The Shining: Bathrooms Part 2


I should probably explain, for those that haven’t seen ‘The Shining Forwards and Backwards’ that there is a convergence point in the film, where ‘Forwards’ meets ‘Backwards’…

*Right at the centre of the film, Dick in Florida shines beneath a black goddess. Thanks, Clicky! ❤ *

The film is mostly set at the Overlook Hotel, a mountain resort, therefore the centre point of the film, the convergence, could be considered a peak. All the action leading up to that point could be considered as ascending a mountain, and the action after that point as making the descent.

The Boulder bathroom scene when Danny talks to Tony occurs in the first part of the movie (ascent). The other three bathroom scenes occur in the second part of the movie (descent)…

movie diagram showing bathroom scenes

*Brilliant! A rough sketch to demonstrate what I mean, Clicky. Thanks!*


Room 237 Bathroom 

Let’s just remind ourselves of the scene with accompanying soundtrack…

That’s the ‘Forwards’ action. Silently running backwards is the scene when Jack first meets Lloyd in the Ballroom and tastes his first drink in a long time…

The Forward/\Backwards scene starts with the bathroom door being pushed open. Think ‘Wizard of Oz‘ reveal…


The shower curtain pulls back, mimicking the action of the door. He ‘tastes’ the naked woman revealed and savours…


Jack looks on… left, then right before having a crafty lick of the woman’s breasts…


He ‘tears’ at her flesh as she rises up out of his mouth…


The woman steps out of the bathtub as Jack has a gnaw on her arm…


She walks forward and Jack cradles her legs before swirling his glass of bourbon. The bottle’s pourer injects her arm…

Bathroom 237 6

Jack approaches the woman/bottle of booze, index finger erect, waggling his eyebrows…


Lloyd, the bartender, and shelves of liquor appear between Jack and the woman…


She reaches out to Jack. He can’t believe his luck as she starts to run her hands up his body…


As her hands moveup to Jack’s chest, Lloyd unpours the drink from his glass, back into the bottle. He then holsters it in the woman’s vagina. Jack taps his empty glass…


Lloyd looks on as the woman’s hands reaches Jack’s throat and Jack reaches for his glass…


The woman’s arms snake around Jack’s neck as he caresses, first, the bottle of bourbon and then the woman’s hips and waist. They pull closer…


They embrace and kiss. Jack is lost the heady experience…


Jack drinks deeply of their kiss. He holds his glass out and looks at it at first admiringly…


And then with sudden clarity. The beautiful woman is actually a scabrous old one/Lloyd and his shelf of booze. Jack is horrified…

Mirror in the bathroom

The decaying woman floats in the bathtub before advancing on a retreating Jack. As Jack tells the story, he waves his hand… it was nothing…


Notable thing. The spirit Jack drinks/Lloyd unpours is Jack Daniels, whilst Jack tells Lloyd about Danny’s accident. The actor that plays Danny is Danny Lloyd.

If you interested in seeing a breakdown of these two scenes, but in the ‘ascent’ part of the movie, one can be found here.


The Ballroom bathroom scene is up next in Part 3

*Good one, Clicky!*