‘Til Depp Us Do Part

Dear Reader – it’s been a bit of a bollocks week, if truth be told. Thoughtful Man has been ill…


*Ha! Well, that is my usual reaction when he says “I don’t feel well”. But, Clicky, this week… /looks skywards*

It all started during a movie double bill on Sunday evening. Somewhere between ‘From Hell‘ and ‘Sleepy Hollow‘, Thoughtful Man uttered the dreaded words…


“I don’t feel well.”

Thoughtful Man switched on the fan heater, full pelt, and flopped onto the bed, beside me. “My teeth hurt, my neck’s sore, my head aches and I’m fucking freezing.”

He didn’t look well. Certainly he didn’t feel well as he crawled under the duvet – heat radiated off him. He shivered closer, laying his sopping wet head on my lap for me to stroke.

*Yeah. I could have done with a sponge…*

*…/rolls eyes*

An anxious night followed, filled with fitful sleep and delirious shouts of “Seven” from Thoughtful Man.


*Dunno, Clicky. Could mean anything… Hmm, the sweat was running off him… /taps teeth*

And in the cold light of Monday morning, it was obvious that this was more serious than man-flu. His throat and jaw had started to swell. Thoughtful Man was sick…



*Stopping there? Yes, Clicky. I’m tired and I have lots to do tomorrow.  I need to get some sleep.*

To be continued in ‘Abscess Makes the Heart Grow Fonder’. Have a Song.

4 thoughts on “‘Til Depp Us Do Part

  1. I know how he feels. I once had several of those. But not being one for Doctors or Dentists, I went to The Pharmacy and got little bottles of those homeopathic pills of Sulfur and Phosphurus, which taken advisedly, cured it.
    But it was mind blowingly awful while it was happening.

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