Miss Chief Maker

Dear Reader, the wait is over…


… the third volume of the Underdog Anthology is now available to buy!

As well as having a Harry and the FAKkers story included, I also had the very great pleasure of writing the Afterword again. This involves mangling a poem of great repute, to pass comment on modern political climes. And as this is a Halloween themed book, really there was only one choice of poet and one poem to tackle…


*Eww, Clicky! Lazarus rose from the dead, but that’s a completely different story…*

So, for your pleasure, and in the hopes that it might tempt you to buy the book (‘cos there are some absolutely corking stories contained within), please find below, ‘The Nuke Allows US‘ by Roo B. Doo, with illustrative illustration by H.K. Hillman…

The Nuke Allows US
There's nothing quite like America's aim,
With squabbling pols and a media grand;
Hollywood productions meticulously planned
A mighty mushroom cloud, a torch whose flame
Issues irradiation, and its name
Mother of All Wars. From the blackened land
Glows world-wide wonder; hegemony command
The Cold War winner of that global game.
“Keep in our good books now!” cries Liberty
With weighty lips. “Give us your money, your ore,
Your oils and gases (excludes banking fee),
The wealth contained in your burgeoning store.
Send all these and receive Democracy!”
*.../Lifts up arm, hand drops MIC to the floor...*

The Nuke Allows US

Now, as an extra special treat for all you synchromystics and synchnauts out there, here is a short talk from John Lamb Lash that you may find of interest. Eye gno I.D.ed… 😉

Until next time, Dear Reader… Have a Song ❤



*thank you, Clicky…*

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