Missive From ‘Merica: Sky High Thinking

Why is it, Dear Reader, that high-profile scientists in the Mainstream Media sound more like preachers?

*Exactly, Clicky. It does my head in…*

*Why’d they do it, Clicky?*

*Ah, wealth and power and fame, of course…*

*Another Unelected Flying Official fond of preaching…* 

… Cade Fon Apollyon, who is not a scientist, has never claimed to be a scientist and certainly doesn’t have any money, power or fame, but asks a ton of pertinent questions and makes astute observations, has sent through a missive for us, dealing with the subject of UFOs.

Enjoy! 😀


Well, hello there. 

How is your world treating you? I have no idea what your answer might be, but for the sake of a happy and joyous world, let’s pretend you are doing well.

Let’s start off with some math, yeah?

5 has 7 base components, not 5.

1 1 1 1 1 = 6

The 5 individual parts, and the sum of its parts = 1.

But there’s a hidden seventh property there that most may not take into account…0.

When something is, nothing leaves.

Something, displaces, nothing.

If that nothing does not exist, neither can something. There’s nowhere for the something to go.

Q: Does this mean that there is not 1 “nowhere” or “nothing”, but 2? Maybe even 3? Maybe more?

A: Hrm

Hrmmmmmmmmmm m

^benny blanco, Marshmello & Vance Joy – You (Official Music Video)^

This gets me to thinking about the concept of “possibility”, and also the concept(s) of “possibility” over time. Why a something cannot exist at one point in time, but for some reason can exist at another point in time. Or maybe why a something could exist at some point, but for some reason can no longer exist. How things line up in such a way that time either allows or prevents a something from existing. I really need to ask another question here…

Q: Is it possible that the tumblers of time turn in such a way that allows or prevents certain things from being known?

A: Pretty far out thought, eh?

Albert Einstein is famous for many things, but one of those things is said to be a statement he made whilst on a walk with a student named Esther Salaman…

I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details.

– Albert Einstein

I want to know...His...thoughts.

Welp, what if (regarding what Einstein wanted to know) God hasn’t thunk those thoughts yet? Or what if God thunk them so long ago, that even God has forgotten what in the hell they were thinking? Or at least, the thoughts are so old that it takes a bit to pull the information up in the databanks, which in “God terms” is about 538 average human lifetimes? Al may not be around long enough to get the answer(s) he seeks. Or maybe God and Al just weren’t on the same wavelengths at the same time(s). On different timelines, and as such, they just flat couldn’t understand each other.

^Novo Amor – Anchor (Liu Remix)^

This is where my Monday started…

After watching, I realized I’ve seen this video before, but this is prolly the best quality video I’ve seen of it. Kinda strange that the object appears black for most of the vid, but the silver can be seen on the top left of the object as the airplane moves past and the object moves out of view. Looks like a balloon to me, so, I stated as much.

More than that, I started doing some digging to see if I could see what the average high-altitude wind speeds are like down in Colombia, and I found something really REALLY interesting.

(BTW, don't you just absolutely love intensifiers? Aren't they really REALLY cool?)

Seasonal precipitation patterns along pathways of South American low-level jets and aerial rivers

In that document, I saw reference to the afforementioned “really REALLY interesting” something.

Biotic Pump

Biotic pump of atmospheric moisture as driver of the hydrological cycle on land

BiPAM...Biotic Pump of Atmospheric Moisture. 

Now, where my mind was when watching the UFO video above was thinking about the multiple dimensions of time that exist in a high-altitude environment as the winds move, shift and shear. But what that BiPAM thing got me to thinking about was something I hadn’t given a whole lot of thought to regarding why air moves…displacement.

Moisture moves in, air moves out.

Moisture moves out, air moves in.

Typically, convective activity is thought of as being the primary driver as to why air(s) move. Warm air rises, cool air descends, and when the two tangle, there’s all kinds of eddys and other crazy movement(s) of air in the sky. But what we’re talking about here is the movement generated when one gas displaces another gas. Liquid water evaporates, and as it rises, it displaces gases in the atmosphere causing the atmosphere to move.

^NAVE ESPACIAL – Liu & Samantha Machado (Videoclipe Oficial)^

Something else that caught my eye in the tweet/tweet comments was the vagary of the alleged place of occurrence…Colombia. The name, Colombia, is potentially vague.

Colombia, Cuba
Colombia, Huila
Colombia, Nuevo León
Colombia (Madrid Metro)

If one takes homophones into consideration, and also considers bad spelling, it gets even more muddy.

Columbia City
Seems nitpicky, yeah? 

Welp, your opposition is gonna be nitpicky as fuck. They are gonna slice and dice and nitpick the living shit out of anything and everything, so, why are you not nitpicky on yourself? Maybe think of it like training for a marathon or something. If you are nitpicky on your own shiz, others are gonna be nitpicky for you. And you don’t want that, now do ya?

^Terry Gilliam criticizes Spielberg and Schindler’s List^

Do you have any idea what “roll-rate” is? Me either. I think it has something to do with how many doobies a fella or lady can roll in an hour. But in the event I’m wrong about that, lets see if there are any aircraft out there other than the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, Northrop T-38 Talon, Extra 300 or Sukhoi Su-31 that can achieve a roll-rate @ or above 720° per second.

Oh, and in this video that follows, pay particular attention to the aircraft just after take-off when he starts rolling the plane. See if you can count the number of rotations whilst watching the timer on the video to see how many times he’s rolling per second.

(or, approximately)
^Amazing Aerobatics In A Giles 202^


One thousand one.

Just to give an idea of what a 720° roll-rate means, that means by the time you read that, two full revolutions occurred. That’s pretty fucking fast. Doing two complete revolutions in a single second?

Yeah, fast.

I flew an aerobatic plane that had close to 360° per second when rolling in the direction of the propeller spin, and about 270° per second when rolling against the propeller spin…not as fast as the planes above, but still pretty fast. Especially when it’s your ass that is actually strapped in the plane.

I’ll not go into the dynamics of why a plane might roll faster with the prop rotation rather than against, but you are likely wondering why in the hell I’m talking about roll rate. Welp, if you just so happened to read that tweet above about the UFO sighted from the cockpit, and then you watched the video that I posted in response showing an airplane passing near a weather balloon and what the encounter looked like from the perspective of the balloon, you might just notice that the gondola thing hanging off the balloon which carries the camera, is spinning. In one shot, you see the plane approaching, the camera turns and the airplane leaves the frame as it roars the fuck by, and a few seconds elapse until the airplane comes back into frame and it is already well downrange.

The question that I asked myself is, can we interpolate as to how far the airplane is away from the balloon when we first start to hear it, and how much distance the airplane covers between the time that it leaves the view/returns to the view. At this point, you may be asking yourself a question…

Q: DUDE!!! Why in the FUCK do you care how much distance is covered by the plane when it is out of view?!?!? The fucking video has the speed of the aircraft right the hell on the video screen!!!!!

A: Oh rly?

Lemme ask you a question…

Q: Is that readout of the aircraft speed groundspeed? Airspeed? Indicated? Actual? Calibrated? True? Is it radar data? GPS data? From the aircraft? From a ground station? From some 3rd party estimation? Is it an amalgamation/average of multiple sources? If so, which?

A: ???

Was the video creator able to get telemetry data from some flight following service, and if so, what does that 402kts/462mph @ 38,000 feet really mean?

Speed over the ground <> speed through the air.

Speed through the air <> actual speed through the air

140kts @ 5,000 feet MSL <> 140kts @ 35,000 feet MSL

Why Are True Airspeed And Indicated Airspeed Different?

We are afterall talking about things which are moving relative to each other. The balloon is moving between 30 and 40+ miles per hour relative to an airplane that is moving 400+ miles per hour, both objects are subject to the wind(s) but not necessarily the same exact winds, so in order to better understand how and why things move as they do, we need to at least somewhat understand these environments that they are moving in.

^Arthur C. Clarke on U.F.O Sightings | The Dick Cavett Show^

One last thought on that, our atmosphere is basically a planet in and of itself that is surrounding and circling another planet made of rock/dirt/water/etc.. Like water, air is a fluid, and its movement can be janky af and moving all kinds of different directions in a relatively small space. An object, subject to the wind (like a balloon) may make a sudden and erratic appearing move because of some something in the atmosphere acting upon it. An updraft, a downdraft, some swirling eddy or vortex of air where cool and warm air have suddenly met up and decided to tango, some mass of invisible moisture moving through, no telling what is actually going on in that space around our object.

Also, I think it important to point out that unless a UFO or extraterrestrial craft is somehow suspending the laws of physics at all times and at all attitudes and at all altitudes, I think it highly likely that high-altitude UFOs are likely to behave differently than low-altitude UFOs if for no other reasons than the density or the air and/or how the wind currents change as altitude changes. A craft suddenly going mach 20 at a coupla thousand feet or below is prolly gonna start generating lightning bolts, thunder, then instantly burst into flames because of the friction with the air, but at high-altitudes it might take a few before it started to glow and then eventually burst into flames.


Just some stuff to think about is all.

^Military Video of UFO Over Navy Destroyer Leaked^
Like we’re used to.

You will have had to have watched the preceding video in order to somewhat understand the references above.

Delta-winged aircraft notwithstanding, I’ve been under the impression for quite some time that triangle-shaped and/or “pyramid” shaped UFOs were quite commonplace. Cigar, saucer, triangle, and on very rare occasions, globular…that’s pretty much it as far as UFO shapes go. There’s that new-ish “tic tac” thing, but even that is still pretty much cigar shaped.

So yeah, new nomenclature on an existing something.

^Task force documents UFO encounters with military for congressional report^

UFO sightings have jumped during the last year…probably because of the pandemic?

Um…the previous video opened with that statement, and they did so with some embedded type of knowing as if one explained the other. People don’t look up even when they are allowed to go outside. How in the hell do they figure people are now looking up when they are unlikely to even go outside or when they can’t go outside, and are especially unlikely to go outside during those times when UFOs are most likely to be seen; i.e. night.

I'm gonna be scratching my head on that one for a while.

UFO sightings have jumped during the last year, probably because of the pandemic. I honestly do not see what one has to do with the other. ‘Cept maybe people are bored at home and just making shit up since they don’t have anything better to do.

Or of course a concerted effort on the part of certain interests in order to provide a distraction or diversion from um…other stuff.

^[목요미스터리] 군은UFO의 존재를 인정하는가? (Feat. 캡틴따거)^

A drop of blood leaves your heart.

It then heads to your anus, circles your anus, then returns to your heart.

Your heart smells like ass.

Or, fart...your heart smells like fart.

On the upside, your downside smells like heart.

^Perseverance caught two Flying objects || Birds or UFO^

All you witchy and warlocky and other mystical types need feedback I imagine. You need to gather intelligence to ensure that your spells, hexes, curses, blessings, etc. work, right?

Is that what crystal balls, familiars and the like are for? Gathering intelligence? Or do you rely solely upon human intelligence from colleagues, customers, patrons, toadies, etc., and basically have your own spy networks. And whilst we are entertaining goofy questions, what happens in the event of a misfire, stray round, bad intelligence/coordinates or even a some defect in the payload?

You prolly have some token from the target, a book or shirt or lock of hair or used snot rag or whatever, you fire off your spell, but what if there is some unseen dynamic that causes the spell to go completely off course and nail someone unintended. Some bystander gets whacked with 7 years bad luck, or their dick falls off, get cervical cancer, go blind, hair falls out, lose their job, a piano falls on them, their plane crashes or whatever…do you just chalk it up to “well, I missed the target, but the person that got zapped was probably guilty of something, so, meh, no biggie.”?

Guessing that you now need to fire off another round since you missed the target the first time.

Ever heard of carpet bombing? Might look into that. It’s messy as fuck, unlikely you’ll actually hit the target unless you get lucky, but you’ll possibly at least take out something that was important to the target. Maybe something they cared about. The downside is tho, now you’ve got a war on your hands.

^Bir zamanlar UFO^

Something really weird about witchcraft is that I don’t recall ever hearing about something like “an all-hearing ear”, or “all smelling-nose” or “all-touching finger”, or even an “all-thinking brain”. Sure the “all-seeing eye” is quite famous, but why doesn’t that thing come with some headphones so ye can hear what’s being said. Or at least come with some subtitles functionality. Watching a silent movie ain’t gonna do you much good unless you’re just looking for craters in a post action photo-reconnaissance/bomb damage assessment kind of way. Prior to action, just seems like you’d want more than “sight” based things in order to more accurately carry out your mission. If you aren’t the best at lip reading, you might have a really clever target mouthing “elephant stew” over and over again to throw you off. And also, we’re currently living in a time when face-masks are all the rage, so how the hell you gonna know what your target is saying?

^We should take UFO sightings seriously | Tyler Cowen and Lex Fridman^

Another thing that I wonder is how exactly is it that “witchcraft” figures it can remain more or less neutral, as if it is somehow outside the bounds of anyone and anything else. It could be argued that witchcraft is basically the equivalent of a weapons manufacturer, you sell your shit to warring parties, they shoot the shit out of each other, and you do have at least some culpability. But in witchcraft, the practitioner takes more of an active role in the delivery of these weapons. Kinda like a weapons manufacture that is also a mercenary/soldier for hire. Sure you have no ideological attachments to this specific conflict, but you are participating in it. Which, that brings up one of another two points I just thought of.

1 – you actually do have a vested interest in the conflict. You have a vested interest in all conflicts, otherwise, you wouldn’t be practicing the arts you are. There is some reason and/or reasons as to why you are hiring out your services

2 – where is the oversight regarding your actions? Surely even the most practiced and senior of magical types, themselves, have a someone that is senior to them. I don’t give a shit if you have to stumble through the list of every angel, demon, imp, god, goddess or other deity both known and unknown …you… answer to someone. So, who is it, and how far to the allow you to stray before they give you a smack? Or I guess in some cases, the further you stray, the greater your reward might be.

^Cherry Pruning – Training Systems (KGB, UFO, Tall Spindle)^

Sure…I get it…your weapons have peaceful and practical applications too. Humanitarian types of stuff. Stuff that is beautiful or uplifing. I guess this is how you justify the art. You figure that you somehow remain more or less being beyond prosecution for your role(s) in conflict that results in damages/loss. Prolly why persecution of witches or practitioners of magic/magick/majick or whatever is so prevalent throughout history. Nobody likes someone else having all that power. They want it for themselves. Eliminate the middlemen / middlewomen / middlewhomever, and nothing stands in the way of your getting everything for yourself.

Q: Is this why supernatural folk or supernatural entities or whatever always seem to hang their hats way the fuck out in the fringes?

A: ó?¿? ó

Swamps, caves, gnarly parts of some gloomy forest, high places, low places, dangerous place, anything remote as fuck and/or hella difficult to get to.

^Prophetic word: A UFO nation will come against us, God has caused their hearts to be hardened.^

Any idea why, The Pope, of all people, would be for a totalitarian regime?

Would be for systems, infrastructures and procedures that would lead to a one-world government?

Would be for anything that put all power into the hands of a single entity?

Yeah, I can't figure it out either.

I’m completely baffled. Nothing at all indicating any leanings towards any such thing. I’m stumped.

Maybe you can figure it out.
^UFO 2021: New Alien sightings in USA, UK, FRANCE, UFOs around the world #2^

You Ufologists are gonna be in deep shit when and if personal automated aerial-vehicle transport becomes a thing. Imagine a good chunk of current automotive traffic suddenly filling the skies because everyone has traded in their cars for some air-transport something.

lolz...what a mess.

You UFO chasers will never see another UFO ever again. Not a “real” one anyway.




^Sign Of The Gypsy Queen^


*Gotta attract and keep a congregation, Clicky. Certainly sounds like the Media are peddling a religious cult of science to me…*

If you have any questions or astute observations to make from today’s missive, Dear Reader, please feel free to use the comment section below. We can’t promise you any answers, though you will get a reply 😉 Have a Song…