Bohemian? Man, what a shambles!

It’s funny how things sync… fingers link…

Merovee The Oscar and James Bond
CLICKY: Bonding?

*Yes, Click. On MEROVEE we do it all the time. The first time, I think, was when Frank made a connection between Bond titles and news headlines… and then we all piled in* 😉

Angels feature in the latest post in the Red Universe

Merovee Blink

Today, Angel A… Angle Cur… agreed to a Turkey… Turn Key… prosecution of a joker call Boehmermann.

Boehmer etymology
CLICKY: Customs? Like free speech?

*Collected and placed with the rest behind a muslin curtain? Possibly…*

*Filmed in Prague… /rueful smile… Never tear who apart, Click? /raises eyebrows*

Extract from ‘A Family History for Ruth and Julia (Gawd ‘Elp Us!)’, a.k.a. ‘The Ma Papers’ by Judith Eileen Newton (formerly Shewan, née Packer)

I think that Dickie may have been too young to remember Gillian, but she was a smashing girl. She was so full of life and mischief and had her fingers in a lot of pies. She was so funny and really used to make me laugh.

Gill was very sporty, playing Table Tennis and Badminton and she loved to dance. She used to go to Victor Sylvester’s in Lewisham on Saturday night.  I was officially too young to go anywhere with her (because I was only fourteen) but with a bit of splosh on my face and a mature air, I managed to get away with it.

The first weekend she took me to Victor Sylvester’s with her friend named Rita Winkle. She insisted it was pronounced Winekel but we called her Winkle anyway. Rita was older and very sophisticated and made up like a model. I really felt like a poor relation, after all they were both at work and I was still at school and a bohemian to boot. All my high ideals about bohemianism were sorely being put to the test.

What was I doing borrowing clothes and makeup, actually going to a dance and pretending that I was eighteen? The biggest problem was that I could not even dance. Oh yes I could shuffle, but this was pre-Beatles days and you either jived or ballroomed. I could do neither.

I remember that first night clearly. It was probably quite shabby but to me it was magical – little tables with lamps and a band, boys in suits… I did not know a boy with a suit.

I will always remember the smell of the ladies’ room, hairspray and perfume, whilst excited girls put on makeup and checked stocking seams, wondering who would ask them to dance with them tonight. It was a situation I had never encountered before and I was excited.

I had lied about my age and said I was eighteen. I was terrified. Gill was popular and seemed to know everyone, Rita was the belle of the ball and I felt like Cinderella.

When two blokes came and sat with us and bought us drinks, I really felt like the odd one out. Gill and Rita seemed so sophisticated and the blokes seemed so old. The evening progressed and I shuffled around with a couple of blokes.

When it was time to go home, the older of the two blokes said he would give us a lift home. Now, to have a car in those days was rare, so Rita’s eyes lit up. I assumed that the boys were taking home Rita and Gill and that I was an also ran. But when we got to Bellingham Lane, the guy stopped the car and told Rita she could walk from there because she lived out of his way. This probably sounds harsh by today’s standards but in those days things were much safer and we were used to walking. If we had not got a lift we would have walked from Lewisham to Bellingham – it’s a long way but we could not afford taxis.

Now I was really scared. Although I knew lots of boys from the youth club, I had never had a boyfriend with a car. They took us home and had coffee and arranged to meet us the next day in Catford to take us to the pictures.

One weekend with Gill and I had pulled. Bohemianism was losing its charm.

*… spare him his life for his pork sausages… doo be doo be doo be doo… Okay, Click, good choice of Song to end on*






Sparks & Marks, get set… GO!


CLICKY: Simply click the pix

Dear Reader – Happy Easter Sunday. This should have been my 100th post, but ‘events, dear boy, events’

Sparrow 3

*Clicky! Oh you’re up at last …/looks at watch … Look, it’s possible the hospital will be able to release Thoughtful Man tomorrow. Although… it is the Easter weekend, so maybe knot… /grimaces… Honestly, Click, this past fortnight has been awful…*

Sparrow 4

*/squint… Knot helpful, Clicky. Look, I have a shambles to put together and I’ve only got today to do it, sew your assistance would be very much appreciated… /thinks …Now, I’ll need a Song…*

*Nice! And a dance…*

Sparrow 1

*I know, Smuggy McSmugface and his Anti-sugar crusade has the same effect on me… Now, let’s see what else… A handle to turn…*

James masc. proper name, New Testament name of two of Christ’s disciples, late 12c. Middle English vernacular form of Late Latin Jacomus (source of Old French James, Spanish Jaime, Italian Giacomo), altered from Latin Jacobus (see Jacob).

The Welsh form was Iago, the Cornish Jago. James the Greater (July 25) was son of Zebedee and brother of St. John; James the Less (May 1) is obscure and scarcely mentioned in Scripture; he is said to have been called that for being shorter or younger than the other. Fictional British spy James Bond dates from 1953, created by British author Ian Fleming (1908-1964), who plausibly is said to have taken the name from that of U.S. ornithologist James Bond (1900-1989), an expert on Caribbean birds.

*Ha! Hugo posted a Bond story on MEROVEE just last night…*

Hugo 2

Mail Bonding

CLICKY: Mail Bonding

*Thank you, Click…*

Hugo 1

*Yes! That was the night I got the idea for this very post – Hugo, again, this time with Male Bonding…*

Mail Bonding 2

*Good. Now where was I? Turning handles…*

Sparrow 5

*Apols, Clicky – which way?*

Legs Cinders Story

*Legs! Of course, I can’t believe I nearly forgot to include Cinders… /slaps forehead… Now, I see why you were so insistent on including those, ahem, questionable Marlon Wayans clips in the comments… *

Sparrow 6

*Spooky? You don’t know the half of it… I’ll get to that. So, you’re knot just a filthy minded beast… /sighs with relief… thank fuck for that! Okay, Clicky, let’s turn the handle again… James is rooted in Jacob…*

Jacob masc. proper name; Old Testament patriarch, son of Isaac and Rebecca and father of the founders of the twelve tribes, from Late Latin Iacobus, from Greek Iakobos, from Hebrew Ya’aqobh, literally “one that takes by the heel; a supplanter (Gen. xxviii:12), a derivative of ‘aqebh “heel.” The most popular name for boys born in the U.S. from 1999 through 2008. Jacob’s ladder, in various transferred uses from 1733, is from Gen. xxviii:12. In Spanish as Jago, Iago, also Diego; with alterations as Italian Giacomo, James, and (contracted) Spanish Jaime.

*Heel sounds like heal and where Healtheists are concerned, Clicky, something is generally afoot…*

Sparrow 10



*/Rolls eyes… Because shambles are messy, Clicky. Have a little faith…*

Faithful Anti

*Hmm, more petty than little, I’d say, Click…*

KJB influenced WORDS more then any other royal
CLICKY: Dolly, slavish follower to the words of a king

Sparrow 7

*No, you’re right; Jimmy the King was certainly an Anti…*

CLICKY: Tobacco hater. Keen on witch hunting, too.

*… Christ! Tobacco causes scurvy?! Well, he seems a perfectly responsible sponsor to ‘authorise’ the ‘word of god’…*


*Sarc aside, Clicky, when you turn the handle again…*

supplant (v.) early 14c., “to trip up, overthrow, defeat, dispossess,” from Old French suplanter, sosplanter “to trip up, overthrow, drive out, usurp,” or directly from Latin supplantare “trip up, overthrow,” from sub“under” (see sub-) + planta “sole of the foot” (see plant (n.)). Meaning “replace one thing with another” first recorded 1670s. There is a sense evolution parallel in Hebrew akabh “he beguiled,” from akebh “heel.”

Sparrow 2

*And now we have Twisty McTwistface, calling sugar ‘the new tobacco’… Asking for, and getting, a tax in Chancer GO’s Fudge It… ‘Cos they just can’t stop thinking about the children…*

Twisty McTwistface

Sparrow 9


Sparrow 8

*Huh?! Damn, is that the time?! I haven’t even touched upon Thoughtful Man’s spooky revelation of last night outside hospital’s little M&S Simply Food… Clicky, I’ll have to save that for another post…* 

Sparrow 11

Until next time… have a Song…