Fiction v Non Fiction: An Under Underdog’s Reply

Broken Girl has posted about the top 5 books she’s excited about right now…
Top 5 books Poppy is excited about right now

I’m sworn off all new fiction until ‘Panoptica‘ is published…

Cheer up, Clicky. Not long now… probably

In the meantime I have a few ‘non-fiction’ books on the go…

I have a bet with Scruffy Oik that we can defeat this generation’s Nazis…

That’s right, Click, every little helps…

The next couple are a bit of a double act…

Aww… Nice staging by Kitten there, Clicky. Tell me, what am I going to have to watch in return?

Oh good lord… he’s only 13!


The fourth book is one I’ve commented about before, ‘The Fourth Turning’. It helpfully describes which part of the spiral of history we’re occupying…

The last one was bought for the name of the author *titters* Sometimes I can be just that shallow 😉

Okay then Clicky, let’s be having ya; we’ve got things to do, places to go, people to see…

9 thoughts on “Fiction v Non Fiction: An Under Underdog’s Reply

  1. Love the way Brian Blessed, after being shot by double-barrel shotgun, at 2:08 does a backward dive that’d gain Tom Daley an Olympic medal; and, many Premiership players, an Oscar.

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