Supposing A Smokers’ Symposium

A quick post for you tonight, Dear Reader…

*I know, I’m working on it, Clicky…*

On Monday evening, I spent a pleasant couple of hours in Blue Frank’s Smoky-Drinky, talking to chums I’d only ever written to before.

On Tuesday afternoon I was unexpectedly asked what ‘symposium’ is by a girl in the office – her boss had been invited to one and didn’t know what it entailed, so I told her… and then I decided to look it up…

symposium (n.) 1580s, “account of a gathering or party,” from Latin symposium “drinking party, symposium,” from Greek symposion “drinking party, convivial gathering of the educated” (related to sympotes “drinking companion”), from assimilated form of syn- “together” (see syn-) + posis “a drinking,” from a stem of Aeolic ponen “to drink,” from PIE root *po(i)- “to drink.”

The symposium usually followed a dinner, for the Greeks did not drink at meals. Its enjoyment was heightened by intellectual or agreeable conversation, by the introduction of music or dancers, and by other amusements. [Century Dictionary]

The sense of “a meeting on some subject” is from 1784. Reflecting the Greek fondness for mixing wine and intellectual discussion, the modern sense is especially from the word being used as a title for one of Plato’s dialogues. Greek plural is symposia, and the leader of one is a symposiarch (c. 1600 in English). Related: Symposiac (adj.); symposial


I also met Red Frank’s brother yesterday afternoon. We work in the Tower on different floors, and until now our paths had not crossed, but were thrown together for a meeting. I took the minutes and then gave him a signed copy of The Underdog Anthology 2 to pass along…

*Okay! …/huffs… I get back to writing my submission for Anthology 3… /lights up… But for your info, Clicky, I did actually write some more of it today… /puffs…*

I’d better go for now, Dear Reader, I still have ironing to do, but I will leave you with my good friend, Legs’ post from last night…

*And a Song… /rolls eyes…*





6 thoughts on “Supposing A Smokers’ Symposium

  1. “I was unexpectedly asked what ‘symposium’ is by a girl in the office – her boss had been invited to one and didn’t know what it entailed,”

    A symposium – AKA a piss-up where in return for attendence & being bored half-to-death by speakers rabbit-on about subjects *they* presume you’re interested in, you’re eventually rewarded for your masochism by a finger buffet & 1* glass of cheap wine.

    *Two or more**, if they’re trying to sell you something.

    ** Number directly proportional to the value or profit margin they expect to con out of you.

    Twop Twip – never, ever accept an invite to a 2pm symposium – they’re for erks who won’t even be offered the buffet.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Every scientific symposium I ever attended was a complete booze-up. Most of the discussion was in the bar afterwards.

    Thanks for reminding me of that Donovan song. It’s been a favourite for a very long time 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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