Missive From ‘Merica: Head, Shoulders, Needs… Who Knows *shrugs*

My sister Juju is visiting family in California at present, Dear Reader. I’ve enjoyed seeing the numerous photographs of her trip posted on her Arse-about-FaceBook page. Yesterday she sent a couple just for me…

Juju sends Roobee stars 1

Fortunately, this has made writing the header and footer for Cade’s newest missive, below, a little easier as it contains a ‘wall’ or two to scale…

… Not to mention a couple of ‘Safety’ links…

… Enjoy and see you at the bottom 😉


The day…that no one has been looking forward to…HAS ARRIVED!!!


You’ve graduated.

Collect your diploma at the end of the line.

And don’t come back.

Move along as expediently as possible please.

^BAD – U2^

I should prolly be writing something else, but we’ll just have to settle for this. The hot water is currently turned off, and I don’t dare turn it on. Plus, I don’t shower regularly anyway, so we’re good. You can’t smell me, and never will have to. That does get me to thinking about water and showers and baths tho.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you get out of a bath or shower?

A: ?¿?

Don’t ask me…I dunno the answer. We’ve not showered or taken a bath together lately, and the way things are going, we won’t be any time soon. So…I guess I’ll have to go out on a limb here, and make a guess that the first thing that most people do…is get dressed.

^Taratating-Taratatong (Tarata-Ting, Tarata-Tong)^

Audio Signal Processing-Techniques
Dryness (Medical)
Sjögren Syndrome
Free Water Clearance
Ringer’s Lactate Solution (Redirected from Lactated ringer)
Pepsin A (Redirected from Lactated pepsin)
Hydrophobe (Redirected from Hydrophobic)
Lipophilicity (Redirected from Lipophilic)
Dryness (Taste)
Glycoside Hydrolase
Dietary Fiber
Hemispherical Combustion Chamber
Adipose Tissue
Insulin Resistance
Hair Dryer
Clothes Dryer

Now…you are prolly asking yourself…

Dude, what are you thinking here?

Welp, what I am wondering is…

Q: Is there anything I cannot learn?

A: ???

Q: Is there anything that I cannot teach myself?

A: ¿¿¿
^The Windmills of Your Mind – Noel Harrison^

No…this AIN’T gonna be all “wavy walls”, you fucking uppity…fucks. Just…

chill or something.
Static Electricity
Triboelectric Effect
Contact Electrification
Crystal Radio
Radio Soulwax
Electric Potential
Lorentz Transformation
Spacetime-Spacetime Interval
Interval (Music)
COPA (Gene)
Nuclear Membrane (Redirected from Perinuclear space)
Level of Measurement
Scalar Field Theory
Conduction Aphasia

I’m just thinking proportionally here, and wondering just how much of something that it takes, to create something else. This’ll wander, this thought of mine, so let’s skip on down to the next paragraph, eh?

^Jacqueline Taieb – 7 heure du matin (01)^

I’m curious about a particular batch of, say…Head & Shoulder dandruff shampoo. Let’s say, we’re gonna cook up an average batch of normal ol’ plain ol’ Head & Shoulders shampoo for processing and bottling to be shipped out for sale…

Q: How much Selenium is used in a normal run?

A: Does this question assume too much? Do I assume that there is Selenium in every batch? Does the company that makes Head & Shoulders shampoo(s) even USE Selenium in their products? What in the fuck IS Selenium anyway?


Let’s go see what’s in Head & Shoulders shampoo(s)…

Hmmm….no Selenium. Lotta questions in there about allergies tho.

Meh...fuckit. Let's upgrade!!!

Selsun Blue

So…as I was saying…I wonder how much Selenium is used to knock up a batch of Selsun Blue shampoo?

^Dan Reeder – Maybe^

Now that containment has been achieved-ish, and containment is contained…let’s think a shade or two about bitterness.

If one single “mutated” cell can potentially cause cancer and/or potentially kill, what is the basis for the timeline(s) that we are working with here? I’m just thinking, that all I see is one huge gap. A void. Nothing. You cannot cure something that does not exist.

So operating under the mentality that “welp, you gotta die of something, but it damn sure ain’t gonna be lung cancer” is fine for you and you alone. Too much “I want my children to grow up in a world that…”…that what? Takes a shit in my yard so that yours can be clean?

What am I rambling about here? 

I’m not rambling about a what…I’m rambling about a who. And that who is someone named Anna Raccoon.  Don’t ask me why I’m thinking about AR…but I am.

^Fallout 3 Soundtrack Civilization (Bingo Bango Bongo)^
What in the FUCK...is a "bellend"?
Bell End
Glans Penis (Redirected from Bellend)

Mystery = SOLVED! ….!

Something is missing.

^Jimmy Soul – Get an ugly girl to marry you^

Is everything based-based? Lotta the usual clamboring(sic) about love affairs with youth and/or the battle between youth and old age. But it occurs to me that bases are the basis for virtually everything I read about. Even when I am just skimming Tweets here and there, everyone seems to be seeking bases and basis for them.

I don’t blame people for wanting to get involved in this or that. Maybe its just a realization that you were always participating…just…you’ve been doing your own thing or something. Maybe you’ve “been involved” in the more visible channels for a long time, and think that I owe you something for that. Maybe I do. But I don’t remember you asking for my permission to do whatever it is that you’ve been doing. So I guess I would contend that you’ve been doing your own thing all along, and it’s got absolutely fuckall to do with me.

Till now anyway.
^Zack Hemsey – “Waiting Between Worlds (Instrumental)”^

UL (Safety Organization)

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t NASA the only government agency within and of The United States/US Government that actually does something? Like…something productive?

I mean, I can think of like The FAA since they like do some actual stuff with air traffic controllers and the flight navigation infrastructure and stuff, but that’s still kinda vague. And I guess where my head/bellend is heading to, is automation.

So yeah...robotics too. 

It’s not that I fear robots, robotics and automation for myself and others, because there’s also some considerations to give the robots themselves. And this is less about the parenting angle, which is important, but currently thinking more about the care level and levels. Do you mind?

^Shaving Cream Song^

On a related topic, I think I just discovered the reason that my arms hurt all the time, and why it is painful for someone to touch my arms. I would elaborate, but I can’t. Sorry.

^sea shanties – spanish ladies^

Most of the music in this here particular whatever, is brought to you buy…

"Unusual Music Playlist"

…by some fucking random-assed YouTube person.

Thanks for the music random-assed YouTube person!!!

^Johnny Collins – Leave Her Johnny (sea chantey)^

If you spend all yout time working on the mechanics and the animation(s) of the mecha, what does that leave for the individual? If you are trying to replace you, with a better you, I can only assume that you not only must not like yourself very much…but you given up hope on yourself and are punting the responsibility for change and changes and changing…elsewhere. Not saying you need to “do it the old fashioned way” by fucking up offspring of your own, but I do wonder about the “self-hypnosis” aspect of believing in things that are not there.

That’ll bring us nicely back to cancer and mutation and shit like that. Because do you really want some robot creation that has a 5,000 year battery pack to be sitting around lamenting the death of it’s creator? What else is it gonna do? All you gave it was a fuckton of time, and nothing to do with it. Even if you gave it an agenda something akin to Wall-E’s task…at some point…they are gonna finish that/those tasks.

Ever consider what would happen if one of these machines tendered its resignation?

Does that matter to you?
^dan reeder havana burning^

Fine line between possible and impossible has just reared it’s head. If everything is possible within technology, science, robotics and the like…how do you explain “the impossible” to your creation?

It's IMPOSSIBLE for a machine/robot to harm a human being...so says its programming.

Yet it’s the dream of conquering “the impossible” that made you machine possible in the first place. And this isn’t about dreams nor dreaming dreams as much as it is the tangible intangibility of possibility.

Your “self” went into this creation. Lots of thoughts and thinking have been done over the past 4/5 decades as to many paradoxes and paradigms with respect to robotics. Do you love your creation? Do you take it out for beer and darts night…and not just to impress the ladies or men so you can get laid? Do you read it bedtime stories? Does your machine have ANY…concept at all…as to the construct known as time? Do you? What about…life?

^Baz Luhrmann – Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen^

Tinkering with tiny seems to have a lot of responsibility. Maybe that’s why you are tinkering there. You think no one will see you. Think you won’t get caught. That means you are relying on death to save you in the event something goes wrong. All kinds of ways that death can save your ass, eh?

Better be sure.

Food for thought.

^Henry Burr – My Old Kentucky Home 1909 Peerless Quartette^

Was just thinking about the concept of…erm…let’s say, “ways, means and methods of summoning death.” And I’m only thinking of this, because I’m thinking about “death” being a “solution” to anything.

To relate…if you wanna spend some time cruising facts and figures about the number of animals killed in WWI, WWII, and Vietnam? You might be surprised and even staggered. But what I am thinking about here…is “death” coming up to have a look-see as to why in the FUCK there is so much killing going on certain areas, why there is so much dying in others, and even why certain areas seem to be…void.

Q: What if “death” had to recruit?

A: ???

Yeah…this is gonna be a toughie to explain, seeing as we tend to think of death as something that happens, done, over, finito, that’s it, end of story. But that’s not the case…is it? To relate…let’s hop on down a space…eh?

^Winona Ryder . Jump In The Line . Shake Senora . BeetleJuice 1988 Harry Harold George Belafonte Jr^

When I was younger, I used to have my own landscaping business of sorts. Mowing, edging, weed trimming, making flowerbeds and flower gardens…oh…and I cut down trees. It always hurt me to cut down trees. I always likened it to punching some old person in the face. Easy prey. But, it paid well, it was dangerous, I worked alone, I charged about 1/50th of what “the professionals” charged, and I was not afraid to tackle the bigger trees.

Granted, I had to go out and survey the tree itself to see if I could actually do it since most trees are close to houses, fences, power and telephone lines, etc.. But a single chainsaw, several hand saws, and a big-assed rope allowed me to do virtually everything by myself. I had a girl on my mind. She was on the other side of the planet. And goddamnit…I had to get there. So…trees were my money maker.


Mud-er and Fod-er.

Mudder and Fodder.

Mutter and Fatter.
Foreign Object Damage
Slurry Wall
Slurry Ice
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Surface Condenser
Eddy (Fluid Dynamics)
Bell Mouth
Streamlines, Streaklines, and Pathlines
Fat Mud.

Prolly why there is more than one title for parents and elders.

^Allan Sherman – Hello Muddah Hello Faddah (1963)^

That does get me to thinking about states a bit more. Trying to prevent something from happening, that is going to happen anyway.

“The inlet end of each tube is also bellmouthed for streamlined entry of water. This is to avoid eddies at the inlet of each tube giving rise to erosion, and to reduce flow friction.”

That’s from the Surface Condenser page. Like grabbing a snake and expecting it to bow to your will/do what you tell it to do. You do this…it does that. Sound rudimentary? Elementary? Bush league? Sophomoric? Any other derogatory terms we can pile on here “to keep me in my place”?

^The BOBCATS ” Big Noise From Winnetka ” !!!^

Tis now Sunday @ 12:31, and some mysterious person just now sent me a dark and cryptic link, via a dark and cryptic pathway, that is hidden in the darkest of darkened paths.

Shhh...this shit is all covert and dark...don't tell anyone...k?

Mind The Chemtrails: US Air Force Dispatches Sprayer Aircraft In Response To Harvey

OK…so…Harvey is back-ish in the news. I guess I coulda punned there and said “brackish in the news”…but that would make too much sense-ish sorta kinda. Anyway…um…it appears mosquitoes are a problem. Or they may be. Or they might be.


Step 1: SHOW CAN


Prolly some death going on there.

So yeah…targeting mosquitoes, eh?

I wonder what else lives there.
Anything? Anyone? Lotsa ones?
Meh fuckit. Burn it all.
^Trio Mandili – Apareka (The CD-album is available on http://triomandili.com/en/#buy)^

Ian Malcolm: John, the kind of control you’re attempting simply is… it’s not possible. If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us it’s that life will not be contained. Life breaks free, it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh… well, there it is.

John Hammond: There it is.

Henry Wu: You’re implying that a group composed entirely of female animals will… breed?

Ian Malcolm: No. I’m, I’m simply saying that life, uh… finds a way.

Movie = Jurassic Park

What if…erm…”death were able to find a way”?

I guess if that were the case…”away” would be a good thing, eh?

Prolly ain’t an away that is far enough away at that point.

Anchors aweigh might be a good idea.

Just sayin'.
^Martin Segundo – When twilight falls on NGC 891 aka James Clarke – Spring Bossa / Dark Star theme HQ^

I was listening to the song below, and it got me to thinking about the music and musics that my parents grew up listening to. I don’t think they were much into music like this, but I was. When I was younger, and got my first transistor radio, I’d tune into the “easy listening” channel at night that broadcast from Reunion Tower here in Dallas.

Reunion Tower

KRLD-FM (Redirected from KOAX-FM)

“K…O…A…X….KOAX! Relaxing music…broadcasting, from hi-atop…Reunion Tower.”

Or something like that…that was their plug-line or whatever, but I always liked when they said that, and I would mimick it often. Then again, I had a lot of speech difficulties, so I grabbed onto and mimicked those things that were very clear to me. I was honestly baffled and bedazzled by people who spoke well. Prolly my attraction to those with accents of all kinds, up to, and including, those who did not speak very well at all. But the people that spoke well and spoke clearly? I always wondered how in the FUCK they did that.

Sgt. Donny Donowitz: [Aldo is carving a swastika into Private Butz’s forehead] You know, Lieutenant, you’re getting pretty good at that.

Lt. Aldo Raine: You know how you get to Carnegie Hall, don’t ya? Practice.

Movie = Inglorious Bastards

^James Clarke – Girl On The Beach (1969)^

Westinghouse Broadcasting
Water Stagnation  (Redirected from Stagnant (water))
Air Stagnation

Jesus…ain’t much there with respect to “air stagnation” is there? I wonder why that is? Anyway, that does get me to thinking a bit about frogs. When I was out west for a bit, there were frogs everywhere. That’s ironic to me considering that frogs are all but void here. You NEVER fucking see frogs around here, they used to be found everywhere around here, but no more. That gets me to thinking about? Yep…you guessed it…ROADKILL!!!


Q: What happens to all of that blood that is drained out of dead bodies during the embalming process?

A: ???

Road Traffic Safety

Botts’ Dots

Just wondering what happens when “clean”…itself…becomes the new stagnation.

^P. Lewis – patterns^

If there is a plan, to keep something from happening, all you need to do, is read that plan, and from there, you can figure out how to make that whatever that you want to have happen…happen…based on this plan of how to make it not happen.

So…you now can see the potential for disaster using this logic since someone else may have anticipated these “weak spots”…and may have even intentionally created them and/or left them there.

So now, you are wondering if its a trap. 

Well…of course it is. How many traps need to be set for you to see that it is a trap? All kinds of ways to funnel and filter and channel your selected prey into your trap and traps. Death still remains our ally in this regard, because death will also take care of those hapless and clueless wanderers that bumble into these traps.

I mean…we’re after a specific prey here…right? Just wondering how many traps you set, and how many innocents have to pay, before there is nothing left but you and your prey.

^Philippe Feret – neige sur la vallee^
Meh...it's not my business. What do I care?

Talked to whatshername, and have decided to hang for at least another week. There have been some other recently recent developments that developed on the same day the plumbers came, which was Friday. Ain’t gonna divulge what it is…but it damn sure ain’t good. Like a kick to the face when you are already down and out…and when you finally wake up all bloodied and battered…you realize, you are also covered in piss.

How sweet.

But yeah…I ain’t happy.

^Dominique Guiot – rest^

Not much that I can really do, but I figure that being here to do whatever I can, can’t hurt. Kids are starting school tomorrow, and she had already taken the day off. I didn’t know that until Friday, but I know now. My daughter is a senior, youngest son a freshman. My…how times fly.

^Dominique Guiot – L’univers De La Mer – (1978) – [France]^

I guess there is a rise and fall or ebb and flow to everything…but does that really give you any bearing as to what is happening where and when?

Quite the basis for base and bases...eh? 

Just thinking here…that if you are looking for, to, and through…dreams, yep…you are looking for the soul. Would you know what one looked like when you saw it? I mean, obviously not…you’ve got one right in fucking front of you, in it’s complete totality, and yet you want to see more.

Think 1’s and 0’s here, and that’ll prolly help as to when and why “the soul” cannot be seen.

Especially in those cases, when the soul you are seeing, yep…actually a reflection of your own soul, and you aren’t seeing someone else’s soul.

Food for thought there, and especially those familiar with Narcissus.

^E=MC² (Francia, 1976) de Teddy Lasry^


^Mac Davis – It’s Hard To Be Humble (1980)^



*Here already, Clicky? …/squints… With the Song?*

*Good Clicky… /pats snout…*

4 thoughts on “Missive From ‘Merica: Head, Shoulders, Needs… Who Knows *shrugs*

  1. Ah, the visual connection between Harold Lloyd’s “Safety Last” and Cade’s ‘Falling bricks’ gif is ………

    ….. Fred Dibnah:

    Liked by 1 person

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