Missive From ‘Merica: Howdy & So Long…

This will be The Okie Devil’s last missive here for a while, Dear Reader. It’s a fairly long one, so I’ll keep this brief…

*/sniff… Gonna miss him, Clicky…*

… No spoilers! He can tell you himself… ❤


“Never leave shelter to find better shelter. Especially in inclement weather.”

I cannot recall where I read that, but I do recall it being back when reading about “wilderness survival” when I was younger.

EX: If it’s snowing or raining, and you are partially protected, going out into the rain or snow in search of better shelter, is akin to abandoning a perfectly good ship in search of a life-boat…all because you are afraid that the shit might sink.

Nothing wrong with being forward looking…but what if the ship sinks because you weren’t there?

I think I read that somewhere once.

Can’t remember.

^Buffalo Springfield – What It’s Worth (Stop Hey What’s That Sound) – Slowed down to 33rpm^

Prolly why I’m so skeptical about things. Especially “future” things. You can cause just about anything and everything you want to happen, to actually happen.

No real mystery there. 

That makes prediction more along the “soothsaying” types of paths a little easier to handle. It does me anyway. Also makes predictability/future telling/forecasting a little easier to discern from analytics. Again…that’s just me.

 I like thinking about time and timings.

That said…some good news has arrived. Maybe “fortuitous” would be more apt. More later.

The irony is not lost on me.

I don’t think it is anyway.

^Planets Sounds^

This is actually a good way to learn drums. Well…it was back in the day of vinyl. Play a 45 on 33 & 1/3, or play a 33 @ 16. Helps you spot a lot of nuance that you might otherwise miss. Helps with those hidden shadow hits and accentuations, and helps you learn how to play them. More than that, when you speed the shit back up, it helps you find the flow within the difference(s) in speed.

When and if you eventually play live with people, they are gonna wander, and you gotta learn when to bend with respect to timing, when to be relentless with respect to being the timekeeper, and how to flow. Also, how to flow with the individuals that you are playing with. Each group has its own flow. You fit it, or you don’t.

^Stevie Wonder – Superstition – Slowed down to 33rpm^

As I’ve continued to think about a documentary that I watched recently about coral reefs, I continue to attempt to temper my urge and urges to act with as much prudence as I can muster. I do that, by hammering the fuck out of any and all sides of my own and others’ thinking. I must act fast, to move slowly. I must act slow, to move fast.

Q: If you are properly placed “to act”…is this indicative of need?

A: !!!

There are a lot of people that prolly ain’t gonna like that thought, not one … fucking … bit. Smacks too much of destiny and predetermination. Too much…fate. But, in my thinking anyway, to choose one or the other sometimes allows neither. I mean, hell…using that kind of thinking, choosing both allows neither. Certainly seems to have that potential anyway.

MAN!!! If there is a God/gods/whatever, he’s/she’s an irritating and annoying motherfucker, eh?

^Unexplained Sea Sounds – Fast Versions^
Let's get these wavy walls out of the way, yeah?
Haitian Creole
Falkland Islands
Cayenne Pepper
Redox (Redirected from Oxidation)
List of generation IV Pokémon-Glaceon
List of generation IV Pokémon
Glaceon (Pokémon)
Gameplay of Pokémon – Pokédex
Carbon Dioxide
Coralline Algae
That wasn't too bad I hope 😉
^”Julia” Loud creepy sound from the ocean^
Let's get this other wavy wall out of the way, yeah?
Coraline (disambiguation)
Bone (corsetry)
Cambrian Explosion
Disruption of 1843
Disruptive Innovation
Cell Disruption
Division by Zero
Algar–Flynn–Oyamada Reaction
Domesday Book
Creole Language
That wasn't as bad as the first one I hope 😛
^Modern Sonar Sounds and other Sounds of the Sea^

Laundry is being done.

How bout a “normal” music break from all this weird shit?

BTW…this is another local band from back in the dizzay.

Just in case anyone is interested.

^About 9 Times – “There is no…”^

Started trying to re-watch this coral reef documentary, and I gotta give them some props for asking some difficult questions, but there’s still something about this documentary that makes me not like it. Something elusive and business-like…some thing(s) that are very contradictory…and some thing(s) that seem just downright angry and retaliatory.

That said, there is something…else. Something…elusive creeping behind all of that and all those. Something just downright disheartening. Methinks, partly anyway, that some of that feeling that I am getting, is related to trying to undo something, and NOT including undoing what you did in the first place that is causing the damage. Almost a bowed-head, whipped, broken, and bound in chains acceptance of defeat, all while contemplating what it is to continue living defeated. Maybe that’s what we need.

^Dying Coral Reefs Documentary 2017^

To relate, I’m gonna post another video that seems to contain some anger and angry people. People who seem angered to the point of rage. People who somehow feel that they have been betrayed. That’s what I am getting anyway. Admittedly, I’ve seen this documentary before. But I decided to watch it again, and yep…lotta anger and rage. I personally am not real fond of anger nor rage, but that’s just me.

Watch it if you want.

Or not. 



Let’s get back to coral reefs, and let’s bring Fukushima along with us.

^ᴴᴰ [Documentary] Fukushima – Radioactive Forest^

We’re gonna have a string of large images to compare here…so…deal with it however you choose.

^Large Clock Ticking Sound Effect^

This first image, above, is “coral bleaching”, from The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, that is supposedly due to rising ocean temperatures. Or acidity levels. Or CO2 levels. Or fossil fuels. Or something. Whatever it is…this “has never happened before”…so we must do something. Or something.

^Cicada noise slowed down^

This next image, is from Fukushima and/or the surrounding areas, and shows someone holding two images. The bottom one is a normal photograph, and the second is a special photograph that shows radiation and/or exposure to radiation.

Anyone else see some contrast between the coral and the tree? 

Maybe even…black holes and white holes, and why one is not necessarily preferable to the other? Maybe if you think in terms of expansion and contraction, neither will necessarily be real appealing. Throw in concepts like spaghettification and time loops, and backwards/forwards time and matter travel…and shit gets even more unappealing. Mix all those together…and shit is gonna get REALLY fucking strange. Or whatever.

^Rain Sound + Dial Up 700% slowed down^

While I continue to post these images, and continue to compare them to each other, while thinking about change(s) and changing, I got to listening to the video below…

as I was thinking about the images above

…and it got me to thinking about what we sometimes do…to stop thinking about something. Especially those things that we cannot change. The things we cannot prevent. The things that we intervene in, that we later wish we wouldn’t have…irrespective of reasons.

Meh…give it a listen if you want. But what I got to thinking about at some point…was gunfire.

Q: Were you to hear something, you’d rather not have heard…what would you do, to cover those sounds in your head?

A: ???

Yeah…I wonder sometimes if “The Universe” doesn’t sometimes try and do the same. Block things out.

Cover them up. 

But before you get too conspiratorial in that thought and your thinking, remember that I tend to think along some crazy timelines, and in and amongst some crazy time and times. By that I mean…this “coverup”…could have came from 1,000,000 years ago…or could have come from 1,000,000 years in the future…

or could have even come from both.

^Songs of Whales into Nightingales, sped and slowed for comparison^

And of couse, the image above is the “radioactive view” of the image that proceeded it.

Maybe this is already well-known to science, but what I personally see…is pathways. Pathways that have been opened up, so that this energy and these energies can get to where they need to go, utilizing pathways that better or best facilitate how these energies get there.

I mean, science always and forever is talking about decay and decays of radioactivity, as well as how these decays themselves decay. What they never tell you…is how. I mean…yeah…they kinda do…but they are kinda vague. And not always in the most believable of ways with respect to their answer(s) of “we just don’t know.”

^Pink Floyd – Breathe [800% Slower]^

I mean…if I personally do not know something? I am prohibited from exploring further or knowing more…yes? I cannot build a still and start making whiskey or moonshine or whatever. Even if I am the only one that will consume it.

Irrespective, the channels for knowing have certainly become…erm…distinct. Perhaps that will take some of the sting out of any and all perceived slaps. None was intended, but I can certainly see some as interpreting my vernacular and/or thinking as being just that. A slap.

A backhand. 

My hinting that I am being oppressed, and possibly even willfully restrained, by others, against my will.

Q: Am I?

A: ?¿?

Q: Would you tell me if I were?

A: ¿?¿

Q: Are you being honest?

A: !!!

Q: Who is oppressing me? You?

A: ...

Yeah…that kinda shit does sting. It hurts to even think about it.

^THX Certified Test 800% Slower^

And yet again…the above image is the “radioactive view” of the image that proceeded it.

Thinking about paths and pathways does get me to thinking a bit more about these “Squirrely Neutrinos” that I’ve thought about. But in thinking about it now, in order to utilize these pathways, I’ve got to think about “rollers” and “parabolic trajectories” that are going to augment these pathways.

To me, anyway, that says that I’m going to need to prolly utilize some Tachyons, as well as both parts of the/a Neutrino when it is split. So that means strings of all kinds. We’ll get there and hopefully some of what I am thinking about will better come out as I go.

^Dolphin Sound Effect Slowed Down^

When we start “putting a face on things” that is more easily recognizable, maybe we can follow that “food chain” thingie upwards, see where we as humans stand, and maybe even where we should or should not be standing. I’m just thinking here, that all you need to do to show how important every single thing is in a food chain or genetic tree…is turn it upside down. Afterall…that’s where it all started…right? Maybe it’s time for some balancing via imbalance.

I dunno…maybe not. But like I’ve said…like it or not…I’m here. If I’m here, and involved, there’s a reason.

^hummingbird songs at extremely slow speeds^

Once again…the above image is the “radioactive view” of the image that proceeded it.

Seeing these spots, has me to thinking about my cousin. Well…both of them really. But more so about my cousin that recently died, and she was one of three triplets. I did not know her. Never even met her, nor her sisters. But I knew her uncle. Ironic that her uncle also never knew her, since he also died of Leukemia at a rather young age.

But I’m thinking less in terms of mutation, and more in terms of adaptation. Even more…


Coping. Dealing. I mean, we need it, and we need it now…right? Otherwise… someone might get ahead of us. Might beat us to the punch. And we can’t have that…now can we? The price is too high, and we can’t afford to pay it. I wonder who will? Who does? Who has? Who had to pay because they had no choice but to do so?

^Cockney Star Trek^

So let’s take a look at a couple of screenies of animation in the coral reef video, which depicts this process whereby algae is “ejected” from its coral counterpart.

Q: Why would coral “evict” it’s algae counterpart/symbiote?

A: ?

Is it possible that we do not fully understand what is going on there? I mean, if this coral is ejecting their algae…or…”life giving counterpart”, as the video refers to algae…

Q: Is it possible that the coral is anticipating not needing/no longer needing the algae?

A: ¿

Q: Is it possible that the algae is needed elsewhere?

A: ¿¿

Yeah…as in, expansion. The coral doesn’t need it, but it’s going to be needed elsewhere, so turns it loose.

^cockneys get a cab^

Seeing the layering that is so prevalent in nature, I cannot help but think there is much more going on here/there than we think. This bleaching that is taking place…

Q: Is the coral itself actually dying? In each and every and all cases…is the coral dying?

A: ???

Or is this simply a case where we do not understand what we are looking at, but think we do since it looked like “this” when we first found it, and it now looks like “that”? One of the scientists in the video mentions that

“there have been two back-to-back coral bleaching events”.

Um…how is that even possible? Or are you talking about different regions? Is that all you are following? When something leaves, how long does it stays gone, and when it comes back? Also, what other order would “bleaching events” be other than back-to-back? Back-to-front? Front-to-front? Halfway-to-middle?

^Sreaming Frog- slowed down^

I got to talking to Roob the other day, and I mentioned to her my terror at a concept that I had started thinking about with respect to backwards moving DNA. Primarily, DNA that is basically de-evolving, because it is sensing changes in the environment that require scrolling backwards through it’s own genetic code.

Science always talks about what a warm planet Earth/Terra used to be, and if the planet is indeed heating up, and generic code does indeed contain a virtual library of history of histories with respect to an individuals own history, and possibly/probably the history of many other lifeforms…why would it be such a stretch to see an organism/lifeform/entity rock backwards in its own code to see how best to proceed and adapt due to the changes that it is sensing?

Like say…oh…we start digging up metals and petroleum from somewhere, and some of this stuff we are digging up and out contains all kinds of…erm…information…and the life that is already here starts detecting the presence of these “unknown” things…then scrolls through its own genetic code to see if it can sense or detect some matches. Something familiar. Something known. Much like me calling upon my ancestors for a hand when shit got sideways a few years back.

Yeah…I actually did that. I actually had a “WTF?!?!?” kind of moment…thought about all that it has taken me to get here, and how can I best serve that legacy. So yeah…I’ve been thinking in some strange pathways.

^Let’s make some noise…^

Anyway…back on Earth-ish or approximate…um…I’ve added some parabolas to the image above. What I failed to mention regarding the previous screenshot, is that it was taken from a portion of the video where they were looking under a microscope, and the algae was migrating from left to right as it was being “ejected” from the coral.

Maybe they aren't being ejected. Just sayin'.

Anyway, it got me to thinking about energy and particles needing to get to where they are going, and how that is achieved.

So yeah…I’ve jumped the shark in the big fucking middle of a hurricane made of earthquakes, that is raining tornadoes proximate to an erupting volcano…or something like that.

I’ve got DNA, ancient bacteria and other ancient DNA/genetic materials, that are intermingling with radiation of varied varieties, from various sources, in various states, all while “business as usual” is doing its goddamndest to continue on unimpeded.

Q: I wonder who is steering the ship?

A: !!!

Not to mention our effect(s)/affect(s) on oceans via fishing, shipping, dumping, drilling, airplanes, cars, power grids, billions of humans, and countless other lifeforms.

Q: How many exo-planets have we located this week?

A: Any? Many?

Not saying we should stop looking, because I wouldn’t be able to do what I am attempting to do without all of these things that we are doing, have done, continue doing. But I’m seeing more and more things that are causing me concern, and I know that I am not the only one who sees these things, and I personally remain quite far from panic.

As a matter of fact, I am quite calm about most of this. I do what I can, the best I can, where I can, and that is all I have to fucking give.

^Bee Buzz Slowed Down^

So what would cause a situation to develop, that appears to be guiding and protecting the process of facilitating the orderly and timed release of these algae? Is it all internal and dependent upon the coral?

That can't be. 

What if the algae refused to leave? What if algae couldn’t leave? What if the algae…fought back? We are, afterall, fond of referring to “chemical warfare” with respect to corals and/or coral reefs. But I’m thinking now…what if there was a discrepancy? Not only, would the genetic code of the coral need to assist the coral in how best to proceed, but the algae’s genetic code would need to do the same. Moreover, these two entities survive and thrive on symbiosis. So why wouldn’t they work together at all times, in all situations, under all circumstances, for the betterment of both?

I can understand some of these marine biologist’s panic. I mean hell, they’ve spent countless years hanging around these things…studying them…loving them. Why wouldn’t they panic? That said, there is still some creepy vibes that I am getting from that particular video. Maybe its the coalescing of a lot of this thinking that I’ve been doing. Prolly some and/or all of that.

^Peyotl Series: Water Sound slowed down to 7 times the original length^

My daughter, who is 17, has wanted to be a marine biologist and/or zoologist since she could mumble. She loves dolphins, wants to know the ocean(s). She wants to know her planet. I want to help her in any way I can. I myself love the sea/the ocean. Not been around it much, but it is amazing. But I think the same about a lot of things.

I’ve always been told that my biggest fault is that I reach too far, try too hard, strive to know too much. My tackling of time was a biggie when I was a kid, and I was always told that’s the one sure path to failure and/or insanity. Not sure why tho. Include anything and everything, and time can be a cakewalk to understand.

That’s actually not true.

Time is scary as shit.

Only the pleasant things make the unpleasant things bearable.

Talk time…and you talk all.
That’s a lot.
A lot to think about.
^Unreal Hi-Speed Camera Shots^

All that bullshit said, the best that I can offer is to fill in the blanks. I can usually see the same shit you see, and understand the same shit you understand, but I always look at things from the perspective of time. Like watching me being around 8 years old, and watching soap bubbles from washing our car run down the driveway, into the alley, and down the street…

“Where do those soap bubbles and that soap go mom?”

I was told that they went to the water treatment plant in town, and the soap was removed there.

But I had already spent WAY too much time in the local creeks to buy that one. It didn’t add up. Our creeks typically did not flow unless there was rain, and always lowered and/or dried quickly in the summer. I knew that there had to be more going on…so I watched. I watched the soap bubbles form when a rain shower started, from dry areas to where you could eventually follow them down and see even more soap bubbles and other crap coalescing as they proceeded down the creek(s). I followed them.

How long, in weeks, months and years, does it take, for soap from the car that I just washed, to make it all the way downstream to the water processing plant?

(Assuming that it actually went there, which I later found out that most of it didn't.)

How much actually makes it to wherever it is going, and how much is left behind, and where?

Yeah...I was a weird kid.
^MW3 – MSR Sniper Sound – Slowed down to 75%, 50%, 25%^

Just thinking, that maybe some signals are being sent, and maybe those signals are saying…


Something to consider tho…maybe this and these messages, are incomplete. Maybe there’s more to follow, and we are just now starting to understand how to read these messages, without getting so fucking hung up on “who” is sending them. Such as….


I dunno. I’m listening intently, whenever, and wherever I can. Perhaps I’m misinterpreting here. But you can make your own assumptions from there if you so choose to do so.

I’ve no answers.

I’m not even looking for them.

I wouldn’t know what to look for, even if I wanted to.

^The Bloop is Back^

I watched this next piece of shit earlier…and yes, I started at part II. But as I started watching, I remember that I’ve seen this one before…so…no biggie. I made it to 12:34 in the vid, before I got to thinking about a coupla things.

Q: Why would aliens broadcast messages via mediums and methods that “civilizations” that are not capable and/or ready to receive?

A: ... --- ...

Yeah. Our Universe is full of “noise” What if these signals being broadcast from elsewhere, were/are more Morse Code like? They send a “dah” here….and a “dit” there…and these dah(s) and/or dit(s) could potentially be broadcast days, years, centuries, or even eons apart.

Q: Doesn’t our solar system spin and/or curve?

A: ---->)0(<---

Q: Doesn’t this mean that even the most conical and/or straightest of signals will eventually curve?

Just been thinking about my thought that all of our “deep-space” probes and satellites will eventually do an about-face, and return to Earth/Terra. Or at a minimum, do an about-face in an arcing type of parabolic curve, and eventually head somewhere else entirely. Possibly still back to/towards Earth/Terra, but on a much modified course.

I see our signals via television and radio and satellite and whatever other method/means, as eventually swirling, corkscrewing, zig-zagging, and all kinds of other shit. Then again, I maintain that “The Laws of Physics” are going to begin to behave in radically different ways out towards the edge(s) of our Solar System, and they are going to get wacky as shit outside of it.

Then again, I see a lot of curves and curving.

I must be girl crazy or something.
^Unidentified Deep Sea Sounds – SlowDown (1X)^

Since we are talking about messages, messaging, and the interpretation of these things, let’s talk about some shit that Roob threw at me earlier in the week. But I’m gonna start off with a different video, because I can’t currently find the one in particular that she sent me.

BTW…this particular video below? It makes Binaural Beats look like child’s play.

^Crickets Chirping Slowed Down 800% (creepy)^

OK….I think this is the one that Roob passed along to me.

If this is the incorrect video, Roob can change it if she feels so inclined.

^Have you ever heard crickets chirping slowed down? Its amazing!^

Let’s find some counter-arguments, and see what we can came up with.

^Urban Legends: God’s Chorus of Crickets^

Q: Do choruses sing always and forever?

A: Too easy?

Welp, are you broadcasting 24/7?


What about…listening?

Are you doing that 24/7-365/366?

How can your broadcast 24/7 and simultaneously listen 24/7?

Or is this why some of us are attempting to shout louder than others?

Additionally, no chance of mixed-signals?

… — …


… … …

— — —

..? -?- ?..

Is it possible this guy faked this cricket crap? (no pun intended)

Sure it is.

Is it possible that this guy just so happened to be in the right place at the right time?

Sure it is.

Science is all about “being in the right place, at the right time, with the right equipment, and the right amount of funding”…so…why would this seem like such a stretch?

I’m all for knowing.

I’m just not real sure if I really know what that means.

Here’s some more tho.

Maybe there’s some tuning going on or something.

Does make me think of “The Bloop” tho.

But yeah…tuning and tunings.

^Crickets Chirping Slowed Down^

Let’s us check out some birds!!!

^CREEPY: What Birds Sound Like in Slow Motion !^

Let’s us check out a bird!!!

^Parakeet Sounds Like Dinosaur In Slow Motion^

Let’s us check out even more birds!!!

^Birds Singing and Chirping in Slow Motion with Slowed Down Bird Song^
And yep...even more birds!!!

Maybe it’s not so difficult after all to understand how Penguins locate their offspring or how “pairs who mate for life” find their counterparts when/if separated.

Prolly not so different from our methods.
^Mysterious Stone Towers Discovered In The Himalayas^

I remember when I was a kid, I read about how pinball machine companies came up with the ideas for all those crazy sounds that pinball machines were starting to make in the 1970’s and 1980’s. These people would go out into nature, record all kinds of sounds with portable audio recorders, then they would take those recordings back to the shop, tinker with them, and PRESTO!!!

Pinball machine sounds. 

I’m guessing that this also translated to the video games that would follow…but that does make me think….where else would you start when needing to make sounds? Analog and Digital synthesizers were just coming into their own, and samplers were just starting to come available. We need to make so creative and interesting sounds to include in these games as a method of feedback to the player(s). So…the question is…

Q: Where do we start?

A: K.I.S.S.

NATURE!!! I mean…where else would we get something? That’s all there is. There is nothing else.

To some, I could see that being discouraging or even disheartening. But aren’t being discouraged and/or disheartened natural things as well?

Not to mention…we’ve no fucking CLUE how much shit there is “out there” to find, nor when and where we’ll find it.

So yeah…maybe The Universe is still creating, has always been creating, and will always be creating.

Q: I wonder what role(s) we are to play?

A: I guess we'll find out.

Or something.

^Powerful Third Eye Opening Binaural Beat Subliminal Visualization Video & Manifestation Movie^

I guess I see a contradictory nature beginning to arise within science. Well, maybe not arise, but certainly be more detectable and/or prevalent or known. But this contrariness is one that almost requires that science talk out of its mouth at the same time and/or be hypocritical/make hypocritical assumptions about itself, and especially Evolution. Perhaps they fall back on…

“but…if The Big Bang is correct, The Universe is still creating, was always creating, and always will be creating”

…or something similar. All that said, just thinking that to consider oneself or one’s group as being above reproach…is prolly going to be fatal. I mean, I can see and imagine some bright, shiny care-free future as much as anyone else, but I personally don’t require to death, disease and travail(s) to see it.

You need not inform me of it either…I see it just fine. I’ve seen it, and I continue to see it. Not exactly sure what is being asked of me. Perhaps you need more time to figure out what to ask me. Meanwhile, I’ve got things to do. Lemme know when and if you are ready.

I'll be around. 


^Cricket Sound Slowed Down 20x^

Maybe it’s just me, but I personally see both Science and Religion as equally contradictory and/or contrary, and not simply opposed and/or compared to one another. They always opposed unto and within themselves, which is prolly why they sometimes work, and sometimes not. Personally…that gives me hope. That means there is always common ground to be found.

Science = 50% Good, 50% Bad                                        Religion = 50% Bad, 50% Good.

There’s nothing scientific about those numbers btw.

I just pulled them out of my ass.

I was very scientific about it tho.

And I prayed before I started.

Just in case.

^A Choir of Angels (Music Slowed 800%)^

OH!!! The news. So…whatshername banged on my door earlier.

QUICK BACKSTORY: Whatshername has been refusing to buy me any Dr. Peppers for about 4 months or so. Fair enough, and no problem. I’ve no room to complain. However…

Whatshername: Do you have any empty Dr. Pepper bottles in here?

Cade: Why yes…I do happen to have one.

/me grabs it and tosses it to her.

Whatshername: OK, cool. BTW, I’ve bought a few more…so…

/me starts to laugh hysterically

Cade: Um…you need me to drink some?

/she starts to laugh hysterically

Whatshername: Yes…as a matter of fact I do.

Cade: Has there been some kind of sudden…paradigm shift?

/we both continue laughing hysterically, because methinks we both know what eachother is thinking.

Whatshername: For the time being. I need two more empty bottles.

Cade: I’ll see what I can do.

Ya see…she is helping to put on one of those “Fall Festivals” at the church that the youngest two kids go to, and one of the attractions she is doing…is pumpkin bowling. They are using a painted basketball at the pumpkin, and 2-liter bottles as the bowling pins. It would appear, that she has 8, and needs 2 more by tonight to finish painting them in time.

Whatshername: OH! And I got a call from the plumbers. They are going to be here on Thursday at 8 AM.

Cade: So…you need me to be here…Thursday…at 8AM?

Whatshername: Well…they are going to be digging from inside the house, through the foundation, and they need to do that through my room, and not from within the kitchen.

/her room is just opposite the kitchen.

Cade: OK…

Whatshername: I’m going to have to move all the furniture away from that wall, and stack everything against the opposite wall and on my bed.

Cade: OK…so…you need me to be here Thursday morning?

Whatshername: They said it’s going to take at least two days.

Cade: OK…so…you need me to be here both Thursday and Friday?

Whatshername: No. I’m taking off work at 06:30 AM on both Thursday and Friday.

Cade: OK…so…you don’t need me to be here at all?

Whatshername: Yes. You don’t need to be here.

Cade: Ah. So…got ya.

Whatshername: Someone will be here, so you don’t need to be here.

Cade: Got it. That’ll work out well. I was planning on leaving tomorrow or Wednesday depending on the weather, and you can have your bed and room back.

Whatshername: OK, well…if things don’t work out for you, I can sleep on the couch.

Weird how things work out...eh?
^Birds Slowed Down sounds like a Dinosaur rain forest^

Sometimes…things just get weird. So fucking weird in fact, that all seems kinda…normal.

^GOD’s FROGS -The Sound of Frogs Slowed Down by 100%^

Maybe sometimes our shit, when tinkered with, gets wacky.

You know what they say tho…whatever doesn’t kill you…makes you stronger.

/me wretches
^Running in the 90s slowed down to 60% sounds like a sick vaporwave song^

I wonder what this does for, and/or says about…percentages?

What about directions?

What about “directional”…and approximately what “directional” could potentially mean?

^56K Modem Sounds Slowed Down 700– Creepy^

What say we end this one?

^Windows Startup and Shutdown Sounds 800% Slower^

There is no other way.

^This is how slowed down crickets really sounds. Not so angelic after all…^
Maybe one more? For the road?
^Cicada Slow Motion Sound^
Let's make it two.

^Robin Guthrie – Imperial (2003) (Full Album) [HQ]^


Tis now 22:10 on Monday October 31st, and I just remembered I forgot some shit I wanted to get to.


Oh well…I’m still doing some laundry.

Fuckit…I’m gonna spellcheck this…send it over to Roob…and maybe one more short one to follow.

I wanted to do it here…and not my blog.

We’ll see.

^Deadmau5 – Strobe^

– Y –

– – – –

– .-. –

– – – ll – – –

^This Mortal Coil artists – Candles and Echoes^

^Cocteau Twins – Circling Girl compilation^


Dear Cade…

Bonne chance mon ami!

… And have a Song

*Oh of course, Clicky… /blushes… Where are my manners? Go ahead…*