Missive From ‘Merica: Bump & Swirl


Welcome, Dear Reader 😀

A birthday missive arrived last night from the Okie Text US Devil, Cade Fon Apollyon…


*Yeah it was after we remote viewed Popeye together…/lights up… And no I didn’t have time… /drags… to edit it last night, Clicky…*

spinning pipe

*/smokes… Well, it’s ready now, so go on, dive in…*

dance and dive

*Oh dear! …/rolls eyes…*

Enjoy! ❤



Some days you just cannot get away from.

Mondays, Fridays, bad days, good days…

they’re written in ink…

maybe even etched in stone.

Some days circle back and hit us again and again.

Today is one of those days.


Such a grand day here today, and fully representative of a day you plan, plot and prepare for, the anticipation and the excitement builds…

and then it rains

Yep, storms all last night, and today it’s cloudy/overcast, cold, and non-stop drizzling rain. A great day to be outdoors.

What’s that?

Hang on for a second readers…my conscience is speaking to me.

Today is also something else?

Something even more important than Memorial Day?

Something that may be more important than any other day of the year?

Holy SHIT! What in the hell could possibly be the most important day of the year?!?!?

Oh yeah! Now I remember!!!



^Garbage – #1 Crush^

Really didn’t forget her birthday, just didn’t know really what to do for it. Ya see, doing some writing for her is about all that I can really do, and that kinda sucks because she has to edit it.


Not exactly the most…appealing…of birthday gifts. But at the same time, this isn’t supposed to be something for me, it’s supposed to be something for her, and for some reason she enjoys wading through my mess(es). My happiness is irrelevant. So, here it is. My present to her.



^Deadmau5 – Sofi Needs A Ladder (1080p) || HD^

And yeah, on the conspiratorial calendar, it would appear that “kidnapped children on Mars” appears to be an actual thing…

No, NASA is not hiding kidnapped children on Mars

Kidnapping “resources” really isn’t anything new tho, so the kernel of the idea really isn’t that much of a stretch. Loads of places in the world where kidnapping and hostage taking is a way of life. A way to make a living. Ransoms, slavery, human trafficking, indentured servitude, credit card agreements, mortgages, promissory notes, non-disclosure agreements, EULAs, information collection, employment agreements, pledges of allegiance, oaths, vows, promises, swears, all kinds of ways of putting someone exactly where you want them in order to form a money making enterprise and/or maybe a power structure of some kind.

With you at or near the top of course


^Simian Mobile Disco – Audacity of Huge^

Is it really possible that someday people are going to be shipped to Mars?

Sure seems that way

As to why the trip is being made? Welp, that kinda depends largely on the individuals with the money to make the trip. What they do there when they setup shop? No idea. But you must approve of it in some way. You are funding them afterall. You devote your time to perform labor for others in exchange for money, you exchange that money for goods, and that money then goes into hands which can then do whatever in the fuck they want with it. Who are you to tell people what they can and cannot do with their money? If you don’t want them having “pizza parties” on Mars with kidnapped children, then don’t fucking fund the enterprise that’s planning on hosting the party.

They’re humans like you, and they have the same limitations as you. The only time they don’t, is when you empower them to be able to do things you cannot. How in the fuck do you think Christopher Columbus got the bread to fund his expedition? King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, that’s how. Although we here and now do not live in times of kings and queens in the same ways as in the past. We do things a little differently, and who funds ventures, and how they are funded has changed a bit.

Non-Governmental Organization

You wanted your piece, and you got it. Problem is, you have to attach yourself to someone else’s coattails to get your piece. But yeah, you got yours, and now they want theirs.


^Meat beat manifesto – Strap down (480p)^

WHEW! This conspiracy shit is fucking nauseating. The places the mind has to go just to point out the obvious? Fucking nauseating.


The shit you stumble across, too, is all over the map.

meta meta meta


^Cosmic Baby ↑ Dr. Van Steiner^

I was taking a shower last night, and a certain song popped into my head for some reason.

Uncle Miltie

Weird because the song is only tied to Milton Berle via the music video, and some may be familiar with the song but not the music video. Today, I see this…

CDC warns of ‘unusual or aggressive rodent behavior’ in search for new food sources

Aberrant…behavior…in rodents. Specifically, rats. Hrm…pandemics, and rats. Sounds familiar. Flea circus? S-Pi. Like, spy, spies and spying. Attracted to the darkness. Which, does light that is attracted to and absorbed by the darkness, become darkness? Or does it remain light, ‘cept maybe in a different state. Meh…I’ll get to that and similar thoughts later.


^RATT – Round And Round (Official Music Video)^

Lots of talk about this nCoV-2019 thingie being a scam. Those who think as much are not wrong in that there are likely to be elements to it which are very much a scam. Red herring(s), false flag(s), diversionary tactics, maneuvering tactics, inflationary tactics, deceptionary tactics, opportunism…

its a goddamn gold rush

Lies being woven right into, and intertwined with, the very same reality where truth(s) also exist.

Twisted Pair
You didn't read a single one of those definitions...did you?


^U2-Wire (Lyrics)^

So now that this lockdown thingie is winding down, the second wave of opportunists are rushing in to get theirs. Unravel the mysteries of the whole, in order to get to the truth. Wait…my bad…you’re looking for lies, not truth. Lies are likely not a good place to find truth. Looking through the lens of lies to see truth?

Glare (Vision)

The possibility exists that you may just be going about this the wrong way.


^Pig&Dan – The Licker (Original Mix) [DRUMCODE]^


Lots of silence. Occasionally interrupted by a strange banging noise. Almost like someone kicking a hibernating machine in order to get it going again.


^Gary Beck – Say What (Adam Beyer Remix) [SAVED RECORDS]^

Dunno if this will make things more clear or more fuzzy, and I also dunno if anyone is even interested, but I thought maybe I’d do a little more on this “outward uniform symmetry from a central point” kind of thought which I talked a bit about in the previous missive. Meaning the bit on how in the fucking hell a certain element could develop simultaneously in distant and remote sectors of space. This is likely a bad idea. “Explaining yourself” is almost always terrible thing to do.

Fuck it. Let's do it


^We Share Our Mother’s Health – The Knife^

Mainly what I’m thinking is that maybe our ideas about distance(s) always being an accurate component of time. Perhaps some areas of space are older than others, and I’m talking proximate stuff. For example our galaxy is say…10 billion years old, but Andromeda (which is kinda close to us) is 105 trillion years old. Sounds impossible, yeah? Welp, there’s that thing about not only galaxies speeding up, but also that they are supposedly running away.

Q: Do they ever come back this way?

A: ???

What if, this acceleration were nothing more than a universal method of gaining momentum. We are talking about a fucking shitload of mass. Perhaps in order for an entire galaxy to achieve the momentum required to preserve its mass/energy and/or be economical with its mass/energy, it kinda has to go the long way round in order to gain or maybe even lose momentum. Again, we’re talking about an entire galaxy, and that’s a shitload of mass and a shitload of energy.

Perhaps a galaxy needs to be on a collision course with another galaxy, but in order to do that it has to go out on this long and seemingly convoluted journey in order to intercept. Or maybe it needs to actually avoid colliding with another galaxy. I’m also thinking that perhaps there are some galaxies which may contain life, maybe some that don’t. Beyond that as to which is/is not expendable?

Not a clue

We here have some pretty bizarre ideas as to when and what life is and is not expendable.


^Philip T.B.C. – Galactic (BTK Remix) [io.lab Records]^

Prolly sounds a bit too…”intelligent designy”, eh? I admit I honestly don’t know what to make of either side of any Intelligent Design nor Creator type of debate. Science is burning, smashing and slamming the fuck out of stuff all the time in order to get some mileage out of some available resource, so not sure why that tendency wouldn’t potentially have a much longer timeline than just and only the past few hundred or even past few thousand years, and also not sure of why such behavior would be relegated only to Earth/Terra. Maybe I personally am so fascinated by the concept of ‘The Big Swirl’, that its impossible for me to understand how ‘The Big Bang’ could work on its own.



^Tim Tama – Something True [ARTSCORE011]^

I know the town that I live in isn’t that old. There’s a lot of things here that are much older than this town tho’. Might be a several hundred year old European painting here, maybe some Greek sculptures there, a book. a meteorite, a bone, no telling what. The road out front is new tho. The house is pretty old, the roof is new, and parts of the roof are even newer than the new roof thanks to a storm. Old trees out front, a new tree out back.

How in the hell is all this new and old stuff in such close proximity, and who and how is age determined?


^Vini Vici & Reality Test Ft. Shanti People – Karma^

Some days have passed since writing the above, but Roob pointed me towards Merovee today, and a comment there caught my eye regarding

“positrons traveling backwards in time”.

This got me to thinking again about the previous missive, my expansion upon those thoughts here, and I related something to Roob on Twitter regarding some of the more abstract time and times which exist in the same space and spaces at the same time.

“An old man wearing a new hat whilst walking his new puppy along an old path skirted by both young and old trees at the start of a new day at the end of a week in the middle of a month that falls at the beginning of the year in a new year at the end of a decade at the beginning of a century.”

One has to kinda question the age and ages of matter and energy itself. Lotta things to think about tho’. How these things developed, when, where, the concepts of old and new and relative to whom, etc.. Also loads of rules within Science telling us what can and cannot be done, and you have to play by those rules if you wanna play at all. Like a traveler abroad, gotta speak the language if you want to communicate. Kinda ironic that only this morning, a video appeared which seems to hover around the very topic of rules. Imma see if Roob wants to watch it with me.



^What is the Ultraviolet Catastrophe?^

That thing there is heavy on the math, light on context, devoid of explanation(except mathematically), and all but abandons the original-ish ideas first proposed in the video.

But hang in there

Maybe think of “the blackbody” as the pupil of your eye, and your eye as “the box”. Then kinda keep your eyes peeled for that “split” between classical physics and quantum physics. I guess the ears might also qualify somewhat as blackbodies. You might even be able to think of all kinds of blackbodies on your body, and if you spend a little time, can likely also think of lots of blackbodies in your own external environment(s). Now all you gotta think about is why certain things might wanna go there.


^Liquid Soul Vs Outsiders – Life Frequency^


If “deceptionary” is not a word, it should be.

If “deceptionary tactics” is not a concept, it should be.


^Iris Evergreen^

Things sometimes seem to “synch” backwards. You have all these weird ideas (like all of the writing above), then something happens to where everything you just thought about/wrote about over the course of several days comes together in weird ways over the course of a coupla hours. I don’t really wanna say “premonition”, because it doesn’t feel like a premonition at all. It’s also not a vindication because it doesn’t feel like that either. Just a strange meshing of certain cogs as seemingly incompatible wheels meet in time.


^Shelley Duvall – He Needs Me^


That’s all I got for now.

Hope your birthday was a great one RooBeeDoo.

The Love Bug image in your post was pretty good.


Perfect, in fact


^Depeche Mode – Sweetest Perfection^



^Gemini – Turn Me On [HD]^


hat bump

*There you are, Clicky! I’ve been waiting ages…*

*Yeah, the wavy walls was immense… /stubs butt… No, you stay there, Clicky – I’ll get a Song to finish the post with…*

Thanks for joining us once again, Dear Reader. Have a Song 😉


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