CLICK5: Tiers For Fears

Lettuce Begin, By Gum…

Terrible news, Dear Reader. The UK’s ‘healthy eaters’ are in ‘crisis’ due to poor weather conditions in southern Europe, the poor souls…

*An iceberg meltdown, Clicky?*

A Birmingham man is selling 12 lettuce on Gumtree for an eye-watering £50 – as he tells shoppers: “Beat the supermarket rationing”.

The seller, identified only as Dave, gave his location as Acocks Green.

And his sales pitch made it clear he had hiked the price to take advantage of the rationing introduced by superstores after supplies from southern Europe were hit by floods, snow and storms.

*Hurricanes hardly ever happen in Brum either, Clicky… I wonder if Dave’s produce is home/allotment grown…*

Yesterday, Red Frank’s post was titled ‘Riders On The Storm’…


… And I posted a reply to A Void last night, that breaks taboo


*Yep, fires cock…*


*/grins… By gum! 2017 is the Year of the Fire Cock…*

According to Chinese astrology, the year of one’s birth sign is the most unlucky year in the 12-year cycle.


*Fuck! That would explain why 2015 was a disaster of a year for me, Clicky…*

One of the many names I answer to, Dear Reader, is ‘Lettuce’…


… My sister’s BFF bestowed the name upon me in 1985 – she considers me a hippie…


*Shoots from the hippie, Clicky? /rolls eyes… 2016 was the year of the Monkee… /smiles ruefully… It had it’s moments but, to be fair, that wasn’t as brilliant a year for me either…*

*Hmm… Nice syncing with the lyrics, Click, but kinda glum… Come on, buck us up and give us another…*

*/taps foot… Much better… /:D… Jenny Us pick…*

And so, Dear Reader, to the rest of 2017… The year of the fired up Roobster 😉


Update: The MEROVEE post ‘Riders On The Storm’ has disappeared. Red Frank has reposted it but the comments on his original article have now gone…


*No… No, you got that from Wikipedia, Clicky… It says ‘any use’…*

*No idea, Clicky… /scratches head…*