Bloody Woman!

*Oh nice ‘Previously at the LoL…’, Clicky… /pats snout… Art magic and an anchoring cigar…*

Wonderful news, Dear Reader: ‘Underdog Anthology VI: The Gallows Stone’ is now available to buy in proper book form…

*/lights up… Kudos to Leggy for managing to get the book out on time… /drags… Elongated art, eh?*

… Of the two stories that I have included in the latest anthology, ‘Waste Not, Want Not’, features – or rather doesn’t feature – one of these…


*/streams smoke… An’ thinking about it, Clicky, ‘Arry Egg’s in my second story… /flicks ash… And can I just say, the choice of biscuit… /drags… took the fuckin’ biscuit…*

Custard Cream Dispenser

*Nifty… /blows smoke ring…*

… In fact there were a number of ‘syncs’ with the new Doctor Who episode, ‘The Ghost Monument’, to my online shambling of the past few of years. Straight out of the trap, at the very first start of the show’s new title sequence, my first major ‘sync’ was put on display…

Purple People Entrance

*PPE… /drags… Purple. People… /winks... Eponymous…*

Feel O Sophie

*Oh alright… /snorts smoke… She ate the biscuit at the end of the episode. Picky…*

…There was the reference to Aikido…

Venusian Aikido

*/drags deeply… Leggy never mentioned the Third Doctor employed Venusian Aikido, Clicky… /plumes smoke… Butt then he calls the furred one a popinjay… /rolls eyes…*

… And then there was the teenage boy’s moment COD calling…

Little King Call of Duty

*That was pure Loopiness, Clicky… /flicks ash… Pitch perfect screaming…*

… But it was the appearance of the Tardis itself, Dear Reader…

Roob and Cade discuss the aqua tardis

*/final drag...*

… Its new aqua exterior…

Aqua Blue Tardis

… And smoky interior, with wheel design walls reminiscent of another symbol…

*/stubs butt…*

… Surpassed only by the telltale amber staining of a million cigarettes enjoyed 😉

The Doctor Likes The Amber Stain

*Me too, Clicky… /pats snout… Me too…*

Dear Reader… 😀 …Have a Song…




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