Missile From ‘Merica: Incoming!


GRB 160625B

An ultrapowerful, superfast explosion in space is providing new insight into how dying stars turn into black holes.

An international team of researchers looked at a gamma-ray explosion called GRB 160625B that brightened the sky in June 2016. Gamma-ray bursts are among the most powerful explosions in the universe, but they are typically tough to track because they are very short-lived (sometimes lasting just a few milliseconds).

“Gamma-ray bursts are catastrophic events, related to the explosion of massive stars 50 times the size of our sun,” said Eleonora Troja, lead author of the new study and an assistant research scientist in astronomy at University of Maryland. “If you ranked all the explosions in the universe based on their power, gamma-ray bursts would be right behind the Big Bang.”

The Okie Devil shared the above article with me this evening. Only yesterday, Red Frank in MEROVEE included black and white holes in his latest post

A new missive, now, from Cade, Dear Reader. I hope you enjoy exploring it as much as I enjoyed formatting it, and as much as Cade enjoyed writing it… Fuck it! Enjoy! ❤


Hi & Howdy and all that normal shit.

Let’s get down to bidness.
The only way to do that?
Yeah...a song.

A motherfucking good song for you motherfuckers.

^Cee Lo Green – FUCK YOU^

Cade: Hi!

X: WOAH!!!

Cade: …<disappears in the confusion>

X: Who the hell was THAT?!?!?

Z: Don’t know yet.

A: Didn’t get the opportunity to know.

0: Allow me. Anyone wanna assist?

T: I don’t think so.

B: I’ll help find him.

X: Him? So…you know who it is?

B: I know who it was. Who it IS …once we locate him again, that’s another story.

0: Work on that voice biggie.

X: Workin’ on it.

Cade: Howdy.

X: Oh…it’s you.

Cade: Yep. Thanks for the ride.

X: No problem.

0: I’m gonna disagree on merit seeing as we had to pick up the pieces, but that’s a conversation for another time.

T: I think I’d be willing to join in on that one.

Cade: Thanks.

T: np.

Cade: And thanks for finding me.

B: I found you first.

T: Did not.

B: Did too.

T: Did not.

Cade: Does it matter?

B: Maybe.

T: Agreed.

Cade: Do I need to be here for this?

X: Maybe.

Z: Agreed.

A: Concur.

0: Decidedly undecided <yawn>

Cade: <le yikes>

X: What are you going on about?

Cade: I have no idea. Just taking it as it comes.

X: Been kinda…weird, over the last few days has it?

Cade: Just a shade.

X: Shade is always good in the summertime in Texas.

Cade: Thanks for the rain…it was marvelous.

X: Any…special requests?

T: Just because he made them, doesn’t mean he’ll get them.

Cade: They weren’t for me.

B: Doesn’t matter.

Cade: I can see that.

G: BUT!!! Does that matter?

Cade: Obviously not…but yeah…obviously so.

Z: Now…how exactly can that be?

Cade: It isn’t. Not yet anyway.

A: So…it’ll land somewhere?

Cade: Sure. It came to me, I augmented it, sent it back, so why wouldn’t it land somewhere?

X: So…where we have arrived at is…

Cade: The concept of “something from nothing”.

C: And you would like to augment that with…

Cade: Something from nothing is really something from somewhere.

X: Does it matter from where?

Cade: Sometimes.

A: But you aren’t fond of that principle’s rigid enforcement?

Cade: If it was a question then, and is a question now, why wouldn’t it always be a question.

X: There’s nothing new…it’s just new to you. Is that what you are saying?

Cade: Sorta.

0: Who does that tend to…highlight.

Cade: Whoever is asking the question.

X: Good show.

Cade: Thanks. Every ride is different.

Z: Similar is not always equal to same?

Cade: They’re just basic principles. Not even that really. They’re already rigid, and a fuzzy layer on top of that is just as rigid as anything else.

X: So…focus?

Cade: Sure. But what about need?

B: Maybe that’ll help a bit in determining what is need and what is want.

Cade: It helps me. But I still cannot answer a question that I am not asked.

X: Hmmm. I’ll see what I can do.

Cade: Not necessary, but whatever. Standing by.

X: …

^Stevie Ray Vaughan – Gimme Back My Wig – Montreux 1982^

Hmmm…what an interesting…erm…thing.

The wallpaper in “my” bathroom has roses on it. These roses all have eyeballs in them. It’s kinda funny to think about choosing a wallpaper like this for a bathroom, spending all the time and effort that hanging wallpaper requires, and then after some time of sitting on the can and looking at these painted roses, you notice that they are looking back at you while you are peeing and/or taking a dump.

^Lily Allen – Fuck You^

This reminded me of something someone told me when I was younger…

“If it is from the hand of man, there is deception in it.”

And why wouldn’t there be? Ever tried to paint a picture of a rose? Maybe this is why I sometimes hate museums and art galleries. These places are more about what is NOT there, than what IS there.

To relate…take the previous sentence. It contains two words that are textually accentuated…NOT, and IS. I sometimes struggle with this textual formatting, grammatical rules, and acceptable/unacceptable formatting standards… right down to socially fucking acceptable and morally motherfucking ethical means and methods of expression.

I have no problem at all with social graces when navigating your own socializing streams and ponds…but you’re on my ground now. I wonder if that courtesy is returned?

^Soundgarden – Big Dumb Sex [Studio Version]^

I’m really not an angry person. I’m not mad either. Not a rager.

I am WAY motherfucking past all those things.

I am a fully functioning, walking, talking ball of fury.

That’s why I’m almost always happy and abhor violence.

Maybe trying to placate rage and anger, luring it out into the open via some goofy channels, all so that you can slay these things, is part of the problem.

^Kelis – Milkshake^

Roob kinda mentioned something along these lines via some YouTube clips from a sitcom called Frasier. She mentioned that Niles, Frasier’s brother, is a Jungian, and Frasier is a Freudian.

I have no problem with these concepts tangling and being at odds with each other. But at some points, they have to shake hands. That’s where I live.

I find both types of thinking fascinating, but both omit people like me. It’s like the pyramids at Giza. There are three of them. The Trinity. There are three of them (plus or minus a few other players). Disagreement seems to be necessary most of the time.

What I don’t understand, is this…erm…”concept of compromise” we’ll call it. It’s defined by the Left and Right, but the fucks in the middle don’t get a voice in that choice. You fucks are under the impression that we in the middle want you assholes to kill each other so that we can win without firing a shot. Welp, that don’t sound too bad with respect to “no shots fired”…but that’s why I am, where I am in the first place.

I’m sick of your violence – the Left is just as violent and bloodthirsty as the Right. I can accept that, and I have accepted that. I’ve also accepted the fact that I am a product of both sides, therefore I have just as much potential as the rest of you fucks.

Just like everyone else.

Make yourself better. 

Leave me the fuck alone.

^Fuck You-Sleeping With Sirens Cover (Punk Goes Pop)^

I re-watched the film, below, yesterday. I’ve seen it before, and it is a beautiful look at, and into, our world and worlds. But it really got me to thinking about privacy.

Me and Roob got to chatting a bit today about that concept, and something she mentioned about privacy recently really got my head to buzzing. Not to mention that weird ass-article that LegIron recently wrote about “the mark of the beast“. Not that I would ever expect any clarity out of that topic since it’s a fucking nightmare of a concept to ponder, but I’m really wondering about those “freedoms we take for granted”, that are only popular when someone is yelling at you about what an ungrateful little shit you are.

Anyway, lots of brief glimpses into some worlds within our world in the movie below. It’s quite a beautiful watch of a film. Especially when you consider that it was made 25 years ago.

^Baraka – 1992 [ Documentary ]^

More than 300 data reels, some from Apollo-Era missions, were discovered in a deceased Pennsylvania man’s basement, FOIA documents reveal.

Isn’t this an old story? I mean…yeah…we’re talking about old shit from the faked Apollo Moon landings being found in some dead dude’s basement…but like…old. The story is dated “Jul 18 2017, 1:18pm” and says that this shit was found back in December of 2015, but I seem to recall similar stories that are much older than that. Anyway, what kinda struck me was these pictures of this equipment and their “condition.”

Q: I wonder what condition they would be in at the bottom of some landfill?

A: a) worse, b) better, c) irrelevant, d) fill in the blank, e) all of the above.

Anyway, point being, the government has no money to expend on keeping shit like this, no matter how historical it may be considered. I mean, do you REALLY think, that someone at NASA in 1969 was thinking about the historical significance of Eugene Krantz’s ashtray in July of 1969? I mean yeah, someone prolly was…but that shit gets expensive over time. And real estate prices being what they are…  Pfffft… We don’t have the space to dedicate 10 square feet to house someone’s ashtray in some display in some museum. Ironic…eh?

^Fuck This Shit I’m Out^
The conspiracy is visible in the top left of the above photo, not the bottom right.

Feel free to follow that rabbit hole as deep as you want. But just keep in mind that when you find the end, yeah, you’ll be there too, and may even be the only person there…so…whatever.

Just sayin' 

And…thinking about it now…I think I’ve said this before. But…whatever. You fucks repeat yourselves. And some of your fucks repeat yourselves too. Those who repeat themselves are doomed to repeat it, or something like that. Lemme work on it and I’ll get back to ya.

^Why you asking all them questions (Song only No intro)^

While we are waiting to listen to the next song, that you may or may not be listening to…lets do something I normally don’t do. Wait…if I normally do something…does that normalize what I do?

That's a creepy thought, eh? 

Especially when you make the loop from good to evil and back to good that leads right back to evil. Not implying that good normalizes evil or vice versa…that concept is already about as concrete as you can get.

That leaves only the verbs to define, as they apply to the nouns. I mean, as it applies to application. You get new eggs in, and expect them to absorb at the same rate as you.

Kinda...dicey...ain't it? 

I mean, how many people that you consider as ‘wise’ do you have in your life? I’m not talking smart as much as wise. I can memorize the whole goddamn Bible, which might make me smart, but it doesn’t make me wise. Gotta get out and skin my knees a bit in order to turn those smarts into wisdom.


Or patients?

Or both?

You got the time for that kind of trouble and troubles?

I do.

But that’s my problem…not yours.

^Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats – S.O.B. (Official)^

Southend United trio are doubts for Brighton friendly.

The headline/text to the link that I clicked on via a story about “Plonkers” read…

“Blues Trio are doubts for Brighton friendly”

Hmmm…two headlines for the price of one. Or maybe there is a distorted echo in here or something.

Bait and switch could be cited here.

Doubletalk as well.

But then, the banner at the bottom of the page instructing me to turn my adblocker off?

Q: Since when do you get to tell me how I choose to surf the web?

A: ???

So I guess we are all fucking over the topic of metrics and aggregation… So, penny pinching. Being frugal. Responsible accounting? Or being accountable?

Welp…what put you into a position to announce your intentions of “being responsible”? Irresponsibility? Is this how we deal with guilt? I mean, thinking about it in the terms that I am, with respect to shared responsibility, guilt and accountability, I’m all for it. Spread it thin and wide so it’s not quite so damn painful.

But it seems to me that the pain was already there, so you can spread it as wide as you want…mass is mass…right? Which is going to lead us right back to what got us into this mess in the first place because we are still thinking in the same mode and modalities via a different application and/or applications.

There are many paths, but only one certainty, and even that one single certainty is uncertain. I dunno bout choo…but that speaks motherfucking VOLUMES to me.

^Stevie Ray Vaughan – Hideaway/Rude Mood – Montreux 1982^

Then there is this gem…

Hunting knife found in bush

Q: Where else would “a hunting knife” be found, other than “the bush”?

A: ???

Sounds like there has been “a knife crackdown” in Essex as of late…so…yeah…good job. I guess hunting has been outlawed. Now go find the murderous bastard who put it under that bush. That should lead you to where they bought it, which should in turn lead you to who the retailer got it from.

Before long, you should be able to track down who made it, which should also lead to who provided the machinery and materials to make such a knife. This should help you track down who sold the land to this knife manufacturer, as well as who transported the materials hither and yon.

This should lead to the real culprit, which will help us define the intentions of all involved, up to, and including yourself, and who gave you this job and/or assignment.

Or did you take it upon yourself?
^Riak – How you want me to^

Have I run everyone off? Or are you still reading? Oh…you were just contemplating stopping reading? Welp…just remember this before you bail on me.

My oldest son will be 22 in a few months. If he is going to make it into Harvard by the age of 40, I have to start saving some money NOW!!! There can be no delay in starting to save some money. I don’t think he’d be willing to wait for Harvard until the age of 50. He’d prolly want to go to some second-rate school like MIT or Stanford or UNT. Not that he’s expressed an interest in music or anything, but he is a damn fine bass player and he’s gotten phenomenal on the guitar as well.


No university is going to accept some saggy old 45+ year old granny if my oldest can’t get into school until he’s 50!!! Plus…there’s another kid waiting to go to school after him and her.


I’m revoking your membership.

Leave and never return.

Effective immediately… after a few more paragraphs or so.

^Churchill – Change^

I try to keep my mind off the cryptic shit. It’s like trying to find a box, just so you can open it, and you have no fucking clue what is in that box. Now, let’s reverse that. What was so interesting about the chase? Did you know any-fucking-thing during any of that time? Oh yeah…we’re back to A->B | B->A types of thinking. Sounds like a road to hell and back.

Q: If the road leads to and from hell, what was the point of origin?

A: ?¿?
^The Dead South – In Hell I’ll Be In Good Company [Official Music Video]^

I like music.

It makes my nipples hard.

I hope that appeals to you.
If not, maybe the following song will help with the nightmares.
Maybe not.
^Portugal. The Man – “Feel It Still” (Official Video)^


Not trying to brainwash you. Not trying to braindirty you either. I mean…you wanted to know about this shit. Or at least, you wanted to know about the shit that you didn’t already know. What in the fuck makes you think that I know it?

I get the feeling that there is a flame that burns so fucking hot, that it makes the hottest of hells seem like ice. Yeah…I’m talking a hot that makes the highest heat that Kelvin can measure look like the far right end of a decimal with a shitload of zeros in front of it. And it’s tiny. And I do mean tiny.

How tiny? 

Imagine the entirety of existence that we can imagine being the distance between your two hands placed about two feet apart in front of you. Now, place a single atom of Hydrogen in the middle of that space. Now…we are going to spread your hands from one side of The Universe to the other, and while we are doing this, we are going to shrink this single atom of Hydrogen to scale. Yeah…the further your hands move apart, the smaller this single atom gets, and it will never grow larger than it’s original size when you started at two feet apart. By the time that your hands reach the opposite sides of The Universe, this single particle is so absolutely tiny, that it could never be found, and there is only one in the entirety of existence.

^Raise A Little Hell – Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band^

Imagine looking for a single grain of sand located somewhere in the entirety Universe. By comparison, in what I described above, you’d be lucky to have a particle so large to seek.

The question remains...what are you really after? 

Don’t discount yourself or sell yourself short. If you are able to do that (stop discounting yourself) maybe some of the dynamics of things that I think that science is about to start stumbling across won’t be so damn scary as to their uniqueness. Especially as these dynamics and differences relate to sameness. Gotta keep in mind that you guys and gals within these high towers of science are going to be alone in your wonder and amazement much, if not most, of the time.

We plebs aren’t allowed access to your ivory towers of knowledge, and even if you grant access, would anyone even show up? You’ve been pricks and snobs within a system that allows it for a long time. You have nothing to deliver. You’re gonna have to face that at some point. Maybe if you’d stop trying to deliver something, we’d all get along a shade better.

It’s a tough row to hoe…no doubting that. But more of the same is…well…more of the same, just more of it. More of more means less than you might think.

^Shakey Graves – Late July^

We’re here…and so is everything else. You can’t give me what I already have. So…if you are going to now compare what you have with what I have, as some measure of success, think about that tiny particle.

If we both had to work together to find it, in order to resolve our differences in a less-standard manner… Welp, comparisons like that aren’t going to help us in that regard, because it distances us, and makes our objective more distant still.

I wonder if water can burn?

X: Why on Earth would you wonder something like that?

Cade: I dunno. I thought that was the point of wondering?

X: <grumble>

0: He has a point.

Cade: Bait…not taken.

0: I meant you dummy.

Cade: I remain skeptical.

Z: Skeptics never get anywhere.

Cade: Shut up.

Z: Now that was just uncalled for.

Cade: I was just minding my own business…wondering if water would burn.

X: Speak of burning water, and it shall appear.

Cade: FUCKING ROFL!!! WHAT?!?!?!?!?

X: Saw it on a bathroom wall.

Cade: Ay yi yi…I don’t want to know.

X: Ever peed fire?

Cade: Wait…I can’t wonder about burning water…and YOU want to discuss VD?

X: Not really…I was just wondering if you’ve ever peed fire.

T: I can’t wait to hear this.

Cade: I had a case of “Honeymooner’s Disease” once.

0: Men don’t get Honeymooner’s Disease”.

Cade: Welp…they did back in 1986.

X: Having a lot of sex were you?

Cade: Um…yeah. Me and my girlfriend at the time were going at it quite a bit for a coupla weeks there.

X: Think there was more to that infection than just loads of unprotected sex over a two week period?

Cade: Welp, I have had a few nasty injuries to my junk, and I have a rather small urethra on a rather unimpressively sized penis…so…I think the doctor was correct. He sure seemed to think he was correct.

X: Didn’t feel…”complete”…this infection…is that what you are saying?

Cade: Yep. Like it was just…not very far in. Reminded me of some injuries that I have had that have made me pee blood or just bleed from my penis.

Z: What I want to know…is why are you talking about this at all?

Cade: I dunno…it just…came up.

Z: Bah…Humbug…Duh…Ching.

X: Pfftt…

0: Antibiotics. You were headed to antibiotics.

Cade: She had her body chemistry, I had mine. We were fucking like rabbits daily for weeks.

X: She had no issues?

Cade: Not until I asked.

X: Ouch. That had to hurt.

Cade: Yeah. Tried to be tactful, but…no real way to be tactful about that.

X: …

Cade: I just asked…it was all I could do.

Honeymoon Cystitis

Urinary Tract Infection

So yeah…burning water. One more reason to not fuck me, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever. I’m all used up and tainted by foreign vaginas, and God only knows who they’ve been fucking.

Or whatever.
^Skinny Puppy – Burnt With Water^

At some point…we all become an old dishrag.

All washed up.

The plates are looking clean tho.

I used plenty of soap.

Enjoy your dinner.

^Shakey Graves – Roll the Bones – Audiotree Live^


However high and big you get, it WILL crumble. Don’t think so?

Q: Did it come from pieces?

A: !!!?¿?¿?!!!

Yeah…that’s what I thought.

^Simian Mobile Disco – Hustler^
^A Split•Second – Colonial Discharge^


Zen Pencils Feynman 66

9 thoughts on “Missile From ‘Merica: Incoming!

      1. I may have failed to mention that some location(s) and position(s) during copulation may have been contributing factors in this period of sexual exploration. The doctor seemed to think so seeing as how it took over two weeks for an issue to develop. It took me a long time after that to get over my fear of “letting her get on top” for any length of time, or at all for that matter…especially when in the front seat of a car for 30+ minutes.
        Live and learn.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. “If you ranked all the explosions in the universe based on their power, gamma-ray bursts would be right behind the Big Bang.”
    OOOooorrrrr…..if we contemplate that possibility maybe if “The Big Bang” never actually happened…maybe they are one step ahead of The Big Bang. Maybe they prevent The Big Bang from actually happening. We can take that thought a bit further, by entertaining the possibility that “The Big Bang” wasn’t really all that big, and these bursts prevent it from ever happening again. Kinda like “echo” versions of the original that act as a suppressor to a repeat.

    I know that’s crazy talk, but then again I operate under the assumption that there have been two “Big Bangs”…not one. These two gave us The Big Swirl, and thinking about it now, maybe these two Big Bangs that were preceded by Big Crunches were more symmetrical than I’ve thought about before. Meaning, closer timewise to each other, and perhaps even more opposed than I’ve previous thought.

    I dunno…there are going to be loads of echos floating around The Universe and not just in red-shift/blue-shift kinds of ways. Maybe some of these additional Universes that we think about are not as strange and disconnected as we tend to think of them. Maybe that’s what makes them so strange.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah. I have some other ideas about these time loop kinds of alternate dimensions, but it’ll take fiction to describe those. They’re scary. Smaller and more frequent versions of the original two, and they repeat at varying times. Meaning they loop, but each iteration is a shade different at some point and points. If that makes sense.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Science is based on disagreement. When ‘the science is settled’ it becomes religion.Just believe and do not question.

    When a scientist is no longer seeing things that surprise them, they might as well jack it in and retire.

    Liked by 1 person

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