why “hot spots” tend to stay where they are. Have I lost you completely?

Good. I'm lost too. 

This is my first attempt at trying to explain this, so I can better figure out how to explain what I am seeing. I am after all trying to keep quite a bit of shit in mind while explaining this bullshit. Life…for example.

^Alberto Lodoletti plays the Flight of the Bumble-Bee by Rimsky-Korsakov piano version by Rachmaninov^

I’m supposed to be writing something else right now…but I’m not.

Bursera Simaruba

Metopium Brownei

I'm such a rebellious fuck.

Hydrothermal Vent


^John Denver – Calypso (Audio)^


We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this reproduction of a twitter convo between two friends across The Pond. On a Reproduction post to boot. Excretion is up next, Dear Reader, so until then… Have a Song 😀

16 thoughts on “*…/witters…*

  1. Ah – hints relating to one of my favourite subjects:


    Potassium plus water =

    2. Potassium Chlorate plus sugar =

    Here endeth Chemistry Lesson #1.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m sure you and JP did all kinds of experiments like that in your youth. Probably spent your pocket money on it instead of on sweets. No ‘obesity crisis’ in those days 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Some pocket money spent on icing sugar (much finer than the granulated stuff) plus sodium chlorate (weedkiller) [that shows my age – it was before the IRA took chemistry lessons, realised the mixture’s brisance, and got the stuff banned]. Much fun was had by all!

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Later he provided the voice of both Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr for the cartoon series The Beatles (1965), leading to his voicing the central character “Old Fred” in the Beatles’ animated film Yellow Submarine.

      lolz…I damn near used “Yellow Submarine instead of Calypso. Thought the overtness of the yellow, in this context, would be too…corny. (ba da ching) 😉

      ^Korn – Got the Life^

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ‘He is also the author of two books of verse, Well-Versed Cats and Well-Versed Dogs, both illustrated by Lalla Ward.’

        Liked by 2 people

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